
Pet Peeve Rant ... annoying how some people think


Apr 30, 2005
For instance in a thread debating the importance of wearing seat belts someone will post, "Yeah, but it's also dangerous to drive too fast." (as if that's an argument to not wear seat belts)

Or, they'll post, "Yeah but I know of an accident where there was a huge flash fire and just the extra time it took to unbuckle the seat belts caused passengers to die.

How bout a thread about the health risks of smoking ...
Someone has to post, "Yeah but my Aunt Terry smoked a pack a day her whole life but died in a car crash at age 123."

Why do people even think/argue/post this way?
Yet is it very common. :nono:

I suspect what's behind this broken thinking is an unfortunate byproduct of our overly-PC culture that makes people think: A single exception to a legitimate generalization makes the generalization completely untrue. :(sad
Agreed. Big pet peeve of mine. The same can be said for the vax vs anti-vax argument. So frustrating. [emoji855][emoji855]
My ex husband use to say that it didn't matter if he used car seats or seat belts for our kids because at that time neither of us had ever been in an accident! Oh that would make my blood boil. Then guess what? I was in a really bad car accident a few years ago and my son was in the car right behind me. And we both walked away without getting hurt. And we were both wearing seatbelts. If we had not been, I'm sure we would have been severely injured or killed. Good thing I didn't listen to his logic. What an idiot!

So yes, I agree with you, that kind of logic if beyond frustrating.
This drives me crazy too!

As if th exception is somehow the rule...

Or "we're all gonna die anyway!"

I say things like that in response to comments when the comments are 100% final as in you 100% WILL DIE OF cancer if you smoke, everyone who smokes dies of cancer, that type of thing. That is not true so stop saying it. Do you have a greater chance? Yes. But it is not 100% guaranteed to stop acting like one puff and you're going to keel over.
Oh yes.

The plural of anecdote is not data.
This is *so* annoying. I have some people in my family - mostly the elderly men - who say these kinds of things all the time.

And with things like smoking, or exercising, it's annoying that NOT dying is somehow implied to be the same as quality of life.

How about "I've eaten x all my life which is supposed to fight cancer and I still got cancer."

Well - how about all the OTHER processed junk and high fat and high sugar stuff you've consumed?

The body is...complicated...and we're exposed to stuff we don't even realize. So how can you know that x didn't do its job, and perhaps kept you from getting cancer earlier in life?

And one thing is for sure...inhaling smoke into your lungs can't ever, for any reason, be good for you.
A coworker's parents won $100,000 in the lottery. She spends a fortune on tickets because it's "her turn to win.". If anyone points out that the odds of winning the lottery are pretty slim she just goes on about her parents. This is her retirement plan, of course she'll win.

She'll show us all one day rolling into the office with her Porsche.

Another example I just ran across.
In a guitar forum thread about the characteristic sound different woods give to guitars.

Someone had to post that two guitars made of the same wood don't always sound the same ... Well let's all give that poster a big DUH!

Then someone has to post that guitars of the same wood, but made by different makers, won't sound the same ... Well, do we have another DUH trophy for this second Einstein?
Well, I wouldn't have known that, so I guess you can give me a big ole Duh! I find it interesting, and of course once you think about it, it makes sense, but I wouldn't have known it otherwise.
kenny|1461876853|4024807 said:
Another example I just ran across.
In a guitar forum thread about the characteristic sound different woods give to guitars.

Someone had to post that two guitars made of the same wood don't always sound the same ... Well let's all give that poster a big DUH!

Then someone has to post that guitars of the same wood, but made by different makers, won't sound the same ... Well, do we have another DUH trophy for this second Einstein?

Yet despite differing musicians, guitars and woods, amps, pedals etc - apparently all death metal bands sound the same :lol:
packrat|1461879668|4024827 said:
Well, I wouldn't have known that, so I guess you can give me a big ole Duh! I find it interesting, and of course once you think about it, it makes sense, but I wouldn't have known it otherwise.

You would if you hung out on a forum for such guitars.
kenny|1461891667|4024887 said:
packrat|1461879668|4024827 said:
Well, I wouldn't have known that, so I guess you can give me a big ole Duh! I find it interesting, and of course once you think about it, it makes sense, but I wouldn't have known it otherwise.

You would if you hung out on a forum for such guitars.

Packrat, don't let Kenny lure you off to a guitar forum!

Stay right here on PS, please. :))
hahahahaha I'm about the least musically inclined person on the planet-I'd be totally lost on a guitar forum! My daughter plays the clarinet and the bass and I look like a deer in headlights when she starts talking instrument things...bass clef, treble clef.. :confused: I'll stick to jewelry and tattoo forums!

ETA I do so enjoy the random bits of trivia I learn in these threads.
chemgirl|1461876739|4024805 said:
A coworker's parents won $100,000 in the lottery. She spends a fortune on tickets because it's "her turn to win.". If anyone points out that the odds of winning the lottery are pretty slim she just goes on about her parents. This is her retirement plan, of course she'll win.

She'll show us all one day rolling into the office with her Porsche.


Wow. That's scary. And sad.
chemgirl|1461876739|4024805 said:
A coworker's parents won $100,000 in the lottery. She spends a fortune on tickets because it's "her turn to win.". If anyone points out that the odds of winning the lottery are pretty slim she just goes on about her parents. This is her retirement plan, of course she'll win.

She'll show us all one day rolling into the office with her Porsche.

Tell her if it's her turn to win then she only has to buy one ticket.

Then again, if she comes to her senses because her brain turned back on, tell her if she wants to match the odds to buy 15 million tickets.
susief|1461869107|4024718 said:
Oh yes.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

I must remember this..... :bigsmile:
canuk-gal|1461900353|4024950 said:
susief|1461869107|4024718 said:
Oh yes.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

I must remember this..... :bigsmile:

Yes! I love this! :))
I think some people just like to argue so no matter what you might say they will try to find the exception so they can disagree. If you kwim.

Yes it can be quite annoying and with repeat offenders I just try to say as little to them as possible. That works well for me. 8)

House Cat said:
This drives me crazy too!

As if th exception is somehow the rule...

Or "we're all gonna die anyway!"


Exactly. Ugh is right. :wall:
I heard a good one yesterday. Two gentlemen were in my office discussing the church they go to and one replies that his fiance has a church in the neighboring city. He then says I'll visit that church but in the end I am the MAN in the relationship and I will make the decision on which church we attend. I nearly fell out of my chair that there is still that type of thinking.
autumngems|1462461720|4027644 said:
I heard a good one yesterday. Two gentlemen were in my office discussing the church they go to and one replies that his fiance has a church in the neighboring city. He then says I'll visit that church but in the end I am the MAN in the relationship and I will make the decision on which church we attend. I nearly fell out of my chair that there is still that type of thinking.

That type of thinking is alive and well. Remember Kirk Cameron? He's still around, and he's full of fun thoughts such as this: "Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband's lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband."
Cars kill more people than guns. Let's ban cars. :roll: :roll: :roll:

I know there are men (and probably women) who think that the man is in charge.

But I'm still shocked every time I hear of, or come across, such a situation.

I think my brain refuses to accept such an illogical point of view.
Many years ago I was starting to get back into the religion I was brought up in. I was doing a Bible study and we were discussing the man being...well, the man. I said I had issues w/this whole the man is in charge, the man tells me what to do. One of the women there w/me who was leading the study, was married, and she said she struggled w/that too. And what she had realized was the man was the head of the household, but the wife is the neck that turns the head. I laughed and she said naaaaaw just wait til you get married, you'll get it. Yep. I get it. ;))

Which reminds me of a snippet of conversation this morning. I was doing dishes quick before we left for the funeral. JD came out to the kitchen was messing around, irritating me. He grabbed the box of glazed donuts I'd gotten last night and said "Fine, I'm having one of these donuts then, and the one who owns me can't do anything about it" I just looked at him. He said "Oh. Well. Not who owns ME I mean owns the donuts" I said "whatever, keep telling yourself that dear" hahahaha