
Ovary pains..can you feel yours?

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Feb 8, 2009
I have been having ovary problems for almost 2 years now. And by the word problem I mean..I feel them ALL the time! All day everyday..not just during ovulation. About 95% of the time. The pains are different. Sometimes it throbs, sometimes it is stabbing and I double over and sometimes I just feel it and know it is there. It often feels heavy and feels like it is going to fall. I am a stomach sleeper and it is so heavy in the mornings when I wake up it feels like it is going to fall through until I roll over. Both ovaries hurt but my right one gives me the most problems. About a year ago I had a few cysts rupture. I had an ultrasound and it showed the cysts..blah blah. Nothing really was done. Well, its now a year later and I still have problems and they slowy get worse. Last month I missed my period by 3 weeks! No way I could be prego either. I went to the Dr. b/c I am always regular. I ended up not being able to see my reg. Dr. so I saw a a nurse practitioner. I was not very happy about this but I went ahead w/ the appt. I loved her. It was nice to have a fresh prospective. She ordered more tests. As before, Poly-cystic ovary syndrome was brought up but I really don''t fit the normal description well. I had tons of in depth blood work and everything came out perfect. They said it couldn''t have been better. I had another ultrasound to check for cysts and other problems. No cysts at all but they found that my right it quite larger than my left. They also found that I have a lot of follicles(eggs). I asked if I was fertile Myrtle and they said they didn''t know if they were viable or not so it is hard to tell. Normally they say women produce 2-3 follicles and I had 10-15. She called with the final results and said that she was puzzled. On the ultrasound it looks like poly cystic and the blood work says otherwise. She said that the opposite has happened before but never my case. (Anything odd and mysterious seems to happen to me!) She has ordered more blood work so I will go in soon for that. She also called a specialist and consulted him. He seems to think that I am okay as far as being able to have kids but they will review my case again after the new blood work. Honestly, I got the runaround and I don''t think they have a clue what is going on.

I went in for pain and now it seems like we are talking about fertility. Although we are unsure on kids I would like to have the choice on children. I am extremely confused about this whole situation. If you made it this far in my story..BLESS YOU!LOL I wanted to share because I am confused and thought that maybe some of you have heard of this or have gone through it or something similar.

In any case thanks for reading and letting me vent!!
I wish you well. I stopped to post because I do get ovary pains but nothing chronic like you described. My pains are bi-monthly on my right ovary and it''s a fluid filled cyst that ruptures when I ovulate. Been like this since I was 16 yr old (I''m 40). The pain is horrendous for 24 hrs then it stops. I wish I had an answer. I hope they find an answer for you.
Thanks Atroop. I just had to vent and take a chance to see if others knew anything or experienced the same issues. I can''t imagine every month having such horrible pain. I have constant pain but not at the level you are experiencing. I have only had that sort of bad pain a few times. Ouch! I hope yours gets better!
I don''t know what to suggest. Are there any tests left for them to perform? An MRI?

I get monthly pain too, around when I ovulate. One month it was so bad I spent 5 days in hospital, they were going to take out my appendix, then decided it wasn''t that and put me on high doses of IV anti-biotics because I also had a high fever. Then they discovered it was a ruptured follicle!
I wasn''t so impressed, but I guess I presented an awkward case. They also had me on morphine drip that entire time, which made me so sick.

I''m diabetic, so now I''m on metformin, which is also something used to treat poly-cystic. All I know is it makes me very regular, and I think it is stopping me from going into menopause. I still get the pain, but it has never been as bad as that one time, where it lasted for days. Now it''s just a day or two of intense stabbing.

Since you are young and want the option to have children, I think you should continue to pursue this issue until you have some relief, and some definite answers. Take care.
I am sorry you are going through this. Sounds very painful..I would ask for a referrel to see a specialist . It sounds like something they have not dealt with before.

You should get a second opinion. Good luck
my daughter was diagnosed with PCOS. All her blood work came back normal. However her ovaries are full of cysts and the ultra sound showed the so called line of pearls that diagnosed PCOS. She has all the other classic symptoms of PCOS though. She has facial hair she needs to wax, her hair had been falling our (male pattern baldness)until they started her taking spironolactin which stopped it and she has tiny fine hairs groing back now. She gets only a couple periods a year. However she started taking metformin so we are hoping she gets more. She has a lot of ovary pain as well.. Not as much as you, but a lot.

I do not ave PCOS, however I have a ton of ovary pain as well. I feel mine most days. Midcycle is the absolute worse, than the first few days of my periods are bad as well. Always it is worse on my rt side. I have regular ultrasounds to watch the fibriods in my uterus and they occasionally find a cyst on one of my ovaries.

Some days it feels like there must be something wrong with me. Why would it hurt so bad. However, they have never found anything to say why. I am sorry you are having so much pain. I do not have an answer but wish I did. Sometime the pain radiates down my leg almost to my knee it gets so bad

Good luck to you and again I am sorry you are having such a difficult time
Laura, I am so sorry that your daughter has to go through this as well. I am so glad that she is on medication and that it is getting better. Half of having a problem is knowing what is wrong. It is frustrating having issues and not knowing what truly is the cause or what is going on. I guess that is where I am now. Let me clarify my pain..It is painful often but most of the time it does not hinder me from doing things. While it is annoying I just push through and go on. Honestly, I have gotten used to it and I have a pretty high pain tolerance when it comes to my pains so I make it. Normally I don''t even take over the counter meds. I have pains that go down into my legs as well but the stabbing/sharp side grabbing pain normally are very quick and go away. It sounds like you are really having a time. I hope you get better and the pain gets better. I have had cysts and I can''t imagine it happening for 5 days. The longest mine lasted was was for about 8 hours. I had no clue what was going on until after..I just knew something was wrong.
I know I need to see someone else but I''m not sure who I need to see. What sort of specialist? I just don''t even know where to start. It''s something that I have been living with and have become used to. It just puzzles me about the whole fertility run around(which we were not thinking about until they made it an issue) I am getting now. Last word was I was quite fertile but if we try and we don''t get pregnant in 3 months then I need to be seen. I found that odd.
Any suggestions on where to go from this point would be appreciated.
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