
Proposal Jamaica

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Feb 7, 2005
I am thinking of doing a surprise trip to Jamaica and then asking her to marry me while we are there. What does everyone think about this? Should I tell her that we are going on a vacation or not. If I do the surprise her time off of work and everything else would be taken care of. I am just not sure if she will be upset, because she didn''t have time to plan or get anything extra to bring with her.
What a lovely idea!

I Do think you should tell her about the holiday a week in advance. Feel free to organise her leave and everything, but give her time to buy any special outfit or anything she may need or want on the trip. Girls are silly and like to have our creture comforts with us

Also make sure that the ring is insured and safely tucked away, you don''t want her to find it while packing you some extra socks as happened with one of our ladies in waiting

Good luck!
I agree with Shay, give her a little advance notice, make it seem like you just think she deserves a nice change-of-scenery and that you want to do something special for her. If you act low-key she might not catch on....

Remember: we want updates and photos!!! Good luck!

p.s. I know someone who was snuck off to paradise for her suprise engagement, except her bf proposed on the plane (he used flyer miles to upgrade to first class) and they had the entire trip to celebrate!
That sounds like an awesome proposal...but the first thing that popped into my mind was - what if she can''t get the time off work! If you know that it definitely wouldn''t a problem, sounds perfect. Who wouldn''t want to get to celebrate their engagement on the beaches of some beautiful island??
Well I have two weeks until I am going to propose and it is coming up fast. I received the diamond last week and the ring will be here tomorrow. I told her that we are going to Jamaica, but she has no idea that I will be proposing there. My plan is to propose during a private dinner on the beach that our hotel will setup for me. Any ideas for me that might make it a little more romantic or does this sound good already.
I think that what you have planned so far is already pretty romantic.... a tropical island.... private dinner for two on the beach.... a proposal.... what more could a girl want??

If you are still itching for a few more romantic ideas, think of things that are special for the two of you: lyrics to "your" song or some "sweet nothings" that are meaningful to you can be incorporated into your night. That will let her know that you have really thought about what you want to say/what you are feeling etc.

Please let us know how it goes and good luck!
Your set-up sounds amazing! Best of luck and remember PICS!
Well we leave tomorrow ~ Wish me luck!!!
Good Luck!!!

and have fun

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