Wanted to let you all know that Last night I proposed to my girlfriend, she was surprised and happy(of course she said YES). Here''s how it went down..........We went to the Willowbrook Ballroom in Willow Springs, IL yesterday afternoon for an afternoon of dancing. It was Jacket and Tie affair. So we were all dressed up and she had no idea what I was planning. After about two hours of Ballroom dancing, my girlfriend said I should take my jacket off, because I was warm, (ring was in the jacket) so I''d say I''m fine. I was shanking all day, she thought I was sick. I wanted to propose while dancing but thought I might drop the ring. Instead, I asked her at our table which and managed to pull the ring from jacket and and slip in on her correct finger(I thought I''d put it on the wrong hand or something) perfect fit and we''ve been smiling ever since!!! We are already planning, sometime next spring. She absolutely loves her ring, 3/4ct brilliant round G, VS2 with two Trillion side stones, seting is white gold. I found out later from my mom that my Grandmothers ring, that I''ve never seen was same setting style, round with two tillion sides(That''s amazing)
Thanks for everyones input and stories, 7 weeks ago I barley could tell you the 4C''s but now I feel like an expert. Couldn''t have do it without Diamondscope.
Thanks for everyones input and stories, 7 weeks ago I barley could tell you the 4C''s but now I feel like an expert. Couldn''t have do it without Diamondscope.