
Pregnancy Test Advice

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Jan 22, 2007
This is my first time posting, and while I didn''t think that it would be about this, here goes. I apologize in advance if any of this is TMI.

My DH and I have been married for 8 months. I was previously on BCP, but I went off a few months ago because I didn''t really like the way it was making me feel anymore. We have used condoms religiously since. Prior to being on the pill, my periods were always very regular, usually between 28-31 days. My first cycle after ending the pill was 27 days, and my second was 28 days. My period is now late, and today is 35 days since my last period.

I took a HPT two days ago and it came back negative. I don''t really feel like I have any other symptoms, other than breast tenderness, and that is something that I have from a week before up until my period starts anyway. I know that I probably shouldn''t be concerned as my body is most likely just working things out since stopping the pill. However, my cycle has never been this long, and I have not been under an abnormal amount of stress. I''ve been researching on the internet and hearing that some women claim that they didn''t get positive results until several weeks after their missed periods when in fact they were pregnant.

This would be very unexpected and somewhat "bad timing" for us so I am concerned. Everyone on these boards seems so nice and I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and what the outcome was.

Thanks in advance!
I actually have had this problem. The first month I got off the pill I had my period but it was a little lighter than usual. For the next 3 months I had no period whatsoever(talk about stress and being worried). I took two tests a few weeks apart and both were negative. Finally in month four, I had it. What a relief it was! I would not get too worried just yet. You may end up putting more stress on yourself which is never a good thing. I say give it another week or so and then take a second test. If you still get a negative result, I would go see your doctor.
I have never had this experience personally as I''ve never been pregnant, but my understanding, through friends, is that it takes several weeks for the hormone that women appears in women''s urine which indicates pregnancy can take several weeks to show up. I also know of people who have known they were pregnant and had doctors tell them to come back in a few weeks as it was too soon to tell. Blood tests are the most acurate in regards to pregnancy (I worked in a hospital lab for several years, it amazing me how many women came in with stomach cramps only to discover they were pregnant).

That being said, when you go off birth control, it is likely that your cycle will change (I know that from experience many years ago). It can also disappear for several months due to many factors, including stress and weigh gain (I know this from experience well).

If I were you I would not get too concerned yet, especially if you are showing premenstrual signs. But if you can''t sooth yourself, go to your MD and ask for a blood test. I would highly recommend discussing alternative methods of BC while you are there, including different types of hormone pills the birth control patch or ring if you don''t want to get pregnant, condoms are definitely not the best method of BC. Also, if you''re interested, do a search on the board for "Yasmin," there was a good discussion about the different kinds of pills and how they affect different women under that topic.

Best of luck to you.
I took 2 HPT that said negative before i took one a few days later that was positive....sometimes the hormones take awhile to show on an HPT.
First of all... big hug... not something you want to go into unprepared for, I hope things work out for you the way you
want them to.

I once was very very very LATE! I had breast tenderness, was tired and cranky... and very SURE I was pregnant.
I took a HPT and it came out negative. Very shortly afterwards I had my period and all was normal with the world.
I sometimes wonder if I didn''t MAKE myself feel pregnant. That being said, as others have stated, there is a chance
that you ARE pregnant. I would definitely go to the doctor to have a blood test so that you can be sure.

Good luck.
Best thing would be to get a blood test. If you dont want to go that route I would wait a week & test again. Try to to test in the morning using your first morning pee if you can. It''s best to pee in a cup & then dip the stick in rather than the other way. I am a big fan of the digital pregnancy tests especially the Walgreen brand digital test. It reads pregnant or not pregnant. One last thing I feel like I have to say just because it was something that I questioned is it does not matter how light or dark the second line is. If you see a second line on that test you are pregnant. GL

Usually your periods do get wacky when coming off the pill. Give it a few days.. If you are using condoms, the lateness is probably due to your hormones going nuts after coming off BC.

I would hold off on Blood tests for at least 2 weeks or so... you know, if you stress, you can prevent your periods from starting. Try to relax and just wait and see..
Thanks everyone! I do think that it may be a little early to worry too much. I think that I am going to wait until this weekend and then take a HPT again if I haven''t started by then. After that, it will be a trip to the Dr. for me. Until then, I will try to relax, because I know how much stress and your frame of mind can affect things. Thanks again!
the tests now are supposed to be soo sensitive that can detect HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin or some such gobblegook) which starts being made at the time of conception or shortly after. First morning urine usually has the highest concentration, but again, these new tests are supposed to be very accurate early on. A doctor visit might be in order...I always knew I was pregnant because I was a 28 day to the hour kind of cycler, and if that day came and went I was pregnant. You still might not be, many things can cause you to be late, but some people do not "feel" pregnant early on and others do, so I would maybe call my ob/gyn and see what they have to say...
It could just be the BC pills. I had a 45 day cycle my last one just b/c of my body adjusting. If you have been using condoms your chances are low. I think the tests are only good at least two weeks after conception. If you know when you ovulated you could count back otherwise I guess you just have to wait and see.
HcG should be present in the urine within the first few days of a missed period. Urine tests are very accurate, but a analysis of the levels of the hormone in the blood is the MOST accurate.. I would venture to say that if you were using condoms, AND you have just discontinued the bcp a few months ago, AND you have had a negative urine pregnancy result, then you are probably NOT PREGNANT.
Many women who are coming off of bcp complain about wacky cycles. It is very common. Just give your body some time to readjust. It will probably take a couple of months.

It is not really that common that a urine preg test comes back negative and a serum (blood) test comes back positive. The HPT's really are very accurate. You only see this when a woman's dates are off (e.g. she is not sure when she ovulated, not sure of her cycle length, etc)- reason being, it takes a while for the HcG to show up in the urine vs. the blood, where you can detect it right away. If its too early, the HcG simply won't be detected in the urine. Is their a slight chance this is possibly your issue? Yes. But it's not probable.

Don't worry, try to relax. I bet you are fine.
Good luck.
try not to freak out... i know, easier said than done! as others have said, it takes your body awhile to get back on it''s own cycle after you''ve been on birth control. since you have been using other means of protection faithfully, your chances of being pregnant are pretty slim. especially since your body is not quite back to ''normal''. just take it easy and don''t stress out, i''m sure everything will be fine.

btw....welcome to ps!
Not sure if this would matter, but just something else that I thought of. I have been taking pretty strong (800 - 1600mg a day) ibuprofen for about 3 weeks now for back pain. I don''t see why this would stop my period, but it''s the only other thing that I can think of that I''ve done differently this month...
You should talk to your OB/GYN. Even if you are pregnant at this early stage there might be something you can take like the morning-after pill. If it really is a bad time for you, you need to check to out now and not wait several weeks to test yourself again.
well, I took a pregnancy test when I was about to restart taking the pill before they gave me the perscription and it came back negative. (As I fully expected)
But then when I went to the dr. and he poked around on my belly, he made me take another as he was quite sure I was prego.
I WAS and had an ultrasound that confirmed I was 16 WEEKS pregnant and had a false negative.

That was my 2nd son, with my first son, the line showed up right away and I was only a week or so late.

tests are

good luck and keep us posted, congratualations on your recent marriage!
Sortonb...hope all is well with way to get the answer to your to get a blood (serum) test...from a healthcare professional...there can be several reasons our cycles get off track...

Swingirl...FYI the morning after pill (Plan B) is only useful @72 hours after unprotected keep the egg and sperm from meeting up...
Well, I took another test this morning because I am such a worrier and I just couldn''t wait until this weekend. It was negative. period started just a couple of hours ago!! So for whatever reason, I was just late this month!

Thanks to everyone for the info and support. I am very excited to have a baby with my husband, but I''ve very glad that won''t be happening in 9 months!
Date: 1/24/2007 12:22:15 PM
Author: sortonb
Well, I took another test this morning because I am such a worrier and I just couldn''t wait until this weekend. It was negative. period started just a couple of hours ago!! So for whatever reason, I was just late this month!

Thanks to everyone for the info and support. I am very excited to have a baby with my husband, but I''ve very glad that won''t be happening in 9 months!

Just as I suspected!!!
Thank goodness!! Now, relax, gf!!!!
That is great news! I just have to say, though, that condoms have a pretty high failure rate, so I wouldn''t depend only on that if I really didn''t want to get pregnant.
I''m glad things have been resolved in a manner that pleases you. I hope you consider my (and diamondseeker''s) recommendation to seek out a different method of birth control. There are so many different types of pills available if the one you took didn''t work well with your chemistry, and there are other options as well including the shot, the ring and the patch.
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