
Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please! :(


Nov 22, 2010
Ughh! I am so upset. :blackeye: It's rare that I loose or misplace anything but I can't find my ring and hope you two (or anyone else) can help. Please, please, please.

Thankfully, it's not the 4.46 but a ring I really like--it's a b & w diamond band. I'm not sure if you both need more info or whether you work better with no info--but let me know if I somehow can help you locate my ring. I've got my fingers, toes, arms and anything else I can think of crossed to find it.


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

O.K lets set the scene, when & where did you last see it or have it?


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Alrighty, here we go:

I was in Texas teaching classes from Friday, July 12 thru Sunday, July 14. I was supposed to arrive in Texas on Friday at 10:30am but my flight was cancelled due to weather which set me back about 5 hours and sets the tone for the entire weekend: running behind and rush, rush, rush. Because I am running behind I'm working instead of sleeping--so the entire weekend was about 4 hours of sleep and crazy! :shock:

Classes ended on Sunday and I decided that I'd had enough, I'm exhausted, missed my hubs and was going home early. I changed my return flight home from Monday at 6:00pm to Sunday at 8:00pm, which then set of a very quick round of packing--I had tons of stuff I had bought with me for the class and volunteers were on hand to help me get everything packed up. I'm fairly certain (like 99% certain) I didn't have my ring on as we were rushing to pack the classroom stuff.

Rewind to Saturday night: I remember putting my ring in a glass next to the sink, along with my tennis bracelet. When I packed my clothing to go home I remember doing as I always do--one last check around the room, in the bathroom, closet, under the bed to make sure nothing is left behind. My tennis bracelet is here at home, so I am assuming that my ring is here too. I noticed it missing from the place I keep it in the bathroom at home. I immediately thought well, it must be in one of the little bags I put my jewelry in and those are still in my suitcase. I unpacked my suitcase, went thru the bags and didn't find the ring. I thought perhaps I put it in my purse, but I've looked thru everything (pockets, wallet, etc) and it's not there. :blackeye:


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Try looking on the floor underneath something. Look under the cabinet in the bathroom, under the sink, under the bathtub, under everything in your bedroom..... If you don't find it at home, can you get the hotel or room rental people to try the floor where you think it was in the room you were staying under something biggish like a dresser or underneath the bed. Under something. Getting the message "on the floor" and "under something". Is your luggage currently on the floor? Can you contact the place you stayed in and ask if it was handed in and tell them there is a reward just in case.


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Dag you are good! Yes! My suitcase is currently on the floor. Mind you I've checked thru it several times but this time I did it extra carefully and totally forgot about a hidden side pocket, which would be UNDER the top part of the suitcase. Opened the side pocket and... TA DA! I FOUND MY RING!!! Oh my gosh, thank you so much. :appl: :wavey: I'd pretty much given up on finding it--I have no idea of why it was in that side pocket as it's not a place I would have ordinarily put it--I was in a rush I guess. Because you said is your suitcase on the floor (like, how could you know this??) I decided to look there when I would not have as I was sure I thoroughly checked it several times. ;-)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :appl: :wavey:

So I'm curious--are you good only at finding things? Or are you good at other things as well? Like, can someone ask you a question, such as "Did (fill in the name) do this (steal something. lie about something, etc)?" And you would know the answer????


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

It depends you are half a world away from me, I am in Australia. In this case what I do is zone into your energy, I got very clearly the messages "its on the floor and underneath something" I got the general impression that it was a fairly large thing. The messages that I get from the universe are 99% accurate I find that it's me who frequently doesn't understand how to translate what I am given. I got the impression it could have been your bag and it was on the floor or something like a largish piece of furniture like a cabinet or thing of shelves about the same size as your bag. So basically I get a strong message and then have to work with it.

If you were here with me the energy is much stronger so yes probably I would be able to tell a heap of things and answer questions. I am not sure but if you ask the question then what happens is your guides give me the answer. I could mess up the answer, but the answers I usually get are pretty good.

I am very glad you found it!!!!!


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Yes! My suitcase was on the floor in front of a very large chest of drawers. ;-) I had to bring so much stuff with me to the conference that I borrowed my daughter's suitcase and that is why I had forgotten about that hidden side pocket. Again, thank you so much. :wavey:

The question that I wanted to ask you, may not be best to ask here. :blackeye: Do you have a Loupetroupe or Diamond Bistro listing by chance?


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Yes actually I do have one, this will go to my direct email;

But it will be tomorrow now because its late night here and I am too tired to zone in on anything. When I concentrate it works better!!!

And that is interesting that you said its not your bag because I got originally that it was "a larger bag". I had no idea what "larger bag" meant and in relation to what, that is why I was saying big heavy items, bigger bag etc... it makes sense now, it wasn't your bag it was the "big bag" (actually I got a vibe at the time "big heavy item") which would make more sense to you than to me!


Aug 25, 2009
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

So glad you found the ring!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!!!


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

arkieb1|1375190426|3493028 said:
Yes actually I do have one, this will go to my direct email;

But it will be tomorrow now because its late night here and I am too tired to zone in on anything. When I concentrate it works better!!!

And that is interesting that you said its not your bag because I got originally that it was "a larger bag". I had no idea what "larger bag" meant and in relation to what, that is why I was saying big heavy items, bigger bag etc... it makes sense now, it wasn't your bag it was the "big bag" (actually I got a vibe at the time "big heavy item") which would make more sense to you than to me!

Thank you! Thank you! Okay, sent! Take a deep breath before you read as there is a lot going on--some strange happenings. :(


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Check your email for a reply. I am very glad I didn't attempt to tackle that one at 11.48pm just before bed. :shock: I must have had a good vibe to wait until today!!!!


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Got it! Read it! And I know this will seem odd, but somehow we are more at peace now and I thank you for that. I don't think there's anything we could have done. I'm going to take some time to re-read, try to digest, re-read again and then get back to you. If there's anything else you have to share, please do!


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Actually I sent immediately after I typed it as it was coming to me if that makes sense. Then a bit later I went back and read over it. Please excuse the typos in there, I noticed a few, it was like a train of information that I just wrote and sent.


Nov 22, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

I didnt even notice. I guess i was immersed in what the content was. But what's too funny is that I did the exact same thing on my It just flowed out of me and I typed away. I just re-read what I wrote and thought- run on sentence much? Geesh. ;-)


Mar 8, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Arkeib- any chance I could get a little help looking for a bracelet I lost about a year ago? The bracelet was one I had made, with a chain that my grandmother had given me, and a cute little OEC that I had bezel set and dangling from the figaro chain from my Gram. I was wearing it, and then I just wasn't. I've torn my house apart, along with my work space. I know it's been a long time, but I've since lost it, my family has also lost my Gram. I'd love to be able to find this bracelet.

Thanks in advance!


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Please remember back to that day. Where you were where you think you had or saw it last. Where you could have put it. Set the scene of where that was. She was a lovely lady. Did she have a garden. I get flowers lots of flowers. Forgive me sometimes I screw up the message I am not sure if she is trying to let you know that she is here because she is surrounded by flowers or she is saying look in the garden. Is this making any sense? Its making none to me. I can smell the flowers. Did you bring her flowers? How are they somehow important?


Mar 8, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

When I realized it was gone, I was at work, in an office (I'm currently a receptionist at a drug treatment agency). I don't know how long it was gone before I realized it. She was an amazing woman :) Honestly, I don't have any clue how flowers would be relevant because I think it was winter when I lost it, however she used to (before I was born) have climbing roses all over the place at the farm that she and my grandfather shared. I did bring her flowers once when she was in assisted living, and then picked out the flowers for her funeral.


Mar 8, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Just did a little digging, and found a picture of the bracelet I had taken shortly after I picked it up from the jeweler. It was dated 2/24/2012, and I literally had the bracelet for a couple weeks, maximum, before I lost it. I can't imagine it would be lost in the garden with that time line. Plus, my garden isn't flowers, it's herbs and strawberries. Just trying to think how that could be related...


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

manderz|1375244272|3493459 said:
Just did a little digging, and found a picture of the bracelet I had taken shortly after I picked it up from the jeweler. It was dated 2/24/2012, and I literally had the bracelet for a couple weeks, maximum, before I lost it. I can't imagine it would be lost in the garden with that time line. Plus, my garden isn't flowers, it's herbs and strawberries. Just trying to think how that could be related...

I believe the message is either its "by the flowers" or "its where the flowers come from". Even with no background - I believe the message for you is about the flowers. Now it's about me helping you connect the missing bits of a puzzle. Think laterally here, do you have any baskets, boxes with flowers on them with pictures of flowers, pictures of brightly coloured things that look like flowers, containers with flowers, vases where you keep things, do you have artificial flowers in your home, could it be in a garage, shed or green house, did you go to a garage, shed or green house about the time when it went missing, I know it was a while ago so shut your eyes and try and remember around that time. I don't understand the relevance of flowers either in this case and I stated that when I first mentioned it. They are like some sort of clue.

Are there vases at work? A garden of some type? A picture with flowers, artificial flowers? Is there something to do with the flowers in or near your desk? Does your work make something out of opium poppies - fields of red flowers? I am trying to work out the connection.


Apr 26, 2007
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

ArkieB, mind if I put out a call for help, too? I'm visiting my inlaws, and during the trip I bought a pretty Art Deco silver ring with a great big oval "ruby." Monday night, I remember showering and taking it and my left hand ring off at the same time. When I woke up, the left hand ring and my watch were on the night-table, but the big red ring was nowhere to be seen.

I have been backwards and forwards over the fairly short path between the bathroom and the bedroom. It is GONE. It's like it's away with the fairies! Any suggestions?


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Circe|1375255213|3493526 said:
ArkieB, mind if I put out a call for help, too? I'm visiting my inlaws, and during the trip I bought a pretty Art Deco silver ring with a great big oval "ruby." Monday night, I remember showering and taking it and my left hand ring off at the same time. When I woke up, the left hand ring and my watch were on the night-table, but the big red ring was nowhere to be seen.

I have been backwards and forwards over the fairly short path between the bathroom and the bedroom. It is GONE. It's like it's away with the fairies! Any suggestions?

Can you check in the bed, in the bedding, under the bed, between a mattress and base, or could it be wrapped in something or in with washing. Wrapped in clothing, in a pocket? In something surrounded by fabric???? Its like its surrounded by sheets, a dressing gown, towels, in a pocket of something. There is fabric involved. Did you used to put it into a fabric carrier of some type? Could another family member put it into something surrounded by fabric? Could it have been wrapped in sheets or an article of clothing that is about to be or has been washed?


Apr 26, 2007
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

arkieb1 said:
Can you check in the bed, in the bedding, under the bed, between a mattress and base, or could it be wrapped in something or in with washing. Wrapped in clothing, in a pocket? In something surrounded by fabric???? Its like its surrounded by sheets, a dressing gown, towels, in a pocket of something. There is fabric involved. Did you used to put it into a fabric carrier of some type? Could another family member put it into something surrounded by fabric? Could it have been wrapped in sheets or an article of clothing that is about to be or has been washed?

Good ideas one and all - I looked and looked (and there is the possibility it snagged in my towel, or something, and wound up in the wash - that and the trash are the only places I haven't looked). But it assuages my fear that it might be wrapped up in, say, their enormous, well-meaning, but very dim dog!


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Circe|1375258644|3493542 said:
arkieb1 said:
Can you check in the bed, in the bedding, under the bed, between a mattress and base, or could it be wrapped in something or in with washing. Wrapped in clothing, in a pocket? In something surrounded by fabric???? Its like its surrounded by sheets, a dressing gown, towels, in a pocket of something. There is fabric involved. Did you used to put it into a fabric carrier of some type? Could another family member put it into something surrounded by fabric? Could it have been wrapped in sheets or an article of clothing that is about to be or has been washed?

Good ideas one and all - I looked and looked (and there is the possibility it snagged in my towel, or something, and wound up in the wash - that and the trash are the only places I haven't looked). But it assuages my fear that it might be wrapped up in, say, their enormous, well-meaning, but very dim dog!

Is the dog fluffy? Would it have eaten it if it was dropped on the floor? I got it was IN something fluffy.... that's why I was suggesting sheets, towels, washing pile, clothing pockets.


Apr 26, 2007
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Not as such, no - Rhodesian Ridgeback. I just keep wracking my brain trying to figure out where I could have STUCK it ....



May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Yes I think it is in something fabric of some sort..... The dog couldn't have put it into it's dog bed or a blanket or something like that? I had a cat once that liked to stash things for fun. Can you get someone to check blankets etc where you were staying. Bedding was my very first line of thought. But it's thick or fluffy. It's wrapped up or in it.


Sep 23, 2011
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Oh, me too, me too. It can't hurt to ask, right?

I had a yellow gold ID bracelet with my name (Vivian) engraved on it. My paternal grandmother gave it to me when I was a baby. My parents divorced before I was born, and I left their (father's side) country as a baby. I never got to meet my paternal grandparents, and they've both died over a decade ago. When I first started dating SO, I let him wear it. It had a very delicate chain. He doesn't remember if he took it off and placed it on a table or if it fell off while he was sleeping in his bed. Either way, he searched his whole room and didn't find anything. It's been years. They still own that house, but no longer live in it. It's being rented out.

Do you know if it's still in that house?


May 11, 2012
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

madelise|1375261257|3493547 said:
Oh, me too, me too. It can't hurt to ask, right?

I had a yellow gold ID bracelet with my name (Vivian) engraved on it. My paternal grandmother gave it to me when I was a baby. My parents divorced before I was born, and I left their (father's side) country as a baby. I never got to meet my paternal grandparents, and they've both died over a decade ago. When I first started dating SO, I let him wear it. It had a very delicate chain. He doesn't remember if he took it off and placed it on a table or if it fell off while he was sleeping in his bed. Either way, he searched his whole room and didn't find anything. It's been years. They still own that house, but no longer live in it. It's being rented out.

Do you know if it's still in that house?

O.K last one, I am happy to reply to anyone above but that's it for "the finding" for a while I think.

Hmmmm, a difficult one. I don't want to upset you. Sadness, not sure if this is you or the people in the house now or the owners of the house..... I believe it was sold by someone. I don't think it is the answer you seek but I do not believe you will see it again. I cannot find what cannot be found.


Mar 8, 2010
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

arkieb1|1375250255|3493505 said:
manderz|1375244272|3493459 said:
Just did a little digging, and found a picture of the bracelet I had taken shortly after I picked it up from the jeweler. It was dated 2/24/2012, and I literally had the bracelet for a couple weeks, maximum, before I lost it. I can't imagine it would be lost in the garden with that time line. Plus, my garden isn't flowers, it's herbs and strawberries. Just trying to think how that could be related...

I believe the message is either its "by the flowers" or "its where the flowers come from". Even with no background - I believe the message for you is about the flowers. Now it's about me helping you connect the missing bits of a puzzle. Think laterally here, do you have any baskets, boxes with flowers on them with pictures of flowers, pictures of brightly coloured things that look like flowers, containers with flowers, vases where you keep things, do you have artificial flowers in your home, could it be in a garage, shed or green house, did you go to a garage, shed or green house about the time when it went missing, I know it was a while ago so shut your eyes and try and remember around that time. I don't understand the relevance of flowers either in this case and I stated that when I first mentioned it. They are like some sort of clue.

Are there vases at work? A garden of some type? A picture with flowers, artificial flowers? Is there something to do with the flowers in or near your desk? Does your work make something out of opium poppies - fields of red flowers? I am trying to work out the connection.

Hmmmm... Thanks for the help. I'm going to ponder on it, all day today, and see what I come up with. I suspected when I lost it that it fell off at work, and I didn't notice. Funny that you mention opium poppies, we VERY frequently treat clients with opiate addictions, so I'm wondering if it's just trying to get across that I actually did lose it at work? Or the red could be from my living room and dining room, which have lots of red accents all over. I'll do a bit of digging when I get out of work, and update this evening. There aren't really any flowers in my house, just a small bunch of fakies from a friend's wedding I was in a few years ago.


May 14, 2011
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

arkeib wow I have goose bumps just amazing! Circe I don't have any special gift but when she said fabric and fluffy I thought oh robe, did you have a fluffy robe with pockets maybe who knows just thought I'd throw it out there.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: Paging Ilaner and arkeib-- I lost my ring! Help please!

Arkieb, wow, you're very perceptive and I'm very impressed.

Circe, you have a super cute dog :)
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