
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


May 16, 2006
Funny Co story, i just have to share

Yesterday at brekkie Co was pulling at his shirt and looking down at his chest and our converstaion went like this:
Co: (pointing to his chest) "my boobies!"
Me: "you have boobies?"
Co: "ummm"
Me: "you and daddy don''t have boobies b/c you are boys, but mom has boobies"
Co: "Yaa! Mom has tiny boobies"

I have NO idea where he got the size reference. LOL. Honestly, has he been sizing up boobs lately
?!? I said to him "well bud, this is as big as they are going to get! AND just for future reference, don''t go around telling too many women they have tiny boobies" !

Seriously, he cracks me up.


Jan 3, 2005
Jas12-Co is hilarious.

re: eczema: jake eats very little dairy, no milk, and still has problems. I think it''s more genetic for him b/c my hubby''s side of the family all have skin issues. our water here is very hard right now too which I think contributes. My girls never had it as severe as Jake but my oldest has a nasty rash in her elbow joint. the dr. said dove soap, limit showers, no baths and tons of lotion. I''m hoping with the weather starting to get warmer that we can get it cleared up. it goes from raw to almost normal and back to raw in 24 hours. She hardly eats any dairy either so and doesn''t really eat any other foods that would be normal triggers. I''ve used the same detergent for years but have thought about trying the "free and sensitive" kind to see if that will help at all. Jake actually has perfectly clear skin right now so just limiting the baths has made a huge difference for him.

qt-yay for good dr. appts. can you believe J is almost 10 lbs already?

Jake''s latest...a couple of weeks ago we went to a baseball game and my dad taught him to say "charge" after they play the music leading up. well, this morning at the lovely hour of 5:00am I heard Jake in his crib singing "da, da, da, da, dum" and yelling "charge"! he did this for about 5 minutes. If I would have been more alert I should have grabbed my phone and recorded it b/c it was pretty funny. the 5:00am wake-up time however wasn''t


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/8/2010 1:53:33 PM
Author: Jas12
Funny Co story, i just have to share

Yesterday at brekkie Co was pulling at his shirt and looking down at his chest and our converstaion went like this:
Co: (pointing to his chest) 'my boobies!'
Me: 'you have boobies?'
Co: 'ummm'
Me: 'you and daddy don't have boobies b/c you are boys, but mom has boobies'
Co: 'Yaa! Mom has tiny boobies'

I have NO idea where he got the size reference. LOL. Honestly, has he been sizing up boobs lately
?!? I said to him 'well bud, this is as big as they are going to get! AND just for future reference, don't go around telling too many women they have tiny boobies' !

Seriously, he cracks me up.

If my child every makes a comment on my body - and uses any of the following words: fat, pudgy, big, scary, spreading, soft, mushy, squishy, etc etc - I am going to send her to an orphanage.


Jun 18, 2004
So cute Jas12!

Quick drive by again, I used to complain I was bored at work, and I guess no it''s making up for it!

We survived the weekend, Kyle was running around like crazy, and even tried eating some crazy things I would never have expected! He had a french fry, a bite of DH''s burger, and half a slice of pizza yesterday. Probably not the best things to be eating, but I''m just happy he''s eating "lumps"!


May 9, 2006
Date: 3/8/2010 4:37:59 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/8/2010 1:53:33 PM
Author: Jas12
Funny Co story, i just have to share

Yesterday at brekkie Co was pulling at his shirt and looking down at his chest and our converstaion went like this:
Co: (pointing to his chest) ''my boobies!''
Me: ''you have boobies?''
Co: ''ummm''
Me: ''you and daddy don''t have boobies b/c you are boys, but mom has boobies''
Co: ''Yaa! Mom has tiny boobies''

I have NO idea where he got the size reference. LOL. Honestly, has he been sizing up boobs lately
?!? I said to him ''well bud, this is as big as they are going to get! AND just for future reference, don''t go around telling too many women they have tiny boobies'' !

Seriously, he cracks me up.

If my child every makes a comment on my body - and uses any of the following words: fat, pudgy, big, scary, spreading, soft, mushy, squishy, etc etc - I am going to send her to an orphanage.
LMAO. Oh boy.


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies...a super quick check in. boys are doing better, still sick but not as sick.

we''ve been going house hunting and it has been a PITA!! even though we aren''t even sure we want to buy a new home, we''re stressing out about what to do with our current home. DH and i, or mostly me, want to keep our current home...i do love it, but i would love something bigger. oh well, we''ll see.

jas12 super funny Co story!!! B knows what boobies are too and he''ll tell people that''s where noah eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

tacori i hope T''s eczema clears up with the OTC stuff. B''s eczema has been flaring up a little also. poor kids.

qt both kids sound like they are doing well!! hope you''re getting sometime to sleep and rest.

B''s up from his nap and wants to be held. that''s been happening all the time lately, in the morning and after his nap, he just wants to be held for like 15 minutes. i don''t mind it at all as i love extra cuddle time with the little guy, but so not like him.


Dec 16, 2007
jas that is hilarious!

Well hunter is over the Diarrhea but now he has a REAL fever that won''t be controlled by meds. We went to the doctor, he is fine we just have to wait for it to run its course, but seriously... this is going on the second week that he isn''t in daycare! How do yo uall manage who have jobs where you can''t just shift things around?

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Dreamer, sorry Hunter is sick and sorry it's causing you problems with work.

We've been in the same position here recently - Amelia has had a vomiting bug, a horrible cold and a fever over the last three weeks and it feels like I've missed more classes than I've attended. If DH didn't work flexible hours with a homeworking option, we would have had a real problem. As it was, we struggled on by juggling things between us, but it's made me think about having a back up plan for future. Not entirely sure what that might be, of course. I'd be interested to hear what other people do.

TGal, you aren't giving the kid to an orphanage. No!


Sep 21, 2006
puffy: glad the boys are on the mend.

tacori: hope T''s eczema clears up soon!

jas12: that is hilariuos...where did Co learn all of this? Maybe daddy''s been teaching him some words ;-).

dd: hope the sick bug''s gone. C has never been sick so that''s how I''ve been handling it! It would be a juggling game otherwise between DH and I staying home. I always leave some extra vacation days just in case (we do not have sick days--it''s all the same pot).

mrssalvo: how cute with Jake saying charge!

tgal: LOL (on orphanage comment). I''ve been meaning to ask, how''s potty training going?

C''s doing well, finally getting warmer here (let''s hope winter''s on its way out at last). She drew on the dishwasher and a bit on the wall, but I told her no so she''s stopped. Knew that was going to happen with the crayons. The dishwasher I wasn''t as worried about since we''re replacing it (although obviously don''t want her to draw on the future one), but with the walls I kind of firmly said no and she jumped. Looked at me and then threw her crayon and ran away. I couldn''t help but feel a bit bad, but she hasn''t done it again. Might need to buy her an easel soon! She says "pee pee" when I go to into the bathroom now.haha. Hope she''ll figure out when she does it soon too.


Nov 9, 2005
Date: 3/8/2010 10:21:18 PM
Author: dreamer_d
jas that is hilarious!

Well hunter is over the Diarrhea but now he has a REAL fever that won''t be controlled by meds. We went to the doctor, he is fine we just have to wait for it to run its course, but seriously... this is going on the second week that he isn''t in daycare! How do yo uall manage who have jobs where you can''t just shift things around?
Saw your post and wanted to respond.....our answer to this - NANNY
We really felt we had no other choice but to make the switch. Of the 3 1/2 months Lex was in daycare, I can honestly say only 1 WEEK he made it all 5 days. He was that sick. Mostly colds, but he had bronchitis, sinus infection, pink eye (twice) and this last stomach virus that he appartantly got twice
. We have no family to help and it got to the point where we both feared we''d lose our jobs. I am anyway due to relocation (losing job), but since I cannot take any days off during the transition we went ahead w/ a Nanny until I''m out of work in August.

Hope Hunter''s fever goes away soon.


Jun 18, 2004
DD - we''ve been lucky so far, and Kyle has only gotten colds with a runny nose (no coughing and no fever), and 1 ear infection. So I think DH and I have only missed a couple days each. We don''t have any family here, so I don''t know what we''d do if he was constantly sick. I hope Hunter''s doing better soon!

lover in athens

May 21, 2006
real quick...just wanted to check in and say HI to all the mommies!
hope you guys are doing well...

TACORI: on the eczema front, i always tell my patients that baths and showers are fine (don''t really need to limit them), but definitely limit the soap only to the "dirty" areas (genitals, hands, face). as SOON as she gets out of the water, pat dry (but leave her skin a little bit damp), put a steroid cream on the areas that are bad (start with OTC hydrocortisone and see if that works before getting a prescription--but know that the rxs are PERFECTLY safe!!). then, on TOP of the hydrocortisone and EVERYWHERE else (head to toe) use a moisturizer. if she tolerates the greasiness, then plain vaseline is your best bet, but i also like cetaphil cream. they key is putting the creams on damp skin. REALLY helps! and be consistent with using them!! once the rash goes away, you should be able to just use the moisturizer and skip the steroids, but also start using the medicated stuff as SOON as you suspect a recurrence. with my patients, i don''t get too much into the diet issues, but i always encourage people to try elimination to see if it works FOR THEM (the data so far is very mixed)...

JAS12: co is hilarious!!

PUFFY: glad the boys are on the mend. that cuddle time sounds great!

CDT: i hear you on the nanny front. coby switched to daycare about 2 months ago and has been SICK SICK SICK. in fact, we are in LA this week, and he has had a HORRIBLE ear infection necessitating a trip to urgent care with a fever of over 104! he loves the interaction at daycare so i''m really torn!

JANINE: your lucky that C listens when you say no...coby still just laughs!!

DD: hope h is feeling better soon!! poor you and him!!

MRSS: sooo cute that he says "charge." coby is just beginning to say words...and i LOVE it!

that''s all for now! hope everyone is great!


Nov 9, 2005
Date: 3/9/2010 1:41:53 PM
Author: lover in athens
real quick...just wanted to check in and say HI to all the mommies!
hope you guys are doing well...

TACORI: on the eczema front, i always tell my patients that baths and showers are fine (don''t really need to limit them), but definitely limit the soap only to the ''dirty'' areas (genitals, hands, face). as SOON as she gets out of the water, pat dry (but leave her skin a little bit damp), put a steroid cream on the areas that are bad (start with OTC hydrocortisone and see if that works before getting a prescription--but know that the rxs are PERFECTLY safe!!). then, on TOP of the hydrocortisone and EVERYWHERE else (head to toe) use a moisturizer. if she tolerates the greasiness, then plain vaseline is your best bet, but i also like cetaphil cream. they key is putting the creams on damp skin. REALLY helps! and be consistent with using them!! once the rash goes away, you should be able to just use the moisturizer and skip the steroids, but also start using the medicated stuff as SOON as you suspect a recurrence. with my patients, i don''t get too much into the diet issues, but i always encourage people to try elimination to see if it works FOR THEM (the data so far is very mixed)...

JAS12: co is hilarious!!

PUFFY: glad the boys are on the mend. that cuddle time sounds great!

CDT: i hear you on the nanny front. coby switched to daycare about 2 months ago and has been SICK SICK SICK. in fact, we are in LA this week, and he has had a HORRIBLE ear infection necessitating a trip to urgent care with a fever of over 104! he loves the interaction at daycare so i''m really torn!

JANINE: your lucky that C listens when you say no...coby still just laughs!!

DD: hope h is feeling better soon!! poor you and him!!

MRSS: sooo cute that he says ''charge.'' coby is just beginning to say words...and i LOVE it!

that''s all for now! hope everyone is great!
We were torn too, (I) still am actually. Personally I''m more comfortable w/ daycare and I like the social interaction part of it, but my DH and I were really stressed w/ missing so much work. I feel much more relaxed now that a decision as been made and although he''s only been w/ the nanny a few days so far he seems to really like her. Yesterday he kept crawling over to her while I was there and tugging on her legs to be picked up
It was nice to see because he definitely seems comforable w/ her so far. For us it just came down to our stress level...we couldn''t take another phone call from daycare
It helped though that the nanny we chose came personally recommended by a long time friend of DH''s family and has known this woman for 15 years. So it''s nice that we know someone who is personal friends w/ this made our decision a little easier and puts us at ease (somewhat). Sorry to hear about the ear infection, hope he''s feeling better now


Mar 3, 2010
Hi fellow Mommies!
Hope you don''t mind if I pop in every now and again. I have a very hilariously sassy two-year-old that keeps me on my toes. I also have 9-month-old twin girls (but I''ll pop in to the other thread about them). Nothing but pink and sparkles over at our house. Bless my husband''s heart.


Oct 6, 2004
LIA, question about cetaphil cream. my pedi said not to use cetaphil cream or lotion since it has macadamia nut oil and some kids are allergic to it. Is that not something to be concerned about? Thankfully D''s skin has been really great (thanks to DH) so I rarely put anything on him but just wanted to know. How is Coby doing? I hope he''s feeling better soon!

Tacori, hope T''s eczema gets better soon! I grew up with bad eczema and it really is a pain. Poor T.

dreamer, sorry to hear Hunter is still sick. Poor boy. Hope he feels better soon!

puffy, glad the boys are feeling better. Hope they are 100% soon. Yay for some extra cuddle time!

MrsM, sending get well wishes to Amelia too! So many PS toddlers are getting sick lately!

jas12, LOL! That is too funny about the small boobies! I wonder where he learned that from!

QT, sounds like both kids are doing well! Cute new avi! I''m sure you''ll find some cute clothes for J. You always do! H&M has great stuff for kids, wish we could shop online. I love the hoodie you got D from there!

What do you think about kids and weddings? We''ve been invited to a wedding in LA. D would be 21 months then. We thought about bringing D but most likely won''t if my parents are willing to watch him overnight. We''ll probably go for just the weekend. We''d enjoy the wedding more without him and it will probably be good to have a little alone time before #2.


Oct 6, 2004
S&G, welcome! Wow, you must have your hands full!


Mar 3, 2010
Oh yes Snlee, some days I want to run out the door and keep running.


Jun 18, 2004
snlee - we''re going to a wedding when Kyle will be 14.5 months. I would actually prefer not to take him, but it''s OOT, and a side of the family that hasn''t seen him yet, so he''s going with us. It might be more fun if you go alone


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 3/8/2010 1:53:33 PM
Author: Jas12
Funny Co story, i just have to share

Yesterday at brekkie Co was pulling at his shirt and looking down at his chest and our converstaion went like this:
Co: (pointing to his chest) ''my boobies!''
Me: ''you have boobies?''
Co: ''ummm''
Me: ''you and daddy don''t have boobies b/c you are boys, but mom has boobies''
Co: ''Yaa! Mom has tiny boobies''

I have NO idea where he got the size reference. LOL. Honestly, has he been sizing up boobs lately
?!? I said to him ''well bud, this is as big as they are going to get! AND just for future reference, don''t go around telling too many women they have tiny boobies'' !

Seriously, he cracks me up.

LOL....too funny.
At least he didn''t squeeze them and goes "no milk"


Nov 14, 2004
LOL. I wonder where he got the size reference too. So funny.

How cute that Jake was singing "da, da, da, dum" and yelling "charge".
Baby grows like weed. No wonder I don''t remember M being the newborn size.

In your case, our friends'' 10 yrs old DS needs to be sent to the orphanage. The wife is pregnant, due in a couple of weeks. When we went out to dinner for Christmas, he said to his mom "how come you are bigger than Auntie qtiekiki when she is farther along than you?"

Once they walk, they fly. And Yay
for Kyle eating real pieces of food.

Glad the boys are feeling better.
Would you rent out the house if you keep it? or what''s the plan for it if you do keep it?
The last few days had been better where J is sleeping 3-4 hours stretch at night instead of waking up whenever I put him down. I was able to put him down today in a drowsy state, and then he fell asleep. It''s progress.

Hope the fever breaks soon. MIL is babysitting M and our work are very flexible, so we are able to take off when needed.

Maybe Chloe will be ready to potty train soon.
Don''t feel bad about the firm no and C''s reaction. You are just being a mom. I am surprised that M hasn''t drew on the wall yet, but she likes to make on her hand/fingers.

Poor Coby. Hope he still get to enjoy the trip.

Welcome. You have your hand full.

I do like H&M stuffs, just wish we can shop online. At least, they started carrying kid stuffs at the store by us.
Kids and weddings - toughie. When we went to DH''s cousin''s wedding three months ago, it was a lot of fun with M b/c it was just so cute to see her dancing and unwilling to get off the dance floor. If you think you''ll enjoy the wedding more without him, then leave him with the parents.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Thanks, snlee! So many poorly little ones right now, I''m hoping the Spring weather will help.

So, my girl has pretty much skipped saying single words and has suddenly started to talk, but in sentences. SO weird. I was starting to think she''d never speak, since she only had a few words (mummy, daddy, book and drink was about the extent of it).

We went for a walk on Saturday and DH went into a shop. She looked up at me and said (with real annoyance) "where did daddy go? Want him back."

She has been saying "where did daddy go" non stop since. People in queues give the poor abandonned family long pitying looks.


Sep 21, 2006
qtiekiki: love the photo of the cuties!!


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 3/10/2010 4:01:06 AM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
Thanks, snlee! So many poorly little ones right now, I'm hoping the Spring weather will help.

So, my girl has pretty much skipped saying single words and has suddenly started to talk, but in sentences. SO weird. I was starting to think she'd never speak, since she only had a few words (mummy, daddy, book and drink was about the extent of it).

We went for a walk on Saturday and DH went into a shop. She looked up at me and said (with real annoyance) 'where did daddy go? Want him back.'
She has been saying 'where did daddy go' non stop since. People in queues give the poor abandonned family long pitying looks.

Wow, amazing!


Nov 18, 2004
Great avatar -- sweet little cuties!


May 9, 2006
Boy knows how to enjoy a cupcake.

Write more later when they nap...consider this a preview. :)



May 9, 2006
We survived the "solo" lunch on Monday. I forget sometimes that I am raising pretty well behaved boys. They were thrilled to be in the middle of the hustle and bustle of a busy, crowded restaurant. They were also thrilled to have curly fries (which, for them, is an excuse to eat ketchup. Hey the the gov. said ketchup is a vegetable, right?) I know it''s hard to believe (especially considering the chocolate cuppie picture, but I promise that was only a mini...he''s such a slob) but I do feed them healthy 90% of the time.

They are getting bigger and changing by the day. Unbelievable. They love mud. Good thing, too, because it''s been raining like a mofo here...the snow is melted and the Chicago River (which runs in my backyard) is flooded. We have ducks in the backyard, which amuses the boys to no end. We sit by the window and watch the wildlife.

I will be posting a video of J and L''s dance moves on the other website...they are wicked talented. And by "wicked talented" I mean "goofy and uncoordinated."

Mrss -- I love the "charge" story!
Puffy -- how are the little ones feeling? How are you holding up?
DD -- has H''s fever broken? Poor bebe.
MrsM -- Oh no! You have a sick one too? Sigh. Hugs!
Janine -- your budding artist is a genius! She''ll figure it all out so soon!
LIA -- hey woman.
S&G -- welcome to you, busy Mama!
Snlee -- was D invited to the wedding? I only ask b/c we had one couple bring a toddler to our wedding...she was not invited and the staff scrambled to get her food. She was perfectly well behaved, so that wasn''t an issue, and kept calling me a princess, which of course I loved ("princess" like Disney, not a spoiled brat, I hope.) But you know better the you think D would have a good time?

I am feeling incredibly under the weather, which is unlike me. I have some Preggo test lined up... I couldn''t test until Sunday anyway, but nothing like a surprise. We''ll see.


Nov 18, 2004
haha....such a great picture.
looks like Logan just polished off his birthday meal and dessert and just kicking back.
can't wait to see the video!

ETA: Oooo.....the suspense.
Hope you get the result you want.


Nov 20, 2006
jas GREAT cute!!! the boys are better but now i''m sick with whatever evil cold they have. i''ve been running a fever for the past day and still chasing B around. he is back to his old self but he tries to give me a break since i''ve been sick. DH couldn''t take off work at''s been pretty bad over here but other that, things are great. haha.

i''l try to catch up in a bit. like i was telling jas, i''m sick and it sucks. hate to sound like i''m whining, but man i need a break!!

B''s been pretty great about it, he''ll help with noah when ever he''s around him...he loves to tell him stories...random stories about anything and everything. it''s pretty funny. and noah is still sleeping like a champ, thank goodness!! he''s goes down easily, for now, at 730 and is up for the day at 830. it works perfectly so i have 1 hour with just B and when noah gets up, i nurse him then start on breakfast then B'' usually up around 9 or 930.

ok take care mommies...hope to catch up later.


Nov 18, 2004
You poor thing, hope you feel better soon.
Bummer that your DH can''t take time off to relieve you a bit.
Can you mom come over for a while?

That''s too cute that B is such a big help.
Don''t you love it when your hard work pays off -- since B can help you entertain Noah :)


Jan 3, 2005
Jas-that is such an adorable picture!! what a cutie. I won''t even tell you all of the foods Jake has already tried

puffy-i hope you feel better quickly!!

lili-how''s J doing?
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