
Pick one: bling or honeymoon


Mar 18, 2007
Okay, a topic in Hangout made me wonder the LIWs take on this.

If you were told you could get either the ring of your dreams OR the honeymoon of your dreams, but you couldn't get both and you couldn't compromise with a smaller ring and a shorter/cheaper trip, what would you choose? Would you take the bling and the trip could go hang? Or would you have your bags packed and ready to go so fast our heads would spin?
And to answer my own question - travel is one of the few big ticket items I prioritize over bling (and what's sure to keep my collection minimal at best). I would take the honeymoon in a heartbeat.
Honeymoon, hands down.

Bora Bora, or Hawaii (I've been to HI once, and I'm dying to go back).
This would probably hurt at the time lol, but I would choose honeymoon. You can always get your bling later!!!
I'm not a LIW (been married 10 years!). Because we've done lots of wonderful international travel already today I'd definitely say bling! I'm ready for a gorgeous rock! My thought is that you can always travel later but your dream ering has so much sentimental attachment that its nice to have it from the beginning. And think how much fun to stare at it on future vacations. :)
ughhh..hard one. thank god my SO would never make me choose haha.

So if there was a loophole, i'd say bling and destination wedding...HAHAH

If i was forced to choose, id say BLING! Bling is more expensive than a honeymoon, therefore, in the future there would probally be a lot more opportunities for traveling than putting aside money for something for only one person such as "bling"... :Up_to_something:

We can go camping and have a blast so I would choose the ring in hopes of going on an amazing vacation down the road.

I will also choose the bling AND the destination wedding if there is a loophole. :naughty:
LoveLikeCrazy|1356358762|3339037 said:
ughhh..hard one. thank god my SO would never make me choose haha.

So if there was a loophole, i'd say bling and destination wedding...HAHAH

If i was forced to choose, id say BLING! Bling is more expensive than a honeymoon, therefore, in the future there would probally be a lot more opportunities for traveling than putting aside money for something for only one person such as "bling"... :Up_to_something:

Bahahaha, man, I think you might be dreaming small when it comes to honeymoons! My dream trip is a month long trip through southern Africa - South African wine country, big game parks, paragliding, hiking, and maybe some beach time in Zanzibar...convincing anybody to spend that much money on bling would be difficult.

And nope, no destination wedding loophole (though I could probably be convinced to give up both an e-ring - meaning never get one, no saving up for one to get later - and a wedding for a cool enough trip).
princesss|1356361549|3339059 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1356358762|3339037 said:
ughhh..hard one. thank god my SO would never make me choose haha.

So if there was a loophole, i'd say bling and destination wedding...HAHAH

If i was forced to choose, id say BLING! Bling is more expensive than a honeymoon, therefore, in the future there would probally be a lot more opportunities for traveling than putting aside money for something for only one person such as "bling"... :Up_to_something:

Bahahaha, man, I think you might be dreaming small when it comes to honeymoons! My dream trip is a month long trip through southern Africa - South African wine country, big game parks, paragliding, hiking, and maybe some beach time in Zanzibar...convincing anybody to spend that much money on bling would be difficult.

And nope, no destination wedding loophole (though I could probably be convinced to give up both an e-ring - meaning never get one, no saving up for one to get later - and a wedding for a cool enough trip).

OH SHIZNIT. Yes, i have small dreams haha...I am not much of a world traveler. I would be happy with a 7-10 day vacay in a tropical place, with a drink in my hand and no worries in the world. haha...SO in your case, i can see why the honeymoon would be MORE important! WOWZA!
LoveLikeCrazy|1356361730|3339062 said:
princesss|1356361549|3339059 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1356358762|3339037 said:
ughhh..hard one. thank god my SO would never make me choose haha.

So if there was a loophole, i'd say bling and destination wedding...HAHAH

If i was forced to choose, id say BLING! Bling is more expensive than a honeymoon, therefore, in the future there would probally be a lot more opportunities for traveling than putting aside money for something for only one person such as "bling"... :Up_to_something:

Bahahaha, man, I think you might be dreaming small when it comes to honeymoons! My dream trip is a month long trip through southern Africa - South African wine country, big game parks, paragliding, hiking, and maybe some beach time in Zanzibar...convincing anybody to spend that much money on bling would be difficult.

And nope, no destination wedding loophole (though I could probably be convinced to give up both an e-ring - meaning never get one, no saving up for one to get later - and a wedding for a cool enough trip).

OH SHIZNIT. Yes, i have small dreams haha...I am not much of a world traveler. I would be happy with a 7-10 day vacay in a tropical place, with a drink in my hand and no worries in the world. haha...SO in your case, i can see why the honeymoon would be MORE important! WOWZA!

Haha, yeah. I would definitely take engagement bling over one small (week long) trip - heck, I try to do at least one of those a year! So yeah, giving that up for bling would hurt but I could make up for it with weekends away. But I have some BIG travel dreams. Though, to be fair, BF and I met while we were on vacation in NZ - him for 5 weeks, me for 2.5. We take travel pretty seriously!
I think I would take the ring. We could always go on a trip some other time in our life. We've already been on some lovely, romantic vacations so I don't need the title "honeymoon" to make for a special holiday.
Bling I am married 26 years and I am so glad I have my beautiful Bling. As life goes on and priorities change and children are born you will never be able to get the bling. So do it now. Quality time with your love can be done in many other ways besides honeymoon. Trust me experience proves me right .
I've been married 27 & 1/2 years and I'd still pick bling. I completely agree that travel is a life changing experience and well worth every penny spent on exploring the world... but I'm also very sentimental and I love to look at tangible reminders of milestones and events in my life, which for me, bling would fall in that category.

Bling - that's my vote. (but I'm an old married lady!)
I would go for bling!!! Bling is something just for me, where as I see a trip as a fun thing for me and DH. DH and I have traveled international alot...we have even lived overseas for 3 years, so I would take the bling anyday.
I already chose my soon-to-be engagement ring over big fancy wedding.
I prefer my money where I can see it: on my hand, right in front of my eyes.
I kinda put the ring over travel and big wedding... mostly because bling is tangible and the others are really awesome experiences and memories. The ring, if engagement, is a reminder of an amazing memory given to you by the person you love. A trip can be taken at any point, but that's more meaningful, to me, because you get to carry it with you daily PHYSICALLY, not just as a memory in your mind.

give me the BLING!!!... :love:
I'm already married but...

Without a doubt, I'd choose a dream honeymoon. I love jewelry but I love traveling more. I'd actually love a do-over for my honeymoon since ours wasn't the greatest. Princesss, you know how you felt about NZ before you went? That's how I feel about Hawaii. There are so many places I'd love to see but when I think of dream vacations, Hawaii is at the top of the list.
Depends on the bling and depends on the honeymoon, but I'm going for bling at the moment.

We met abroad and spent most of the 3 years we dated travelling in Europe and North America. We had some incredible holidays. When we married I was tired and just wanted to settle down, move in together, and live in the same place. We don't do too many international holidays currently, mostly to see my family back in the US, but we do a fair few countryside holidays a year. I'd rather stay how we travel at the moment and have some serious bling.
Bling for sure! You can delay the honeymoon, but bling remains a luxury item that often can't be justified once you're involved in the marriage.
I'd have to say go for the bling!
Zoe|1356442995|3339542 said:
I'm already married but...

Without a doubt, I'd choose a dream honeymoon. I love jewelry but I love traveling more. I'd actually love a do-over for my honeymoon since ours wasn't the greatest. Princesss, you know how you felt about NZ before you went? That's how I feel about Hawaii. There are so many places I'd love to see but when I think of dream vacations, Hawaii is at the top of the list.

So glad to have some company, haha! And yeah, I know exactly what you mean - there's just that ache in your bones and a hollowness in your heart that only that trip can fulfil.

But really, thank goodness so many people choose bling - otherwise I'd have only my own meager collection to stare at!
I"d say destination wedding and some minor bling!

An african honeymoon sounds wonderful! I'd be game for anywhere off the beaten path a bit, just little bed & breakfasts sort of thing.
I've never understood huge weddings--- several relatives have had the big southern wedding thing and it is just such a big to do. I'm not fussy, hell I don't even particularly care about a dress; just some lovely pictures to remember the event by and honest vows from myself and SO and I'd be over the moon.
+1 Bling over Expensive honeymoon

We enjoy inexpensive weekend getaways anyways... which aren't too pricey and we can take our dogs (big bonus). I'd do bling over an expensive honeymoon. Also, at the moment, taking extravagent vacations seem too complicated because of our work schedules so bling would just work out better with our current work/lifestyles :cheeky:
princesss|1356361549|3339059 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1356358762|3339037 said:
ughhh..hard one. thank god my SO would never make me choose haha.

So if there was a loophole, i'd say bling and destination wedding...HAHAH

If i was forced to choose, id say BLING! Bling is more expensive than a honeymoon, therefore, in the future there would probally be a lot more opportunities for traveling than putting aside money for something for only one person such as "bling"... :Up_to_something:

Bahahaha, man, I think you might be dreaming small when it comes to honeymoons! My dream trip is a month long trip through southern Africa - South African wine country, big game parks, paragliding, hiking, and maybe some beach time in Zanzibar...convincing anybody to spend that much money on bling would be difficult.

And nope, no destination wedding loophole (though I could probably be convinced to give up both an e-ring - meaning never get one, no saving up for one to get later - and a wedding for a cool enough trip).

Haha, a-yup! My honeymoon is just over 5 weeks away (eeeek!), and it will cost twice as much as my ering did.

As much as I love travelling, I'd probably still choose bling. I'm a sentimental sap and love the sentiment behind my ring, and what it symbolizes.
princesss|1356530955|3339959 said:
Zoe|1356442995|3339542 said:
I'm already married but...

Without a doubt, I'd choose a dream honeymoon. I love jewelry but I love traveling more. I'd actually love a do-over for my honeymoon since ours wasn't the greatest. Princesss, you know how you felt about NZ before you went? That's how I feel about Hawaii. There are so many places I'd love to see but when I think of dream vacations, Hawaii is at the top of the list.

So glad to have some company, haha! And yeah, I know exactly what you mean - there's just that ache in your bones and a hollowness in your heart that only that trip can fulfil.

But really, thank goodness so many people choose bling - otherwise I'd have only my own meager collection to stare at!

Yes, I live vicariously through others here and it works, for the most part. :bigsmile:
I have a nice wedding set for our budget. It is perfect for our lifestyle. I went on an "ok" honeymoon. It was perfect for us with what was going on around the wedding. We have traveled and will be doing some more here this year. That said, I would NOT trade my wedding set in to fund a fabulous redo of our honeymoon somewhere awesome for an extended vacation. What can I say? I love my rings!
Sidenote: PrincessS, you've posted quite a bit over on the LIW side, just wondering when you're going to join the list! I put a shout out for you a while ago, but you didn't see :\
Hey! Yeah, totally missed the shout out - I'm not really going to join the list. At this point engagement isn't something I'd say "no" to, but I'm also not really anxious about it. I like to hang out and chat, and it's fun to have a place where there are more references to BFs than DHs, but until this starts driving me crazy or I'm starting to get antsy the list just doesn't feel right to me.
princesss|1357220093|3346174 said:
Hey! Yeah, totally missed the shout out - I'm not really going to join the list. At this point engagement isn't something I'd say "no" to, but I'm also not really anxious about it. I like to hang out and chat, and it's fun to have a place where there are more references to BFs than DHs, but until this starts driving me crazy or I'm starting to get antsy the list just doesn't feel right to me.

Awesome. You're one of our best contributors :bigsmile: