
Proposal idea - need advice!


Sep 14, 2012
Pricescope has been an indispensable resource for me when deciding to buy the engagement ring which I bought at the end of August (JA platinum 2mm knife edge with 0.71 carat). I received it and am really happy with it (and I'm sure my gf will go crazy when she sees it!). So, firstly I'd just like to say thank you all for sharing your knowledge, I was having such fun going through all the possibilities.

Now for the proposal. She IS expecting it, after I bought the ring I decided to give her a bit of excitement and took her to a jewelry shop to have a look at diamonds, so now she's like wondering when and how, the rings/diamonds we saw were so expensive that she probably thinks it's going to be a long long time before I can afford it. Truth is, I've also been saving and planning this for a long long time.

We're going away for a short vacation to a place special to both of us. We're going to get the ferry there and stay in a hotel with a private hot-spring on the balcony overlooking the sea (I live in Japan).

So anyways, for the first part of the day we're going to take it easy and just have a stroll around, enjoy the sites until around check-in time. I'm going to say to her that I have a little surprise for her after dinner so she dresses up nice and of course to muffle her senses. Dinner at the hotel is what she's really looking forward to, it's a Japanese all you can eat buffet style - just think lots of fresh fish/crab and other delicacies.

After dinner, I'm going to say I have a taxi arranged to take us to see the night view spots around town. To her surprise (she's a country girl through and through) a white limo with a red carpet will be waiting for us outside, I did say surprise, right? When she gets in she'll notice that her favourite songs are being played (I made a CD of all the songs she loves). We'll go around town and stop off to take some pictures here and there. For the final part of our cruise we'll take the ropeway to the top of the mountain and leave the limo waiting for us.

When we get back to the limo a bouquet of flowers and a letter from me will be waiting for her. Truth is, the letter will be a hoax! I'm not sure what to write yet but it won't be the proposal. She'll feel a bit disappointed, thinking THAT was the surprise? Fun but not what I was hoping for.

When we get back to the hotel room, on the table she will notice a large box with a ribbon wrapped around it. I can imagine the look on her face, but still - no hint of a proposal just yet. When she opens the box there will be a real letter and the ring box inside. At that point all her disappointment should be out the window and I will finally say the words and slip her new beauty on, and I've got NO idea what we're doing for the next couple of days but they should be fun!

What do you think? Am I completely wrong and stupid for giving that much suspense? Do you think there is a better time in the day to do it? Do you have any other ideas?

Please please help!


Jul 12, 2012
I think its very sweet that you have put so much thought into it :appl:

I think it totally depends on what your GF is like and how you think she would react to all that suspense...

If my man had proposed like that I would have been annoyed... IMO its not a time to play games or toy with emotions, after all of that build up with the red carpet and limo etc she will def be expecting a proposal and I think it would be a bit cruel to let her down with a fake note! She could end up SO disappointed that it could ruin the night for when you DO propose later.

I really like the idea of proposing after a lovely dinner at the top of a mountain. Tell her how much she means to you and get down on one knee at the top of the mountain... makes a nicer story than you tricking her, and nicer setting to propose than back at the hotel. If it was me I also think it would be more romantic if it weren't that obvious. E.g. I wouldn't tell her you have a surprise for her after dinner (sure she will dress nice anyway- you have already dropped enough hints to raise her suspicions!!!) or roll out the red carpet.

Let me know what you think!


Sep 14, 2012
Thanks for your reply and your valuable advice!

Yeah, the risk of ruining the it with too much suspense was my main worry. I wanted to keep up the excitement without taking it too far. Maybe toning it down a bit and keeping it a bit more down to earth will surprise her all the more and perhaps make it even more special.

What do you think about proposing earlier in the day before dinner perhaps? Do you think that's better than doing it at the end of the night?


Jan 21, 2010
I agree 100% with what MarieCC said. While I can see the fun is building the suspense, there is a line, and I think your girlfriend will get annoyed. You said that she is expecting it, so I can promise you that the thought is in the back of her mind that you might propose while on this trip.

I think you have some options here. You can go for the surprise factor, and propose to her while you are strolling around and enjoying the sites before you even check in. I think it will catch her completely off guard because she probably expects the proposal to happen at night. Then, you can keep all of your plans the same, and enjoy the dinner and limo ride as a newly engaged couple.


You can keep your plans the same, knowing that she will be hoping for a proposal, and propose at the top of the mountain. I have never been to Japan, but I would imagine that the view is amazing. But, if you take her to the top of the mountain, and don't propose, be prepared for a very upset girlfriend. I can almost guarantee that she will be so disappointed and hurt that even if you propose later, it won't be the same.

It sounds like you are going to be at a lot of beautiful sites throughout the course of the day, so there should be plenty of opportunities for a romantic proposal. Please, do not propose in a hotel room. Please, do not write a fake note. Sometimes, less is more, and if you are at a beautiful location, and you speak from your heart, you and your girlfriend will have an amazing proposal story to tell.


Jun 8, 2008
It's so lovely that you have put so much thought into this! I agree with the PP's. Please don't draw it out so much and make it stressful for her. My advice? Propose in the morning so you can enjoy the whole experience together for the entire trip. Everything will seem that much sweeter IMO. Whatever you decide best of luck and congratulations!!!
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