
Phoenix, where are you?


Sep 3, 2013
@Phoenix , I haven't seen any posts from you recently.
Thought I'd create this thread just to say hello, let you know I've been thinking about you, and I hope your health is good.

There's a thread to ask about people who haven't been seen in a bit, but I'm being lazy and didn't go looking for it.
I hope you don't mind me giving you this shout out, and there's no need to say anything more than 'hi' if you see this.

Thirding this. Just a «Hi» from me :wavey:
Wondering how things are
Yes!!!! I was thinking about you as well, Phoenix! Thank you for creating the thread! Hope everything is well for you, @Phoenix
@Phoenix is doing ok =)2 She is a bit up & down with more scans going on, so has been a bit out of touch. I did get an email from her yesterday though, in which she sounded more upbeat (and to which I have embarrassingly yet to reply), and I'm sure she'll be back on here in a jiffy to fill you all in with her latest progress.
@Phoenix , I haven't seen any posts from you recently.
Thought I'd create this thread just to say hello, let you know I've been thinking about you, and I hope your health is good.

There's a thread to ask about people who haven't been seen in a bit, but I'm being lazy and didn't go looking for it.
I hope you don't mind me giving you this shout out, and there's no need to say anything more than 'hi' if you see this.


Thank you sooo much, @december-fire , for starting this thread. Very sweet of you!:love:

Thank you too, everyone else, for your sweet & kind words & thoughts - @Snowdrop13 , @kipari , @PierreBear , @Alex T (miss chatting with you, it's been entirely my fault), @WhitePeonia , @Calliecake , @Dancing Fire , @tyty333 and @ILikeShiny .

Yes, indeed, as @Alex T has kindly updated you guys, I've been up and down with my symptoms. I've undergone so many tests, some gruelling (one might even say gruesome). But at least I've found out:

1) I don't have a brain tumour
2) I don't have Meniere's
3) I don't have BPPV or any other obvious cause of dizziness

Still, doctors are stumped as to why I'm still suffering from ear blockage/ inflammation and dizziness on a daily basis. I'm looking into other causes inlg TMJ/TMD (so far one dentist does not seem to think I have it, and I'm getting a second opinion), a cracked tooth and possibly (but remotely) the possibility of a heart condition. So far, an ECG has indicated I am a low-risk category. More tests to follow!

On a more positive note, I am still working out at my home gym and building up more muscles and even once ventured into the Club's gym, but accompanied.

Once again, I am super grateful to everyone, for your kind thoughts and for all your help on my health thread. I have missed being on here. I've been lurking once in a while but didn't feel up to posting (as I didn't want to convey a negative tone). You guys ROCK!! (pun fully intended!:D).
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Aww @Phoenix thank you for the update and I am glad that a number of conditions have been ruled out and that you and the medical professionals are on the way to figuring this out soon. So glad you are able to workout again. Wishing you full healing and complete relief.
@Phoenix, so glad you checked in. Sorry you still don’t have answers though.

Are they linking the dizziness and ear blockage? I have a friend that suffers from vertigo due to an ear condition and I’m wondering if that’s your situation too, or if they are separate issues.

Hang in there, and don’t be a stranger. And pull out your favorite sparkly beauties to perk up your days! :appl:
@Phoenix glad to hear that its not several scary things! When I saw your symptoms (ear, dizziness, etc) I thought maybe allergies. I'm not a dr (nor do I play one), but for me allergies show up in the form of vertigo (which sucks so much more than just nasal allergies, as people look at me like I'm crazy!)....I hope you get things figured out! <3 :kiss2:
Glad to hear that your still alive...:lol: hope the Drs figure out what's going on with your dizziness. Don't be a stranger!
Get well soon, Phoenix! I'm sure wearing all of your bling will make you feel better while you are recuperating!:))
I am behind around here but am glad to see you check in, Phoenix! Hope you'll be feeling well soon!
@Phoenix - I've been wondering how you are doing. I am glad the tests so far are negative. I think about you every day when I check PS. I really hope a solution presents itself or the symptoms just go away. It's good to take really good care of yourself. (((hug)))
Hi Phoenix, I am glad to hear the dangerous things have been ruled out. Wishing that you feel better soon!
We miss you @Phoenix! Get well soon!
Thank you sooo much, @december-fire , for starting this thread. Very sweet of you!:love:

Thank you too, everyone else, for your sweet & kind words & thoughts - @Snowdrop13 , @kipari , @PierreBear , @Alex T (miss chatting with you, it's been entirely my fault), @WhitePeonia , @Calliecake , @Dancing Fire , @tyty333 and @ILikeShiny .

Yes, indeed, as @Alex T has kindly updated you guys, I've been up and down with my symptoms. I've undergone so many tests, some gruelling (one might even say gruesome). But at least I've found out:

1) I don't have a brain tumour
2) I don't have Meniere's
3) I don't have BPPV or any other obvious cause of dizziness

Still, doctors are stumped as to why I'm still suffering from ear blockage/ inflammation and dizziness on a daily basis. I'm looking into other causes inlg TMJ/TMD (so far one dentist does not seem to think I have it, and I'm getting a second opinion), a cracked tooth and possibly (but remotely) the possibility of a heart condition. So far, an ECG has indicated I am a low-risk category. More tests to follow!

On a more positive note, I am still working out at my home gym and building up more muscles and even once ventured into the Club's gym, but accompanied.

Once again, I am super grateful to everyone, for your kind thoughts and for all your help on my health thread. I have missed being on here. I've been lurking once in a while but didn't feel up to posting (as I didn't want to convey a negative tone). You guys ROCK!! (pun fully intended!:D).

My apologies for not commenting sooner, @Phoenix .
I've been lurking (but not logging in) and saw your reply as soon as you posted.
I was very happy to see that some serious potential causes have been ruled out, but sad to read that the doctors still haven't figured out what's going on. You've been going through this scary situation for so long; my heart goes out to you.

Know that you are missed and that I'm sending prayers and good thoughts that the doctors will soon identify the cause and develop an effective treatment program for you that has you fully and completely back to your normal healthy self in no time.

What is going on Phoenix? Any news? Hope everything is Ok.
She is still going in the right direction @Dancing Fire but struggling with the dizziness. Slow & steady, but at least we know the big worries are ruled out. I think she just needs a break & computer screens can spin the best of us out, dizzy issues aside. She'll be spending the limited computer time she can manage searching for that 7ct she's after :love:
@Phoenix miss you girl. Hope you are doing better. Hugs and thoughts are with you.
Take care Phoenix - wishing you good health.
Thank you, everyone. I miss you all. I'm doing a tiny bit better but I'm not 100% recovered . Doctors are still baffled/ giving me dubious diagnoses. I'll get there somehow. Best wishes to everyone.
Thank you, everyone. I miss you all. I'm doing a tiny bit better but I'm not 100% recovered . Doctors are still baffled/ giving me dubious diagnoses. I'll get there somehow. Best wishes to everyone.

Hi Phoenix, I have been following this thread to see how you are doing. It sounds like quite the diffcult journey you are going through. I do hope you get some much needed answers and on your way to recovery soon.
She is still alive!. :lol::clap:
Thank you, everyone. I miss you all. I'm doing a tiny bit better but I'm not 100% recovered . Doctors are still baffled/ giving me dubious diagnoses. I'll get there somehow. Best wishes to everyone.

I have no idea about this site what it is who its for where do i ask my question etc, but you are the only person i can find on the whole internet (or in real life) who has something i was told i have and i am worrying myself sick over it... small 5mm by 7mm Calcification on/in Liver seen on scan which was done for something else. I've never had any health problems which i remember. Wanted to talk to someone about this.:confused: I'm from U.K. Im Scared.
@worrior33, can you start a new thread? Others can help you too. I don't have what you have.
I have TMJ with symptoms maifesting every now and again. It sucks, but there’s so much worse out there. Physio, mouth guards and chiropractic has helped.
Also, not sure if you’ve been tested for Lyme Disease. My friend was just diagnosed after years of crazy symptoms (including dizziness) and a plethora of invasive tests. At one point her doctors thought it was Parkinson’s! She just started a long recovery process, but at least she knows what it is!!
Wishing you well and a speedy recovery.
I have TMJ with symptoms maifesting every now and again. It sucks, but there’s so much worse out there. Physio, mouth guards and chiropractic has helped.
Also, not sure if you’ve been tested for Lyme Disease. My friend was just diagnosed after years of crazy symptoms (including dizziness) and a plethora of invasive tests. At one point her doctors thought it was Parkinson’s! She just started a long recovery process, but at least she knows what it is!!
Wishing you well and a speedy recovery.
Many thanks for that. What symptoms do you and your friends have? If you don't mind my asking.
I have 3 things: dizziness, left ear blockage and tinnitus in the left ear. My symptoms have lessened but have not gone completely yet. I'm rather freaked out about the dizziness cuz I'm fearful of fainting, esp when I'm outside. I've not tested for Lyme Disease. I looked it up. I don't seem to have the symptoms.
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Many thanks for that. What symptoms do you and your friends have? If you don't mind my asking.
I have 3 things: dizziness, left ear blockage and tinnitus in the left ear. My symptoms have lessened but have not gone completely yet. I'm rather freaked out about the dizziness cuz I'm fearful of fainting, esp when I'm outside. I've not tested for Lyme Disease. I looked it up. I don't seem to have the symptoms.

I have ear blockage and ringing (right ear for me), dizziness and general fuzziness from time to time. Also I experience neck, shoulder and jaw pain when the TMJ flares up.
My friend is experiencing a lot of fatigue, difficulty walking due to dizziness, general malaise, ear ringing, swelling of the lower joints likely due to inactivity. She’s aged a lot since symptoms began. She is anxious and worried all the time because the doctors were so long in figuring things out.
From what little I know about Lyme disease, it can be quite stealth and symptoms vary wildly based on the body’s ability fight-back response. The sooner you start on the medications the better and faster to a full recovery.
I have ear blockage and ringing (right ear for me), dizziness and general fuzziness from time to time. Also I experience neck, shoulder and jaw pain when the TMJ flares up.
My friend is experiencing a lot of fatigue, difficulty walking due to dizziness, general malaise, ear ringing, swelling of the lower joints likely due to inactivity. She’s aged a lot since symptoms began. She is anxious and worried all the time because the doctors were so long in figuring things out.
From what little I know about Lyme disease, it can be quite stealth and symptoms vary wildly based on the body’s ability fight-back response. The sooner you start on the medications the better and faster to a full recovery.

Thank you so much for coming back to answer my Q.
I think it's possible I have TMJ. I have almost no fatigue. Your symptoms sound quite similar to mine .However, one thing that stands out from what you've said is that your TMJ is not constant and it "flares up". My symptoms are constant and do not come in attacks. Nonetheless, I'll follow up with a TMJ specialist. If I do indeed have TMJ, may I come back here and ask you for further help?

I'll also look into Lyme Disease. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she finds relief soon.

Wishing you great health too. And thank you again.
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My friend had a few of your symptoms and got diagnosed with a spontaneous CSF leak. You should look into Otorrhea. I'm not a Dr. or in the medical field, so there's that. I really hope you figure it out.