
Proposing on vacation- yea or nay?


Dec 1, 2014
My girlfriend and I are going on vacation to a tropical-type destination in two weeks. I am considering proposing while we are vacation. My biggest reason for hesitation is the risks of traveling with a $60k ring. Naturally, I would keep the ring in my carry-on. Does anyone have a good story or a bad story about such a proposal? Should I be worried or am I making a big deal of nothing?

Here is a specific concern: when I get there, I have to either 1) propose nearly right away, 2) have the ring with me at all times, or 3) put it in the hotel safe. Option 3 seems unsafe (unavoidable pun), option 2 seems untenable: There Will Be Bathing Suits, and option 1... well, I'd hate to rush it just because of the process of elimination... or maybe not(?).
I think if you are going to propose on vacation do it at the beginning so you can both enjoy the vacation as a newly engaged couple and she can wear the ring the whole time. Good luck!
I'd recommend doing it before you leave, so you can relax and ENJOY your vacation.
If you do want to do it while you are abroad, then I would second doing it early. But, to be honest, most of the women I know wouldn't wear a 60k ring on vacation, lest it get lost, stolen or damaged. So keep that in mind as well.
missy|1417468694|3793438 said:
I think if you are going to propose on vacation do it at the beginning so you can both enjoy the vacation as a newly engaged couple and she can wear the ring the whole time. Good luck!

Agree with this.

With regards to where to keep it, I kept my ring inside my washing bag (inside another bag) in my luggage the whole time. No one would ever think to look in there :)
I think if there is swimming involved you should do it Bear Grylls style.

(I'm just kidding).
I also wouldn' take a ring that valuable on vacation, regardless of who is wearing it.
where are you going to for your vacation? my so proposed to me on vacation as well, and that was one of his considerations. he was going to do it in maldives but switched to japan, okinawa instead as he felt japan was much more safe and i could wear the ring out after he proposed. we went to one of the islands and imo the beaches were perfect and because its so unknown outside of japan, it was empty and felt really private and special.

also if it is a long flight, please do not propose right away! i knew he was going to propose, and i was dressing up everyday because i wanted to look my best during the actual moment! hehe.
To each their own, but I have a just-over-a-carat e-ring and a substantial band that I do NOT travel with. Outside of first world countries, real, nice, diamonds are not terribly common. We have family in a very popular tourist area in South America who specifically told us to not wear/bring anything real when we visit them. My husband's cousin was even tackled while a second attacker pulled diamond hoops out of her ears.
If I were you, I would at least insure the ring (if it's not already) before you travel.
Additionally, consider if you propose on vacay, will your fiance then spend the rest of the vacation excitedly texting/facetiming the ring, calling everyone (or taking calls from everyone) about the engagement, and/or planning the wedding? If so, your vacay could turn into not much of a vacay. Just something to think about!
I think it's a great idea. She would be really happy and surprised and excited.
It's a perfect idea and would be a very nice surprise to the person you're going to propose to.