
PS - fun forum facts

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Dec 29, 2004
Having used this forum for awhile now, I find that I can of get stuck in my habits with regard to the way I browse it. Not long ago, Mara pointed out the "revision" link at the bottom of a post. I had never noticed it and found it interesting when a revision was made, you could read the original. Also of interesting note was that you actually had a limited amount of time to revise before any revisions were noted.

This got me thinking of any fun forum facts you may have discovered? I rarely go to the front forum page, but noticed awhile back that you could see who was on (I know this is common on forums, but never noticed it here). I also noticed that (I think) the names are listed in order of length of membership. So you''''ll see Pricescope always first on the list followed by some long time posters when they are on and the newbies are last. I think this is the way it works anyway....

Any others have any fun facts?
Date: 2/15/2007 2:28:43 PM
but noticed awhile back that you could see who was on (I know this is common on forums, but never noticed it here). I also noticed that (I think) the names are listed in order of length of membership. So you'll see Pricescope always first on the list followed by some long time posters when they are on and the newbies are last. I think this is the way it works anyway....

Ok, I know i'm clueless, but I've never noticed that and even after your description still don't see it. It's where on the home page??

I was a member for a long time before I realized you could click on someone's avatar and find all of their posts and topics they started. i also used to scroll though the member to find someone so I could locate their avatar. I discovered if you just type in their name in the search, threads they started or are mentioned in will pop up and you can find them a whole lot quicker.

ETA: ok, just found it, too funny TG I never knew that was we can all be busted for how often we're on during the day by not only PS but each other
Hey both those facts about PS are new to me. I''m just not that good at finding my way around LOL!

Most of my revisions are for spelling so I don''t think I''ve been trying to hide any juicy info. Would be funny if I thought I could hide stuff by revising it. Well I did think that but it''s just my poor spelling skills! Now you all know.
Crying in shame. LOL

Any easy way to keep up with a certain thread you''re interested in? I scroll through looking for them each time.
Stone Hunter - When you reply to this topic you''re interested in, check the "Track this topic" box. You''ll receive e-mail notices when people post in it.
I've been taking note lately of how many anonymous users are reading PS. One day it was 1,450 or so!!! I was shocked to say the least. Does anyone else look for that?

eta: I just used the revise post to edit! Yay, love that feature. Hehee but if you get quoted before you are busted!
Date: 2/16/2007 12:22:36 PM
Author: hlmr
I''ve been taking note lately of how many anonymous users are reading PS lately. One day it was 1,450 or so!!! I was shocked to say the least. Does anyone else look for that?
I''ve noticed that too!!! Sometimes the numbers are just huge!!!
Date: 2/16/2007 12:24:36 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 2/16/2007 12:22:36 PM
Author: hlmr
I''ve been taking note lately of how many anonymous users are reading PS lately. One day it was 1,450 or so!!! I was shocked to say the least. Does anyone else look for that?
I''ve noticed that too!!! Sometimes the numbers are just huge!!!
Yep, people from all over the world sitting in the privacy of their homes or offices, reading PS...pretty amazing!
I know we have the celebrity ring thread but do you ever wonder if celebrities read PS?
dummy here. i don''t see track this topic.
Date: 2/16/2007 1:02:25 PM
Author: crown1
dummy here. i don''t see track this topic.

it''s up on the top right and says *subscribe*
I noticed the anonymous users when I started this thread. At the time it was 70ish registered users and over 700 anonymous, which I thought was a ton! I never saw that it could be up to 1400! Wow, that is a lot of people reading and lurking. Better be careful what I say!

I''ve never subscribed to a thread because I thought it would be crazy and clutter up my inbox. I may try it. But I do tend to forget and keep track of what threads I posted on...
I accidentally clicked the box once and all the sudden it was like, WOAH! *What* is going on with my e-mail? Fortunately some kind soul (I think it was Irina) told me how to un-click it, LOL.
Date: 2/16/2007 12:22:36 PM
Author: hlmr
Hehee but if you get quoted before you are busted!
Someone did that to me when I first joined---and I revised I swear within 10 SECONDS of the first post---and even said "you revised this but I wanted to comment on your original post." Made a big stink about it. I found it incredibly rude
Although I guess it taught me NEVER to post before I was sure of what I wanted to say--some opinionated PSer might take away my right to revision!!

My fave PS feature is definitely the "most active" tab, all the stuff after the SUPER long threads.
Date: 2/16/2007 1:49:00 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/16/2007 12:22:36 PM
Author: hlmr
Hehee but if you get quoted before you are busted!
Someone did that to me when I first joined---and I revised I swear within 10 SECONDS of the first post---and even said ''you revised this but I wanted to comment on your original post.'' Made a big stink about it. I found it incredibly rude
Although I guess it taught me NEVER to post before I was sure of what I wanted to say--some opinionated PSer might take away my right to revision!!

My fave PS feature is definitely the ''most active'' tab, all the stuff after the SUPER long threads.
I believe I remember who did that (could be wrong though as I can tend to be senile)...and if you know anything about her now since you''ve been posting for a while, you''ve probably come to realize she''s a straight shooter more than anything else!

I think if you post, we read, you revise, too late.
thanks mrs. salvo! i was aware of the suscribe button but was looking for a track post button. old age senility.
I tried the track post button, but I have a hotmail account, and it comes up as spam.

Didn''t really work for me.
I think its kinda cool to look at member ID''s when you click on profiles... For instance Garry is 4 and RockDoc is 5, while I am 21549
Date: 2/16/2007 1:49:00 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/16/2007 12:22:36 PM
Author: hlmr
Hehee but if you get quoted before you are busted!
Someone did that to me when I first joined---and I revised I swear within 10 SECONDS of the first post---and even said 'you revised this but I wanted to comment on your original post.' Made a big stink about it. I found it incredibly rude
Although I guess it taught me NEVER to post before I was sure of what I wanted to say--some opinionated PSer might take away my right to revision!!

My fave PS feature is definitely the 'most active' tab, all the stuff after the SUPER long threads.
LOL it was probably me. I have to admit I love when I see people revised their posts...I always like to see what they changed. But a lot of times I see what someone said, reply and hit 'quote' and then I start replying and they are revising in the meantime...and you don't even know it til you hit post and then you see oh they changed their post...and then it's kind of too I still typically want to say what I originally thought even if they revised.

Trust me there have been a few times when I am like darn do I really want to say that and then I get quoted before I can change it and it's like...oh well! doh!
oh goodness, I am the QUEEN of Revisions. Wow, I better be careful and do better spell checking.

Does this website have spell check???
Date: 2/17/2007 9:13:05 PM
Author: Skippy123
oh goodness, I am the QUEEN of Revisions. Wow, I better be careful and do better spell checking.

Does this website have spell check???
google tool bar does spell check for forums if your running windows.
Cool, Storm; thank you!
Date: 2/16/2007 12:34:50 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I know we have the celebrity ring thread but do you ever wonder if celebrities read PS?
Yes. I''ve even wondered if some regular PSers are celebrities. PSers have some FAB rings.
Date: 2/16/2007 12:18:23 PM
Author: anchor31
Stone Hunter - When you reply to this topic you''re interested in, check the ''Track this topic'' box. You''ll receive e-mail notices when people post in it.
THANKS. I do PS instead of email so I guess I''ll stick to my old ways. LOL
Date: 2/17/2007 9:41:42 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 2/17/2007 9:13:05 PM
Author: Skippy123
oh goodness, I am the QUEEN of Revisions. Wow, I better be careful and do better spell checking.

Does this website have spell check???
google tool bar does spell check for forums if your running windows.
Now that''s really really helpful. Almost all of my revisions are for spelling. THANKS
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