
Opinion on this dress

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Aug 28, 2006
Can you please give me your opinion on this bridesmaid dress. It is kinda confusing and I couldn''t get the pictures to upload so I have web links.

The first link shows the style of the dress.

This link shows the color the first dress would be.

So- the purple dress but in the orangey color. My wedding is in the Summer at a resort near the beach. THe ceremony is outside.

Please give me your opinion. Also, the dress would be about $200. Do you think that is reasonable to ask BM to pay?

Thanks for your help!
I just BM dress shopped with my sister for 2.5 hours, so my opinion is probably reflecting that, but here goes. I like the dress, however, I don''t think it''d be a good choice unless ALL your bridesmaids are stick thin. My sister isn''t and she tried on a dress that was similar and it looked awful. On another note...the might want to make sure it''s flattering as far as the skin tone of your BM''s...also the lighter color will make them look heavier than they are. Of course, if your maids are thin then most of what I just said won''t matter, I''m just a little sensitive after spending a couple hours trying to pick dresses that would flatter my sister. I''m also getting married in September, so can afford to go with darker colors more easily than a "real" summer wedding.
I personally love the dress, but think $200 is a bit steep for it. I have something similiar, but in black that I''ve worn a few times and I don''t think I paid more than $30 for it.
i like the style. i''m sure Jim Hjelm is pretty good quality, but I wouldn''t mind giving up quality in order to save money.
Honestly, all of my bridesmaids are on the thinner side. Some are even very skinny. There is only one who is a little heavier, and she is mostly just bustier. Plus I felt like the ruching on the stomach area would be flattering. Anymore advice???
B-cup weighing in here! I think that bodice would look best on girls who have a full B-cup or larger bust. The dress might look good on a thin full-busted woman, but I don't think bodice would be very flattering on anyone small-busted.

EDIT to clarify -- having thought about this some more: What I was trying to say is that this dress is designed for girls with cleavage. While the runching may help create some top shape, it won't create cleavage.
Ruching is very flattering on the body, helps camofluage (sp??) and also creates shape. I think the dress would be flattering on both small chests and busty girls. It''s a great cut. The price is a little steep, but it''s something that can be worn again. The color is nice (I might be bias since my BMs worn a similar color for my Fall wedding).
I think if their builds work in the style that it is a very flattering simple dress. However, the color is a bit sketchy to me, it could look awesome or make someone look sickly. To me the price is not that big an issue, but only you know the financial situations of your bridesmaids. Are you comfortable broaching it and if you determine it is too steep for anyone, offering to help pay or to look for another dress option?
I love the dress! It''s not too bridesmaidy, the price is great, I don''t think $200 is too much for a BM dress, I think $150 to $200 should be right for most financial situations, and I know you said none of your girls are big, but I think the texture in the dress would definitely hide any imperfections. I also think the color would be fine unless any of your BMs are pasty, but you could always by them a spray tan!
I think the style is great (i have been eyeing that dress as well) but the colour, as other''s have mentioned, is tough for most people to pull off...dark hair and skin look best, anyone with pinky undertones will look washed out and pale in that colour.
The dress and color are beautiful as long as it works with all you BMs skin tones.

My concern is if you have any busty girls in the party. I know someone said a full B cup would be the limit, but the straps are too thin and will enhance breast size and the neckline too low to be worn with a supportive bra. I have a large chest and would be extremely uncomfortable wearing that dress.
it''s a very lovely dress, but i recommend the girls trying it on. i am a full B and i know i can''t really wear tops like that.
I like the style of the purple dress although it isn''t very forgiving for figure flaws. Keep in mind, too, some people look horrible in peachy orangy colors. It looks great on olive complextions and darker skin tones but on light or pinky complextions looks bad. Aslo those light colors can be quite revealing so make sure everyone wears smooth undergarments. What kind of bra do you wear with the low neck?
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