
Question about sushi?

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Apr 28, 2008
I am trying to lose a few kilos at the moment. I love sushi. Recently I ahve been eating it for lunch every chance I get. I usually get a spicy tuna roll.

I am just wondering about the nutritional content of this and whether it is ok when trying to lose weight?
Overall, sushi is VERY nutritious and can certainly be part of a healthy diet. It''s one of my favorite foods!

There''s just a couple of things to consider:

Avoid rolls with mayo or tempura... things of that nature. i''d stick with sashimi - it''s an excellent lean protein.
Soy sauce. The rice can soak up a lot when you dip the roll. And since it''s high in salt, it can lead to bloat and water retention.
Sushi rice is the ultimate in processed white rice (yuk). I prefer rolls that are wrapped in cucumber- yum!
It can be hard to keep of what you eat, and therefore count calories.

I hope that Rod sees this and chimes in. He has sushi 2x a week and he''s as healthy and lean as can be.
Ditto Charger-sushi CAN be nutritious. Unfortunately, what probably makes your roll "spicy" is an orange mayo-based sauce. You may want to check into that. Also I recommend using low-sodium soy sauce, usually in a green packet or bottle. I love sushi!!!
Just wanted to jump in and say: mmmmm....tuna sashimi...I could eat a pound of that stuff.
Ohhh... sushi. FF and I eat it 1-2x a week. Love it.

Fish is very good for you!

Although, I do know that Eel is a not-so-nutritious fish. So you may want to avoid eel along with tempura/mayo based sushi. That includes california rolls. Philadelphia rolls have the cheese thats fattening. If you keep it to fish only, like sashimi or nigiri, it''s much better for you. The super trendy rolls tend to add more calories, too.
sushi but I tend to gravitate towards the spicy tuna/salmon rolls with extra tempura bits! yummo!! If you''re hoping to lose weight, I agree with everyone when they say to avoid tempura and rolls with mayo-based sauces and to stick withs sashimi. Every restaurant makes them differently so the spicy tuna rolls you have may not be as loaded with mayo as others. In regards to california rolls, I''m pretty sure they''re tempura or mayo in them. Here''s an excerpt from wikipedia:

The California roll is a maki-zushi (roll), a kind of sushi, usually made inside-out, containing cucumber, crab meat or imitation crab stick, and avocado. Sometimes crab salad is substituted for the crab stick, and often the outer layer of rice (in an inside-out roll) is sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or tobiko.

Another japanese dish that is really great is seaweed salad. Seaweed is supposed to be great for boosting your immune system and digestion.
Date: 12/3/2008 11:04:47 AM
Author: sammyj
sushi but I tend to gravitate towards the spicy tuna/salmon rolls with extra tempura bits! yummo!! If you''re hoping to lose weight, I agree with everyone when they say to avoid tempura and rolls with mayo-based sauces and to stick withs sashimi. Every restaurant makes them differently so the spicy tuna rolls you have may not be as loaded with mayo as others. In regards to california rolls, I''m pretty sure they''re tempura or mayo in them. Here''s an excerpt from wikipedia:

The California roll is a maki-zushi (roll), a kind of sushi, usually made inside-out, containing cucumber, crab meat or imitation crab stick, and avocado. Sometimes crab salad is substituted for the crab stick, and often the outer layer of rice (in an inside-out roll) is sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or tobiko.

Another japanese dish that is really great is seaweed salad. Seaweed is supposed to be great for boosting your immune system and digestion.
FYI - The reason I said Cali rolls is because a lot of them don''t just have crab, but a crab salad mix, that is made with mayo.

Really, it depends on the place. Confusing, yes.
style="WIDTH: 99%; HEIGHT: 363px">Date: 12/3/2008 11:13:25 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/3/2008 11:04:47 AM
Author: sammyj
sushi but I tend to gravitate towards the spicy tuna/salmon rolls with extra tempura bits! yummo!! If you''re hoping to lose weight, I agree with everyone when they say to avoid tempura and rolls with mayo-based sauces and to stick withs sashimi. Every restaurant makes them differently so the spicy tuna rolls you have may not be as loaded with mayo as others. In regards to california rolls, I''m pretty sure they''re tempura or mayo in them. Here''s an excerpt from wikipedia:

The California roll is a maki-zushi (roll), a kind of sushi, usually made inside-out, containing cucumber, crab meat or imitation crab stick, and avocado. Sometimes crab salad is substituted for the crab stick, and often the outer layer of rice (in an inside-out roll) is sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or tobiko.

Another japanese dish that is really great is seaweed salad. Seaweed is supposed to be great for boosting your immune system and digestion.
FYI - The reason I said Cali rolls is because a lot of them don''t just have crab, but a crab salad mix, that is made with mayo.

Really, it depends on the place. Confusing, yes.
2.gif it
. I probably just never noticed what was in a crab salad mix since I adore mayo.
Date: 12/2/2008 7:23:43 PM
I am trying to lose a few kilos at the moment. I love sushi. Recently I ahve been eating it for lunch every chance I get. I usually get a spicy tuna roll.

I am just wondering about the nutritional content of this and whether it is ok when trying to lose weight?

As others have said spicy tuna rolls aren''t very healthful. White rice and mayo based sauce...
Date: 12/3/2008 9:36:35 AM
Author: Julianna
Just wanted to jump in and say: mmmmm....tuna sashimi...I could eat a pound of that stuff.
haha I feel that way with Salmon Sashimi
yum yum.
All great suggestions!!
If you can''t find sushi wrapped in cucumber, ask if they''ll do it in brown rice, alot better for you then the bleached white! And i find easier to find then cucumber wrapped rolls..
It depend alot on your metabolism and your current workout load. There are good carbs and bad carbs and unfortunately white rice is not a good carb. You can nearly eat anything in "moderation" with the proper diet ( eating habits) and exercise. No matter what, always be careful with quick and fast weight loss programs, muscle mass is a terrible thing to loose :)
DO all spicy tuna rolls have mayo in them?

I can''t taste anything creamy in the rolls- it seems to me like tuna and sweet chilli sauce?

But yes, the white rice wouldn''t be good for me. I am not sure if the place I go to does brown rice in their rolls at all.

Thanks for the replies everyone!
Date: 12/3/2008 11:41:37 PM
Author: bobbin
DO all spicy tuna rolls have mayo in them?

I can''t taste anything creamy in the rolls- it seems to me like tuna and sweet chilli sauce?

But yes, the white rice wouldn''t be good for me. I am not sure if the place I go to does brown rice in their rolls at all.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

I don''t think they have to, but I''ve never seen one without it. Usually the chili sauce is what is cream/mayo based.
Sushi is extremely healthy, thanks to the omega threes in the fish itself. You get lean protein and the seaweed is very good for you as well. just watch the heavy sauces, as stated above
Date: 12/3/2008 2:15:38 PM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 12/3/2008 9:36:35 AM
Author: Julianna
Just wanted to jump in and say: mmmmm....tuna sashimi...I could eat a pound of that stuff.
haha I feel that way with Salmon Sashimi
yum yum.
Ha-ha Skippy, I thought the same thing!

mmmmmm...salmon sashimi......mmmmmm.

What I''m wondering is how caloric is the miso soup? I love miso soup too...mmmmmm.
Hey bobbin, like Charger said, I eat sushi no less than 2 times a week and started eating sushi when I decided to embark on "Rebuild Rod!" We like to go out to eat, but when I knew I had to make some significant changes in my life (quite smoking, lose weight, exercise) we couldn''t figure out where we could eat out. Chinese was out, it''s too high in sodium and fat. Italian was out, we didn''t figure pasta spells weight loss and for the most part, most restaurants don''t serve truly healthy fare. Even salads in most restaurants are laden with so much fat in the dressings that they appear to be healthy choices, but aren''t what they seem. So, we wandered into a sushi place and found out after all these years that it was really good. And like others have said, it''s really healthy. I lost a lot of weight and ate (still do) a lot of sushi. I like things hot! So, I put ginger and wasabi directly on each piece and use just a teensie bit of soy sauce (low sodium) of course. Like others said avoid the fried sushi''s, though they''re still a better alternative to most foods you can get in most restaurants. I agreed with everything Charger said. When Charlie and I go out for sushi, we start off with edamami as our appetizer, then we split three rolls between the two of us. We usually go for rolls that include solid fish, like tuna and salmon. If you like the spicy tuna roll, it does have some spicy mayo holding it togehter, but I wouldn''t be too worried about the amount of fat and/or cholesterol in the spicy mayo mixture. So, enjoy sushi and make it a part of your healthy lifestyle!
Date: 12/6/2008 4:21:31 PM
Author: starryeyed

Date: 12/3/2008 2:15:38 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 12/3/2008 9:36:35 AM
Author: Julianna
Just wanted to jump in and say: mmmmm....tuna sashimi...I could eat a pound of that stuff.
haha I feel that way with Salmon Sashimi
yum yum.
Ha-ha Skippy, I thought the same thing!

mmmmmm...salmon sashimi......mmmmmm.

What I'm wondering is how caloric is the miso soup? I love miso soup too...mmmmmm.
ooooo, let's do sushi if we ever meet Starry!
hehe Miso soup is between 40-50 calories a cup, super duper low cal!!! I love miso soup too
Agreeing with everyone''s previous posts. Spicy rolls are probably not the way to go if you''re going to sushi for health purposes.

The best are hand rolls, nigiri and sashimi. I prefer nigiri, personally, because they''re kind of the midway: they have more fish than rolls do, and I like the taste of fish. But they have rice unlike traditional sashimi.

Whether it''s true or not, I''m not sure, but I''ve heard sashimi is the best because it is usually the highest quality of fish (hence, "sashimi grade" fish.)
Date: 12/4/2008 12:29:32 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 12/3/2008 11:41:37 PM

Author: bobbin

DO all spicy tuna rolls have mayo in them?

I can''t taste anything creamy in the rolls- it seems to me like tuna and sweet chilli sauce?

But yes, the white rice wouldn''t be good for me. I am not sure if the place I go to does brown rice in their rolls at all.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

I don''t think they have to, but I''ve never seen one without it. Usually the chili sauce is what is cream/mayo based.

The Mayo thing seems to have come out of Cali and spread like a virus, so it depends on how close you are. DH and I hate mayo and love spicy tuna! About half the places around here have spicy mayo rather than chili sauce including the market sushi. If the sauce is dark red you''re ok, if it is pinkish or orangish then it probably is spicy mayo. Tuna that has been finely chopped is more likely to have spicy mayo mixed in than whole pieces of tuna.
Date: 12/7/2008 12:39:44 AM
Author: Skippy123
ooooo, let''s do sushi if we ever meet Starry!
hehe Miso soup is between 40-50 calories a cup, super duper low cal!!! I love miso soup too
Definitely Skippy!
mmmm....miso soup.....mmmmmm.
Date: 12/8/2008 9:47:09 AM
Author: starryeyed

Date: 12/7/2008 12:39:44 AM
Author: Skippy123
ooooo, let''s do sushi if we ever meet Starry!
hehe Miso soup is between 40-50 calories a cup, super duper low cal!!! I love miso soup too
Definitely Skippy!
mmmm....miso soup.....mmmmmm.
Count me in for some miso soup! Mmmmm!
Sushi, IMO, is great for weight loss. However, what does eating it for lunch EVERY CHANCE you get mean? Because I would start to get worried about mercury levels. Tuna is a large fish. The FDA recommends no more than 6 oz/week. Switch up your tuna rolls once in a while with some lower level mercury fish for your weight goals.
Another good choice that almost every restaurant has is a salmon avocado roll -- both ingredients are fatty, but it''s healthy fat, and it''s filling. I get mine made with brown rice, too. A lot of restaurants in the U.S. have brown rice if you ask, but in your first post you said "kilos", which makes me think you''re not in the U.S. so maybe where you live that is not an option.
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