
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Congratulations Puffy! I''m so happy for you and your family and I''m looking forward to seeing pics of your little bundle! What a wonderful holiday gift.

lili, without the nap, she''s ok, but ready for bed much earlier. That would be fine with me but it would mean she was asleep before DH got home some nights and up too late on the nights when she travels with him (her daycare is at his office). I want to keep bedtime constant, since she''s good at going to sleep at night and I don''t want to risk messing with that! She could be needing a longer nap, but I don''t really know how to achieve that. She screams blue murder as soon as she wakes up. If I don''t get to her straight away she goes a little crazy.

TGal, I wish my Amelia would hang out and sing in her crib! If I left her much more than 5 minutes after waking, I suspect she''d demolish the crib and head on out to the kitchen. This kid likes her breakfast and she''s cranky until we feed her in the mornings. When I say "I" in this context, I mean DH. He does the am shift because I''m too bleary and dozy in the mornings to be trusted with a baby. I put my car keys in the fridge this morning and a small portion of cheese in my coat pocket.


May 1, 2005
Quick drive by to say,

Congrats puffy!!! Can't wait to see the picture of baby noah.

Work is crazy, will catch up with you ladies later~


Apr 9, 2005
puffy, just wanted to congratulate you on this thread as well!!! So glad it was quick and easy. Can''t wait to see pics of Noah. Hope everyone is doing well.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
PUFFY! YAY! I am so glad Noah made it before Christmas. Hopefully you will be able to go home too! Congrats mama!!!

TGal, you do NOT want to know when T goes to bed. Haha. But for now it is working for us.

Lili, I have a feeling I will do a lot of drawing with her. When I used to babysit it was always demanded of me. That is so funny that she pretended like nothing happened. She is so cute.

Janine, I just can''t keep track of months anymore. I still say she just turned two when people ask.


Feb 17, 2007
Congrats Puffy! I loooove the name Noah!


Jan 3, 2005
aw puffy congrats! glad everything went smoothly and can''t wait to see of picture of Noah!

Neat-happy 1 year to the boys. love the picture, they are so darn cute!

tgal-i''m so jealous that A sleeps 12 hours at night. Jake was up again this morning at 5:15. I would leave him but he starts yelling for me and will usually wake my big girls. I''m pretty sure he does play for a little while before calling me but cannot figure out why he''s waking so early. last night we were at my sisters for dinner and he didn''t get into bed until 8:30 and I thought it would be a good chance to see if going to bed later made any difference but apparently it does not. these super early mornings are wearing me out. especially now that school is out and I''ve got all kids around 24/7.

lili- jake usually naps around 2 hours sometimes 2 1/2.

hope everyone else is doing well.


Apr 17, 2008
Congrats PuffY! So glad everything went smoothly.
Can''t wait for your pictures


Dec 29, 2004
Ha Tacori, I think I''d be fine with knowing, as long as it''s not 1am (I''ve seen 2 year olds go to bed that late, btw!)

mrss, I can see how the sibling factor can make things complicated. I''m not sure if a later bedtime would help, unless you consistently moved that way for a week or so to see if it makes any difference. And I know this sounds counter intuitive, and may not work because you have a very reasonable bedtime for Jake already, but have you tried putting him down a 1/2 hour earlier? Like, I said, it may not work because Jake is getting enough sleep at 10.5 hours, but who knows.


Jan 3, 2005
Puffy!!! congratulations!!! this is great news! hope you and Noah and everyone r doing good!

NF: Happy b-lated on your boys!! i can''t believe how quickly time passed by! they are so adorable

Burk: how was T''s Christmas program?? i can''t access FB at work anymore
and i usually forget to check when i go home!!! so not sure if u posted any pics or videos..

MrsS: awwww!! sorry to hear about Jake falling down

Vespergirl: yay on the successful transition!!

Tacori: so cute about the christmas tree no touch!!! 24 is as far as i can go in using months for age..i loose count after that :)

Nap/Sleep/Wake-up time: i have a 2.5 yr old..i STILL struggle with him STTN!!!! he was a PERFECT sleeper when younger..8 hrs by 8 weeks, 12 hrs by 12 weeks..he started teething...and everything went downhill from there
7.gif he CONSTANTLY has dreams..and talks in his sleeps..cries out (while asleep)...eventually it wakes him up..i have NO idea how to get over that
...he has no more naps..he wakes up (when there is no pre-school) around 7 and sleeps by 7..he is on the go, non-stop for those 12 hrs he''s is EXHAUSTING!! any1 have any suggestions on how to calm him down enuf or try to minimize those dreams!? i always try to have a calm, quiet environment for at LEAST 1 to 1.5 hrs before he goes down at nite...but it hasn''t helped


May 9, 2006
Quick pop in to say YAY PUFFY!!!!! Welcome Noah!

We had Christmas with the IL''s last night and we are heading to my parents today but hopefully I''ll have some time to get caught up with everyone over the weekend! Happy Holidays all!! Hope everyone who celebrates has a Merry Christmas!


Sep 21, 2006
Couple random baby item questions (I''m at work today and soo not wanting to be--hence the boring posts):

*at what age is a kitchen ideal for a little girl (TGal''s awesome kitchen got me thinking!)
*grobags: are these practical for a toddler? C likes to kick her legs about, not sure if she''ll be ok with being in a bag. But it''s cold now and she always moves away from her blankets and ends up curled in a ball with no covers!

Not much else to report--been kind of a tough Xmas season. Nothing really bad, just annoying things that make the daily grind exhausting. Makes it hard to be in the Christmas spirit, but I will try my best for C!

To all of you I wish you the happiest of holidays (Merry Christmas!!) and looking forward to sharing 2010 with you!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
TGal, I aim for 9:30 but she usually goes to bed around 10.

Janine, T got her kitchen from my parents for her first b-day. She probably started REALLY playing with it (not just opening and closing the fridge or oven) around 18 months. She LOVES it now and pretends to cook for me. It is something that will last for awhile. I LOVE her kitchen b/c it looks retro and is red (wanted to avoid a pink think in case I ever have a boy) and it is wooden. I use blankets for T.

msb, sorry K isn't sleeping well. Hope that changes before the new baby comes!

Happy Holidays to all of my favorite mamas and toddlers!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I expect LOTS of photos next week!!!


Nov 14, 2004

I don’t have a kitchen yet… I mean M doesn’t have a kitchen. M had fun playing, opening the drawers & door and putting plates/dishes in and out when we took her to a birthday party at 11 months. So it can be fun for them even before they get into actual pretend play. And it really grows with them and their imaginations with pretend play.

Grobags – To be honest, I don’t think M actually like being in one b/c obviously she can’t move around and get up as easily. So we put it on her right before we brush her teeth, and right after she wakes up. She can get into a standing position with the bag on in her crib or by pulling up on something, but it’s more work than usual. We just put her in a long sleeves onesie and the bag, and that keeps her nice and toasty (her legs are warm when I change her in the morning). M had gotten used to the bag though b/c she isn’t fighting when we put it on her now.

Can you tell that I am also at work? Hehe.

Have a happy holiday to everyone.


Jan 3, 2005
janinegirly: I dont have a kitchen for K, but when we go to one of those gymboree style kiddie places, he LOVES playing with the one they have there..he only showed real interest in it though when he was about 18 months or so? I use blankets for khalid coz he loves moving his legs and hed hate being restricted (though I used them up until he was 10 months maybe?)

Tacori: Thanks! i REALLY hope it sorts out quickly..i hardly get any sleep now as it is..can u believe i get up to go to the bathroom about 4 times thru the nite if not more?! and im only 4 months preggo!!!!

Happy Holidays everyone :)


Nov 18, 2004
Wow, I think J averages about 11 hrs of sleep a day.
If her sleep is longer, she gets a shorter nap, else she''ll get a 2 hr nap.
I can''t complain since it is a lot more sleep now than when she was younger :)
How great it is that A is content to just hang out by herself for more than half an hour.
I think J is ok for 10 that''s when she''ll start poking my face to wake up.

Maybe Jake is like J who doesn''t need as much sleep.
J sleeps 10 hrs for the night and get a 1.5 hr nap during the day.

They put out the kitchen set for the kids at daycare when there were about 15 months.
They do love opening and closing those cabinets and putting pots and food away.
I think once they can walk w/ things in their hands, they can enjoy the kitchen set.

Haha....better brush up on your drawing skills then.
Another thing J loves is tracing her body parts.
She''ll put her hand, foot, face, butt (yes, she''ll sit on the notepad) and have us trace them.
Great for when I''m too lazy to doodle something for her.

Sorry to hear that Khalib is not sleeping well at night.
Hope it gets better before the new baby arrives.
So are you guys going to find out the sex?

Happy Holidays to my favorite group of PS ladies and kiddies!


Nov 20, 2006
hey mommies!!! we''ve been home since yesterday but we''re just adjusting to life with 2 kids! B has been a dream...he''s there every step of the way trying to help mommy and explore his baby brother at the same time. it''s pretty cute. noah''s been like all babies at 2 days old...tired! my milk came in so he''s happy and i''m happy. DH went back to work today, which sucks, but i knew he wasn''t going to be able to take days off.

B and noah look so similar when they were born. i mean, yeah they''re brothers.
here''s a pic of noah...

merry christmas!!! hope everyone has a wonderful christmas!!



Nov 14, 2004
Awww puffy. Noah is so adorable. Glad you are adjusting to 2 kids well. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow.


Jan 3, 2005
Puffy: Noah is so adorable!!! it must be a relief that B is so good around his younger brother! Hope you have a great holidays with the boys..

Lili: Yeah we''ll definitely try to find out the sex...i can''t handle the suspense! hahaha..i really hope Khalid sleeps well before the baby comes
last night when he made all these sounds while dreaming, i just went into his room and plopped straight next to him on his bed (he''s got a big boys bed) and crashed...he wasn''t even close to me, but he slept thru without a peep till 8 this morning!! thing is as the tummy expands, this wont be such a comfortable arrangement anymore ..


Jan 3, 2005
puffy- what a cutie! congats to you again.

waiting on my munchins to wake up so we can open presents!! I know I''m more excited than they are
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Puffy, he''s gorgeous! Congratulations Mama!


May 9, 2006
Merry Christmas everyone!! DH is out shoveling and T is napping (well supposed to be napping....she's playing in there) so I have a minute to catch up. We had Christmas with DH's family Wednesday night and my family last night so today we're just relaxing. The weather has been HORRIBLE and so we are pretty much snowed into our house. T's Christmas program was great. She did so well. I have to get it up on FB along with pics from our family Christmas celebrations. Hope you all had a great holiday!

lili~I am currently planning to teach up to my due date but I'll just have to wait and see how I feel and how my classes are going. I took off a week before I had T and it was nice to finish nesting and get some rest so I may take a little time off to spend with T before baby Kade gets here.

vesper~Yay for a smooth transition into the big boy bed!!!

Tacori~That is so awesome that you are good at drawing. T is always asking me to draw but I'm horrible and she's probably the only one who appreciates my drawings of babies and houses!
Oh, and I think 2 is my cut off for counting by months...especially because I'll have 2 to keep track of!
Oh, and the bank contacted DH last week and wanted to accept our offer on that forclosure house...not sure what we're going to do now!

Puffy~Noah is a sweetheart!! Hope B had a great Christmas and continues to be such a good big brother.

msb~Sorry K is having sleep issues. T has been too at times lately. I wonder if it's bad dreams? I can't access FB at work either and it's a huge bummer! I'll try and get the video and Christmas pics up soon!

RE sleep: T sleeps 7:30-7:30 typically. I usually let her play in her crib for 15 or 20 minutes when she wakes in the mornings depending on how tired I am!
Lately she's been waking at night here and there and is so upset. I'm thinking it's bad dreams but it's a major PITA and I'm hoping it gets better before the new baby gets here.


May 9, 2006


May 9, 2006
Hi all! We just sold the house right before the holiday, so it''s been more nutty than usual. Just when I think I''m getting more PS time...I''m not!

I hope you all had a beautiful holiday and are looking forward to the New Year.

I''ve been thinking about the last difficult and rewarding. A year ago, I was waking every 2-3 hours with Jackson...and now he''s a champion sleeper! A year ago we were doling out 3 or 4 ounces of milk, and now they''re eating like champs, although the concept of silverware seems tricky right now.

We are all so blessed by our little stinkers!

One of my resolutions is to really allow myself time to STOP 15 minutes every day and check in...even if it means taking a little longer to pack the house. I sometimes feel isolated here with the bambinos and you are all my lifeline!

It''s snowing horizontally here in Chicago. It''s beautiful and I''m happy to be home with tons of leftover cookies! (My other resolution is to exercise. Really, my behind looks like it''s been molded out of Play-Doh).


Nov 18, 2004
Baby Noah is darling.
I do see B in him.
But you know, they change so much.
My sister''s 2 boys were so similiar at birth, but they are really different as the months pass.
Hope you and your boys enjoyed the holiday.
Bummer that your hubby couldn''t get more time at time.
What kind of company is it that have him go back to work on Christmas Eve w/ a new baby at home?

Hope everyone had a great Christmas watching their kiddies open presents.
Wishing you all a happy new year!


Jan 3, 2005
Burk-sounds like all your christmas''s were great fun and there is something magical about being snowed in at christmas time. then I''d want the snow to be gone for the rest of the winter

jas-congrats on selling the house and yay for being snowed in with a bunch of cookies
best of luck with the rest of the packing and the move. I hope it goes as smoothly as possible. I hear ya on the exercise. we went to the gym this morning and I made myself do 30 min. on the elliptical. I was so not in the mood but knew after I really needed to do something and it was nice to put all the kids in the nursery and have 30 minutes to myself

lili-did J have a good Christmas? Jake had more fun upwrapping than actually playing with any of his new toys.

Hope all the rest of you had a nice Holiday. Our Christmas was wonderful. I had all 5 of my kids at the house, my parents, my sister and her family and my brother and his friend who were in from AZ. lots of food, singing carols and kids playing and laughter. My santa was very good to me and brought me a new dslr camera that I''ve been wanting for some time now. Now I''ve got to figure out how exactly to use it


Nov 20, 2006
hi mommies!!! both boys are down for a nap, so i have a quick minute before i have to get house stuff done.

msb wow, sounds tough with K and his dreams. hope things get better for you and him before the baby comes. he naps at preschool but not at home and he isn''t tired?

mrsS sounds like your christmas went very well. YAY for a dslr!!!

burk how are you feeling? hope T''s been sleeping better without the waking at night.

lili DH''s family runs a very successful restaurant and he knew he wasn''t going to be able to take days off because it was the holidays and going to be super busy. and i do understand, but kinda wished it was different. i would think that the ILS would want him to stay home for at least a few days and help out a bit, but i guess i was wrong.

we had a wonderful christmas. B got everything that he wanted and tons more. he had a blast opening gifts and opening noah''s gifts as well. noah slept through the entire thing. B really loves being an older brother. he will even ask me if he can play with a certain toy because it''s so loud and he doesn''t want to wake noah up, he''s really sweet with him as well, wants to hold and kiss him all the time. and when i put noah down in the bassinet, B will stand over it and watch him sleep and blow kisses to him.

hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and wishing everyone a very happy new year!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Hey Mamas! Tessa had a great x-mas. I think opening so many gifts was overwhelming b/c she wanted to play with each thing as she opened it. Her favorite toys is a new doll stroller and some accessories (baby bib, little bottle, sippy, etc). She really does love being a little mama. My MIL also got her a doll p''np which is pretty cute. She also got a scooter, trike, house/tent thing, play potty, food for her kitchen, pjs, and some other toys.

msb, oh the joys of pregnancy. Luckily they are worth it.

Lili, that is a good idea to trace her body parts. I will have to try that!

Puffy, Noah is adorable. Sorry your DH couldn''t take some time off. I am glad B is helping you out though!

MrsS, I loved seeing T''s reactions to her gifts too. Her eyes would get huge and she would say "wow!" or "cool!" Haha. Can''t wait to see pics on your new camera. I loved the shots of all 5 kids. How fun.

Burk, sorry about the weather. At least it is festive! Good luck with the house situations. Everything happens for a reason. I really believe that. Keep me updated!

Jas, yay for selling your house during the slow season! I hear ya on a play-doh body. I have been a slacker and a cookie monster. The result is not pretty.


May 9, 2006
jas~Congrats on your house sale!!

mrss~It was so cool to have such a white Christmas but my feelings wouldn''t be hurt if it went away soon!
Sounds like you had a perfect Christmas!!

puffy~I actually feel really good....thinking it must be the fact that I''m wearing lounge pants and yoga pants every day!
Sounds like B had an awesome Christmas and is adjusting very well to being a big brother! Sorry your DH wasn''t able to take more time off. That''s hard. Is your mom helping out though?

Tacori~T has a little p''np for her babies and is obsessed with it! What trike did you end up getting? I got T one for her birthday so I''d like a review!
I agree that everything happens for a reason so if this forclosure thing is supposed to work out, it will I''m sure. I''ll let you know what happens.

Weather is still cold but it at least quit snowing. I really need to go get some groceries but so don''t want to go out in this! I think we''re all getting a little cabin fever, however, so a trip to the grocery store may be what I need!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Burk, this is the time I love living in the south most. I mean it is rainy and does get cold but NOTHING like the midwest. This is the one she has. Target had it on sale for (I think) $49 a month or so ago. My parents bought the same one for her this summer and T LOVES it. Also it has the best parents steering from the reviews I looked at. The handle comes off when she is ready (which won''t be for awhile). She also loves her new scooter. which also comes in red but my SIL really wanted to get her the pink. She has been having fun. Luckily our downstairs is all hardwood and the layout is one big circle which is perfect for rainy or cold days.


Jan 3, 2005
tacori, I totally want to get that bike for Jake sometime next year. He would love it. I love my new camera too. I haven''t had much time to go through the manuals yet and am thankful it''s designed to work great in auto. But, I am excited to spend a little time actually learning about lighting etc. It has a child setting which I want to play around with too.
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