
Psst.. Want to know a secret? We're eloping :)

Ours was our 2nd marriage. His family lives for big events, and weddings in his family cost, at a minimum at least several hundred thousand. They are all high society, high profile people with business clients who are rich and famous. The family believes their clients should be invited to all family weddings. The majority of those clients do not know the bride and groom. It's a status thing and hubs and I aren't into it at all. We love them all but didn't want to expend the time and energy to carry on the family tradition and host hundreds of people we didn't know, so we eloped to Italy, had a fabulous wedding and the family settled on hosting a reception for us on our return. There were some hurt feelings and a little bit of drama but we didn't care.

We hired a wedding planning company in Italy who took care of all the stuff we needed, including help with the paperwork, and all hubs and I had to do was enjoy the day.

Good on you for doing it your way. I hope you have a wonderful wedding.

I'm happy to read you did it your way. It sounds like you had a wonderful wedding =)2
Did you do a party or celebrate in some way with others?

Not at all, and that I do regret a little, because it did hurt our families. If I get married again I'd plan a small party. You can't do things only to please your family of course, but I found out even just a little inclusion means a lot!
So glad you have a place to share your happy news. It gave your father in law peace to know his son would be married. After the roller coaster of emotions it will be amazing to focus on the two of you and your love.

Thank you so much. It's exactly like you said.
I'm sure it'll be amazing, once we get back to the planning part.
Having had 2 weddings, they are totally overrated in my opinion.
It’s really stressful planning one, it costs an absolute arm and a leg, everyone has an opinion and you can’t satify everyone. On the day iit’s like an out of body experience, so much going on, I ended up barely eating and barely drinking (my other fear was how the hell was I going to go to the loo without 6 people to assist) and even at the second wedding I still ended up with a migraine and spending most the night in our very fancy hotel room alongside the toilet - the bed would have been more more comfortable.
We spent like $6,000 on photos and videos which I looked at once! I spent another $500 on my $5,000 wedding dress to have it “preserved” (for what I’m not sure).
Have a great, but normal celebration party upon your return.

Thanks for sharing, that is exactly what we are trying to avoid. It might be selfish to elope, but we don't want any stress and don't live to please others. This way we get the honeymoon as well and two parties when we come back. Can't wait :kiss2:
Not at all, and that I do regret a little, because it did hurt our families. If I get married again I'd plan a small party. You can't do things only to please your family of course, but I found out even just a little inclusion means a lot!

We will probably do a renewal of vows at some point and then do the whole wedding thing (still small though!). Would that be an option for you?
In all the excitement of finally sharing our news with you, I totally forgot to share the details :whistle:

We'll have 3 weeks off in January and initially wanted to get married in Yellowstone NP. The actual travel will take 2 days (twice), plus it'll be super cold in January, we decided against it.

We were watching The Lord of the Rings, which was filmed in New Zealand and it clicked! We've always wanted to go there but wanted to get travelling to destinations further away done first. So we've decided to do a road trip on both islands and get married on the South island.
It'll be school holidays and quite busy around that time of year apparently, but we hope to find a nice location in the next few weeks. As we don't have to spend much on flights and the currency is good, we can splurge on a nice hotel, fancy dinner etc. for the two of us. I also want 2 dresses, one for the actual wedding and one shorter one for the parties.

Then when we get back, we will fly to his family interstate for a low key party with a bbq around a pool as it'll be 30+ degrees and all siblings have kids. We will probably do a cake here too (I mean, you need cake!).

The weekend after that (I'll go back to work and can't say anything yet..) we'll do a party with friends: catered 3 course sit down dinner with a nice table with flowers etc., open fire with marshmallows and music/dancing.

This is the idea for the wedding :mrgreen2:Wanaka-Wedding_2.jpg
That photo is amazing :kiss2:

Thank you! We had a simple shoot but the photographer was good and we ended up with a few killer photos. :Up_to_something2::rolleyes2:

No one was upset that you eloped?
They were more surprised but since we did part 2 with the family no one was upset.

I've noticed people getting married multiple times, is that because it's not legal until you get married in your home country? We can only do it once, the next time it's a renewal of vows technically as you're already married. The rules seem to be different in Australia though, you can only register your marriage in the state you marry. Anywhere else only gets recognised. It doesn't matter where you get married, as long as it's legal there, you're married.
For my home country it's different, I can have our marriage registered if I send the original paperwork, regardless of where we get married. It doesn't necessarily make a difference whether you do or don't as it's legal either way, but it's a nice thought to have it registered.
This also means I can apply for a passport with my husband's name. How does that work for you? Apparently my own last name will always be my name, but his name can be added to my passport.

We are in the US but married overseas and didn't have enough time to get the right paperwork so the elopement wasn't legally recognized. We had to file papers with the court in the US and opted to do the courthouse ceremony with the families. I had the option to change my name at that time but didn't I would have had to file for a new passport with the new last name if I had. Since I kept my existing name I didn't have to file anything, no one has asked us to see the license.

I agree with your "rant", the whole prolonged celebration is really not necessary. We don't expect any gifts as we are going to have "engagement parties". We have told everyone that we won't have a wedding, so we won't disappoint too much.

I hope people will be happy for you and not disappointed, they will have an opportunity to celebrate with you in any case!

The only thing is that I'll have to go to work after our trip for one week and can't wear my wedding band as I'm inviting 2 friends from work to our party a week later. I don't want others to be upset and keep it a surprise until we reveal it at the party, so I'm going to have to pretend :lol:

We rolled out the news to family first, then friends, then coworkers. They'll understand :)

Anyway all this to say there is no one way to do this and there is nothing wrong with the way youvey chosen. Wishing you and your intended much happiness.
Sounds perfect.
I’ve also been to plenty of weddings and I’ve never ever thought the event totally fabulous or worth the money I know was spent.
I mean hire a limo for a party $300 an hour, mention the “W” word and it’s now $650 an hour. Buy a bouquet of selected flowers for home $100, mention the “W” word and same the flowers are now $400.
Even when I was looking at silk satin for making a dress, white, Cream and blush pink ie Wedding dress colours were $15 a meter more expensive than the other colours!
The people who really love weddings are the wedding vendors, it’s an excuse to bump up the prices and no one bride to be will bat an eyelid “it’s my one special day” is the thought but she doesn’t her the cash register going “Ching Ching Ching Ching” in the background.
Your wedding is your day, do it your way.
Have fabulous, fun, relaxed and enjoyable celebration parties afterwords.
Of course family and others who love you will want to celebrate your milestone life event with you but you don’t need to do that in a stuffy boring reception centre at $175 a head plus wine plus flowers plus ribbons plus chair covers plus music plus plus plus plus plus. I mean at my first wedding there was a charge even for the table that my wedding cake was set up on and a storage charge because the cake had to be delivered the day prior. I mean, the add ones never seemed to end and they know you’ll pay them. Only a bride to be is inclined to pay a 20% non refundable deposit almost 1 year before the event to “secure the date and venue” - crazy.
And don’t even start me on table seating, I swear my first wedding nearly didn’t happen (maybe a sign I shouldn’t have ignored!) because of brawling over who was sitting where and with whom. Everyone wanted to be on the front tables because that’s the “prime position” for guests.
We eloped. 8 amazing days in Kauai- just the two of us.

Similar - we did 8 days on Maui. We did hire a photographer so that others could see photos after the fact, but didn’t want to deal with having anyone there. It was not a secret (so maybe not technically an elopement?) since we told people in advance that it was happening, they just weren’t invited lol. My parents eloped before I was born so they didn’t care. DH’s parents cared. My friends were sad they couldn’t go. I have no regrets, though.

For you unless you absolutely both have “best friends” or a single family member that is widely accepted to be far more close to you than anyone else, I wouldn’t invite anyone because it could hurt feelings as to why some made the cut but not others. Our photographer and officiant were our witnesses.
We eloped. It was perfect for us. Our respective mothers were disappointed but we let them each plan their own celebration for us afterward. We let them plan things exactly how they wanted and invite who they wanted. We told them to let us know where and when to show up. ;)2;)2;)2 Worked well for us. Nearly 25 years later and not a single regret on that front.
So that's the legal marriage in March and then civil in August? I don't really understand what the difference is, saying "I do" in front of a celebrant and signing the certificate is all you need to as far as I know.
Legal marriage at the court house in March, then big church wedding with family and friends in August.
I would be crushed if my DD eloped without saying anything. I would feel unloved and very hurt. But if she told me in confidence what the plan was, I would not care about anything but her happiness.
Thank you =)2

Did you elope and then still have a wedding? How come your parents weren't happy?

We rather spend money on travelling and other stuff, this way we have our trip when we elope and 2 parties (family lives interstate) when we come back. One with family will be low key as it'll be very hot there and kids will be there. Other one with friends will be fancy with nice dinner etc.
We have a lot of planning to do but my father-in-law just passed away, so I want to give my fiancé time to process that first.

Hi @LetLoveRule it was my fault entirely. I did not include my parents (or anyone but one friend to be our witness) because it was more of a spur of the moment decision and I didn't want to make it a big deal and I did not want to include one set of parents and leave the other parent (my dh's mom who was long distance) out. So my whole family were very upset with us for eloping 3 months before the planned wedding and to this day will not acknowledge the first date we got married...the day we eloped. Which is fine as we don't really celebrate. I mean we do go out for dinner and exchange cards and gifts but we do not include others in our anniversary celebration.

We did get married 3 months later with a priest and a rabbi and the whole shebang. It was a lovely wedding and we had 97 guests. To me that was big enough but I know many people have hundreds and hundreds of guests. We wanted to keep it intimate and include only those who we were close with and who knew us personally. Then we had our 3 week honeymoon abroad and it was perfect. For us.

The reason we eloped was because when my dh proposed I was not yet ready (despite 4 years of dating) to get married. It wasn't him it was me. I had it in my head I never wanted to get married. Anyway when he proposed he caught me off guard and I was overwhelmed but knew if I said no that might be it for our relationship because he did not want to be in dating limbo forever. He wanted to move forward in our relationship and for him dating was not enough. SO I said yes with one caveat. I needed time to get used to the idea. He wanted to get married sooner but he acquiesced and we planned a date for almost a year later.

Fast forward to us buying a co-op together (we saw it a week after our engagement and just knew it was the home for us) and gut renovating it together and when it was ready for us to move in I was ready to get married. It felt right. So we moved in to the apartment Sunday and went to city hall that next day Monday and applied for the marriage license and got married that next day Tuesday. Literally I decided that Sunday I was ready and we were married by Tuesday 2 days later. It was quick. And romantic. And my dh went to work right after we got married lol because he had obligations and it was so spur of the moment but I have fond memories and wouldn't change anything but one thing see below.

In hindsight I would now include my parents and sister in our elopement seeing how hurt they were. Hindsight is always 20/20. But many do include their loved ones in their elopement. I just felt it was so last minute and so difficult to include everyone important that including almost no one was best. I was wrong. I do not regret eloping as it felt right and it was romantic and now we have 2 dates to celebrate getting married. And every day I pinch myself how did I get to be so lucky when I was so freaking dense about getting married to the love of my life. He was right there through all of my stubbornness about not wanting to get married and stuck by me despite me being so foolish. There is no one more perfect for me than him and my life so much richer and better and fuller with him in it. In hindsight I am SMH it took me so long to realize he is the love of my life. I never thought I would find someone like him so I really wasn't looking yet he found me. For that I am incredibly lucky.

Sorry for the long winded explanation and I hope I answered all your questions. My best advice (from my perspective) is include anyone you think you might regret excluding but not to the extent it will affect the simplicity and privacy of your elopement. That is, just include those few people who are nearest and dearest to you so when you look back on that day you have no regrets.

I hope your elopement brings you much joy and that you have a rich full and loving marriage with the love of your life.

I think individual circumstances would vary so much in making this decision. If neither one is close to family, then I don't think it makes any difference.

In our case, we had a small church wedding and reception, so it was mostly family and a few close friends. Our older daughter had a slightly larger wedding with a country club evening reception. After thinking about how much money is involved in even a modest wedding like that, I have suggested to the younger daughter that she and her bf consider having close family and closest friends, a daytime wedding, and take a gift of the rest of the money for a future house downpayment. They should be getting officially engaged soon with wedding in mid to late 2019. So we shall see. But elopement wouldn't even be a possibility considering both children are very close to their families. I just think way too much money is spent on one day. I think you can have happy memories and pictures without spending $25-50k+.
Everyone is putting their 2 cents in. I also didn't want to have to go through (and pay for a wedding) so my ex and I eloped. It just so happened to be on a weekend when MIL and his little brother was visiting, so we included them in it too. While it was nice for me, it hurt my parents feelings terribly, since no one from my side of family was there when it happened. If you do include people as witnesses, include the parents.
Sorry for not responding yet. It's been a crazy week and we have the burial later today.

Thanks to everyone for sharing their story and chiming in, the distraction to happier times coming is much needed and welcome.
That sounds exciting! It's great to see that couples are defining what's right for them - very cool and no doubt you both will have a phenomenal time. Congrats!
Congratulations!! :appl::appl::appl:
My daughter kind of eloped. She invited parents only and had my husband officiate. We were in the most romantic spot out by the river. It was quiet and enclosed by oak trees. The water was covered in water hyacinth. It was the most perfect wedding I’ve ever attended.

Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear how it goes! Please share photos if you are comfortable!
Sounds perfect.
I’ve also been to plenty of weddings and I’ve never ever thought the event totally fabulous or worth the money I know was spent.
I mean hire a limo for a party $300 an hour, mention the “W” word and it’s now $650 an hour. Buy a bouquet of selected flowers for home $100, mention the “W” word and same the flowers are now $400.
Even when I was looking at silk satin for making a dress, white, Cream and blush pink ie Wedding dress colours were $15 a meter more expensive than the other colours!
The people who really love weddings are the wedding vendors, it’s an excuse to bump up the prices and no one bride to be will bat an eyelid “it’s my one special day” is the thought but she doesn’t her the cash register going “Ching Ching Ching Ching” in the background.
Your wedding is your day, do it your way.
Have fabulous, fun, relaxed and enjoyable celebration parties afterwords.
Of course family and others who love you will want to celebrate your milestone life event with you but you don’t need to do that in a stuffy boring reception centre at $175 a head plus wine plus flowers plus ribbons plus chair covers plus music plus plus plus plus plus. I mean at my first wedding there was a charge even for the table that my wedding cake was set up on and a storage charge because the cake had to be delivered the day prior. I mean, the add ones never seemed to end and they know you’ll pay them. Only a bride to be is inclined to pay a 20% non refundable deposit almost 1 year before the event to “secure the date and venue” - crazy.
And don’t even start me on table seating, I swear my first wedding nearly didn’t happen (maybe a sign I shouldn’t have ignored!) because of brawling over who was sitting where and with whom. Everyone wanted to be on the front tables because that’s the “prime position” for guests.

Oh my god, you're so right! And that's the part that makes me want to :sick: the one bridal expo I went to made me feel like that, I literally hated everything! In fact, now that the date is coming closer and we've been busy with other things, I'm starting to rethink my original plans of a fancy dinner. My partner is pretty much fine with anything. Fancy or just something low key, it's all good.

To be honest, I just don't want to spend that much money on any of it. I rather have an amazing trip than spending a few grand on a dress and the parties. I'll think about it a bit more. Who knows, we might just end up doing something really different =)2
Similar - we did 8 days on Maui. We did hire a photographer so that others could see photos after the fact, but didn’t want to deal with having anyone there. It was not a secret (so maybe not technically an elopement?) since we told people in advance that it was happening, they just weren’t invited lol. My parents eloped before I was born so they didn’t care. DH’s parents cared. My friends were sad they couldn’t go. I have no regrets, though.

For you unless you absolutely both have “best friends” or a single family member that is widely accepted to be far more close to you than anyone else, I wouldn’t invite anyone because it could hurt feelings as to why some made the cut but not others. Our photographer and officiant were our witnesses.

Sounds like a dream! :love: just the two of us and photos to show everyone when we get back. We haven't told anyone but they won't be surprised, I'm sure.

One of the reasons I was thinking of inviting one or two other couples is so they wouldn't feel hurt and I would have someone to help me get ready. The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards a very low key wedding too. No special make-up, etc.

We have spent quite a bit of time with the family lately and I agree with you, plus they said they won't be hurt by any decision we'll make. It'll be just perfect with the two of us :kiss2:
We eloped. It was perfect for us. Our respective mothers were disappointed but we let them each plan their own celebration for us afterward. We let them plan things exactly how they wanted and invite who they wanted. We told them to let us know where and when to show up. ;)2;)2;)2 Worked well for us. Nearly 25 years later and not a single regret on that front.

How did you elope? Sounds like a great compromise!
Hi @LetLoveRule it was my fault entirely. I did not include my parents (or anyone but one friend to be our witness) because it was more of a spur of the moment decision and I didn't want to make it a big deal and I did not want to include one set of parents and leave the other parent (my dh's mom who was long distance) out. So my whole family were very upset with us for eloping 3 months before the planned wedding and to this day will not acknowledge the first date we got married...the day we eloped. Which is fine as we don't really celebrate. I mean we do go out for dinner and exchange cards and gifts but we do not include others in our anniversary celebration.

We did get married 3 months later with a priest and a rabbi and the whole shebang. It was a lovely wedding and we had 97 guests. To me that was big enough but I know many people have hundreds and hundreds of guests. We wanted to keep it intimate and include only those who we were close with and who knew us personally. Then we had our 3 week honeymoon abroad and it was perfect. For us.

The reason we eloped was because when my dh proposed I was not yet ready (despite 4 years of dating) to get married. It wasn't him it was me. I had it in my head I never wanted to get married. Anyway when he proposed he caught me off guard and I was overwhelmed but knew if I said no that might be it for our relationship because he did not want to be in dating limbo forever. He wanted to move forward in our relationship and for him dating was not enough. SO I said yes with one caveat. I needed time to get used to the idea. He wanted to get married sooner but he acquiesced and we planned a date for almost a year later.

Fast forward to us buying a co-op together (we saw it a week after our engagement and just knew it was the home for us) and gut renovating it together and when it was ready for us to move in I was ready to get married. It felt right. So we moved in to the apartment Sunday and went to city hall that next day Monday and applied for the marriage license and got married that next day Tuesday. Literally I decided that Sunday I was ready and we were married by Tuesday 2 days later. It was quick. And romantic. And my dh went to work right after we got married lol because he had obligations and it was so spur of the moment but I have fond memories and wouldn't change anything but one thing see below.

In hindsight I would now include my parents and sister in our elopement seeing how hurt they were. Hindsight is always 20/20. But many do include their loved ones in their elopement. I just felt it was so last minute and so difficult to include everyone important that including almost no one was best. I was wrong. I do not regret eloping as it felt right and it was romantic and now we have 2 dates to celebrate getting married. And every day I pinch myself how did I get to be so lucky when I was so freaking dense about getting married to the love of my life. He was right there through all of my stubbornness about not wanting to get married and stuck by me despite me being so foolish. There is no one more perfect for me than him and my life so much richer and better and fuller with him in it. In hindsight I am SMH it took me so long to realize he is the love of my life. I never thought I would find someone like him so I really wasn't looking yet he found me. For that I am incredibly lucky.

Sorry for the long winded explanation and I hope I answered all your questions. My best advice (from my perspective) is include anyone you think you might regret excluding but not to the extent it will affect the simplicity and privacy of your elopement. That is, just include those few people who are nearest and dearest to you so when you look back on that day you have no regrets.

I hope your elopement brings you much joy and that you have a rich full and loving marriage with the love of your life.


Thank you so much for sharing your story, it's very sweet and I'm happy you did what felt right ;)2

You know what's funny? There are days that I'm so ready to get married because it doesn't feel like that much of a difference as we are legal partners already. Then there are days when I think I have no clue how to be a wife :oops2:

My partner spoke to his dad in the week before he passed away and asked for advice on married life. My father-in-law told him he has nothing to worry about because 'you have a good girl'. That made me so happy.
Everyone is putting their 2 cents in. I also didn't want to have to go through (and pay for a wedding) so my ex and I eloped. It just so happened to be on a weekend when MIL and his little brother was visiting, so we included them in it too. While it was nice for me, it hurt my parents feelings terribly, since no one from my side of family was there when it happened. If you do include people as witnesses, include the parents.

Did you get to celebrate with your family too?
My daughter kind of eloped. She invited parents only and had my husband officiate. We were in the most romantic spot out by the river. It was quiet and enclosed by oak trees. The water was covered in water hyacinth. It was the most perfect wedding I’ve ever attended.

Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear how it goes! Please share photos if you are comfortable!

That sounds amazing! Did your daughter wear a nice wedding dress?
Thank you so much for sharing your story, it's very sweet and I'm happy you did what felt right ;)2

You know what's funny? There are days that I'm so ready to get married because it doesn't feel like that much of a difference as we are legal partners already. Then there are days when I think I have no clue how to be a wife :oops2:

My partner spoke to his dad in the week before he passed away and asked for advice on married life. My father-in-law told him he has nothing to worry about because 'you have a good girl'. That made me so happy.

That is so sweet. And speaks strongly to how much his father respected and adored you.

I understand what you are saying re being legal partners not being too different from being married but speaking from my experience only there is a huge difference. My dh and I were together for 5 years before we got married and it was like night and day. True we did not live together but we were spending all our free time together and when we got married it was different. And speaking with married friends their experiences were similar even if they lived together before marriage. We both had to adjust. Was it worth it? Completely worth it. Best move I ever made and I know he feels the same way. But it was a change. A change worth making despite me not feeling strongly about getting married. I cannot believe I waited so long. Of course everyone's has their individual experience and no one size fits all but I believe you will look back and feel the same way. Over the moon happy that you got married despite already being together as partners.

And you will be a wonderful wife just as you are a wonderful partner now. And your dh will be a wonderful husband. Just remind him (when necessary) "Happy Wife Happy Life"...because most men need a little bit of guidance occasionally and they are malleable. Thank goodness.:devil::halo::bigsmile:

As for my advice (and I know you did not ask so feel free to ignore) re married life it would be this. Never stop communicating and sharing how you feel. No one is a mind reader and keeping the lines of honest and open communication between the 2 of you is key to a successful marriage. IMO.

I have heard this before from other couples, that being married does change things even though it's not much different from being legal partners. Since I've never been married, I can't comment but I'm curious to find out. We've been living together for years, so that isn't a change for us. It does sound good to be able to say 'husband' rather than 'partner' though ;)2

And you will be a wonderful wife just as you are a wonderful partner now. And your dh will be a wonderful husband. Just remind him (when necessary) "Happy Wife Happy Life"...because most men need a little bit of guidance occasionally and they are malleable. Thank goodness.:devil::halo::bigsmile:

Haha very true! I think he's well aware of that saying, he's already using it in our relationship :whistle: :lol:

As for my advice (and I know you did not ask so feel free to ignore) re married life it would be this. Never stop communicating and sharing how you feel. No one is a mind reader and keeping the lines of honest and open communication between the 2 of you is key to a successful marriage. IMO.

That is great advice and we have learned to communicate better over the course of our relationship. Marriage will take work but it feels great knowing that we're in it together :kiss2:
That is great advice and we have learned to communicate better over the course of our relationship. Marriage will take work but it feels great knowing that we're in it together :kiss2:

Exactly. Knowing you two are a team. In it together. Working with each other. Sometimes you might need to (gently) remind one another of this fact...that you are indeed working with each other, on the same side, together as a team. Knowing that is everything. The world can be a harsh place but having your soulmate and partner there by your side as an equal loving you unconditionally and supporting you the whole way (and vice versa) is truly priceless.

I think of that sappy Helen Reddy song "You and Me Against the World" and yeah sometimes it really is just as simple as that.

You and me against the world,
Sometimes it seems like you and me against the world,
When all the others turn their backs and walked away,
You can count on me to stay.

You are each other's soft pillow to fall on when life gets tough. Sharing it all... the happy and sad, the easy and smooth as well as the challenging times...I always think of this saying and it is completely true IMO...sorrows shared are sorrows halved and joy shared is joy doubled.

Nothing is as sweet alone as it is with your love by your side.

Wishing you the richness of a happy healthy marriage.
Exactly. Knowing you two are a team. In it together. Working with each other. Sometimes you might need to (gently) remind one another of this fact...that you are indeed working with each other, on the same side, together as a team. Knowing that is everything.

We do remind each other of that if we have an argument and it helps. It's the most important thing to remember.

Thank you for your wise words and I wish you many more happy years with your husband. He's a lucky guy.