
Question for other marathon runners

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May 20, 2006
Hi guys. I''m wondering how many miles you typically run per week in the off season? It has been almost 5 years since my last marathon and I''m currently running about 30 - 40 miles per week depending on the amount of time I actually have to run. Sometimes I wonder if this is too much considering I''m not training for anything. Other marathoners that I know run at least one a year so they are hard to ask because they have more goals than I do. After my last one I took a two year break from running and spent that time biking. The last one was really hard on my knees; former gymnast and college cheerleading + running = bad knees. Over the past two years or so I''ve built back up to running and really perfer that however I''m really curious to what others do.
I haven''t run a marathon yet, but would like to - I thought about signing up for one this year in my area, but I''m TTC, so I don''t want to pay the entry fee & then have to drop out because I''m pregnant.

Anyway, I am a 5-6 days of the week runner, and I try to run anywhere between 3-5 miles per run, depending on time - I usually average about 15-20 miles per week. This is my regular routine, if I''m not training for a race. I danced ballet for 12 years, so I know about the bad knees. I find that if I limit my longer runs to twice a week my knees are OK and have time to recover.
I run about 30-35 miles/week during the off season and 35-45/week when training for a race. I like to keep the mileage close so my body is used to running approximately the same amount each week. I''m sure I''d have a different outlook if I was running 60+ miles/week during training.
Running is a great calorie burner and is good for your heart, I can''t imagine 30-40 miles/week being too much for general health purposes.
how are you splitting up the 30-40 miles a week?

6/6/6/12, or like 8/8/8/8, or 5/5/5/5/10?

it doesn't sound really excessive to me.
Just stopping in and wishing you lucky! I wish I could run a marathon; good for you
Sorry for the delay. Julie...last week I was on vacation but my week was 8/7/6/8/3 I really don''t think about it too much, I just run as much as my knees will allow me to.

I wonder sometimes when I have a week that I don''t run as much if I will gain weight but that hasn''t happened yet.
I usually follow Hal Higdon''s routine. The most you run in a week is 40 miles (5,10,5, 20). But then again I try to train as little as possible (too many other distractions!)
Date: 3/10/2009 10:47:06 PM
Author: whatmeworry
I usually follow Hal Higdon''s routine. The most you run in a week is 40 miles (5,10,5, 20). But then again I try to train as little as possible (too many other distractions!)
I followed this plan the first marathon I ran and I actually found that it wasn''t enough. I should clarify. It was enough to get me ready to run the race but not ready to run the race in the best possible shape. I think I actually gained weight on that plan. I ate more thinking that the long runs compensated for the extra calories and I felt like I might need them to get through it but I don''t think that was actually the case. Anyway, its great to hear what everyone else does though. I think it keeps my mind at ease.
Yeah, Hal''s novice 1 plan is truly for the novice runner, not just a first time marathoner. The whole eating too much thing is definitely a problem. I always have to remind myself that a long run equals 1 splurge meal on the day of the long run, nothing more.

I do think that a lot of the marathon advice overstates how much you need to eat while training; particularly during the workouts. I''m sure the creators of these plans don''t want people passing out mid run, so they tell them to eat eat eat, when really, people just need to listen to their bodies. It never crossed my mind to eat while training until FI started training for his first marathon. That man is a calorie buring machine and can''t go too long without food, so he''ll eat a cliff bar and fruit snacks during a 20 mile run, but I''m just fine not eating anything the whole run. FI can also eat a hamburger and fries and then go running with no problem. I''m definitely jealous of that skill and his metabolism.
Date: 3/10/2009 10:01:40 PM
Author: emeraldlover1
Sorry for the delay. Julie...last week I was on vacation but my week was 8/7/6/8/3 I really don't think about it too much, I just run as much as my knees will allow me to.

I wonder sometimes when I have a week that I don't run as much if I will gain weight but that hasn't happened yet.
Your running doesn't sound too bad. But if you're worried about your knees... I'd cut some of those runs, so that you aren't always running the same distance. My BFF runs marathons, and when she is not training she runs 25-30 miles a week. Or about 5-6 miles a day... give or take. During training, it is only the last few weeks before taper that she is at 35-40.

I am training to run my first (5 weeks away!), and I know because of my injuries my body really falls apart after the 30 miles a week point... but does fine at the 20-25 mile mark. When I am running for enjoyment, I always kept it at 15-20 before... and that was just for the halfs. But to be honest, when you are running 5-6 miles... 8 really doesn't seem like that much of a stretch... just listen to your body. I train w/n my own bodies abilities..

Plus, you're burning 100 calories a mile give or take... so if you are cutting your runs by 5-10 miles, over a course of a week, it is really only the different of a yogurt w/ granola, or whatever pre-post run snack you use... each day.

ETA: you are right though about the over-eating thing. I have gained like 5 pounds since I've added the extra miles beyond my normal comfort zone... so I see your frustration!!!
I''m sorry for the threadjack, but does anyone have a plan they like for half marathons? I run for exercise about 20 miles a week right now, but I think it might be fun to train for something bigger. I''ve run 8k races and I am comfortable running 5 miles at a time at 10min/mile pace.

And yeah...the appetite thing is annoying! My appetite is always much larger when I run and I tend to break even on weight most of the time.
kcoursolle, if you can run comfortably for 5 miles then you''re in great shape to start training for a half-marathon. There are tons of plans you can follow, as emeraldlover1 mentioned Hal Hidgon''s plans are fairly popular, but the beginner plan just gets you in shape to finish, not so much to run a blistering time. I still think they are a good starting point.

But to be honest, I''m lazy when it comes to keeping with a set running schedule and I won''t take that many days off or cross train, so when I''m training for a half-marathon or a full marathon I just do 1 long run a week. Then each week I add 1 or 2 miles to the long run. Every fourth week I do a shorter long run to keep my legs fresh. So for a half, I''d do something like this:
week 1- 6 miles long run
week 2- 7 miles long run
week 3- 8 miles long run
week 4- 6 miles long run

Nothing fancy, but it gets the miles in and the job done. GL!
Date: 3/12/2009 3:04:23 PM
Author: DiamondsforDee
kcoursolle, if you can run comfortably for 5 miles then you're in great shape to start training for a half-marathon. There are tons of plans you can follow, as emeraldlover1 mentioned Hal Hidgon's plans are fairly popular, but the beginner plan just gets you in shape to finish, not so much to run a blistering time. I still think they are a good starting point.

But to be honest, I'm lazy when it comes to keeping with a set running schedule and I won't take that many days off or cross train, so when I'm training for a half-marathon or a full marathon I just do 1 long run a week. Then each week I add 1 or 2 miles to the long run. Every fourth week I do a shorter long run to keep my legs fresh. So for a half, I'd do something like this:
week 1- 6 miles long run
week 2- 7 miles long run
week 3- 8 miles long run
week 4- 6 miles long run

Nothing fancy, but it gets the miles in and the job done. GL!
DfD, this is really helpful! Thanks for the advice! Would you say I am an "Intermediate" on Hal's guide??? I don't think I'm a novice, but not really sure.

Sorry again for the threadjack...
I haven''t done a marathon in a year and I miss it!!! Right now I''m running 6-8 miles every day. Mostly on the treadmill because it''s been so cold in NYC. When I''m training, I increase my mileage to 50-60 miles a week, with a 15-20 mile run on the weekend.
If anyone is interested in doing a marathon, please let me know!
kcoursolle, if you can already run for 50 minutes no problem I''d probably do the intermediate plan. I think starting with several 4 milers in a row for the long run would be a step back for you. And if you start on the intermediate plan and feel like the mileage is going up a bit faster than you want, just slow down the increases. Maybe do the same long run distance two weeks in a row to get your body feeling better. The most important thing in my mind is listening to your body. Walk if you need to, go slower if you need to, take easier weeks if you need to. People always push when they are feeling great, but seem to forget the corrollary of taking it easy when you''re feeling like poop! I''m still working on teaching FI this lesson.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:58:58 AM
Author: DiamondsforDee
kcoursolle, if you can already run for 50 minutes no problem I''d probably do the intermediate plan. I think starting with several 4 milers in a row for the long run would be a step back for you. And if you start on the intermediate plan and feel like the mileage is going up a bit faster than you want, just slow down the increases. Maybe do the same long run distance two weeks in a row to get your body feeling better. The most important thing in my mind is listening to your body. Walk if you need to, go slower if you need to, take easier weeks if you need to. People always push when they are feeling great, but seem to forget the corrollary of taking it easy when you''re feeling like poop! I''m still working on teaching FI this lesson.
Thanks for the advice DfD, I think I will try something like ther intermediate plan. I think you are right that the first couple of weeks on the novice plan would be a bit too easy. Looking at the intermediate plan though, I think I might alter my final long run to only 11 miles rather than 12, I''m not sure you need to run 12 miles the week before. I''m also going to run this by a good friend of mine that is a marathon runner and see what she thinks, but this is a good start so far! Now I just have to pick out my race and figure out when to start training!

end threadjack...
Date: 3/12/2009 9:46:23 PM
Author: chiapet
I haven''t done a marathon in a year and I miss it!!! Right now I''m running 6-8 miles every day. Mostly on the treadmill because it''s been so cold in NYC. When I''m training, I increase my mileage to 50-60 miles a week, with a 15-20 mile run on the weekend.
If anyone is interested in doing a marathon, please let me know!
I registered for this years NYC marathon but I''m not optimistic. I don''t have the time with planning a wedding to raise money so a charity is out. I am going to run the half on August 30th if you are up for it. Its about 3 weeks before my wedding.

Where do you workout in the city. I totally know what you mean about the treadmills. I always feel so bad taking the treamill for over 30minutes that I have been trying to go durring off times or I get off and then come back. Totally stinks. Its been terribly cold.
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