
Proposal ideas for Los Angeles/San Diego/NorCal?


Mar 28, 2012
Hi all,

I am planning a trip to California in September and plan on proposing there. I lived in Pasadena for 6 years so I have a few ideas but the city and State are soooo big I am looking for any ideas you may have. My GF has never been there so time permitting I might take a trip up north and/or down to San Diego so ideas there are welcome as well. Beach setting? Mountain overlook? Golden Gate park? Napa? Somewhere glitzy with nightlife?



Sep 23, 2011
NorCal? Pebble Beach. The Big Sur. Carmel. SF at the top of the "zigzag street" if you guys are urban-y.
SoCal? Newport Beach. or Rancho Palos Verdes. You guys can stay at a resort there overlooking the ocean. It's flipping beautiful.

I can prob help you narrow it down more if you give me specifics. Do you want a beach for sure? Private? Public? Urban? Nature-y and alone? City lights?


Mar 28, 2012
Oooh! Big Sur is a great idea. Or Carmel. I've only been there once and did the 17 mile (???) Drive. Are there certain spots where you can recommend there? I never made it to Pebble Beach as there was some charity event going on. Is it an actual beach?

I kind of want it somewhat private so I am steering away from a big city center (like the Promenade or City Walk--too many people). I like the idea of a beach, but I am afraid that is a little cliche. At the same time, that is what is so great about Cali. I could just drive to nearby Chicago if I didn't want the sun and fun of Cali. I like the idea of staying in RPV. Newport is one of my favorite cities. Any recommendations around there would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Sep 23, 2011
tdoyledesign|1340560249|3222882 said:
Oooh! Big Sur is a great idea. Or Carmel. I've only been there once and did the 17 mile (???) Drive. Are there certain spots where you can recommend there? I never made it to Pebble Beach as there was some charity event going on. Is it an actual beach?

I kind of want it somewhat private so I am steering away from a big city center (like the Promenade or City Walk--too many people). I like the idea of a beach, but I am afraid that is a little cliche. At the same time, that is what is so great about Cali. I could just drive to nearby Chicago if I didn't want the sun and fun of Cali. I like the idea of staying in RPV. Newport is one of my favorite cities. Any recommendations around there would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

I *love* the 17-mile drive and the city of Carmel. Seriously, they are my favorite places in all of California for the view.

If you can handle the longggggg drive through the Big Sur.. or even stop there to stay at a hotel over night.. that'd be better. I think it took us 6? or 7? hours just to drive through it. And there's no way out. There's supposedly a purple sand beach there, but I've never seen it. I guess I never knew it was there while going through there, so I never kept an eye out. You can google more about that if you think that's a cute idea. The view off the Big Sur is to die for. And that would definitely be a way to keep the ocean in, while not being cliche. You're on a cliff! Very very different than the usual beach proposal of someone burying a ring in a sand castle :bigsmile: then losing it. Hah!

Pebble beach is an actual beach. It's part of the 17 mile drive. Not an inch of that 17 mile drive is ugly, so if you can just sweep her off her feet with the beautiful Big Sur, then the beautiful scenery and architecture in the 17 mile drive.. it would all be great. There are a million photo opportunities there. :love: :love:

Here are a list of restaurants you guys can stop at in the 17 mile drive/ Pebble Beach area to relax and get out of the car. You can always pop the question there. Or maybe even stay at a resort there for a night.



There is the Terranea at Rancho Palos Verdes. It is a beautiful beautiful resort. I went there just for dinner at the resort before, and it took my breath away. I ate at Mar'sel. Besides the surprise element to a proposal, I think a gal just really loves a beautiful environment. We loveeee pictures, and c'mon, everyone we know on FB wants to see those photos!

There's Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Beach. That place is also breathtaking.

I know those resorts do run quite pricey, though :(

I wouldn't suggest proposing AT the Big Sur if you're not staying there overnight. It's a very very long and tiring drive, and I have never gone through there without falling asleep on the ride. If your gal is anything like me, she'd have to be shaken awake to get out of the car for photos. Bed head and eye boogies don't make a proposal wonderful ;-)

and even if she isn't like me, there's no reception up there so she can't call anyone or post photos on FB. That may work for or against you, depending on what type of couple or person you/she are/is. The other thing is, after you propose, you'd be stuck in the car for another few hours while exiting the Big Sur. The views are amazing, but the ride isn't. It'd be awesome if you can STAY there at a hotel overnight or something? Propose there? Then enjoy your evening and rest up before heading out and then the next day, enjoy your new engagement by going through Carmel and the 17mile drive.


Mar 28, 2012
Thank you SO MUCH for the ideas. I was thinking the same thing about the Big Sur drive. Awkward drive out of there for 2 hours before we hit civilization? I will have to think about that. Pebble Beach might be better for that.

We are going to be deciding in the next few days if we are strictly doing SoCal or both. I will look up all the places you suggested :)

Also, we are going to Cali for a wedding. Do you think its ok to propose a few days after the wedding? Definitely don't want to do it before and take away the couple's moment. I ok'd it with them. Just wondering a woman's POV about doing it during that week? I don't think my GF would mind at all. What are your thoughts?



Sep 23, 2011
tdoyledesign|1341114583|3226786 said:
Thank you SO MUCH for the ideas. I was thinking the same thing about the Big Sur drive. Awkward drive out of there for 2 hours before we hit civilization? I will have to think about that. Pebble Beach might be better for that.

We are going to be deciding in the next few days if we are strictly doing SoCal or both. I will look up all the places you suggested :)

Also, we are going to Cali for a wedding. Do you think its ok to propose a few days after the wedding? Definitely don't want to do it before and take away the couple's moment. I ok'd it with them. Just wondering a woman's POV about doing it during that week? I don't think my GF would mind at all. What are your thoughts?


NP at all. I'm currently doing my own NorCal searches, so linking you was just a search through my own history ;-)

Honestly, wedding puts every female on high LIW-alert. Every girl gets itchy for a proposal around then, and has googly eyes for a few weeks after attending a wedding. But because she's on high alert, she might sniff out a surprise before you even get to it! Make sure you're hiding all traces.. clear your browser history, lock her out of your email.. make sure your couple friends that you told have their lips shut.. all of that!

I wouldn't mind if BF proposed *after a friend's wedding.. but maybe a few days after! I would be mortified if I had to keep my lips shut for a while because I didn't want to steal my newlywed friends' thunder!


Sep 23, 2011
Oh OP I'm so sorry I just reread and I am wrong. It probably took me 6-7 hours the whole drive up north, not just through the Big Sur. That was about ~2.5-3 hours long. So I think it'd still make a great proposal!
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