
Prayer request


Aug 4, 2008
I lost my biggest client, 99% of my income last year. They are going with an outsourcing company for everything IT. Out of the blue they called and told me today.
I could use some prayers that something else comes along really soon.
Wow, Karl, I'm so sorry! DH works in IT so I know what that's like. We'll be praying that you are provided either a new job or more clients; either way, more income! Please keep us posted.
I am so sorry, Karl! Praying!!!
Karl, I'm praying for you. DH had a similar situation 15 years ago and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. He came out on the other side bigger and better.
Karl, I hope you get a big load of new business very soon. Huge hugs outgoing.
Prayers that this closed door leads you to an awesome open window. Strength and peace!
Karl_K|1394072687|3628364 said:
I lost my biggest client, 99% of my income last year. They are going with an outsourcing company for everything IT. Out of the blue they called and told me today.
I could use some prayers that something else comes along really soon.

That is horrible news delivered in a most shameful way!! :angryfire:

My heart goes out to you and I'll pray that someone in the IT business will be in touch with you promptly.

It reminds me of the way my doctor delivered my breast cancer news. :(( It was like a punch in the stomach.
Sorry to hear that, Karl. I hope you get multiple sources of income soon.
That is just awful, Karl! I will be praying for you!
I will pray that God will open a new door for you. A bigger and better contract than the one you just lost.
I will certainly pray for you as well, Karl!
Praying for you, Karl.
Sending lots if prayers. You are a brilliant man. Success "should"come your way. Hugs.
Sending you lots of good luck DUST!
Prayers and dust from the other side of the world. You have an amazing talent, something else will come along!!!!
lots Lots LOTS of good luck dust to you, Karl.
Sending positive prayers for you and your situation Karl.
Prayers going out!
I'm sorry to hear that, Karl. I really hope something comes along for you soon.
I'll be praying and sending PS dust your way. Good Luck!
HUGS Karl!
I'm sorry that this has happened to you. This is such a common thing since profits are pretty much the only thing corporations care about anymore :(

I will tell you this-God opens doors and closes them as needed (as you very well know). If this door has been slammed shut it means that God has something different-bigger and better (although it usually takes a while for us to see/feel that way too) for you than what you were doing before. So in all this keep your faith since we have a mighty and powerful God. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He has something even greater and more fulfilling in store for you and your family than your wildest dreams. What comes next may just be a stepping stone but though all things and in all things-He is always working and always has our best interests at heart. Even when we don't understand it and it causes us pain and confusion.

Sending much love to you my brother in Christ. God bless you and your family and carry you during this uncertain time into something more glorious than you can even begin to fathom!
Hope and lots of dust coming your way to a better job and future.***dust dust dust***
Thanks everyone.
Karl, dust & prayers coming your way. With all these good wishes from PS, you've got to be rocketing along soon. It's so often the things that seem like the worst possible that turn out to be the start of better stuff. Keep the faith -- you'll make it work! You have a ton of ability.

--- Laurie
Karl... so sorry!!! Prayers for new business to come along soon... very soon!
I'm very sorry as well. I'm sure it feels like a punch in the stomach as one poster suggested. Dust for you.

Hey Karl, I get job openings every once in a while for IT openings, usually for startups and such. The next time something comes up, I will message Ella and ask if she can forward it to you?

I just got one for a web developer that I emailed to Ella.

I'm very sorry to read this Karl. I hope something even better comes along for you soon!
Sending up dust for you to find something else soon.
Job dust coming your way! I hope you get something real soon.