
Presenting: Mela''s (unlikely) 0.66tcw - 3 prong Martini Studs!!!

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Date: 11/16/2007 12:51:37 PM
Author: mela lu

....Chunky and delicious??

Are we talking studs or peanut butter here??
I don''t think they look chunky at all. I love them!

Remember, they''re super magnified. You might find them to be perfect IRL.

P.S. Chunky peanut butter, all the way. What''s the point of creamy?
hahah. I love that this turned into PB. Are you hungry?


I''m pee''ing a little waiting here for them - This weekend will probably feel lo-o-o-o-o-ng as a result!
Date: 11/16/2007 1:18:10 PM
Author: mela lu
hahah. I love that this turned into PB. Are you hungry?
My stomach is growling as I read this thread. Yes, I''m hungry!

I don''t think they''ll be chunky or dark! It''s going to be beautiful! Did you notice the heart shape on the right? You can see a heart in the diamond and reflection. My picture from WF has a heart too. I thought it was very cool! I hope you love them. I really love mine. They are about the same size as yours and I VS2''s.
YES! I see the heart!!!

Awww. Thanks for putting me and my chunky PB to rest.
9.gif, back to my Peanut M&Ms. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I just got a call from FedEX.

My earrings are sitting in the FedEX warehouse right now!! I can go pick them up OR I have to wait until Monday for delivery...

I guess I''m going for a drive to FedEX tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That''s great news! I''m glad you don''t have to wait through the weekend!!!
They are going to be beautiful! I cannot wait to see your earshots!
Right now, I''m pretty much chunky and sour...and you can thank TTot for that!

Can''t wait to see them!!
I think you are gonna love them! I have the same size in the same setting, and they''re not chunky. Anyway, that metal is totally hidden from view when you are wearing the earrings. Just bling on ear.
Congratulations. They look gorgeous. (and the dark spot is for sure the angle.)

Ok, so just how far away was that Fed Ex warehouse and where are our pictures? Seriously, can''t wait to see them -- bet they will be lovely.
Well - They''re HERE!! ...and you are all very correct, IRL, they are lovely and quite delicate! Overall I''m very happy with them. When they are off the ear, they look so wittle...but on the ear they are perfectly proportioned.


I echo everyone else with "I" colour stones...they look SO white!

So, here are two earshots I got before the battery died. (I can''t believe I''m that ''dead battery girl'' right now)....More to come. Promise!

A better shot of the facets. I''ll work towards getting some more PS worthy shots a little later today. Thanks for sharing Gals!!

They are beautiful and look great on you! I''m glad you''re happy with them! I color stones are perfect for earrings!
Very nice! Perfect size too! That''s officially my bday present to myself. Mela, I swear you have awesome taste in jewelry!
Those are gorgeous! They''re the PERFECT size for your earlobe. Congrats!
I agree they are the perfect size for your ears; they look big! Wow, I am happy for you, awesome
ETA: You can add your studs to the studs thread. heeehe
Just beautiful!!! Perfect for you!!! Enjoy!!!
Thanks gals! I did a photoshoot tonight! Here are a couple goodies, but I have tons more which I''ll upload tomorrow night (I have a huge deadline for work tomorrow, so I''m going to hit the books tonight

These will tide you over until tomorrow night! (...and I''ll also join the stud thread then too!)

Enjoy! Here is the stud (.33) beside my Ering (1.07)

...the two of them on an orchid (big daddy and little baby showing her arrows)

IMG_2410 shw.jpg
this is a good representation of the size difference between my ering and studs. I love how little they look beside the ering...but quite BIG on my ears!

IMG_2430 shw.jpg
That''s if for tonight...tomorrow I''ll have more up! See ya then
They look awesome melalu...glad you are happy with them! Looking forward to seeing more pics...
Gorgeous! And just a perfect size too.
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