
photos of invitations: letterpress and DIY

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Sep 26, 2006
Hi everyone. I totally forgot to post photos of my invitations. They were way behind schedule, but I finished them anyway. It was really important to me for the actual invitation to be letterpressed. Thanks to Future Mrs. Polka Dot, I discovered Mercurio Brothers who had a fantastic price for custom letterpress. They were lightning fast and were so wonderful to work with. I just sent them my design as an Illustrator file. I''ve never used Illustrator before, so I had to call up friends and ended up using my former boss'' program. It was pretty easy to use (I had prior experience with Photoshop). You can actually download a free 30 day trial from the adobe website.

I had some motifs that were significant to my fiance and me - fleur de lys, a compass rose, and feathers. The tough part was how to incorporate it all into an invitation suite without going overboard (and on a budget, and tight timeline).

I bought a Gocoo for about $100 and paper from Paper Presentation (thanks Karasue!). Three tubes of ink (purple, rose, brown) cost like $12 total and I still have half of each tube left. I printed about 75 RSVP envelopes, 75 RSVP cards, 75 info cards with my Gocco. I printed the maps with my laser printer. I printed the address labels with my laser printer and made them into stickers with a Xyron 900.

Final step was to find a way of preventing the laser printer ink from rubbing off (unfortunately, it was rubbing off the maps onto the back of the invitation). The night that I was supposed to go to the paper shop for tissue paper, I had to stay late at work so the shop closed by the time I got out. I rummaged through my apartment for other possibilities, and realized that I had a spool of green tulle (um, from Christmas gift wrapping supplies). It cut well and worked perfectly. It also represents my love for fabrics, and is more personal than tissue paper (not that this part of the invitation needs to be personal at all). The color was totally not part of my color scheme...but I just wanted to get the invitations out.

Here are some photos:

RSVP envelopes:

first run through of the rsvp cards for purple ink

second run through for the rose colored elements

the envelopes drying on my table with the gocco

They''re so so pretty! I LOVE those colors together!
info card

all pieces inside envelope (no inner env)

Using an idea I saw in Martha Stewart Weddings, I printed address labels because my handwriting is AWFUL. However, for trip #1 to the post office, the guy hand canceling my envelopes said that I should not have put my return address on the wraparound part of the label (the part that wraps to the back). He said I might get some returned to me because the computer may read the return address as a "send to" address. I don''t know if he was just being difficult or if he was just being honest. So for batch #2, I left that wraparound part blank, and made another wraparound label for the return address.

last one. all done. this is a batch #2 envelope...with the two labels. It looked so much nicer the other way.

thanks pearl! It was a lot of fun designing and making the invitations. but veeeeeeeeeeery time consuming.
They look great! I really like the added touch of tulle.
Stunning, so simple and elegant looking
Awesome job!! DIY isn''t as easy as some of you PS''ers make it seem.

I love the invitations.
Amazing! Well done - they look incredible and so professional! I''m in the midst of DIY invite hell so I can feel your pain for how long it can take!

Check this off your list! Woo hoo!
thanks hthip. I''m glad you like the tulle, despite the color. haha.

deelight, and miracles thanks for your compliments.

October...oh man, I''m totally sending over an invitation fairy to you tonight. Do you have anyone helping? Actually I think it''s better to do all the cutting and printing alone because you need lots of space to sprawl out. I did the whole thing myself from design to post office just because I''m a control freak. I would have loved a messenger though...someone to go buy supplies, stamps, etc. Good luck with yours. Post photos when you''re done.
wowww, those are amazing!!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks mrs. mandarine! you are the queen of DIY invitations, so your compliment means a lot to me.
Wow, they look amazing! Very creative! I''d love to do something DIY, and your lovely invitations give me inspiration!
Those look great! Congrats on a job well done!

Also, I was at Michael''s crafts today, and in the Martha Stewart sectin they have these little tags that are metal and round, and they say "Thank You" on them, but the edges are surrounded with the small dots pattern that you have on your invites!

I don''t know if you need metal circular thank you tags for anything, but they match your theme perfectly!
Awesome invites! I LOVE letterpressing- it adds a very special touch.
The invitations are beautiful!
Really beautiful job.
Those are lovely!

(Of course, it probably comes as no surprise that someone with a screenname like mine would be in awe of both your mad skills and that beautiful final product.) ;)

Good job!
You did a wonderful job!
I so want a gocco now.
I LOVE LETTERPRESS!!!!! Your invites are stunning!!!
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