
proposal question

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Aug 30, 2004
is there any specific date to marry your girlfriend once you''ve proposed to her?

i''m turning 27 this year and my gf''s turning 26, we''ve been together for two months now and i know that she''s the one for me, eversince the time we first met i knew it was love at first sight, i don''t know how it happened or what happened, all i know is that i felt something really great deep inside my heart and that''s all it took for me to realize that she''s the one.

i''m planning to propose to her this december, that''s what got me into this place, to look for a very nice ring to give her
There's no cement time frame in which you must marry someone once a proposal has been issued...but as a general rule, unless you two have talked about it and decided on it in advance, I'd say don't be surprised if she sets the date within a year.

If you're thinking you may want to wait more than a year, you'll probably want to bring it up beforehand.
ok, thanks a lot! we did talked about it, being wed that is, but not with the date yet, i think she just follows my lead on where i would want to bring this relatioship.

It is a wonderful thing to have the feelings of love you mention. You have been seeing each other 2 months? And thinking of proposing in other 4 months? That is six months. Look I don’t mean to be old fashioned - but that is very quick. You are still very young.

There was an excellent discussion here on how long people took to get married. You may want to read it - click on the link below.

Engagement and Marriage
thanks! and thank you also for your concern but i've been thru a lot, there are things that you look for in a relationship and in a person, in my constant quest i have found someone who was able to give me what i've been looking for eversince....from the words of the famous Jerry Mcguire...she complete's me

though you must know that for more than 8 months i never went out with anyone i knew i wasn't really interested in or was even attracted to, no matter whether she was pretty, sexy, rich, i never really cared up until i met my this girl, my girlfriend now, when i saw her and had a chance to talk to her i felt something really good deep down inside and it was great, from then on i knew she was the one for me, for those of you who don't believe in love at first sight, i think we don't have the same belief and faith when it comes to love
he he he. cheers!
The last time that the topic of how long to be engaged before marriage (and even how long to be dating before becoming engaged) was mentioned (very recently in fact) it got lots of responses. You should check it out it's still on the first page. The title is: "How long did it take you to get engaged and married."

There are examples of short times between first date and marriage date, but long successful marriages and there are examples of the opposite. This is an issue I researched for myself over the last 6 months or so. The concensus seems to be that while there is no magic number, at LEAST one year from first date to wedding date is necessary to guarantee that you know each other well enough to make such a decision. An earlier poster said that, "26/27 is very young." Of course it's a matter of perspective, but 25-30 is not at all an unreasonable age to get married if you find yourself in the right relationship.

My advice is ENJOY your relationship. Each stage is precious and you can't go backwards. Keep the communication open and you guys can get engaged when the time is right (hopefully with at least 8-12 months together). I'm ten years older than you so I felt the pressure to move forward even more intensely. I'll probably be over 40 before I have my first child. Is there anything wrong with that? No, of course not. But in a perfect world I would have preferred to be a bit younger when I got married and had kids.
i think you should read that other thread too...know you don't want to hear that but there are a lot of things to think about and lots of examples there.
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