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Oct 18, 2005
I am planning on asking my wonderful girlfriend to marry me. But I have no clue on how to do it. She likes the crowds and would love the attention. But I would like to know if anyone has any good ideas. Please let me know.
Thank you.
Ok here we go again...

Have you seen that commerical I think it is a diamond is forever series? Anyway I think it is the couples 10th anniversary...and they have gone to could be Paris...anyway...they are in some city square...and he yells in the public square beneath the pidgeons and in the midst of all the hustle and bustle..."I L O V E T H I S W O M A N !!!"...he hands her the anniversary ring, they embrace and she whispers in his ear..."I LOVE THIS MAN, I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM ! (Golly gee this gets me everytime...all I can say if we ever get there (Italy) husband better do that!!)

Sorry Board...I couldn''t help it.
But he asked for a public display! He really did!

If you read a few posts below yours you will see my suggestion for an after the REAL proposal...the guy was going to Italy. I felt it was appropriate because I thought it was Italy where this commerical was filmed. The board had some strong yet fun opinions about my suggestions and I thought they would all get a laugh out of reading it again...and at your expense. Forgive me.

But this is a perfect example of why we need more information from you. You my not plan to go to Italy...afterall. What does she do? Where does she like to spend her time most? Is she into sports? Or fashion? Or movies? If you she asked you to take her on her dream date, would it include horses, the ocean, the opera, the zoo, snow? Is ther favorite time of the year Christmas? Or spring? Tell us about her. And you. How you met?

Come on lets get busy!

Door knob, you are hysterical! I love that commercial too and would have loved a proposal like that!!

I would suggest doing it in a small restaurant and kind of making a big deal of getting on your knee while everyone is watching. Or if she is into sporting events, arrange for the proposal to go up on the big screen in the arena--either the words "Will You Marry Me, insert her name here" or the images of the two of you as you ask her and she accepts.

We definitely need more personal info on her to give better suggestions! But we''re here to help
I ould be mortified if my sweetie asked me in a crowd of people (I fear being the center of attention)...well really I wouldn''t until the excitment wore off. But I think that commerical is very romantic.

I was watching something on TV where a girl went out with a bunch of her girlfriends and they decided to go to the movies later. Meanwhile, her boyfriend and friends and family had rented out a theater and made a video of her life, his life and their life....all the people in the theater were her peeps and in on it, including the girlfriends who she was hanging out with. Because it was dark when her and her friends walked in, she didn''t recognize anyone or realize what was going on until the movie started...after the ''movie'' was over her boyfriend went up to her and asked her to marry him. *oh my I''m getting choked up typing this*

I''m not the most romantic person and I HATE being the center of attention but I think if my sweetie asked me this way I would be in heaven.
Caribou- that''s the BEST ever!!! i am not into the public attention thing either, but if all there were my friends and family and i didn''t know until after- it would be amazing. one word- PERFECTION.
Curly girl...glad it made you laugh. I was hoping not to get the slapping I got last time.

Oh caribou...I was in the middle of curling my lashes as I was reading this. Thanks alot!

What a fabulous idea. Remember, this one likes crowds! You are going to have get over being mortified! We''ll be there for you!

Justin- you better get in here soon. You''ve got he board a ballin''...
Sorry door knob hope you mascara didn't run...can you imagine though...that would be awesome. But then if it were me, it would probably be considered a scary movie thinking about pictures of me in the 80's.
It''s really hard to make suggestions without knowing what your girlfriend likes, but I will give it a shot anyway...

1. You could attend a sporting event (i.e. basketball game) and have them flash the question on the scoreboard at halftime.

2. You can go skydiving and you can be waiting on the ground to propose to her when she lands.

3. One of my friends did this -- I thought it was cute -- we all went to a restaurant together one night. The waitstaff come out with a cupcake with a candle on top. They sang Happy Birthday really loud to my friend''s girlfriend and had us and most of the restaurant clapping to the tune. The girl was totally embarressed and said "It''s not my birthday!", then the guy got down on his knee and said something like "well we have reason to celebrate anyway" and proposed to her. The whole waitstaff obviously knew about it then started singing "For He''s the Jolly Good Fellow". He didn''t tell any of us ahead of time so we were completely shocked as well! Certainly memorable!

4. I saw this one in the local paper -- a guy got the museum curator to put his girl''s ring in one of the displays along with a note with her name on it. I don''t remember in particular what display they were looking at but I thought it was a cute idea.

Get a hotel somewhere reeally nice and enjoy your first night there. Really early in the morning, go outside into the hall and pull the fire alarm and when everyone in the hotel is standing outside grab your megaphone and propose to your GF in front of all of the guests, police, Firemen-- everyone! You might have to spend a night in jail, but i bet everyone would remember it!
Pebbles-I love the museum idea. That could actually be duplicated in a variety of display cases...or store window displays. Have you recently been to the Pearlmans website? On the designer names page there is a TONI CLICK HERE...I don''t know who the Toni is but I have a feeling it is someone who frequently visits pearlmans.

It would be really cool if the curator would allow an original drawing...or painting ..or even a photograph...of the proposed or the "propossee" to be hung on the wall along with your note idea explanation. The museum would be fabulous if she was into the arts...

Maybe have a cast of a play or the opera or symphony to introduce him in the middle or end of the performance, or he excuses himself and appears on stage... Have all the familys there in the crowd...and that way she will be all dressed up and looking fabulous. Oh...have her seat number be read as the lucky winner of the suprise giveaway and that she must come up on stage...

would be most mortified if I were proposed to in a crowd looking frumpy...or casual like at a sporting event. I would love to see my man all dressed to the nines and picture perfect. So I think what ever public display he works out, he should think along the lines of a big deal date that she has to get her hair dress...just like cindrella.

Daniel mascara problems on that one...but I did laugh so hard I ...well anyway it was funny.

Daniel B,
You cracked me up!! That is the BEST PROPOSAL EVER!!! I hope my boyfriend reads your post to get ideas....
Im glad you liked it!
I love the way Reese Witherspoon got engaged in the movie "Sweet Home Alabama" - yeah right, I would be so''s nice to dream...
(Sorry if this has been posted before)
My boyfriend''s friend (yeah, still a boyfriend, waiting for mine to come!!) arranged for his girlfriend to take a walk with him on Christmas (also her birthday), while his friends and family (and hers as well) had all the neighbors on the block turn their lights out at the same time, while he had this big wooden sign he made out of planks of wood hinged together strung with christmas lights that poked through holes in the wood that spelled out, "Susie, will you marry me?". This sign was huge, it took all of his friends to hold it, and they managed to come up the street just in time. The block was dark, and the sign was lit up. Since all the neighbors were in on it, they were all standing outside watching, along with the friends and family of the couple. It was so sweet.
Date: 10/19/2005 1:55:26 PM
Author: Caribou
I ould be mortified if my sweetie asked me in a crowd of people (I fear being the center of attention)...well really I wouldn''t until the excitment wore off. But I think that commerical is very romantic.

I was watching something on TV where a girl went out with a bunch of her girlfriends and they decided to go to the movies later. Meanwhile, her boyfriend and friends and family had rented out a theater and made a video of her life, his life and their life....all the people in the theater were her peeps and in on it, including the girlfriends who she was hanging out with. Because it was dark when her and her friends walked in, she didn''t recognize anyone or realize what was going on until the movie started...after the ''movie'' was over her boyfriend went up to her and asked her to marry him. *oh my I''m getting choked up typing this*

I''m not the most romantic person and I HATE being the center of attention but I think if my sweetie asked me this way I would be in heaven.

~~That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!!! If you have the time and resources, this would be the best way IMO. I like the fact that she will be getting a crowd of people, but it will also be more intimate if you have her family and friends along with your family and friends as well!! Very romantic!!!!
I actually know someone who got proposed to that way, it was very sweet and thoughtful!!
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