
Please help with Chicago proposal

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Jan 2, 2008
Hi everyone! I am planning on proposing to my girlfriend in a couple weeks during a trip to Chicago. We have never been, but always wanted to. There is a chance I(we?) will be moving there if I get into a medical school out there. I know there are already threads on this, but they have left me more confused
I was hoping that some of you natives or frequent visitors could help me out. The one thing I know for sure is that it would have to be private (she will cry a lot). I am a little concerned about the weather and how it may limit my options. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!


Jan 25, 2008
I'm in a similar situation, but an idea could involve the Sears Tower.


Aug 12, 2005
When exactly are you proposing? Sioon, as in winter, or later, as in spring when nicer weather comes around?

You can always do the Signature Room (95th floor of Hancock bldg.) will be private enough but it''s also somewhat public as will be any restaurant...

Or you can find a beach location (i.e. park bench/sand, blanket/etc.) more private, she will love it. Try to do that sort of thing while the sun is still out if you''re planning a proposal that will take place in the winter months.

Need to know a bit more about your situation to really help you...

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
I know a place: the Garfield Park Conservatory which is like a huge indoor garden. On weekdays, it''s mostly deserted during the day so lots of privacy, and you can pick which climate you want to propose in! Haha! Rainforest? Tropics? Desert? You got it. Plus it''s just as nice in the winter. The best spot, I would think, is in the aroid house where there is a beautiful fish pond and lots of gorgeous flowers. If you go down the steps to the pond, there''s a bench which is very romantic. You can get there easily and quickly on the El train (green line).

The pictures on the website are lame. It is way WAY better in person.


Jul 5, 2007
I have a couple friends that have been proposed to in the signature room. Definitely prepare ahead of time though with reservations - we went there to go get drinks at the bar prior to going out for my bach party and there was a line so long that it was practically the perimeter of the building - it would have taken a couple hours to get in.

Sears tower could have a lot of people up there and it''s very open, so not a lot of privacy - definitely go to see the view, but if your FI-to-be wants a private proposal, that might not be the place to go. I do know a couple of people who have been proposed to there, and it''s fun because you can take the first ring pics (to be posted on PS, of course) with the chicago skyline ;-)

I''m agreeing that inside locations are probably best since Chicago weather is a) cold b) unpredictable. One of my favorite indoor spots is blue Chagall stained glass in the Art Institute. It''s been awhile since I''ve been there, but it''s a corridor where usually there are some students writing and hanging out, and if you were there on a non-high traffic time, it could be private...but that''s kindof betting a lot.

What in particular does she want to see? If she has something at the top of her list, that could be your answer there.

I also googled and what came up was an old PS thread - has some wintery Chicago options (ice skating in millenium park is pretty cute, but again, very public):


Feb 15, 2007
What about proposing in your hotel room--somehow manage to either decorate it yourself or ask the hotel staff to help you out (I''m sure they will--my best friend works for Westin and they do that sort of thing a lot) and then the proposal could be private, and then you could take her out for a romantic dinner. Check out, it''s my favorite website for finding fun things to do in Chicaog, and I live here!

Definitely do your proposing inside--it''s FREEZING here right now! Garfield Park Conservatory is beautiful, and so is the Signature Room and the Sears Tower--but those last two are pretty public. I just went to a gorgeous wedding in the Metropolitan club, which is on the 66th floor of the Sears Tower, it was very elegant. Perhaps you could call them and see if they could set something up for you?

Good luck! If you''re looking for a fabulous, special, extremely overpriced meal ;-) to go and celebrate I can''t recommend MK Restaurant more. It is DELICIOUS. You have to get the pommes frites, yummmmm.

I know it''s a chain, but Bin 36 always has fun events and they''re having an "Art of Chocolate" event on February 20th--that would be a nice thing to do after you propose, too. Too bad they''re not having any Movies in the Loft evens in the next few weeks, they''re the best.

Good luck!


Jan 13, 2008
I feel your pain. I live in Chicago and am planning to propose this Saturday. I''m doing it outside the front gates of Wrigley Field (the gf is a huge cubs fan). I''m not shying away from an outside venue and you shouldn''t necessarily either. As long as there''s someplace close by to go to afterwards to warm up you''ll be fine. I wouldn''t go walking through Grant Park or taking a stroll on North Beach right now, but there are outside options.

Outside options - Wrigley (not for everyone), the fantastic old Presbyterian Church right on Michigan Avenue on the north end of the Magnificent Mile, the Water Tower on Michigan Avenue, or on one of the horse drawn carriage rides that''ll take you through downtown.

Inside options - if you''re going to a bar for this, do it before 7pm, most bars are pretty dead then so it''ll be more private. Some good bars (besides the ones mentioned), Bar-Celona in Wrigleyville, Redhead Piano Bar downtown, Whisky Sky at the W Lakeshore. Some good restaurants, Mirai Sushi, Charlie Trotter''s (if you want to drop $750 on dinner), NoMi.

If I hadn''t already done the carriage ride for a birthday I definately would''ve gone that route. They have nice blankets to keep you warm and its just a lot of fun. This is the service I used, they did a great job. I''m sure they could put together a totally custom package to make your proposal really awesome.

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
Please throw in the carriage ride. Well, just wanted to tell you it would be tops with me!!
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