
Photography/decorating people: any experience with...


Jun 4, 2008
Metal or glass pictures?

I'm specifically thinking of these:


Metal Pix

But any experience in general with either would be helpful! They both seem cool, and there is a good groupon going on right now for the Metal Pix - Groupon

My original thought for decorating my new apt. was to frame 10 or so of my best travel pics and make a travel wall.

I'm kind of tempted to do one of these though but I've never seen one in person so if anyone has anything to say about them, good, bad, ambiguous, I'd love to hear!

Or if anyone even has just opinions on whether they'd be a good idea or not!

Thanks for posting these, BEG! Both of those seem really cool. I'm more attracted to the glass although I'm not sure why.

My question would be how close they hang to the wall. With no frame to cover or distract you, I'd want them to hug the wall pretty close so that in a side view you mostly see edge and no "gaps." The hanging ones from a metal frame obviously would not have that issue as they are intended to be a little more free form. I respond to the square corners more than the rounded - they seem more contemporary which goes with the minimalist style.

I'll be interested to see what you think if you order them.
I've never dealt with those companies, but my photographer now delivers her DVDs in metal tins, and she prints an image directly onto the metal tin. It looks really neat to me, and very sleek. If modern/sleek/contemporary is your "thing" or if you have particular images that scream for some sort of modern finish (travel to any Frank Lloyd Wright houses lately???), I think it could work really well! Hope that helps.

**Off to check out that Groupon...**
The glass ones I don't know about (to me, I would think the glare would be atrocious), but the metal ones are very similar to metallic paper prints. Very pretty, and easy due to lack of frame.
We have 4 favorite travel shots on our family room wall right now. I like it because we can change them out and rotate with other pics if we want- we had narrowed it down to about 10 favorite shots but decided to go with 4 on the wall. I like the idea but not the permanence of it, you know?
I can't decide!

I don't know - I've never had indecision problems before except now, when it comes to picking out stuff for my apt.

As cool as both of these are, I can't afford to do 10 11x14s or so in all of them so I might just stick with the frames (I found some nice hardwood frames, 11x14 with matting, for about $7 each!).

I would also love to do one or two really big metal or glass pics but there is NO way I could narrow it down to one or two. Not possible. It was hard enough narrowing it down to 14 so far!
It is very important with metal prints that they are coated with photo varnish (same stuff that should be used on canvas prints but sometimes isn't on lower cost ones.) otherwise they will fade faster and get damaged if wet.
Karl_K|1306809185|2934207 said:
It is very important with metal prints that they are coated with photo varnish (same stuff that should be used on canvas prints but sometimes isn't on lower cost ones.) otherwise they will fade faster and get damaged if wet.

I totally did not know that. Thank you Karl!
I have done metallic prints before for clients and I LOVE how they turned out.
mrswahs|1306890978|2934966 said:
I have done metallic prints before for clients and I LOVE how they turned out.

That's great to know! I don't know anyone who's had personal experience with them. I just wish they weren't so expensive (relative to the cost of buying regular frames that is). They'd look so cool and contemporary - I so want to do them!