
PLEASSEEE tell me which d-slr camera to buy!!!


Jan 26, 2010
Uggh, well, that's pretty much how I feel right now, just UGGGHHH.

I am preparing to buy my first digital SLR camera. I have decided on canon, but have no idea which one to get. I need recommendations.

The camera is going to be used outside often, nature shots, maybe some wildlife, and of course, to photograph the dog during her moments of fantabulousness. At any rate, I'm stuck. I've looked at the canon t1i through t3i. I want to be able to blow up the pics, but I'm having a hard time justifying $900 on a camera I will carry with me on hikes (read as "might get banged up"), and don't want to take fancy videos with (sorry for ending the sentence in a preposition).

What should I get? I need image stability, like saturated colors, and while I can go to $900 and have a definite mental block that I cannot cross on $1000, would be happy w/ a camera in the $600-700 range.

I am desperate for advice! What would you all recommend?
Hi Beadchick,

I know you said you settled on canon but I have a Nikon D3000 that I absolutely adore. Like you, I thought I was set on canon but I went to a camera store and the salesman explained that the Nikon has a better built body. I like to travel and wanted something sturdy. Recently an updated version was released that has HD video capabilities for about $650. The model name is D3100! Let me know what you decide! Good luck :)
If you want to get serious in the dslr world be prepared spending muchhhhhh more than anticipated. The body itself is just the beginning...lenses alone cost much more, let alone all the accessories you may be purchasing...

The Canon vs Nikon debate could go on forever and it's just personal preference IMO...I personally like Canon because it's a brand i've always been familiar with and many of my friends have Canon's as well...

As a beginner, which seems to want to budget on a dslr, here is my suggeestion if you stick with Canon...

I would stick to the Rebel series, the T1i - T3i is definitely the best of the bunch, but you will be fine with the other models as well...

Canon sells refurbished dslr body's and kit's.

Some of the more popular items such as the T2i are in and out of stock quite frequently so always recheck...

If you have a broken canon point of shoot you can qualify for the Loyalty Program, meaning you can get 20% off...I would suggest trying to find a broken one for a couple of bucks on craigslist, etc, if you don't have one...

You could get a T2i with 18-55 IS kit lens for $512 before tax...

As a budget starter kit I would add a 55-250mm IS telephoto zoom which you can get it new for about $199 right now... Also add in a 50mm f/1.8 prime, which you can get for about $125...

That itself will keep you busy for a long time and get a a feel of a variety of lenses...

A good beginner book is Understanding Exposure from B. Peterson, which I would highly recommened...Also read the entire manual!

Good luck!
There really isn't that much difference in the camera bodies. What makes the camera do what you want to do is the lens. You almost need to start with the lens. I have the Nikon D 200 and a honking huge all glass 17-55 MM lens. I chose the lens because I wanted to be able to use natural light in as many situations as possible (especially for my portrait work). I have a portrait lens also but I rarely take the 17-55 lens off the camera. The camera plus lens is big, heavy, unwieldly, a disaster for travel, but it is just wonderful for the applications I wanted it for. The lens is incredibly bright and a joy to use. But the whole get up is so cumbersome that I use it almost exclusively around my house, for my work and reference photos. I thought about getting a little camera to have on me at all times, but I just use my iPhone.