
Picture of an albino deer fawn

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Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
A friend sent me this in an e-mail. Someone was driving in Maine and saw the fawn in the road. The mother wasn't around.

another one

SO adorable!

Mom might have ditched her thinking a bright-white fawn would get both of them spotted & in trouble... Albino tigers don''t make it very long in the wild, while they do wonderfully in captivity...

thanks for posting the pictures

Oh wow MB, it''s GORGEOUS. Hopefully it will find a good home in a wildlife sanctuary, away from harm. As a kid I remember seeing two albino squirrels frollicking in the trees. I grew up with them around and never realized they were rather rare.
OMG - she's beautiful! Thanks for the pic!

Do they know yet what they''re going to do with it?
Date: 2/5/2007 2:04:19 PM
Author: Aurelia
SO adorable!

Mom might have ditched her thinking a bright-white fawn would get both of them spotted & in trouble... Albino tigers don''t make it very long in the wild, while they do wonderfully in captivity...

thanks for posting the pictures

Jeez, I must be REALLY feeling silly today... this pun is TERRIBLE!!!

Sorry... I''m sure some cringed at it.
Date: 2/5/2007 2:04:19 PM
Author: Aurelia
SO adorable!

Mom might have ditched her thinking a bright-white fawn would get both of them spotted & in trouble... Albino tigers don''t make it very long in the wild, while they do wonderfully in captivity...

thanks for posting the pictures

Actually, as far as I know, fawns are spotted in order for them to hide from predators. Does don''t abandon their young so much as leave them to sit still while they go off and forage for food. I remember specific warnings NOT to pick up, touch, or otherwise disturb fawns even if you cannot spot the mother, because the mother will be back!

After the fawn was picked up, the mother probably did come back looking for it. In this case, it''s probably better off since a white fawn can''t hide too well from predators!
Glad you like the pics! The local zoo and a place called Fossil Rim were both interested, but they''re planning to send him to a rehab farm. It isn''t legal for the person who found him to keep him.
Aww, he''s cute. Isn''t it really out of season for fawns as well?
Hi, Kismet. I'm not sure how long ago the fawn was actually found - I got the e-mail today. This is the story that came with the pics:
"A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience!
Saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW. A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of ... Well, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature', that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but we're going to send him to a Rehab farm. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare... Sure wanted to keep him but not the thing to do. And not LEGAL either . He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER. He was SO small."
I heart''d be soooo hard for me to not keep him b/c he''s so darn cute!!!!
Heh, apparently that fawn has been found all over the place:

Regardless, he''s awfully cute.
He is adorable, thanks for the pic MB!!!
Wow! Now I wonder if the picture is even real. Sorry if it''s a hoax - the person who sent it to me is reliable.
Here is what Snopes has to say about the email: LINK

Sure is cute!
awww what a pretty baby!
Coooooolllllll!!!!! I love that picture, so cute!
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