
Pre summer sizzler---mastercut gems sale

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These 2 need to go in a bypass setting. GAHHHH please someone buy themmmmm so I don't. :)
I love both of these pears too. A bypass ring is a great idea!
I am also tempted by those pears! I really want a yellow gem but don't see any that speak to me - which is probably good!
They are being posted tomorrow, to the uk:) I will show. I don't suppose anyone knows any good UK jewellers or somewhere I can buy empty settings do they? I've found a few o Etsy who have nice designs and will sell me an empty setting, and I know rose and ivy (think it is, or Ivy and rose) was mentioned on here, but it's always good to have recommendations from here!

Anyone else have any pictures from the sale?
They are being posted tomorrow, to the uk:) I will show. I don't suppose anyone knows any good UK jewellers or somewhere I can buy empty settings do they? I've found a few o Etsy who have nice designs and will sell me an empty setting, and I know rose and ivy (think it is, or Ivy and rose) was mentioned on here, but it's always good to have recommendations from here!

Anyone else have any pictures from the sale?
definitely Ivy and Rose have good ones for reasonable prices. Some of the jewelers on ebay from China (the good ones like JewelryHoo) will make you a setting from your specifications and send it empty for you to have set locally.
I have bought some of these too. Can't wait to receive them!

Maybe I should encourage them to cut more? Geez, how many did they list? :lol-2:
I have bought some of these too. Can't wait to receive them!
I want one of these so badly!! Bahhhh! But must not buy any more loose stones!:boohoo:
definitely Ivy and Rose have good ones for reasonable prices. Some of the jewelers on ebay from China (the good ones like JewelryHoo) will make you a setting from your specifications and send it empty for you to have set locally.

Thank you! This is super helpful :)

Couldn't resist this one after deliberating a lot - I just kept going back to look again. I like the colour, the silky 'glow' and the cut looks lovely, I am so curious to see it in person. I was thinking of having it set as a cluster ring - what do you guys think? I want to see how it looks i person, I can't decide. It will be a ring though

Also got a little bicolour unheated blue and yellow sapphire...

.... that I thought might look nice on a rose gold ring setting in this style:

Would love to hear all your thoughts on how you'd set these, or just in general. I went out looking for a deep blue sapphire but realised after a lot of searching I wanted something different.
My zircon pair arrived! They are bright and sparkly! I just love zircon :D.
Here are photos in various rainy day, not great indoor lighting. I am super color sensitive and notice the bottom/left stone shows a little more green than the top/right stone in my photos, but I think they are a close enough match for earrings.. What do you all think?
0D67A662-8A41-4D03-8769-CF335CBB402C.jpeg 57DD256B-2A56-4B42-AD37-F58E7841A05D.jpeg CC38CAF3-E6BF-4B75-80D0-9F356C4080E0.jpeg 2D9E58C1-DD17-4975-AB4B-73E079023742.jpeg
My zircon pair arrived! They are bright and sparkly! I just love zircon :D.
Here are photos in various rainy day, not great indoor lighting. I am super color sensitive and notice the bottom/left stone shows a little more green than the top/right stone in my photos, but I think they are a close enough match for earrings.. What do you all think?
0D67A662-8A41-4D03-8769-CF335CBB402C.jpeg 57DD256B-2A56-4B42-AD37-F58E7841A05D.jpeg CC38CAF3-E6BF-4B75-80D0-9F356C4080E0.jpeg 2D9E58C1-DD17-4975-AB4B-73E079023742.jpeg

I actually think the overall shape of each stone is a bit different and that bothers me more than the very slight color difference (which yes, I do see). They just seem a bit uneven (perhaps that's not the right word?) when I view them together. Then again, as my piercer says, no one will ever be looking at both of your ears at the same time!
I actually think the overall shape of each stone is a bit different and that bothers me more than the very slight color difference (which yes, I do see). They just seem a bit uneven (perhaps that's not the right word?) when I view them together. Then again, as my piercer says, no one will ever be looking at both of your ears at the same time!
I do see that a little bit now too. I think some of the shape difference that shows in my photos might be from a slight tilt on one or the other stone. I know it’s super hard to match CS pairs in color and shape. They had another oval pair that I wish I would have ordered at the same time to see in person and then choose one set from, but I can’t find that pair on their site now, so they must have sold. I’m still pondering what to do, but your words have been helpful =)2.
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I do see that a little bit now too. I think some of the shape difference that shows in my photos might be from a slight tilt on one or the other stone. I know it’s super hard to match CS pairs in color and shape. They had another oval pair that I wish I would have ordered at the same time to see in person and then choose one set from, but I can’t find that pair on their site now, so they must have sold. I’m still pondering what to do, but your words have been helpful =)2.

I think they look lovely. They are hand cut, natural stones, and it's quite right that nobody will look at both ears at the same time!
I love them both @2Neezers ! For earrings I am 99% sure no one will notice. They are so sparkly !
Yep this was me :geek2: I might pair it with the bright blue zircon pear I have and a white round zircon for a red, white, blue ring... just a thought.

Yep this was me :geek2: I might pair it with the bright blue zircon pear I have and a white round zircon for a red, white, blue ring... just a thought.

Yayyyy I'm so glad someone bought this one!
Yep this was me :geek2: I might pair it with the bright blue zircon pear I have and a white round zircon for a red, white, blue ring... just a thought.

Oh please come back and post personal photos once you receive it. It really spoke to me. It looks fiery!
hi! I'm a newbie poster but like to look at everyone's photos, so I thought I'd share my own from the pre summer sizzler sale. Apologies for weird formatting, have not gotten used to the forum.

Here are my purchases in order-
Peridot pair
Sphene: I bought this one simply to look at because of the dispersion - I'd never seen one in person before. It does not disappoint!
Green Apatite (17.31 carat)
Red garnet pair
Green Tourmaline in the sunshine (first photo) and overcast weather (second photo)