
Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and why?

Reset with Victor Canera or studs?

  • Reset to dream cushion Emilya, and make small studs, 30 points each in April. Would have to put off

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Reset to pave four prong solitaire with double eagle claws. Somehow I can envision my stone in that

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Keep current setting and get matching 1.1 carat diamond to have 2.1ish ctw studs, late in the year.

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Keep current setting and get new set of studs, around 1.8 ctw, late in the year. Then I would still

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 24, 2012
:| :|

I've been planning a reset and wanted to ship my ring to Victor in the next week or so, but it's just not simple to do. I'm in Northern CA, and he's in LA. He won't insure the transit of my stone to him. I'm willing to pay him. I don't want to use USPS cause value is too high. Can't use FedEx due to their insurance policies.

I can book a flight to deliver it myself, which would be around the same cost as shipping it. This might be a good idea cause I could at least get to meet him, and discuss ideas directly. And what could be better than delivering it myself. But I can't go until late April because I am so busy at work right now. It's the delay that is getting me down, and making me rethink what I really want.

I'm worried that if I get an Emilya, I may not consider it a forever setting. But maybe it is unrealistic of me to worry about it at this time. Who can guarantee how I will feel for the next 50 years. I do just love the look of the cushion halo. The setting will look like this, but I'm not getting the split shank. It will the be traditional Emilya shank and donut. This pic is the closest one I can find to my vision of the finished product. Most other cushion halos are with old cut stones, or fancy cuts. This is Donnabrsd's. The stone is almost the same size, around a 2.5.


However, I'm mentally ready for studs. I love my little gold studs. Really I do, but I would like to see some bling there. It's time. If I got studs, I'm not sure if I should get a match to my 1.1 or go for a new set of 1.8 ctw. If I did, I would have to wait until mid-year.

The thing is, with this reset, if I don't do it now, I feel like I will never do it. I'll get used to my setting and be ok with it. I won't ever be in love with it, but it's a nice blingy setting... :| I do like it. However, if I do, I'll have to wait a while for my studs, probably a couple of years. My poor DH is not a money tree...

And please help me figure out what this means. I have to confess that part of me is considering a reset from the halo to Victor's pave four prong solitaire with double eagle claws at some point. Is that a huge sign that I should not go for the Emilya??!! Should I even allow myself to entertain this idea?? I wonder if anyone who has a halo from Victor would consider a reset.

In an ideal world, I would have an old cut in a cushion halo, and keep the round in a solitaire-ish setting (Victor's pave four prong solitaire).

But just to torture myself, I am going to ask in a poll what others would do, if you were in my shoes, and why. Keep in mind I have no diamond studs, at all. Ok, (deep breath) I'm hitting submit...
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

My first question is:
If you ring is insured, why does VC need to insure its transport?

I didn't vote in the poll because I got confused when you started listing pendant options.

I think you are definitely experiencing cold feet. Going from a halo to a solitaire means you are not committed to the halo that you have been debating for a while.

You mention that if you don't act now, you might just learn to accept your current setting...why is that such a bad thing?

I know that I would not commit to a high-end setting because then I would be tied to it for a loooooooooooonng time, and that's just not me, so I can't really give you advice on that end.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

+ 1 do you have insurance already? That might be helpful in some way.

Otherwise wait and go and see him that way you can hopefully see some of his settings in person, try them on and get a much better feel for what you do and don't want. I am biased because I own an 8 prong made by him and an Emilya setting, if you saw the amount of extra bling you end up with (in a classy not a tacky) way that the Emilya gives I think you should be happy if that is what you are trying to achieve.

You definitely need to work out if you want a simple solitaire or a halo. So simple style - making the centre diamond pop on it's own versus lots of extra bling that his halos give.

I used to think SB was nuts haloing her big cushion, but I am now in the camp that I'd put a VC halo around just about anything I own happily and I know it would look amazing. I think you have to go and see this for yourself to understand :D
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Here's my recommendation.

You live RIGHT near me (like within 10 minutes if I remember correctly).

Have you gone to Joe Escobar and tried on Beacon's setting? It's a round halo with a split shank, but very similar (halo is just not cushion shaped). And the quality is right up there with Victor (seriously). And they also have a cushion halo on a round with a single shank, if my memory serves... which sounds very close to what you want.

They also have several other SUPER high quality halo settings.

And they will let you spend all day there if you want (especially if you go during the week, but they have great evening and weekend hours too) and live with the ring for a couple hours, and see how you feel about it.

I think that's the best for you to see a setting of that quality and that size on your own hands and 'live with it' for an hour or so and see how you feel about it.

As for shipping problems. I would fly the sucker down myself. I think that's a great idea.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

arkieb1|1394774167|3633801 said:
+ 1 do you have insurance already? That might be helpful in some way.

Otherwise wait and go and see him that way you can hopefully see some of his settings in person, try them on and get a much better feel for what you do and don't want. I am biased because I own an 8 prong made by him and an Emilya setting, if you saw the amount of extra bling you end up with (in a classy not a tacky) way that the Emilya gives I think you should be happy if that is what you are trying to achieve.

You definitely need to work out if you want a simple solitaire or a halo. So simple style - making the centre diamond pop on it's own versus lots of extra bling that his halos give.

I used to think SB was nuts haloing her big cushion, but I am now in the camp that I'd put a VC halo around just about anything I own happily and I know it would look amazing. I think you have to go and see this for yourself to understand :D

Hi Arkieb1, I was thinking the same thing. If I actually visited him, I might have a chance to see other pieces that he's making. And I also thought about what you said about seeing it IRL. That might change EVERYTHING and put all my fears to rest. I'm this close to booking my flight...
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

braga123|1394772872|3633795 said:
My first question is:
If you ring is insured, why does VC need to insure its transport?

I didn't vote in the poll because I got confused when you started listing pendant options.

I think you are definitely experiencing cold feet. Going from a halo to a solitaire means you are not committed to the halo that you have been debating for a while.

You mention that if you don't act now, you might just learn to accept your current setting...why is that such a bad thing?

I know that I would not commit to a high-end setting because then I would be tied to it for a loooooooooooonng time, and that's just not me, so I can't really give you advice on that end.

"cold feet" ? EXACTLY this!!! I never felt this conflicted about getting married... :lol:

Trust me. I'm confused too.

Yes, my ring is insured up the wazoo, but I'm not sure what happens if I lose it if it is not in my possession. Hmmm, maybe I need to look at that policy...
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Gypsy|1394774848|3633810 said:
Here's my recommendation.

You live RIGHT near me (like within 10 minutes if I remember correctly).

Have you gone to Joe Escobar and tried on Beacon's setting? It's a round halo with a split shank, but very similar (halo is just not cushion shaped). And the quality is right up there with Victor (seriously). And they also have a cushion halo on a round with a single shank, if my memory serves... which sounds very close to what you want.

They also have several other SUPER high quality halo settings.

And they will let you spend all day there if you want (especially if you go during the week, but they have great evening and weekend hours too) and live with the ring for a couple hours, and see how you feel about it.

I think that's the best for you to see a setting of that quality and that size on your own hands and 'live with it' for an hour or so and see how you feel about it.

As for shipping problems. I would fly the sucker down myself. I think that's a great idea.

Good idea about Joe Escobar. Ok, gonna make a trip there. I'll update you guys when I get back. And I'll go look up Beacon's setting too. Thanks!!
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

I would keep current setting and get a match for the 1.1ct for studs! Because... my ring sits on my desk more than it is on my finger and because I am still very happy wearing my studs every day.

If I wore the 1.1ct pendant often, I would still keep current setting and get 1.8ctw studs later in the year.

Also, when your "ideal world" comes around, it is still not easy to pick a solitaire or other setting for your current diamond or to find an old cut diamond for your custom cushion halo setting that you like, that fits in your setting, and is a great price.

I wonder if anyone who has a halo from Victor would consider a reset

I have been reading your posts and I hope you find the ring of your dreams soon!
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

For some reason, I can't vote in the poll because it keeps knocking me off.

Your hesitation about the reset makes my vote to get the larger stud earrings later on this year. Keep your current ering and leave your original stone in the pendant. I would have said get the ering straightened out first but your hesitation makes me afraid you won't like the halo; especially because you're already considering what your next reset might be. Too much money to keep getting settings. With a stone of your size, a halo would be very large. I think that would not be a problem for you as you like bling but if you think that you could grow to love your current ring, I'm not going to vote to change it at this point.

Getting smaller studs isn't going to satisfy you either so I wouldn't tie up your original stone with them. Get the size that you think you want to end up with from the get go. I think you'll be happier with them and feel like you really got something new and super sparkly!

The Emilya is beautiful - no doubt about it. There is just a real difference between a haloed ering and a diamond set in shiny metal. If you wanted to enhance the visual size of your ring, that might be the way to go. Somehow though I don't get the impression that you're trying to increase the size or finger coverage and because you have slim fingers, you don't want to overdo it. I almost feel that you're not completely happy with the execution of your current ring but that you do like the five stone design. Maybe it needs some gentle tweaking to make it look more like the ring you wanted to begin with?
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

I think Gypsy's idea is great, go and try on a heap of things first put them next to your existing ring if you have to and work out what YOU like visually.

I have a number of ideas in my head what I think I would love all the time and I go and try on something similar, look at how it is on my hand and then go wow I really liked that in pictures but on me, not so much. Trying on a number of things is a great way to figure out what you really want or need or if you indeed need a change at all.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

I would definitely hold off if you are not 100% sure. His settings are not cheap and you don't want to make a costly mistake.
I love his Ann Marie setting and was planning on sending my diamond to him last year. I instead purchased an ERD setting (preloved from someone who had CADs drawn up because she happened to love the Ann Marie as well).
To be honest, I only wear that ring a handful of times since I have had it. It is a very very blingy setting. You may not want all that bling, all of the time.
If you do decide you want it though, because his work and that setting are phenomenal, I would definitely find a way to bring him my diamond myself. It would be worth the trip to make sure nothing happens to your diamond.
Or you can get insurance for it.
I also like Gypsy's idea of going to Escobar's and try out the ring and others for the day.

I am in a similar predicament. I've always wanted a VC setting and I have had my WF Harmony setting for a few years now. I've kind of decided that I want to get a rose gold with platinum prong solitaire and I recently saw a thread on SBTB of the BGD Tiffany half round and I absolutely love it.

I contacted VC about making the Gabriella setting in rose gold and platinum and his cost is $2595. On the BGD website, the Tiffany half round would cost me $950. I know that it quite a huge difference in price and his settings are hand forged, but considering it is a simple solitaire and there are not diamonds, I don't know if it's worth the extra money to have him make it or go with BGD.

I do think that if you are hesitant, then wait. The earrings sound like a great idea. I would get the 1.8 ctw and keep the pendant as is. Keep the original closest to your heart! :bigsmile:
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w


I cast a vote for 90 pt studs, keeping your original ering in pendant, and waiting on the reset. You really may want to keep your setting, and nice studs are beautiful. You will get a lot of wear out of those.

Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

I think you need a "None of the above" options. I think before you do anything you need to sit back and figure out what you want.
I think Gypsy mentioned visiting another jeweler. Probably a good idea to get out and about and try some things on. Good luck!
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Ha! I vote none of the above, too!

My former tagline was: When in doubt, don't.

You are not certain, so don't do it now. This is the reason my AVR is in a plain solitaire! I will not spend $4-5k on a setting unless I am so in love with a setting that I am 100% sure I can't do without it! Look until you are sure! It is hard for me to be patient and wait. I always seem to need a project to work on! But settings are too high priced to repeatedly reset for many of us!

As far as the studs go, with a diamond the size of yours, I think you need a carat each. So either get a match for your old diamond if it is well cut, or get some just under a carat each from somewhere like WF and upgrade later. Mine at .80 each feel just a little too small for me since I upgraded my diamond.

I envy you living close to Joe Escobar! If you have a chance, take pictures of their colored stone rings for me! :bigsmile:
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Agree w/ the others that you should wait on a reset of your ER diamond--you need to make sure that a halo ring will fit your lifestyle.

Personally, I think you should buy smaller studs and then work your way up to a larger size (upgrade programs w/ various vendors) in an inexpensive setting. I think everyone should have a basic pair of studs to wear daily.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

tyty333|1394810396|3634041 said:
I think you need a "None of the above" options. I think before you do anything you need to sit back and figure out what you want.
I think Gypsy mentioned visiting another jeweler. Probably a good idea to get out and about and try some things on. Good luck!

I think the above is excellent advice/choice.
I'd take a little more time to consider what you want.
on the re-set, I'd just examine when and how you want to wear the ring. I was all ready to send off a MRB last year to put in a cushion shaped halo and I realized I was trying to make the stone something it was not. I realize this is not your scenario, but taking more time might avoid a costly re-set that won't satisfy you.
On the studs I have no advice, but as I considered resetting an old pair I have, I realized I have 5 pairs in different sizes and it's ridiculous. 2ctw is too big for me, but 1ctw seems a little small, so I'm going to try the goldlocks' approach someday soon. I think the process of upgrading on studs might be a nice one. you get to experience the sizes and not feel guilty with any costly mistakes.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

mom2boys|1394819419|3634161 said:
Agree w/ the others that you should wait on a reset of your ER diamond--you need to make sure that a halo ring will fit your lifestyle.

Personally, I think you should buy smaller studs and then work your way up to a larger size (upgrade programs w/ various vendors) in an inexpensive setting. I think everyone should have a basic pair of studs to wear daily.

Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

I would do nothing, as it is really obvious you don't know what YOU want LONGTERM at the moment. I would keep my
ring as is and any money until I knew for sure. You don't like your present setting enough or wouldn't be feeling this way
unless it is going to take longer to realise it is your ring. Otherwise I would know I am getting another ring and jewelry
but not until I have decided what it is.

UNLESS, you are one of these people who change their settings every year.

I would not be asking people on a forum or otherwise in my life about what I want as only I know that and
can make that decision. I might ask what other people would want as your question does, but still would not
let a poll decide which way I go.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Pyramid|1394831148|3634290 said:
I would do nothing, as it is really obvious you don't know what YOU want LONGTERM at the moment. I would keep my
ring as is and any money until I knew for sure. You don't like your present setting enough or wouldn't be feeling this way
unless it is going to take longer to realise it is your ring. Otherwise I would know I am getting another ring and jewelry
but not until I have decided what it is.

UNLESS, you are one of these people who change their settings every year.

I would not be asking people on a forum or otherwise in my life about what I want as only I know that and
can make that decision. I might ask what other people would want as your question does, but still would not
let a poll decide which way I go.

Hi Pyramid,

Thank you for your comments. I hesitated asking people but many of these PSers are much more experienced jewelry owners than I am. Thus I really value their opinions in the context of their reasons. They are also able to share their own personal experiences and practical advice as people who have worn jewelry for years. Also, many have had to make choices about how and where to spend their funds. I am most interested in their decision making process and how they feel about the decisions years after.

And sometimes I am so stuck in the details I find it hard to step back and see the bigger picture. Other people who aren't as emotionally involved can see this with more detachment and clarity. Many have told me that I am uncertain. Although that might have been obvious to you all I thought maybe it's just cold feet, which means proceed and don't be such a chicken. I have been really busy and not spending time on PS lately and have discovered that I like my ring more than I thought. Seeing metal on y shank bugs me but I may add more stones down the side in the future.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

donnabrsd|1394784943|3633854 said:
I would keep current setting and get a match for the 1.1ct for studs! Because... my ring sits on my desk more than it is on my finger and because I am still very happy wearing my studs every day.

If I wore the 1.1ct pendant often, I would still keep current setting and get 1.8ctw studs later in the year.

Also, when your "ideal world" comes around, it is still not easy to pick a solitaire or other setting for your current diamond or to find an old cut diamond for your custom cushion halo setting that you like, that fits in your setting, and is a great price.

I wonder if anyone who has a halo from Victor would consider a reset

I have been reading your posts and I hope you find the ring of your dreams soon!

Hi Donna, thank you so much for responding. It really appreciate it, since you actually are living with you beautiful reset. What you said about your studs rings very true to me. I can see myself wearing my studs daily. That is sticking to me.

Right now, I'm wearing my ring daily. I've been off PS for a while, meaning just barely skimming maybe once a day. And strangely I am really liking my ring right now. I just don't want to regret a reset.

If you feel like sharing, what would you reset your diamond to? If too personal, I totally understand.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

MissGotRocks|1394797165|3633923 said:
For some reason, I can't vote in the poll because it keeps knocking me off.

Your hesitation about the reset makes my vote to get the larger stud earrings later on this year. Keep your current ering and leave your original stone in the pendant. I would have said get the ering straightened out first but your hesitation makes me afraid you won't like the halo; especially because you're already considering what your next reset might be. Too much money to keep getting settings. With a stone of your size, a halo would be very large. I think that would not be a problem for you as you like bling but if you think that you could grow to love your current ring, I'm not going to vote to change it at this point.

Getting smaller studs isn't going to satisfy you either so I wouldn't tie up your original stone with them. Get the size that you think you want to end up with from the get go. I think you'll be happier with them and feel like you really got something new and super sparkly!

The Emilya is beautiful - no doubt about it. There is just a real difference between a haloed ering and a diamond set in shiny metal. If you wanted to enhance the visual size of your ring, that might be the way to go. Somehow though I don't get the impression that you're trying to increase the size or finger coverage and because you have slim fingers, you don't want to overdo it. I almost feel that you're not completely happy with the execution of your current ring but that you do like the five stone design. Maybe it needs some gentle tweaking to make it look more like the ring you wanted to begin with?

Hi MGR, I do want more finger coverage, and I am afraid a halo might be too much. LOL! And yes, I even suggested that Victor design something to tweak my five stone design. He never responded to that suggestion. I swear. Sometimes I think you just crawled into my head and saw everything. I am debating between a new pair or a match to my existing solitaire. I think the good thing is right now, I have to wait before I do anything. Maybe what I'm learning is that in time, anything can change. I do need to figure out if this ring may be "too much bling". I don't want to end up not wearing the halo'd ring because I'm uncomfortable with the level of bling. I'm actually a little uncomfortable at the office when people see my ring now. I'm off to Joe Escobar very soon.

On a different note, I just really wanted to thank you for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully and being so patient with my indecisiveness. I really value your insight.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Butterfly17|1394808770|3634018 said:
I would definitely hold off if you are not 100% sure. His settings are not cheap and you don't want to make a costly mistake.
I love his Ann Marie setting and was planning on sending my diamond to him last year. I instead purchased an ERD setting (preloved from someone who had CADs drawn up because she happened to love the Ann Marie as well).
To be honest, I only wear that ring a handful of times since I have had it. It is a very very blingy setting. You may not want all that bling, all of the time.
If you do decide you want it though, because his work and that setting are phenomenal, I would definitely find a way to bring him my diamond myself. It would be worth the trip to make sure nothing happens to your diamond.
Or you can get insurance for it.
I also like Gypsy's idea of going to Escobar's and try out the ring and others for the day.

I am in a similar predicament. I've always wanted a VC setting and I have had my WF Harmony setting for a few years now. I've kind of decided that I want to get a rose gold with platinum prong solitaire and I recently saw a thread on SBTB of the BGD Tiffany half round and I absolutely love it.

I contacted VC about making the Gabriella setting in rose gold and platinum and his cost is $2595. On the BGD website, the Tiffany half round would cost me $950. I know that it quite a huge difference in price and his settings are hand forged, but considering it is a simple solitaire and there are not diamonds, I don't know if it's worth the extra money to have him make it or go with BGD.

I do think that if you are hesitant, then wait. The earrings sound like a great idea. I would get the 1.8 ctw and keep the pendant as is. Keep the original closest to your heart! :bigsmile:

"You may not want all that bling, all of the time." Exactly this just occurred to me. You know what is funny? I couldn't see the results of the poll until I voted too. So I did. I chose the last option, which is what most people did too. Funny...

I hope that you'll keep us updated with your journey too. I would be very interested to see if you make any changes. :) I've looked at your set a lot and really love the skinny band with your stone. I considered getting something like that too. Victor's 4 prong pave solitaire. :)
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

smitcompton|1394809530|3634032 said:

I cast a vote for 90 pt studs, keeping your original ering in pendant, and waiting on the reset. You really may want to keep your setting, and nice studs are beautiful. You will get a lot of wear out of those.


Yes, you're right Annette. I would really love getting a pair of studs that I would wear everyday. That would satisfy the bling monster for a while. It took me quite a while to even get used to the little gold studs. That is why I was considering 90 point studs. For some reason, I like the look of being able to see my earlobe all around my stud. The 1.1 seemed actually a little big for me. But maybe that is only temporary. I like the thought of keeping my original ering separate. I kinda want it bezel set for a necklace.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

tyty333|1394810396|3634041 said:
I think you need a "None of the above" options. I think before you do anything you need to sit back and figure out what you want.
I think Gypsy mentioned visiting another jeweler. Probably a good idea to get out and about and try some things on. Good luck!

tyty333, Will do. As soon as I can too!! :) I'll post pictures, for sure!
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

diamondseeker2006|1394818650|3634146 said:
Ha! I vote none of the above, too!

My former tagline was: When in doubt, don't.

You are not certain, so don't do it now. This is the reason my AVR is in a plain solitaire! I will not spend $4-5k on a setting unless I am so in love with a setting that I am 100% sure I can't do without it! Look until you are sure! It is hard for me to be patient and wait. I always seem to need a project to work on! But settings are too high priced to repeatedly reset for many of us!

As far as the studs go, with a diamond the size of yours, I think you need a carat each. So either get a match for your old diamond if it is well cut, or get some just under a carat each from somewhere like WF and upgrade later. Mine at .80 each feel just a little too small for me since I upgraded my diamond.

I envy you living close to Joe Escobar! If you have a chance, take pictures of their colored stone rings for me! :bigsmile:

Thank you DS, luckily I am stuck for now. :) No choice but to wait for a while. I am kinda shocked by the blinginess of the earrings, so much so that I might feel awkward wearing blingy studs and my e-ring. I might just put away my e-ring and just wear a plain band while I get used to the blinginess of studs. I can definitely see myself doing that... And I have to go look for your thread on your studs.

I'll try to get to Joe Escobar as soon as I can. I am very grateful for the suggestion.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

mom2boys|1394819419|3634161 said:
Agree w/ the others that you should wait on a reset of your ER diamond--you need to make sure that a halo ring will fit your lifestyle.

Personally, I think you should buy smaller studs and then work your way up to a larger size (upgrade programs w/ various vendors) in an inexpensive setting. I think everyone should have a basic pair of studs to wear daily.

"you need to make sure that a halo ring will fit your lifestyle" - so true. Thanks m2b. That is my goal... :)
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Harpertoo|1394823431|3634217 said:
tyty333|1394810396|3634041 said:
I think you need a "None of the above" options. I think before you do anything you need to sit back and figure out what you want.
I think Gypsy mentioned visiting another jeweler. Probably a good idea to get out and about and try some things on. Good luck!

I think the above is excellent advice/choice.
I'd take a little more time to consider what you want.
on the re-set, I'd just examine when and how you want to wear the ring. I was all ready to send off a MRB last year to put in a cushion shaped halo and I realized I was trying to make the stone something it was not. I realize this is not your scenario, but taking more time might avoid a costly re-set that won't satisfy you.
On the studs I have no advice, but as I considered resetting an old pair I have, I realized I have 5 pairs in different sizes and it's ridiculous. 2ctw is too big for me, but 1ctw seems a little small, so I'm going to try the goldlocks' approach someday soon. I think the process of upgrading on studs might be a nice one. you get to experience the sizes and not feel guilty with any costly mistakes.

Thanks Harper.

"I was trying to make the stone something it was not" - also so true. I love square shaped stones. Thus...cushion... I should just save up for an asscher.
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

yennyfire|1394823439|3634218 said:
mom2boys|1394819419|3634161 said:
Agree w/ the others that you should wait on a reset of your ER diamond--you need to make sure that a halo ring will fit your lifestyle.

Personally, I think you should buy smaller studs and then work your way up to a larger size (upgrade programs w/ various vendors) in an inexpensive setting. I think everyone should have a basic pair of studs to wear daily.


Thank you yennyfire. From a person who did the perfect reset, you do know what you're talking about. ;)
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Here are pics of a .73 on each ear,

The .73 looks good to me. Clearly not too big, but noticeable.


Here is the 1.1, a little bigger I'm guessing

Fakes are on my ears. I'm holding up the 1.1 next to it. I wonder how fast DSS will set in.

Any thoughts?
Re: Poll: Not sure of Canera reset. What would you do and w

Not that there are any set rules, of course, but I kind of like somewhere around the weight of the diamond in the ring for the total carat weight of the studs. So for a 2-2.5 ct e-ring diamond, 1-1.25 cts each for the studs. Now I would never go higher than a carat because I think that is the max I'd be comfortable wearing, personally, but I do feel like my .80's are a little smaller than I'd ideally like to have. I guess that is why I buy from WF so I can keep upgrading!! The only thing is, now I'd like to have some AVR's to match my ring! So, who knows when I'll ever get to my final pair!

The .73's are fine. I would only buy with a good upgrade policy, though.