
Questions About Adoption


Jun 26, 2006

I think you need to take some time and really do some soul-searching with your DH and decide if adoption is right for you at this time. As I'm sure you know, adoption is not a decision to be made in haste. I would not adopt just because you are afraid you can't get pregnant after 6 months of trying, 6 months is the average for a perfectly healthy, young couple. The average for those with PCOS or other issues is a little longer, but most eventually do get pregnant. Don't get me wrong, adoption is a wonderful thing, but it is a very long and emotional process not to be undertaken lightly.

My family has more adoptions than anyone I know - my brother's fiancee, DH's step sister and step brother, DH's niece, and 3 of DH's cousins are all adopted. So I am very familiar with the process and the issues that can arise. Your statement that you couldn't stand having a child taken back is something that I think you need to think about very carefully. Because it can and does happen. And when it does, it is incredibly heartbreaking and sad. It has happened twice in my family. DH's aunt and uncle had a little girl with their family for 6 months and before the adoption was finalized the dad refused to sign the papers and they lost her. It's almost 20 years later and you can still see their sadness when they speak about her - she had truly become their daughter in that short time and they had no rights - you need to know that courts in this country strongly favor birth parents in almost every situation. In addition, DH's step sister was all set to adopt a little girl 3 years ago. They prepared a nursery, we threw a shower, etc. The birth mother was in college and her parents and boyfriend did not want her to keep the baby. Well, when the baby was born her parents came to the hospital, saw their grandchild and changed their mind, and so did the birth mom. I cannot tell you how devastating this was to our family. Thankfully, they were able to adopt a beautiful little girl a year later, but that was a really tough time.

You also need to consider how you will feel if the baby decides to find the birth parents later. One of DH's cousins decided to try to find her birth mother at 18. She found her and it caused a lot of problems for DH's aunt and uncle. Her birth mom was young and fun at a time when DH's cousin was having a hard time following her parents rules, as many 18 year olds do. DH's aunt cried many times hearing her daughter say she wished she wasn't adopted because she liked her birth mom better.

I did not write all of this out to discourage you, I am a huge proponent of adoption and it is a wonderful gift for both the parents and child. But I do think that anyone who is considering adopting needs to go into it with their eyes wide open to all of the potential heartbreak. If you are only considering adopting at this point because you think you can't get pregnant, I would say that this is not the right time for you to adopt. Only you and your DH can answer that question.


May 26, 2009
NovemberBride said:

I think you need to take some time and really do some soul-searching with your DH and decide if adoption is right for you at this time. As I'm sure you know, adoption is not a decision to be made in haste. I would not adopt just because you are afraid you can't get pregnant after 6 months of trying, 6 months is the average for a perfectly healthy, young couple. The average for those with PCOS or other issues is a little longer, but most eventually do get pregnant. Don't get me wrong, adoption is a wonderful thing, but it is a very long and emotional process not to be undertaken lightly.

My family has more adoptions than anyone I know - my brother's fiancee, DH's step sister and step brother, DH's niece, and 3 of DH's cousins are all adopted. So I am very familiar with the process and the issues that can arise. Your statement that you couldn't stand having a child taken back is something that I think you need to think about very carefully. Because it can and does happen. And when it does, it is incredibly heartbreaking and sad. It has happened twice in my family. DH's aunt and uncle had a little girl with their family for 6 months and before the adoption was finalized the dad refused to sign the papers and they lost her. It's almost 20 years later and you can still see their sadness when they speak about her - she had truly become their daughter in that short time and they had no rights - you need to know that courts in this country strongly favor birth parents in almost every situation. In addition, DH's step sister was all set to adopt a little girl 3 years ago. They prepared a nursery, we threw a shower, etc. The birth mother was in college and her parents and boyfriend did not want her to keep the baby. Well, when the baby was born her parents came to the hospital, saw their grandchild and changed their mind, and so did the birth mom. I cannot tell you how devastating this was to our family. Thankfully, they were able to adopt a beautiful little girl a year later, but that was a really tough time.

You also need to consider how you will feel if the baby decides to find the birth parents later. One of DH's cousins decided to try to find her birth mother at 18. She found her and it caused a lot of problems for DH's aunt and uncle. Her birth mom was young and fun at a time when DH's cousin was having a hard time following her parents rules, as many 18 year olds do. DH's aunt cried many times hearing her daughter say she wished she wasn't adopted because she liked her birth mom better.

I did not write all of this out to discourage you, I am a huge proponent of adoption and it is a wonderful gift for both the parents and child. But I do think that anyone who is considering adopting needs to go into it with their eyes wide open to all of the potential heartbreak. If you are only considering adopting at this point because you think you can't get pregnant, I would say that this is not the right time for you to adopt. Only you and your DH can answer that question.

Hi NovemberBride,
Thank you for your honest comments. We are certainly trying to move forward with this with our eyes as wide open as they can be. As far as the adopting vs getting pregnant issue, we always wanted to adopt we just thought it would be later in the process so I am sorry if I made it sound like that would be our only reason for adopting. I was hoping that this thread could just be an outlet for all of my worries and thoughts as we go though this process. You have given us a lot to think about.


May 26, 2009
We just found out this afternoon that the birth mother decided to go with an agency that will take care of her during her entire pregnancy. So I guess all my questions are for naught. Thanks for your advise everyone.


Jan 26, 2003
Logan Sapphire said:
I discovered I was unexpectedly pregnant after we had brought our daughter home from Korea, but before her adoption was finalized. Said surprise is lying on his activity mat next to me as I type.


I don't know if you remember me, but before you adopted your daughter we discussed adoption on Pricescope. (I have an adopted daughter who is now 17 and has graduated from high school.) I just wanted to let you know that the last I knew of your story was when you brought your daughter home from Korea. Until I read this thread, I had no clue as to your surprise pregnancy and the birth of your son. It sounds as if you must have been on an emotional roller coaster and needed physical roller skates!!!

Nonetheless, you have made it through...and it sounds as if you are the very loving mother of two very lucky children. Hearty congratulations!

Major hugs,


Jul 8, 2006
blackberry16 said:
We just found out this afternoon that the birth mother decided to go with an agency that will take care of her during her entire pregnancy. So I guess all my questions are for naught. Thanks for your advise everyone.

I'm sorry. I had been following your thread and saw how many people urged caution because of the potential for heartbreak. Still, this must have come as a blow. I hope you two are doing ok and that the baby, if he/she goes to term, will have a wonderful adoptive family; if indeed that is what the mother/father chooses.

Are you comfortable sharing if this experience has pushed you towards an adoption application or will you take a step back and continue to TTC for the moment?

IMHO, you both did a wonderful thing, considering and trying to adopt. It just didn't work out.

Whatever you choose, I wish you and your DH the very best.


May 26, 2009
Steal said:
blackberry16 said:
We just found out this afternoon that the birth mother decided to go with an agency that will take care of her during her entire pregnancy. So I guess all my questions are for naught. Thanks for your advise everyone.

I'm sorry. I had been following your thread and saw how many people urged caution because of the potential for heartbreak. Still, this must have come as a blow. I hope you two are doing ok and that the baby, if he/she goes to term, will have a wonderful adoptive family; if indeed that is what the mother/father chooses.

Are you comfortable sharing if this experience has pushed you towards an adoption application or will you take a step back and continue to TTC for the moment?

IMHO, you both did a wonderful thing, considering and trying to adopt. It just didn't work out.

Whatever you choose, I wish you and your DH the very best.

Thanks for your kind words Steal. We are doing well. I was a little more attached than I thought that I was but a few days has given us some perspective and we feel just fine. I believe that this just was not supposed to be our baby. I too hope that the baby is healthy and goes to a lovely family.

While we have every plan of adopting in the future, we have decided to go back to TTC. We want to have our own children as well as adopt so we want to see exactly how hard it will be for me to get pregnant. What we did learn from this is that we are ready to be parents. Before this we were talking about having kids in the next two years. Now we both know that we want this as soon as possible. We have decided to try and get pregnant on our own, if we are not pregnant by the new year we have decided to try fertility treatments for a while.

I still hope that we will get the chance to adopt and whenever and wherever that opportunity comes about we will be thrilled to have it!


Jul 8, 2006
I think that is a good plan and I really hope you fall pregnant soon. Until your child is right there, you will never *know* how he/she will enter your life so the important thing is to keep trying whether that be TTC or adoption.

And I suppose it is always possible that the mother at the heart of this thread may again change her mind?

Whether it be adoption or conceiving it sounds to me like you have a lot of love to give.
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