
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


May 9, 2006
Two posts by me in one''s a miracle!

puffy~Thanks! I keep trying to tell myself it''s normal and that Tayva is fine but it still hurts my feelings having to put her on the back burner time and time again. And, it''s effecting her routine at times too. Like last night K threw a fit right at her bed time so I had to nurse him and calm him before I could take her to bed. Frustrating. You lived through it and so did B so I''m sure we will too!

sbde~Thanks! I am very lucky that T has been so great. Glad J is feeling better.

snlee~Thanks! It''s a balancing act, that''s for sure. You''ll get to experience this first hand before you know it!

Bobo~Thanks. I agree you should ask for meds. I hear they''re so helpful. No need to be miserable especially with little B to care for. 10 minutes of freedom are up (that''s how long K lasts when I put him down
) so I better go get him changed and fed so we can both nap (hopefully) while T is napping. Later mommies!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Talk about funny...T now talks to the PS icons. She says "hi" to the wavy man and "hi Mr. Clapper" to the clapping icon. Those seem to be her favorites. She also is LOVING all of the PS tot/kids videos. She asks to see "more friends" all of the time. Also I have to say seeing 2 two year olds hug each other is BEYOND CUTE. T gave some hugs good bye at school and they stick their little butts out.

Janine, I am loving this age, tantrums and all. She is just so funny. She loves to dance, sing and stare at herself in the mirror too. I don''t think I did anything for easter last year. This year she made me buy her some plastic easter eggs at the store (they were $1 so I caved) and she has been LOVING them. T does eat chocolate but not often b/c it is SO messy but I probably will give her ice cream of candy just so she knows it is a special day.

Burk, my linea nigra took FOREVER to fade with my T too. It was so annoying. Sorry you are so tired. Wish I lived closer to help. It WILL get better!

sbde, my dad was the one who told me about the BRAT diet when T had the flu last year. He is not an active pedi but did a peds residency when he was in medical school. Pedialyte is good too. They make popsicles too if he won''t drink it.

snlee, that is so funny! Did you get video of that?

Bobo, haha! I always think that when people have really bad MS. Maybe you are having a girl this time!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Lili, I just saw your sad news. I''m so sorry. Thinking about you {{{Hugs}}}



Jan 3, 2005
i just had a long post and my safari just closed and lost it

will be back it a bit but wanted to send hugs to lili!

jas12-hang in there w/ co. Jake is testing a bit lately too. he hit me a couple of days ago when I wouldn''t give him something he wanted. the 2''s are coming full steam ahead....

okay..gotta run...


Dec 29, 2004
Drive by...

lili, I am so sorry to hear about your little one. Hugs to you, and a big one at that.

jas, hang in there, I''m with mrss...Amelia is now throwing herself on the ground and having lovely tanties. She also has finally figured out the back arch. The terrible twos are definitely full steam ahead.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Jas12, I meant to mention time-outs have REALLY helped tame my wild one. T has always been difficult but she is starting to understand consequences which really helps make *my* life easier. That is not to say she doesn''t test me on a daily basis, she totally does. Maybe I am just used to it since she has never been an easy kid. Just remember this phase WILL pass.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Date: 3/1/2010 4:33:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Drive by...

lili, I am so sorry to hear about your little one. Hugs to you, and a big one at that.

jas, hang in there, I''m with mrss...Amelia is now throwing herself on the ground and having lovely tanties. She also has finally figured out the back arch. The terrible twos are definitely full steam ahead.
Has she mastered Rubber Legs too? You know -when you try to pick them off the floor mid-tantrum in an unsuitable location, and put them back on their feet, there is no tensile strength in the limbs from below the knee, so they just crumple again?

This is advanced stuff our kids are into. Knowing when to use Rubber Legs and when to use the Back Arch is complicated. If you get it wrong, you could end up complying with parental wishes by accident.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/1/2010 5:12:52 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell

Date: 3/1/2010 4:33:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Drive by...

lili, I am so sorry to hear about your little one. Hugs to you, and a big one at that.

jas, hang in there, I''m with mrss...Amelia is now throwing herself on the ground and having lovely tanties. She also has finally figured out the back arch. The terrible twos are definitely full steam ahead.
Has she mastered Rubber Legs too? You know -when you try to pick them off the floor mid-tantrum in an unsuitable location, and put them back on their feet, there is no tensile strength in the limbs from below the knee, so they just crumple again?

This is advanced stuff our kids are into. Knowing when to use Rubber Legs and when to use the Back Arch is complicated. If you get it wrong, you could end up complying with parental wishes by accident.
Don''t forget slack arms. She''s getting good at throwing everything at her arsenal at me....


Jun 18, 2004

Lili – thank you for the welcome, and good to see you back, but I’m sorry about the m/c

Bobo – sorry MS won’t leave to alone! How’s the bedrest going? Is it almost over yet?

Jas12 – sorry about the insecurity, I wonder if it might be your pregnancy. I hope he takes well to the new Lo once it’s here .

Puffy – Disney on Ice sounds fun!

QT – Woohoo for Meena using the potty!

Tacori – Sleep went much better this weekend. And I have to agree with you so far on the toddler years! Last night Kyle was rolling around on the carpet with a piece of paper, just like the cats do. DH and I were giggling our butts off.

Janine – I hadn’t thought of Easter much yet, but eggs full of Cheerios might be a good idea! Last year we had a heck of a time finding a cute Easter outfit for a boy. I’ve got one put away for this year, but I think my little monkey might be too small for it.

Burk – sorry you’re hitting a bit of a rough spot! I hope Kade’s growth spurt slackens so you can spend some time with T.

Sbde – good to hear J’s doing better! I might have to hit up a museum, hadn’t thought of taking Kyle there yet.

We got sleep back on schedule, woohoo! Saturday morning Kyle was complaining at 5am, but got quiet after a minute or two, then at 5:30 started full on crying. I got in the shower and told DH to go get him if he kept it up (I couldn’t bear to sit there and listen). When I got out of the shower Kyle had gone back to sleep on his own and didn’t wake up until 6:45! He did fine on Sunday and today as well.
We went out to dinner at IHOP last night, and at one point DH handed Kyle a cherry tomato from his salad. We just expected it to get thrown to the floor, but after staring at it for a few minutes, he actually took a bite. Then made the funniest icky face, stared at it some more, then took a bite again! He did this several times, making a face after each bite. It was soo funny, like it’s going to taste any better if you keep trying?!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
My personal fav is the dreaded back arch while trying to buckle her in her car seat.
Following in a close second is her running (on purpose) into a closed door over and over again.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Date: 3/1/2010 5:17:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/1/2010 5:12:52 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell

Date: 3/1/2010 4:33:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Drive by...

lili, I am so sorry to hear about your little one. Hugs to you, and a big one at that.

jas, hang in there, I''m with mrss...Amelia is now throwing herself on the ground and having lovely tanties. She also has finally figured out the back arch. The terrible twos are definitely full steam ahead.
Has she mastered Rubber Legs too? You know -when you try to pick them off the floor mid-tantrum in an unsuitable location, and put them back on their feet, there is no tensile strength in the limbs from below the knee, so they just crumple again?

This is advanced stuff our kids are into. Knowing when to use Rubber Legs and when to use the Back Arch is complicated. If you get it wrong, you could end up complying with parental wishes by accident.
Don''t forget slack arms. She''s getting good at throwing everything at her arsenal at me....
Oooh. Slack arms. Now there''s one I haven''t come across yet. I''d imagine it''s useful for resisting a garment, ideally when there''s a rush to be somewhere? I must mention it to Amelia.

Tacori, Amelia does the door-running thing too. What is that about?! She''s going to demolish this house eventually.

So, does anyone have a question about why some people have only one child?


Nov 18, 2004
That's so cute.
Too bad you weren't able to capture that moment.
You need to teach MIL how to work the camera.

for Meena on the potty training front.
She'll probably be out of diapers before J at this rate.
Would you believe that J's been going potty in the morning/night and before bath since 17 months, and she still in diapers!
She insisted on wearing her training wearing understand and of course pee'd in it.
When I changed her, she went to grab another underwear
I told her "you spoiled your chance w/ the underwear little girl, you are going in diapers!"

You don't look like you are holding onto any of your preggo weight

It's good to be back.
Got to say your Jake is becoming quite the handsome little man in his school picture.
Is he at a point where he's pushing you out the door when you drop him off? :D

Forgot to say what a trooper D is for enduring 8 teeth.
I think that's a record! Those molars and canines are bites!

Awww....sorry about your m/s.
Hope it lighten up soon.
Probably no better time to have m/s (if you have it) then while you are on bedrest.

I was thinking that Co's insecurity may be that he senses some big changes are about to happen.
My nephew went through it w/ my sister when she was preggo w/ her second.
And I think the other mommies w/ #2 (Puffy, Burk, QT) went through it too.
Hope it gets better for him and you.

Had to laugh about the saucy attitude.
J went through that too.
She's not into biting, but pinching instead.
Once she got upset and pinched me. I screamed and looked at her sternly and "said, you don't pinch mommy".
Then she loosen her grip and slowly petted me.

Like the other have said, it is hard one person is not ready to wean (either baby or mommy)
I weaned J when she was 14.5 months. She wasn't drinking or eating much at daycare and wait until she's home w/ me to eat.
So I really had no choice but to weaned her. That and also my supply was dipping especially during ovulation and it was a pain pumping at work.
If I have to choose, I'd prefer if J weaned herself. It's difficult seeing her crying face and having her tugging at my bra for milk during the weaning.
And I do missed that bond we have whenever she nursed.
Hoping Hunter is just going through a stage of independence for a while and resume BF.
If not, 12 months is great...and perhaps it's his way of letting you know that you can start on #2 :)

Oh, congrats on your first grad students.
How many can you have?

It may be insane, but I wouldn't mind swapping summer day w/ a snow day (just a day of course as I'm not a winter person :)
And thank you for your kind words. I know you ladies will be there for me.

Stuff duck or lamb (those are cute!)
And try mentioning no chocolate or jelly beans to J

I'll probably fill some eggs w/ some baby snacks and some not so good junk food for her.
Our community does this annual egg hunt every year, so we may let her join in on the fun.

It probably would matter if you push your luck.
W/ such good boys, you'll have helping hands when #3 comes along, :D

If you can manage computer time w/ a newborn and a toddler (energetic too), you are doing a great job!
How's BFing? No allergic reaction from Kade I hope?

Glad to hear that J is doing better.
I know you don't post often and I'm having a hard time remembering who you and J are.
Please remind me again (ie....some newborn pictures and recent ones if you feel comfortable :)

Yep, toddler hugs and kisses are beyond cute!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MrsM, seriously. When people ask me when #2 is coming along I ask if they have met my child. T has not done the slack arm either! Surprising! I only intervene with the hang banging if I think she is going to hurt herself otherwise I just let her get out her frustrations. I ignore her. I figure she just wants my reaction/attention.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Yeah, I try to ignore it too. Except that it''s an old house. Many generations of people have lived in this house, raising their families. How embarassing would it be if my toddler was the one who razed it to the ground?

She can have a sibling when hell freezes over. Yes, I had a rough day!

She gave me a damp, sticky kiss before bedtime though. Totally makes up for the rest.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 3/1/2010 5:12:52 PM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
Has she mastered Rubber Legs too? You know -when you try to pick them off the floor mid-tantrum in an unsuitable location, and put them back on their feet, there is no tensile strength in the limbs from below the knee, so they just crumple again?

J coupled that w/ the "no shoulders" where she just collapsed her shoulders and slid out of our grips when we tried to pick her up.
ETA: I guess that's what TGal called 'slack arms'


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/1/2010 5:29:45 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MrsM, seriously. When people ask me when #2 is coming along I ask if they have met my child. T has not done the slack arm either! Surprising! I only intervene with the hang banging if I think she is going to hurt herself otherwise I just let her get out her frustrations. I ignore her. I figure she just wants my reaction/attention.
OK, I''ll keep the slack arms because the head banging thing sounds scary!
The slack arms is annoying because I can''t pick her up...she does this when she knows she is going into time out. When I get her over the time out cage (which is shaped like a triangle), she''s learned to do the spread eagle, so I have to angle her in. Very difficult when I''m holding her like a barrel since she''s still doing slack arms.

The WORST is slack arms when I am trying to get her out of the bathtub (she hates being taken out). Slippery and very dangerous.


Nov 18, 2004
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and support.
I''m doing ok most days.
Trying not to think about it too much during this waiting time.
Ideally, I hope for my body to do it''s thing, but at the same time, I don''t think I can and should wait too long.
I''ll wait a week and see if things progressed before setting up an appt w/ the dr for a D&C.
I know it is pretty inevitable, but w/ the lack of crampings and spotting,
I can''t help but have a small glimmer of hope that the little one would make a jumpstart to a quick recovery.


Nov 20, 2006
qt YAY!! for M!! that''s great that he even pooped on the toilet as well.

jas12 sounds rough with Co since i guess it seems that he is usually pretty well behaved. but hopefully it will get better. and i agree, kids can totally sense things like a new baby.

tacori i LOVE the toddler stage. B entertains me way too much with the things that he does and says. kids really are funny. i like to go out with the boys now since noah is still so darn easy and just happy as can be when he''s awake.

janine C sounds too cute!!! it''s so fun to watch them be silly and laugh at themselves.

sbde glad that J is doing better. i definitely am not an idol, but thanks, you are sweet. if B wasn''t so well behaved when we are out and if noah wasn''t the perfect baby, there would be no way i would even attempt to go out with the 2 of them. but we have done it before, to the mall, zoo, on walks, to the park. i''m taking advantage of it until noah isn''t happy just hanging out anymore.

MG so glad that the sleeping is back on track!!

snlee haha, D sounds cute!!

bobo sometimes you just gotta let them be...i do with B a lot when he throws a tantrum and nothing will calm him down, i just leave him alone. hoping the tantrums ease up a bit.

burk yes, all of us lived through the first 2 months of the newborn stage and both of my boys are happy and healthy, and your 2 kiddos will be too! you''re a great mom and T knows it!!

lili haha...don''t think i''m ready to have another child anytime soon. and when and if i ever am, i''ll be lucky if B is still interested in helping with anything.

speaking of funny kids and tantrums...B was throwing a tantrum today so i just left him alone. then i went to check on him since it got really quiet. so i get him and ask what the tantrum is about and then we just started talking about random stuff. he then climbed on the sofa, a big no no, so i look at him and tell him no. instead of his usual yes mommy or ok mommy, he stares back at me. we were in the middle of a stare down!! he did not blink, would not blink. i couldn''t help but to laugh like 3o seconds into it. and it wasn''t like he was smiling, he was staring at me like i did something wrong!! it cracked me up but i know i shouldn''t have laughed.

ok gotta go feed noah.


May 1, 2005
Tacori, I hope it''s a girl this time, but of course being healthy is the most important thing then the gender. Mental image of Tessa give hugs good bye with their butts stick out really cracks me up...

Thanks MG, I''m half way there. I''m just praying on my next OB appt. they won''t ask to stay on bedrest for longer period because I know on my disability form they put the date for me back to work is April 30.

Thanks lili, Bear hugs to you, you are such a brave mama.

puffy, That is what I usally do, just walked away ad ignore him but that don''t always work. He have master the cried until he puked part...


Oct 6, 2004
Tacori, I didn''t get a video but I snapped a few pictures. I''ll try to get a video this weekend.

MGal, haha. I love funny faces when they are trying new foods!

Tantrums, ahh no fun. D hasn''t had a full blown one, where he throws himself on the ground. But he does yell, cry, and sometimes hits when he doesn''t get his way. And he has mastered rubber legs and slack arms. We call that jelly, where his body just goes limp and it''s nearly impossible to hold him.

Kisses make up for everything though! D recently started giving kisses. If you ask for a kiss he leans into your face and waits for you to kiss him and gives you a wet slobbery one! He always does this before going to bed. I love it!


Oct 6, 2004
lili, hang in there. we are here for you. big hugs.


Dec 16, 2007
All this talk of tantrums is cracking me up! Better to laugh than cry, right?

Hunter still nurses every morning and when he gets home from daycare. We''ll see how it all goes as the weeks progress. I don''t plan to stop letting him as long as he wants to.

Last night he had the monster of all poop explosions, but did not wake us up so we didn''t discover it until this morning!
Seriously gross. I threw out his onesie it was so explosive.

And he got sent home from daycare with a fever! I am not surprised since I had one last week and DH is sick. Poor liittle guy.


Nov 20, 2006
DD hope hunter gets well soon!!

snlee awwww, kisses are the best! i still love getting kisses all day from B. i''ll enjoy them while i can.


May 16, 2006
Lili--keep us posted as to how things go, and take it easy! Must be really stressful just waiting. And i too would hold out a bit of hope as well. I think that''s normal.
Jadie is a smart cookie, showing empathy after pinching you! Co just tries to avoid eye contact b/c he hates being in trouble

Burk--i feel for you. I can''t imagine how tiring and stretched you must feel . i am really excited about this new kid, but i am really worried about how i''ll split my time and meeting all those demands in the first few weeks. It seems that every mom finds that the hardest adjustment to having #2. At least you know that things get much easier and T will get more and more used to being a big sis (but it does sound like all in all she is doing great!). Hope you can get some help from family and maybe sneak a nap or an hour away for some ''you'' time!

Thanks for the support with Mr. Spicy everyone . Gotta love this stage. He was actually pretty great today. I did a little reading over lunch about some positive discipline techniques for toddlers and they sat well with me. I believe that time outs will work eventually, but i also wanted some alternatives. I think i might hold off on them until he''s old enough to understand his emotions a bit more. I am just not sure he''ll learn more than "punishment" at this stage, whereas i''d like to start that long process toward self-regulating emotions instead of doing/not doing things out of fear of punishment. It''s a fine line. He''s very sensitive & contemplative and acts out so rarely i would like to try something more supportive first & if that doesn''t work i am all for more extreme measures!! I think every kid needs a diff. strategy based on their personality. My cousin had one kid that the time out worked like magic, the other, nope.
I just need to find the right fit as he heads into his lovely twos.


Dec 29, 2004
Jas, the only thing we use time out for right now is for throwing and hitting. She has not needed to go in for hitting yet (since so far she''s only hit by accident), but throwing she has. definitely gone in for time out I don''t put her in if she''s whingy or having a meltdown. I don''t think she''d understand that. But I''m very quick to give her a warning for "No throw" and if she does it again, it''s "No throw. Amelia throw. Amelia time out." If she throws and I put her in, she remembers not to throw for the rest of the day and then some. She''s allowed to throw balls in the house, but not other toys, food, or whatever. And it usually has it be a very obvious throw (which normally only happens when she''s PO''d about something.)

The rest I do by stern looks, ignoring and walking away from tantrums, and positive reinforcement for good behaviors. For us, it''s working well. I can see why you would think time out would be tough for their age right now...I don''t think Amelia would get the correlation between difficult, weird, clingy behavior and time out. She does seem to understand that undesirable ACTIONS = time out. Plus I know that she knows darn well what throwing is.

Be back to catch up tomorrow!


Jan 3, 2005
A v quick drive by from me, but just wanted to say to Lili how sorry i am
I must have missed reading that somewhere and just wanted to give you big big big hugs..

Jas12: K is in the exact same boat as Co! He has been throwing SO many tantrums which is very unlike him, crying, clingy, emotional etc...its been going on for almost a week now and its exhausting trying to calm him down enough while im exhausted is especially scary when I try to pick him and his arms and legs go flying everywhere and i end up getting a kick or a punch in the stomach
...glad though that you have had a better day and have read some techniques you feel comfortable with!

Bobo/Snlee: hope M/S gets better for you ladies!

To all the new mommies: Welcome!


Sep 21, 2006
The tantrum tales and descriptions are pretty funny, even though not for the mommiese at the time I''m sure! I actually am now thinking that C''s tantrums are not that bad. She''s still early on in the game though (17mo''s) and while she def yells/screams for something she really wants--and has thrown a toy in frustration (usually the shape sorter, she get so annoyed), she generally will stop if I tell her firmly...unless she doesn''t understand and thinks it''s funny. (i.e. when she tries to walk around on the bed--I''m v. firm with her, but she laughs. At which point I say ok, off to the crib and then she stops). She has yet to have a full on tantrum in public, but I''m sure I''ve just jinxed myself. I have not resorted to time outs yet--in my head I always said not before 18mo''s..

She also isn''t a big user of the jelly legs or slack arms yet--in fact she would love it if I picked her up constantly. It''s when I want to put her down that she resists--she goes into crouch position (think cannonball) so her legs won''t touch ground, but hey eventually she gives in, hehe.

Thanks for the easter feedback--I hadn''t thought of plastic eggs, great idea. I can hide those and she can go look to fill her basket. I''m not against chocolate, just though it was a bit early. The good news is she''s gotten a bit better w/toothbrushing (thanks for the suggestions on that!) so maybe that can make up for a morsel of chocolate on Easter.


May 16, 2006
Tgal--i think that''s the exact fine line i am worried about. The throwing is a perfect example of where i think a time out would work. It''s cause and effect, and when i considered using it (but didn''t have a space set up yet) it was b/c he was hitting furniture. We know our kids understand that correlation. The same goes for things with natural consequences (like when Co destroyed his styrofoam cup in the bath and wanted a new one, i didn''t scold i just told him no more cups b/c he broke his--it was a natural consequence of his choice & he was mad but then it was over). The problem with him right now is that i think his behaviour is due to life being nutty & in upheaval. Charlie is rarely around, the house is getting packed up, ppl keep asking him about this mysterious new baby and when charlie and I are in the same room for 5 mins it''s intense discussion about what needs to be ordered for the house, what bills came in that day, etc etc..
After i took him for a walk around the block when he was having his meltdown he was a new kid. He obviously needed some undivided attention and a change of scenery. Prior to this charlie and i were ignoring him (not on purpose) but we were really trying to get some stuff done & i realized later he was also really hungry b/c his schedule was wacky that day & lunch was 2 hours late! I think if i had given him a time out in that case it wouldn''t have addressed what was going on emotionally. I think i would have punished him for feeling insecure, hungry and frustrated. This is different than say, when we are playing happily and he does something to test, gets a warning, then tests again, b/c well, he''s 2 and that''s part of gaining independence. That’s where i see the value of a time out.
Now the tricky part for me is paying attention to the subtle difference and finding those alternative methods. Man, this parenting gig just gets more and more complicated. I now think you had a good point about your reasons for the only-child decision. It takes a lot of energy to do this right.

Msb--glad to know i am not alone

. Don''t you find it''s so hard to motivate yourself to deal with that behaviour when you are exhausted? I am already slow moving at 26 weeks, the next 3 mos are going to be oh so much fun
. And i laugh when students or co-workers offer to carry a little box of books or something for me b/c i am pregnant. Nice gesture, but try a 30 lb kid that doesn''t want to be picked up! Come over and help me with that!!

Tacori--oh that''s so cute that T loves the icons. Does she sit on your lap quietly? My lap top is a mess thanks to Co. I can''t really bring it out when he''s around. I showed him some Youtube elmo clips on it once and now he just pesters me to death to watch more. Annoying


May 16, 2006
oh ya, i like the plastic egg hunt idea for easter too! Co hasn''t really had candy yet (at least not that i know of) , but the other day he found a chocolate chip on the floor ( i was making cookies ) and he came over and asked if he could have it. I let him (ya, that''s gross but whatever) and he didn''t ask for more so i don''t think he really likes chocolate much.
Cookies however, he loooves, so maybe we''ll make some bunny cookies as a special activity.


Dec 16, 2007
Jas12 Are you familiar with attachment theory? I ask because it is totally normal for a child to show the types of clingy or attention seeking behaviours that Co is showing given the upheaval and his probable anxiety over it. I think you are right that using time outs or other methods is not the way to handle it. When kids worry or feel that their attachment figures are too distant, either physcially ot emotionally, they will do things to get their attention and increase proximity. That is even sometimes what bad behaviour is, like tantrums etc. Part of the puzzle, it seems to me, is always trying to be as aware as possible of the whole context of the child''s behaviour and the role that our own behaviour plays in starting, or maintaining, a cycle with our kids. Do you think it is possible to try and schedule some undividied mommy time into Co''d day? And some daddy time too? Like the walk you took? It could really help if it helps him feel more secure, and the added benefit is that he would be getting attention for his good behaviour and not only when he is acting out emotionally.
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