
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi ladies!

Blushing - such a big welcome and virtual hug to your TWO babes. I'm sure they are absolutely gorgeous and that you are a natural mama!

Mara - j sounds like he has such a great little personality! hope that he starts appreciating his mama's cooking soon!

snlee - welcome back! so glad that you are enjoying it just as much or maybe more the second time around!!!

Ally - I always love your photos. such a cute, cute little one you've got.

DRK - hurray for 6.5 months. way to be stubborn in the best way possible ;))

Charger - I go back to work on the same day as you. ;( I'm just not ready.

myj - hope that you're feeling better!!

lindsey - i am getting those ice cube things asap. brilliant!

I can't remember the last time I posted - we've been busy over at casa lulu. we went away to rehoboth beach for a week before my husband started his new job. it was the *worst* weather for a beach vacation. literally cold and rainy every day, but the house was pretty amazing and had a great covered deck with an outdoor fireplace which took away a lot of the chill!

Nora's doing great. There were a couple of nights (3 to be exact) where she was up nearly every two hours at night needing/wanting to feed. i was *so* not used to that kind of a schedule since she didn't even do that as a newborn. having a great sleeper definitely made me soft in the sleep deprivation area. mama's eyes were tired. i thought maybe it was the four month wakeful period or a growth spurt, but as mara put it, just lots of infant speculation . . . she seems to have sorted herself out and last night pulled a nice long 8.5 hour stretch. sweet relief.

she's also been super fun - smiley, giggly, social. her wakeful stretches have been longer - about an 1.5 to an hour (she's always been a baby that needs a lot of sleep) so she's still napping about 5 times a day. We have successfully deswaddled (did it before the beach, had to use the swaddle at the beach and then deswaddled again without a hitch this week) and now are working on the self-soothe, put herself to sleep, drowsy but awake, etc. this is all in prep for when I return to work :o at the very beginning of next month and she goes to day care. monday was day one and it's getting better and better . . .

here's a little i-phone collage of when we were still thinking/hoping that the sun would come out and it wouldn't rain all week . . .

beach baby.jpg
lulu - awwww........ :love: !!! Such a precious little thing!
Blushing 2 oz. after 3-4 hours since the last feed seems slightly low to average for a singleton baby at 3 weeks PP. For two babies, this seems on the low side for sure. A lot of people will tell you "oh the babies are getting more, they're more efficient than the pump." Which is true that they're better at massaging the milk glands with their mouth and drawing more milk (although probably not great at first since not all babies are efficient eaters early on), but I don't believe babies magically get several extra ounces each session (save for a few women who truly do not respond to the pump.) I agree with you that the PIS is a great pump and should be doing the job for you.

I would definitely start pumping for a few minutes after as many feeds as you can. Also for fenugreek to boost your production, check the mg of your pills but with most, you need to be taking at least 9 a day (3 capsules 3 times a day.) The mother's milk tea really did boost my supply on a number of occasions when I was doing a lot of pumping early on and having issues, so you can give that a shot too. It contains fenugreek among other herbs to support lactation. I would say if you don't see a boost within 3-4 days after tons of pumping and really increasing your fenugreek or adding mothers milk tea as well, I would consider domperidone. I've heard that doctors in the US won't prescribe it for low milk supply, and most women buy it online without a prescription. drk can weigh in here, I don't know if it boosted her supply a ton, she has been working sooo hard on her supply since K was born. I used to lurk on the "exclusive pumpers" board of a popular baby forum, and many women were very, very successful with it and even ended up with oversupply. While an oversupply can be a pain, I'd much rather sort that out later than dealing with a possible low supply and twins.

Also something to know about when you're pumping, most women pump less and less the later in the day it is. So on the three days a week that I work first thing in the morning I pump around 7-9 ounces. Three hours after that it's 5 ounces, another three hours later I get 5 ounces, three hours later I get 4 ounces. At my 9-10pm pump I get 2-4 ounces. So depending on what time of day you pumped your 2 oz...
Lulu - don't you love it when they clasp their little hands together? I think it's just the cutest thing. Great pics, even on a phone!

BB - I agree with everything Lindsey said. Sounds like for twins your supply is on the low side, and her suggestions for ramping it up are good. I find my output is pretty consistent through the day, basically 1oz per hour. I get a little less out when I'm stressed at work, and sometimes a little more in the evening at home. Sometimes not. It fluctuates from about 24-27oz total a day. After all the work I've done to build up a supply, I basically get out 90mL after 3 hours from starting my last pumping session.
My supplements/meds regimen is:
- fenugreek 4 capsules 3 times a day
- blessed thistle 3 capsules 3 times a day
- domperidone 40mg 4 times a day. This is a higher dose than most people usually take. I think I started off at 30mg 3 times a day, but they increased it further when I was still having supply issues. This link has some other tips on increasing milk supply, as well as info on domperidone:
I have heard that doctors in the US generally won't prescribe domperidone for increasing milk production. It's very widely used in Canada for the purpose. I'm not really sure what effect it had in increasing my supply, since I was still BF and pumping when I started using it, and I also went on the herbs at the same time. You can also get gross-tasting herbal liquids like More Milk Plus and see if taking those would help. I bought them, but haven't used them much. I think when my current bottles of fenugreek and blessed thistle run out, I might switch over to use up the liquids.

I'd better try to get a new photo of K for BPF, since I've fallen behind on posting them. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's cuties!
Lord have mercy! My beautiful, sweet little girl chugalugged almost 50 oz yesterday!! :errrr: She screams like she's being maimed when she's hungry and she just wouldn't stop eating!! But, she last ate at 10 pm and then not again until 5:30am. The day before, she "only" ate 30 oz which is much less than normal so maybe she was trying to make up for it and prepare for sleeping through the night. IDK, but I still can't wrap my mind around it.

Anywho, I never make the BPF, but I had time to do it today, so here it is. These were a few days ago. The first is how tired she gets before she'll finally give into sleep, notice the red rimmed eyes and dazed expression. The second is just after a bath with her curly hair and "singing." The third is the crying pumpkin. Nana insisted she have pictures taken in this furry pumpkin coat thing. Lily wasn't pleased! lol. It's funny, I treasure these pictures where she's not a perfect smiling bundle of joy. They are the real Lily, as close to perfect as I could ever wish for.



drk said:
PB - I'm nervous about flying in Dec with K at 9 months too. She was easy at 8 weeks, but now gets bored more easily, and with her long night-time sleep, I'm a little worried about that getting screwed up by jet lag. I hope we can get things shifted around and get back on track when we come back home. I think we'll try to take along a couple small favourite toys, plus maybe a couple small new toys. We booked our flight in the evening so she might sleep through most of the flight over. I think we'll probably get an umbrella stroller we can gate check. I'll look forward to seeing whatever other tips you get.

There will be a slight time difference (2 hours) where I am going, but even that is enough I wonder what will happen - if he stays on the same schedule he will go to bed at 5pm and be up at 3am! That doesn't seem like much fun at all. But of course he doesn't know the time has shifted..why would he?

I went a different route with the flight. I thought about taking one that travelled in the evening, but then I thought what if with all the excitement of new surroundings, noise, lights he doesn't sleep? And then he would be really, really cranky :errrr: So I thought at least if it's during the day and he misses a nap, he'll be cranky but he can sort of handle it, KWIM? Aaaah, I hope I made the right choice! And I hate that I am flying alone with him, I wouldn't be as worried if D was coming along.

I think I am just going to use his carrier, rather than get a stroller for the airport, just trying to decide if I should use my wrap or my beco. In my mind it seems like less stuff = easier, although maybe that is not the case.

So have none of the mommies on this thread flown with their little ones yet?
If you have, speak up and reassure this nervous momma that I will be all right!
self-centered post ahead!

oh man, it's been a tough couple of days... I admit that N has spoiled us with sleeping through the night- i would usually wake him to nurse (1x), but stopped doing that about 2 weeks ago and he'd go from 9:30-6:30a. Well, that hasn't happened for the last 2 nights. It's almost like he's forgotten. And the ONE daytime nap that I could kinda count on has also flown out the window. he's just been generally sullen and randomly crying- very much unlike my sunny, happy baby!

I think that DH had had it, so he scheduled a doc appt yesterday, and I took him in. They didn't find anything wrong (thank goodness!), but the doc was concerned that he hadn't had a BM in 4 days (not terribly unusual for him). Anyway, he recommended a prune/water mixture. Sure enough, that did the trick late yesterday. But we again had a challenging night- he was up at 1:30 and 4:30a. He'll be 4 months next week- is this typical?? perhaps a growth spurt or sleep regression? Need to google and investigate, but thought i'd ask here. any advice, comments, etc.... would be very appreciated!!

sorry that I cannot write more to all the lovely mamas- just heard him crying (tried to put him down for his AM nap). Gotta run.
Lulu - Thanks! I love seeing pictures of Miss N, especially with her hats. Super cute.

Shiny - Great pictures of Miss L - even if they're not at her greatest moments. The third one cracks me up because A makes the same face when I try to prop her up for pictures.

PB - I can't imagine traveling with the LO by plane, let alone, without DH :eek: but I think some other mommies have flown alone with the LO and seem to be fine.

CG - Definitely sounds like the 4-month wakeful to me. A went through the same thing, waking up 1-2x a night. It was only 2.5 months ago, but seems soooo long ago. It lasted for about a week. I think her 4 month shots were bothering her too. JCrow's Em also went through this around the same time, I think??

AFM - A decided she only wanted a 30 min nap this morning. At least I got in a quick workout on the elliptical. Going out to get her costume today. Still don't know what I'm getting, but I'll probably end up with 2 costumes :rolleyes:
charger - not sure if you saw my post, but little N, the champion sleeper, went through a similar period. about four days when she was waking in the night about every two hours. at least for us, she got back to normal quickly, but I'm bracing for more of these little bumps/regressions . . .

so I'm watching my 14 month old nephew with nora today and oh boy. :o mama's going to need a glass of wine tonight ;)) toddlers are tricky. fortunately nora's in a great mood today and napping well, but juggling two babies is a j.o.b.

thanks for all the sweet comments about little n ::)

and sha - i don't think that i mentioned it in my previous post, but hurray for finding balance!!! a big, huge hurray.
ally - oh exercise. must find a way to fit it in. must.

pretty - i haven't flown with n yet. we were planning on visiting my father this weekend and had originally thought to fly, but we had an impromptu vacation recently and the trip is postponed. good luck. with my baby - i'd probably opt for her sling/carrier, but check a stroller at the gate (even though it's a lot). good luck again!!
Hi mamas.

BB, I always pumped about an ounce an hour too. I know other women pump more (jealous!!!) but Claire has been healthy, so I can't complain.

So last night Claire started crying at 10 p.m. I decided that she sounded like her teeth were really bothering her so I got her up for some tylenol. She went right back to sleep in my arms (so sweet), but when we tried to put her in the crib, she woke up, so DH volunteered to get up with her. His approach is to watch tv with her in the guest room until she settles down -- fine for a 3 month old, but not so much an almost one-year-old, IMO. Stimulating her with the tv is not the best idea.

So anyway, I hear her talking, playing, off and on for an hour, and then I start to wonder what's become of them, so I go in, and DH is completely asleep while Claire is climbing on him chattering. He didn't wake up when I took her and put her in her crib (where she fell asleep in about 3 seconds). I had to shake him to get him up. She totally could have fallen off of the bed in the guest room which has a wood platform that she could hit her head on. :o

I know we're lucky that our baby is almost one and has never fallen off of anything (as far as I know), but it just disturbed me. I don't think I could fall asleep, especially not so deeply, if I had my baby crawling around on a tall bed with me!

I guess part of the problem is that I hate feeling like I have to give DH instructions, so I hadn't nixed the tv approach, but she's too old for that. If she needs comforting, it should take place in her room in the dark, and then she should go back down as soon as she's calm.
Phoenix I can totally picture my DH doing something similar in a few months. Sometimes dads,as much as they love our little ones, just don't think. He probably thinks he's a champ of a husband for taking care of her so you could sleep!

EPing moms, my 4 week old is eating massive quantities of BM, like we can't seem to satisfy him unless we give him like 4 oz. Then he passes out for hours. Is this okay? He was 8 lbs on the dot earlier this week. I think the LC telling me he was eating too much (2.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours at 2 weeks) traumatized me!

It's Aidan's one month birthday today!!!!!!
pg - i have often done a big :rolleyes: to my husband . . .

and agree that soothing should be done in her room. no t.v. want me to talk to him for you :bigsmile:
PB- Sorry I missed your earlier questions about flying. I have now done 3 trips (so 6 flights) with O. Granted, he was older (10 months, then about 1 year, and then 13 months) but I did a LOT of thinking and planning beforehand.

I will say that I really stressed about it, and it was a lot easier than I thought. And I think it would have been even easier with a littler one.

Stroller- We didn't take one the first two trips and did the third. Carrying him in the Bjorn was WAY easier, but we needed the stroller on the other end this trip.
Car Seat- Are you renting a car on the other end? If so, just rent the car seat. If not, check your car seat and carry him at the airport.
Flight- Most people were super helpful. I can't remember how old your little one is. Ours was old enough that he had to be entertained. So I bought a few new toys and only brought them out on the plane. He was mostly entertained by the window shade and flirting with other people. I brought some disinfectant wipes and wiped down every surface right away- window, window shade, arm rests, trays, everything.

Time change- The first two trips O didn't really change his times, even though the first trip we were there over a week. So he usually goes from 7 pm to 7 am. First trip he went 6 pm to 6 am (1 hour difference). Second trip (2 hour difference)he got up at 5 am for the first two days, but by the third day slept till 6:30 or so. Last trip (2 hour time difference) he adjusted right away! So you never know.

What other questions do you have?

Charger- Yep, O did something similar at 4 months, and also started a nursing strike. Lasted a week or so, then went back to normal. Hang in there. If he was a good sleeper before, I bet he'll go back to it soon.

Phx- Love daddies, but man sometimes they just don't think. I keep saying next time I want to be the daddy. :cheeky:

Hudson- A month ALREADY???? Wow. Congrats on surviving the first month.
6 months today!

charger - yep em did the same about a week before she turned 4 months. she woke every 1.5-2 hours AT NIGHT to nurse! it was exhausting. it seemed to last a while. but now, at 6 months {today!} she's nursing 1 or 2 times a night. [she's on bm and no solids yet. that can make a difference on sleep.] it will pass!
Hey ladies, we are back from Disney World. Had some stressful times, but the great outweighed :bigsmile: The hardest thing was getting naps in. C is not a heavy sleeper and after the first 2 days of naps ending at 30 minutes by a screming child running past, I knew I needed to focus on making sure he got better naps. These short period naps resulted in him going to sleep at 11pm and midnight! That wasn't going to work.
We tried to get lunch while he napped, or give him his bottle before getting on a bus/monorail, and even a few times I was able to get him a nap in the crib at the hotel if we happened to be there for the afternoon... but I didn't push this by any means, since I wanted to be out and having fun as well.

I don't need to go into it, but let's just say, THAT won't be happening anytime again soon. By soon, I mean hopefully not in the next decade... and by "THAT" I mean a Family vacation that involves anyone but me, my DH, and our son. Being the only one with a baby on a family trip, is not fun. My MIL, who pretty much ignored myself and my DH the whole trip, gave my DH a lovely piece of advice re: me wanting C to be at quiet places for his naps... "Remember, HE joined YOUR family, you didn't join his."
:angryfire: WTF???

Taking the UPPA with us, worked incredible.

Re: Flying... this trip made the 6th and 7th flights we have taken with our little one. The first 3 were at 2 months and he slept the whole time (Dallas to Denver, Denver to SoCal, SoCal to Houston), the 4th was from Houston to Dallas and he slept, the 5th was Dallas to Houston and he stayed awake and was perfect the whole time...
These last trips were not quite as peaceful. Our flight there was working out perfectly. It was exactly time for his nap as we got onto the plane, and he took his bottle as we took off. He fell asleep right after the bottle. For the following 20 minutes, the flight attendants would not stop coming on the overcom. Mindless crap and jokes that resulted in no laughs and my child waking up over an hour and a half before his scheduled 2 hour nap. Thanks! He got fussy a few times, screamed once or twice, he finally fell asleep for about an hour before landing.
The flight home was the worst... He slept at the airport, and woke up about an hour before our flight. Which meant all we had to do was keep him occupied for an hour on the flight and then he would sleep the rest of the way, Great! Not. He took his bottle right on time, and then decided that he wasn't going to sleep. He did the screaming thing until DH walked him around the plane, and then was pretty much ok until we landed. Once we began taxiing to the gate, he lost it and wanted nothing to do with anymore planes or airports. He slept the whole way home.

Re: Time change... our first flights were to the West Coast (2hrs earlier). He was still pretty young and wasn't on a sleep schedule yet, so it didn't hinder him much at all.
This trip we went East (1hr later) I just made sure to have him in the crib between 9-10, so that it would translate to 8-9 CST which is his normal bedtime. It worked out pretty well for us. Luckily, C isn't on a nap schedule so we just do naps based on when he wakes up in the morning.
Hudson_Hawk said:
EPing moms, my 4 week old is eating massive quantities of BM, like we can't seem to satisfy him unless we give him like 4 oz. Then he passes out for hours. Is this okay? He was 8 lbs on the dot earlier this week. I think the LC telling me he was eating too much (2.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours at 2 weeks) traumatized me!

Holy cow that month flew by! Yay for you both surviving the first month!

I think he whole "eating too much" thing from ANYONE is a load of crock. Guidelines are just that, GUIDES, and every baby is different. I refuse to let my child go hungry just because someone else thinks he is overeating. Babies simply don't overeat, they stop when they are full. Micah has always spit out the bottle when he is done! Don't listen to the LC or your pedi if they tell you that, HH. A is healthy and happy, that is all that matters.
Hudson_Hawk said:
EPing moms, my 4 week old is eating massive quantities of BM, like we can't seem to satisfy him unless we give him like 4 oz. Then he passes out for hours. Is this okay? He was 8 lbs on the dot earlier this week. I think the LC telling me he was eating too much (2.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours at 2 weeks) traumatized me!

It's Aidan's one month birthday today!!!!!!

HH -- I don't exclusively pump, so I don't know how many oz he usually takes in while BFing. However, my DH once bottle fed him BM during a night feeding and he took in 5 oz then slept for 4-5 hours. This was when he was almost 6 wks, so I don't think your A drinking 4 oz is out of line. How often is he eating?

Congrats on the first month!
Hudson_Hawk said:
Phoenix I can totally picture my DH doing something similar in a few months. Sometimes dads,as much as they love our little ones, just don't think. He probably thinks he's a champ of a husband for taking care of her so you could sleep!

EPing moms, my 4 week old is eating massive quantities of BM, like we can't seem to satisfy him unless we give him like 4 oz. Then he passes out for hours. Is this okay? He was 8 lbs on the dot earlier this week. I think the LC telling me he was eating too much (2.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours at 2 weeks) traumatized me!

It's Aidan's one month birthday today!!!!!!

Happy one month Baby Hawk! :bigsmile: I'm not an exclusive pumper but my pedi told me that, generally speaking, breastfed babies consume the same number of ounces per day from the time they are one month until six months. That intake is usually between 25-30 ounces or so. N eats about 6 times per day so, when I give him expressed milk in a bottle, he gets 5 ounces which seems perfect for him. He will turn away anything more than that and he'll fuss with anything less. I went a long way about it but, what I'm trying to say, is that it doesn't seem at all too much to give A 4 ounces.
HH~ I can't believe it's been a month already! Happy birthday, baby Hawk!

PHX~ DH regularly falls asleep while holding Lily (with JT too) I put a pillow by him to keep her from rolling off, but JT learned to escape early! I had baby gates everywhere! Luckily, no one has gotten hurt besides DH's stiff neck.
HH - I'm with Puppmom. I thhink he's fine if he's getting 25+oz a day. Whether that's 2.5oz 10 times a day or 4oz 6 times a day isn't o important, I don't think.
Happy Friday! Here's my BPF contribution. My handsome man in his two month picture last week.

'I'll post more later - N is awake and happy so I want to take advantage and have some fun time!

IMG_1484 resize.jpg
omg! so cute pupp!!!!!!!!!!! i have to take aidan's 1 mo pic today.
pupp - such cuteness!

hh - happy one month!


so, yesterday em turned 6 months old. so cliche, but, um, where did the time go?! she celebrated by being sick. poor thing. so far it's just a snotty nose. ugh, so gross. i'm pretty sure she caught it from my friends kid who visited this past weekend. their youngest who is em's age was sick. it's em's first cold. on the much brighter side, she's sitting up! unassisted, although we place her in position. she's so close to getting there on her own. it's so neat to see her sitting up! such a big girl :]
Cute pic Pupp!

Ok, so can someone please save me... my 5.5mo old has gone from peacefully waking once a night around 4am to eat and go right back down for 3 more hours... to waking around 12-1 and 5-6 SCREAMING. I nurse him, but it isn't the peacful nursing it has always been, he squirms all over the place which makes getting him back down even harder. He usually just nurses with his eyes closed, and puts himself back to sleep. I am up for anywhere between 30-45 minutes each time now... which is a bit of a difference from the 15-20 once a night.

Is this normal? (Just to clarify, the screaming only happens until he starts eating. It has been happening at the end of his naps during the day as well, and it isn't always because he is hungry. It almost seems like he is having nightmares.)

Other than this time when he wakes up, he is perfectly happy the rest of the day.
oh my goodness pupp. i just want to eat up nolan's cheeks. that picture is beyond adorable!

happy one month baby hawk. doesn't it feel like it both flies by and takes forever at the same time. at least it does for me ::)

congrats on the new business success monkey!

mer - sounds like you guys had a (mostly) great time. i'm so impressed with little c!

drk - you best be posting some cute kara pics ;))

charger - my little n was back to waking three times last night. boo :knockout: i love that they are becoming sooo much more social, but i do not love the effect on their sleeping.

AFM - yesterday/night was an adventure with n (nearly 4 months) and my 14 month nephew. makes me contemplate spacing - though (for those of you who don't already know) it took us a while to *create* n, so I kind of feel like I don't really have the luxury plan for the future. blah, blah, blah. the highlight was giving my nephew his goodnight bottle, while at the same time BF N. like i said an adventure.

thoughts about bringing a four month old to a pumpkin patch/picking? kind of absurd since she won't have the faintest memory or idea of what's going on or cute? we're debating going this weekend now that the trip to see my dad has been postponed...

here's a BPF contribution - tummy time mastered. she can now roll from front to back and back to front so these kinds of pictures are mighty hard to capture. i love how she's got her little legs kicked up. would only be better with a bare bum on a lamby :bigsmile:

Pupp, so cute! I should have done monthly shots...oh well, maybe next baby lol.

Happy one month HH!

mer, it happens as they get older. Micah used to sleep long stretches and now he is up a lot more often. We are trying to wean him off those night times bottles by giving him less - he is down to 5 1/2 ounces without a fuss :)

lulu, what a face! I look the feeties. Micah has never really liked tummy time but he will stay there for awhile if he has a toy or something shiny distracting him. I am trying to encourage him to crawl so we do it quite a bit.

Here is my BPF contribution. Standing up! He's leaning on grandpa a bit, but it was mostly him. He barely even wobbles. And don't you love the shoes?!

Oh lulu! She's precious!

Here's Aidan's one month picture-I swear, he throws gang signs. It's so hard to take good pictures of babies. I feel like I'm always getting an up the nose shot. My kid does not have a piggy nose! Aidan loves tummy time (and sleeping on his stomach-eek!)! He will hang out for ages on his tummy in his boppy.

Aidan 1 month.jpg
MonkeyPie said:
Hudson_Hawk said:
EPing moms, my 4 week old is eating massive quantities of BM, like we can't seem to satisfy him unless we give him like 4 oz. Then he passes out for hours. Is this okay? He was 8 lbs on the dot earlier this week. I think the LC telling me he was eating too much (2.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours at 2 weeks) traumatized me!

Holy cow that month flew by! Yay for you both surviving the first month!

I think he whole "eating too much" thing from ANYONE is a load of crock. Guidelines are just that, GUIDES, and every baby is different. I refuse to let my child go hungry just because someone else thinks he is overeating. Babies simply don't overeat, they stop when they are full. Micah has always spit out the bottle when he is done! Don't listen to the LC or your pedi if they tell you that, HH. A is healthy and happy, that is all that matters.

Ditto this! I don't understand the overfeeding thing. I too believe that we should give our babies as much food as they want. They are too young to understand gluttony! Some babies are hungry than others... If your little guy is hungry and crying, of course it's okay to feed him! :))
meresal said:
Cute pic Pupp!

Ok, so can someone please save me... my 5.5mo old has gone from peacefully waking once a night around 4am to eat and go right back down for 3 more hours... to waking around 12-1 and 5-6 SCREAMING. I nurse him, but it isn't the peacful nursing it has always been, he squirms all over the place which makes getting him back down even harder. He usually just nurses with his eyes closed, and puts himself back to sleep. I am up for anywhere between 30-45 minutes each time now... which is a bit of a difference from the 15-20 once a night.

Is this normal? (Just to clarify, the screaming only happens until he starts eating. It has been happening at the end of his naps during the day as well, and it isn't always because he is hungry. It almost seems like he is having nightmares.)

Other than this time when he wakes up, he is perfectly happy the rest of the day.

Mere, when J stopped STTN at 5.5 months I started giving him cereal. It sounds like your LO might me ready. Remember that 6 months is a guideline and sometimes babies are ready a bit earlier. When I asked my pedi at J's 4 months appointment she gave me this rule of thumb: 6 months or when he stops sleeping well. You can just start with a couple of teaspoons of runny cereal morning and evening and see how it goes... It can take a few days for the baby to get used to the whole feeding thing, so there's nothing wrong with getting a couple of weeks' head start. :wink2: