
Owwie.. :(

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Feb 12, 2009
Just got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out. OUCH! They were pretty impacted and they knocked me completely out via IV to do it.

Anyone have advice on what I can or should eat? My surgery was at 3pm today and I haven''t eaten anything since 11pm last night. Nor have I had a cigarette! And I can''t smoke for 48 hours so I''m just gonna go ahead and quit! Haha. Yay me.

In my notes it says that macaroni and cheese (my fav) is fine to eat, but then it goes on to say that I should avoid hot foods and avoid dairy. What the heck? The whole list of things I could eat contradicted itself in one way or another. And of course, when I call my doctor to clarify, they''re closed! Can anyone who''s had this done advise me on what worked for you and what you ate?

I''m so hungry
I ate those boxed sweet potatoes for like 4 days straight. A lot of jello, I had yogurt, but don''t get yogurt with seeds.

I stuck to that diet for nearly 4 days, and had little to no pain, and no dry socket.

Just wait until anything hot cools down to only warm or room temperature.

Take it easy. You''ll feel better in no time!
warm soup broth with some noodles
scrabbled eggs

I hope you feel better soon! I went through the same thing when I was in high school. Luckily I didn''t swell, and my recovery time was short!

ETA: Sorry I can''t remember any foods I ate; I blame my pain medication
Thanks guys! Yeah I have NO swelling at all. I think that''s strange, but I guess some people react to it differently.

I took a percocet without having eaten, and they said that would make me nauseous, but it hasn''t.

I''m afraid to eat because the whole left side of my face is still numb, and I don''t want to bite my cheek pretty hard and not realize it. I mean it is NUMB NUMB NUMB! Haha.

I''ll try some eggs
Date: 4/2/2009 9:12:19 PM
Author: Feralpenchant
Thanks guys! Yeah I have NO swelling at all. I think that''s strange, but I guess some people react to it differently.

I took a percocet without having eaten, and they said that would make me nauseous, but it hasn''t.

I''m afraid to eat because the whole left side of my face is still numb, and I don''t want to bite my cheek pretty hard and not realize it. I mean it is NUMB NUMB NUMB! Haha.

I''ll try some eggs
Get something in your tummy now...or you''ll be pukey about 3 hours after taking it! The last thing you want tonight is to be vomiting!

EGGS are good. Oatmeal (let it cool down).

Had this done 30 years ago and all they did was pack the holes with cotton. Thought I was going to die. I lived on darvon and milkshakes for 4 days. Lost weight. Go figure.
I didn''t eat for 3 days - I had a large vanilla milkshake from McDonalds a few hours after my surgery...and found it hard to eat jello, because you''re not supposed to do any "sucking"...(dry socket). I kept ice on my face constantly and had hardly any swelling or pain! By the third day, I was really nauseous, and tried rice, but it did get stuck in my teeth and areas of the surgery. Other than that, I think I tried pudding and that was OK. I was just paranoid, but all turned out fine. I''ve heard pineapple juice is amazing for swelling. GOOD LUCK!
I ate loads of jelly (you guys call it jello) custard and warm not overly hot soup.

Anything soft and anything that could be drunk through a straw because I drooled really bad.

Get better - keep up the pain meds and make sure to keep your mouth ultra clean and you should have no issues :).
I had all four out at once and it was not pleasant! I feel for you! I swelled from the base of my neck up to my eyes. I have a picture and I am unrecognizable. I hope swelling it not nearly that bad for you.

I remember eating ONLY soft things for about a week. I remember really, really wanting some broccoli cheese soup but I couldn''t open my mouth enough to get the spoon in and I couldn''t chew. It was awful. I would look for things that don''t require a lot of chewing or jaw work.... Do you like grits? You could doctor those up and it''d be super easy to eat. (I have a grit obsession)
I had the same kind of surgery when I had my wisdom teeth out (also all 4 at the same time.). I didn't eat much at first because I was high on painkillers for a couple of days. After that I just had Jello, soups, etc. and I actually didn't even need the painkillers after day two. I just took Tylenol or Advil after that.

Oh, and if you do get a milkshake just eat it with a spoon-you're not supposed to suck on straws because you can get dry socket doing that. And I hope you feel better soon!
I ate some soup and such...stayed away from hamburger cuz it gets stuck in the holes (still does and its been 3 months). I got mine pulled and ended up with dry socket. It didnt hurt that bad, it hurt a little, but I didnt even really take the pain meds or even alieve because it mad my really mean.

I did eat hot foods and I was fine. I liked cheesy potato soup..I smashed the potato chunks up pretty good though.

Oh, btw I dont smoke and I still got dry sockets. My dr. said they really dont know what causes it. I hope you dont get them! Its a really bad achey feeling all the way though your jaw.

The only reason I knew i had them is beacuse I hadnt felt any pain w/o pain meds right after the surgery and for the first couple days...then one day it started to I assumed I had dry sockets. The only "painful" part was getting those babies that hurt! Other than that I was fine!

I say get some ICE CREAM! straws either!
I have to have my 2 bottom wisdom teeth out. Never did it years ago - should have. My BIL took my two uppers out and in
the process pierced my sinus cavity!! I could hear every breath - very strange.
Anyway, I''m scared to death to get the bottom ones out, heck I''m 54 and this won''t be any picnic..
I feel like it will take weeks for me to get over it. I don''t have time for that, ha ha!
I felt so good after getting mine pulled that I ate chinese food that night.

Whoops! Got dry sockets not 24 hours later.

I think I ended up eating mostly jello, yogurt (frozen and regular), and rice. You can make rice with chicken broth rather than water to give it a little flavor.
Awwww....I remember getting my wisdom teeth out. It sucked. I didn''t eat solid food for 2 weeks. Ugh.
I had all four of mine cut out when I was a Junior. I ate eggs and yogurt. Whatever I could easily get into my mouth w/out opening it very far and I didn''t really have to chew. I remember crying b/c I was supposed to rinse my mouth out and couldn''t get my jaw to move back and forth, so I just tilted my head from side to side and my mom laughed at me. Ew and I remember getting food stuck in the holes too..I used to carry a toothbrush in my purse to help dig it out after I ate. No dry sockets thankfully. Take it easy and you''ll be good as new before you know it!
I had all four widsom teeth pulled out perhaps 11 years ago, and I looked like a chipmunk, I was so puffy. I ate yogurt and warm soups for the first week or so. Then I moved on to more chewable foods, though I would keep a toothbrush handy to make sure that nothing got into the stitched areas.
Awww, feel better Feral!

I have no advice since I still have all my wisdom teeth in. I have an unusually large mouth for my unusually tiny teeth, so I never needed to get them pulled. I live in fear each time I have an office visit that my dentist will tell me it''s time to pull!

Feel better! Take care of that mouth!
Thanks everyone for your responses! I have a thing that is like an ace bandage that holds in 2 ice packs on either side of my face. It works pretty well. SO made me macaroni and cheese but he overcooked it a little on purpose so I could just swallow it without chewing, that worked well.

Not sure if I''m in pain, these percocets are killer! In a good way

I am not swollen at ALL, miraculously! From the front, I look perfectly normal.

But it is now 2:17am, my surgery was "today" at 2:45. A part of my face extending from the left side of my chin up to the left part of my lower lip is still COMPLETELY numb. Has anyone had experience with lingering novacaine? I''m afraid I''m going to end up like that girl on Discovery Health or something who''s face was permanently numb!

The packet the doctor gave me said that is was a long lasting anesthetic, and it may last UP TO 12 hours. But the rest of my face has already stopped being numb.
Both my kids recently had their's removed. One thing that helped a lot was the surgeon told us to put ice packs on their jaws. 15 minutes on each side several times a day. They went home from the oral surgeon's office with those blue cold packs pressed up against their checks. It kept down the swelling and pain. They both recovered quickly. I hope you do too.

Just read your last post. It sounds like you are already doing the cold packs. Good for you.
I don''t think I ate for days
. I had no swelling that day... in fact I went to a party that night
! I really swelled up the next few days though. When my husband got his out he swelled up so bad he looked like a ninja turtle. I hope your numbness goes away!
Be glad you are still numb! Lots of ice cream, milkshakes...jello, pudding...did you get steroid tablets?
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out they told me to avoid hot foods for a few days, to only eat cold stuff to help with the swelling. They also said not to suck anything through a straw as it can encourage dry sockets. I ate a lot of yogurt and pudding etc.

As far as the numbness goes, I had the same thing only it was the whole lower half of my face. I had the surgery about 1:00pm and by 10:00pm I still didn''t have any feeling. Luckily when I woke up the next morning the feeling had returned.

Did they tell you to wash your holes out several times a day with salt water? If I remember correctly, it''s been a long time ago now, it seems as though you were meant to do that every few hours and after every meal and that it helped the healing process.

Here''s hoping you still feel good today. I''m wishing you a speedy recovery!
Date: 4/3/2009 9:00:22 AM
Author: girlie-girl
When I had my wisdom teeth taken out they told me to avoid hot foods for a few days, to only eat cold stuff to help with the swelling. They also said not to suck anything through a straw as it can encourage dry sockets. I ate a lot of yogurt and pudding etc.

As far as the numbness goes, I had the same thing only it was the whole lower half of my face. I had the surgery about 1:00pm and by 10:00pm I still didn''t have any feeling. Luckily when I woke up the next morning the feeling had returned.

Did they tell you to wash your holes out several times a day with salt water? If I remember correctly, it''s been a long time ago now, it seems as though you were meant to do that every few hours and after every meal and that it helped the healing process.

Here''s hoping you still feel good today. I''m wishing you a speedy recovery!
Ditto. I had only one out last summer as it had broken ( not fun), ate a lot of pudding and avoided hot drinks and so on, hard foods. I would rinse my mouth out with plain water every time I ate something or salted if available and it all settled and healed quickly.

Hang in there Feral!
Oohhhhh good luck! I need to get mine out too - totally putting it off though.

I don''t have advice, but I send you lots of good luck and a speedy recovery!
I have never had a tooth pulled, but it sounds like it hurts. I hope that you are feeling better soon!
I hope you feel better soon... but on the bright side.............YES... SEXY SKINNY JEANS HERE YOU COME! (Pudding and jello were my favs!)
Yes, the feeling in my face came back! YAY!

Didn''t know that about rinsing with salt water.. I''ll have to go do that.
Ugh, I had all four of mine out at once also. The first thing I ate was scrambled eggs, and unfortunately they made me sick.

I hope your recovery goes smoothly. I found once I got past the first day, the worst part of mine was the dissolvable stitches they put in my mouth. I don''t know if mine dissolved right - I was picking little strings out of my mouth for weeks! For a while it felt like my mouth would never feel right again, but I think I was feeling and eating pretty well back to normal after 2 weeks.
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