
Palin''s Patron: Fred Malek, Dog Murderer (Seriously)

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Jan 1, 2007
With all the talk during the election about Obama "pallin'' around with terrorists," I figured people who frequent ATW would like to hear about who Palin''s been "pallin'' around" with. Warning: this is extremely upsetting and hard to read. I wish I hadn''t read the article, but it''s too late now. link

A few nights ago, Palin attended an intimate dinner held for her and John McCain by Fred Malek. Here''s a bit of background info on Malek from the article I linked:

''During the embryonic days of Watergate in the early 1970s, Malek served as a special assistant to Nixon in his corrupt bid for re-election, where he palled around with the likes of real terrorists, including H. R. Haldeman, John Erlichman, Charles Colson and E. Howard Hunt. Malek distinguished himself in the Nixon circles by providing the anti-Semitic president with information about the number of Democrats and "important Jewish officials" working in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nixon was convinced that a "Jewish cabal" had taken over the agency.

Timothy Noah of Slate, in a brilliant series of investigative reporting, has dubbed it "the last recorded act of official anti-Semitism by the United States government."''

I had somehow never heard about the anti-Semitism of Nixon, and it really blew my mind.

Here''s another shocking and disgusting bit of Malek''s history that involves Malek slaughtering a dog. Skip this if you don''t want to know the horrible details.

''Malek would feel right at home in Alaskan politics. But there''s one sordid tale in Malek''s background that might give Palin the pit bull some pause. As Washington Post columnist Colbert King reported a few years ago, Malek was involved in a gruesome incident in his home state of Illinois, shortly after he graduated from West Point.

In the early morning hours of August of 1959, sheriff deputies outside of Peoria discovered a vehicle covered in blood and a group of drunken young men, also covered in blood, nearby. Some were hiding in the bushes. The men told the deputies that they had accidentally hit a dog. Then their story changed. And then it changed again. Finally, one of them confessed. They had captured the dog and had barbecued it in a nearby park. The deputies returned to the scene and found a skinned and gutted canine on a spit in the park. An empty booze bottle was also nearby. Fred Malek was one of the five young men arrested for the crime, though the charges against him were eventually dropped.''

I cannot believe a person could be so cruel. I don''t care how drunk someone is-killing a dog and barbecuing it is beyond belief. It makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder what they would have done if they had come across a person that night?

Also shocking to me is that any politician would associate themselves with someone like Malek.


Jul 1, 2007

that made me want to puke.


Jul 21, 2006
I read bits and pieces of your post, but I cannot bring myself to read the links...from what I did read though, they are disgusting!


Dec 9, 2007
Date: 2/5/2009 6:32:13 PM

I had somehow never heard about the anti-Semitism of Nixon, and it really blew my mind.

Yup--Nixon was nasty--big time anti-Semite.

That article--no words, really.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 2/5/2009 6:39:22 PM
Author: MoonWater

that made me want to puke.
Me too.


Jul 18, 2007
Seriously, what was the point of this post? The story is gruesome; that''s their point; what''s yours?

Palin is a footnote in history. She''s been kicked to the curb. As they say at the airline door, "Buh-bye."

I see no reason to discuss her, love her, hate her, mention her, attack her, worship at her altar, etc., etc., etc.

Waste of time, don''t ya think?


Jul 1, 2007


Apr 18, 2008
Date: 2/5/2009 7:56:50 PM
Author: thing2of2

Date: 2/5/2009 7:48:58 PM
Author: MoonWater

Feel free to proceed Thingo!

Thanks for typing for me tonight, Moon!

Sarah Palin''s Official PAC

Dedicated to building America''s future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.

SarahPAC believes America''s best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.

SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.

SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!


So basically, the site says nothing, just like her.
Swell. Now, back to the tanking economy...


Apr 22, 2004
But Sarah isn''t kicked to the curb yet. There are many who see her as the next Presidential candidate.

What a horrible story. Poor doggy.


Nov 9, 2007
Date: 2/6/2009 1:03:48 AM
Author: trillionaire
Date: 2/5/2009 7:56:50 PM

Author: thing2of2

Date: 2/5/2009 7:48:58 PM

Author: MoonWater

Feel free to proceed Thingo!

Thanks for typing for me tonight, Moon!

Sarah Palin''s Official PAC

Dedicated to building America''s future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation.

SarahPAC believes America''s best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.

SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.

SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals. Join us today!


So basically, the site says nothing, just like her.
Swell. Now, back to the tanking economy...

And their logo, with the Mercator projection sized Alaska superimposed on the continental US is sort of frightening. Alaska is not actually that large, it is a mathematical error. Check out the Peters Projection link for a realistic size depiction.
And what happened to Hawaii? Is that a subtle reference to President Obama''s "foreign-ness?"

Holly I am so glad you think that Palin is totally irrelevant. If only all of America felt that way.

That is why we think it is interesting that Palin is tight with someone who barbecues dogs and is rabidly Anti-Semetic. At least he was also complicit in Bush Sr. losing to Clinton and of course the downfall of Richard M. Nixon. So her patron has a history of hanging with losers and liars. Hopefully he can still bankroll her wardrobe purchases in these difficult times. I liked her formal black gown, but am a bit weary of the 3/4 sleeve suits.


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 2/5/2009 6:32:13 PM
With all the talk during the election about Obama ''pallin'' around with terrorists,'' I figured people who frequent ATW would like to hear about who Palin''s been ''pallin'' around'' with. Warning: this is extremely upsetting and hard to read. I wish I hadn''t read the article, but it''s too late now. link

A few nights ago, Palin attended an intimate dinner held for her and John McCain by Fred Malek. Here''s a bit of background info on Malek from the article I linked:

''During the embryonic days of Watergate in the early 1970s, Malek served as a special assistant to Nixon in his corrupt bid for re-election, where he palled around with the likes of real terrorists, including H. R. Haldeman, John Erlichman, Charles Colson and E. Howard Hunt. Malek distinguished himself in the Nixon circles by providing the anti-Semitic president with information about the number of Democrats and ''important Jewish officials'' working in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nixon was convinced that a ''Jewish cabal'' had taken over the agency.

Timothy Noah of Slate, in a brilliant series of investigative reporting, has dubbed it ''the last recorded act of official anti-Semitism by the United States government.''''

I had somehow never heard about the anti-Semitism of Nixon, and it really blew my mind.

Here''s another shocking and disgusting bit of Malek''s history that involves Malek slaughtering a dog. Skip this if you don''t want to know the horrible details.

''Malek would feel right at home in Alaskan politics. But there''s one sordid tale in Malek''s background that might give Palin the pit bull some pause. As Washington Post columnist Colbert King reported a few years ago, Malek was involved in a gruesome incident in his home state of Illinois, shortly after he graduated from West Point.

In the early morning hours of August of 1959, sheriff deputies outside of Peoria discovered a vehicle covered in blood and a group of drunken young men, also covered in blood, nearby. Some were hiding in the bushes. The men told the deputies that they had accidentally hit a dog. Then their story changed. And then it changed again. Finally, one of them confessed. They had captured the dog and had barbecued it in a nearby park. The deputies returned to the scene and found a skinned and gutted canine on a spit in the park. An empty booze bottle was also nearby. Fred Malek was one of the five young men arrested for the crime, though the charges against him were eventually dropped.''

I cannot believe a person could be so cruel. I don''t care how drunk someone is-killing a dog and barbecuing it is beyond belief. It makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder what they would have done if they had come across a person that night?

Also shocking to me is that any politician would associate themselves with someone like Malek.

I don''t think it''s any secret around ATW that I am a conservative. I am also an enormous animal lover who hates hunting and who has spent many hours and days helping to rescue stray dogs and cats from the South Bronx neighborhood where I work. I am also Jewish.

This Malek guy sounds like an unsavory cruel dude, to say the least.

That said, I have to wonder about the "facts" of this article when the writer can call a man like Charles Colson "a real terrorist". If I were Mr. Colson I might be looking into legal recourse right about now. Geoffry Dunn should be ashamed of himself, and frankly written off for that statement. A blatant, despicable lie.

Now, I personally wouldn''t be "palin'' around" with Malek, nor would want to be in the same room with him much less give him the time of day. However, if we want to talk about "associations", well, I think you know where I''m going with this!


Jan 22, 2008
Date: 2/5/2009 7:42:59 PM
Author: HollyS
Seriously, what was the point of this post? The story is gruesome; that''s their point; what''s yours?

Palin is a footnote in history. She''s been kicked to the curb. As they say at the airline door, ''Buh-bye.''

I see no reason to discuss her, love her, hate her, mention her, attack her, worship at her altar, etc., etc., etc.

Waste of time, don''t ya think?

Newt Gingrich, the leader of the Republican Revolution in the early 90s, sees Palin as a "formidable" candidate amid a very open Republican field for the 2012 presidential race


Jan 1, 2007
swimmer, I thought the same thing about her logo of Alaska overtaking America!


Apr 9, 2007
Wow, that is just disgustingly cruel.

anyone that would treat an animal like that must have no soul.


Jul 18, 2007
Date: 2/6/2009 9:07:34 AM
Author: MaggieB

Date: 2/5/2009 7:42:59 PM
Author: HollyS
Seriously, what was the point of this post? The story is gruesome; that''s their point; what''s yours?

Palin is a footnote in history. She''s been kicked to the curb. As they say at the airline door, ''Buh-bye.''

I see no reason to discuss her, love her, hate her, mention her, attack her, worship at her altar, etc., etc., etc.

Waste of time, don''t ya think?

Newt Gingrich, the leader of the Republican Revolution in the early 90s, sees Palin as a ''formidable'' candidate amid a very open Republican field for the 2012 presidential race

I believe Newt is out of touch with the ''common man''.

She had a chance because she came out of nowhere to be the sudden running mate of a major candidate. Now that people know her, have a feel for who and what she is, and have weighed in their own minds whether she is just eccentric or kinda nutty, I think she cannot and will not garner enough support to be anywhere near the presidential race in 2012.

Lord knows, I''m a conservative; but I would prefer she stay gone. I''m pretty sure many others share my sentiments. We don''t need -- in either party -- someone who will be that polarizing. We''ve got enough problems.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 2/6/2009 9:45:35 PM
Author: HollyS

Date: 2/6/2009 9:07:34 AM
Author: MaggieB

Date: 2/5/2009 7:42:59 PM
Author: HollyS
Seriously, what was the point of this post? The story is gruesome; that''s their point; what''s yours?

Palin is a footnote in history. She''s been kicked to the curb. As they say at the airline door, ''Buh-bye.''

I see no reason to discuss her, love her, hate her, mention her, attack her, worship at her altar, etc., etc., etc.

Waste of time, don''t ya think?

Newt Gingrich, the leader of the Republican Revolution in the early 90s, sees Palin as a ''formidable'' candidate amid a very open Republican field for the 2012 presidential race

I believe Newt is out of touch with the ''common man''.

She had a chance because she came out of nowhere to be the sudden running mate of a major candidate. Now that people know her, have a feel for who and what she is, and have weighed in their own minds whether she is just eccentric or kinda nutty, I think she cannot and will not garner enough support to be anywhere near the presidential race in 2012.

Lord knows, I''m a conservative; but I would prefer she stay gone. I''m pretty sure many others share my sentiments. We don''t need -- in either party -- someone who will be that polarizing. We''ve got enough problems.


Jan 1, 2007
Another tidbit about the company Palin keeps-this time it's her husband! He was found guilty of contempt by the Alaska State Senate for failing to appear after being subpoenaed. link


Dec 1, 2008
This is an animal lover, this makes me sick that anyone would involve themselves with someone like this. Not to mention the fact that she's aligned herself with someone who, if not anti-semitic himself, clearly made Nixon's anti-semitism worse. She needs to be careful about who she's "pallin' around with"

I personally hope she runs for president in 2012... it'll make it that much easier for the Dems in 2012


Jun 4, 2008

1) I am so incredibly disgusted. I mean, who could do that to not just any animal, but a dog??? And who would associate themselves with that kind of person?! Speaks volumes....


2) If I were a Republican, I would be incredibly embarrassed by Sarah Palin. Heck, I''m a Democrat and I feel embarrassed FOR the Republicans at this point. I really do hope she runs for President in the near future...that would probably be the most entertaining election year ever. From "change you can believe in" to "I can see Russia from my house"....


Dec 18, 2005
Date: 2/9/2009 3:50:53 AM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

1) I am so incredibly disgusted. I mean, who could do that to not just any animal, but a dog??? And who would associate themselves with that kind of person?! Speaks volumes....


2) If I were a Republican, I would be incredibly embarrassed by Sarah Palin. Heck, I'm a Democrat and I feel embarrassed FOR the Republicans at this point. I really do hope she runs for President in the near future...that would probably be the most entertaining election year ever. From 'change you can believe in' to 'I can see Russia from my house'....

Who would associate themselves with the kind of person that bombs the capital and considers Sirhan Sirhan a hero?
Oh yeah! The president!
Speaks volumes.


Mar 15, 2006
Date: 2/9/2009 3:54:11 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 2/9/2009 3:50:53 AM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl


1) I am so incredibly disgusted. I mean, who could do that to not just any animal, but a dog??? And who would associate themselves with that kind of person?! Speaks volumes....


2) If I were a Republican, I would be incredibly embarrassed by Sarah Palin. Heck, I''m a Democrat and I feel embarrassed FOR the Republicans at this point. I really do hope she runs for President in the near future...that would probably be the most entertaining election year ever. From ''change you can believe in'' to ''I can see Russia from my house''....

Who would associate themselves with the kind of person that bombs the capital and considers Sirhan Sirhan a hero?

Oh yeah! The president!

Speaks volumes.

Here we go again....
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