
Online Grocery Shopping


Jun 18, 2010
Has anyone else done this? I just did my first order and it was amazing, so I thought I would share.

My local store (Fred Meyer/Kroger) offers online shopping. It's all linked to my rewards card, which means they have lists that show me my recently and most commonly purchased items. Then, you shop just as you would at the store. If you want bananas that are green, just just type that into the comment section. It's a really nice way to stick to a budget because 1) you aren't tempted by random stuff you may see in the store, and 2) you can easily shop things that are on sale. It would also be great if you are on a diet, since you aren't tempted to buy the ice cream or cookies or whatever.

Pickup was really easy- I pulled up to a kiosk where they got my name, and then I drove over to the pickup area. They came out and went over substitutions they made due to out of stock items (you never pay more for a sub, and you don't have to accept the item), swiped my card, loaded the groceries into my car, and off I went.

I highly recommend this to anyone with little kids. The normal cost was $4.95, but it was free for my first time.
Amazon Prime now delivers groceries in 1 hour. I've yet to try it out.
madelise|1458751517|4009872 said:
Amazon Prime now delivers groceries in 1 hour. I've yet to try it out.

Around here, they don't do fresh produce or milk or anything like that. I've also found the prices to be a little better locally since I can shop sales.
Yes, we have stop n shop which you link to your rewards card. I believe peapod is used in a few states. Anyway its usually next day. Only had it once same day but I'm also down the street from the store. Same day isn't typical though.
Yes we used to do this. With our local supermarket you can collect your shopping from the store which doesn't cost any extra or have it delivered to your home for a pretty reasonable charge.
We stopped using it because DH and I have so many food intolerances that we often could not eat the substitute items so we either got an item delivered we couldn't eat and had to go to the store anyway if we wanted to return it, or they didn't supply an item if we requested no substitutions and we would have to go to another store to get it anyway which sort of defeats the purpose.
Yes! I have been doing this for about two years now. It's not a Kroger, but the store I use does it exactly as you describe. I LOVE it!
I tried this once with Peapod through Stop and Shop. It was okay but some of my produce was not the best. We shop at Costco now so home delivery isn't an option but if it was that would be awesome.
safeway delivers. I used the service when my son was first born. I loved it.

I just started an organic fruit delivery to the house. It's $46 a week and I get a huge box of fresh fruit delivered to the door each Thursday. I received my first box today. I can't say if I am pleased or not. If I don't like the company, I will try another. You can add pastured eggs, flowers, honey, and other farmer's market-type things to your box.

I recently got something in the mail from Google Express. They deliver Costco items. I don't know if it is available to everyone, but maybe it is worth checking out. I haven't looked into it yet.
I used Pea Pod through Stop and Shop for my mom when she could no longer grocery shop.

A bit costly, but well worth the time that it would have taken for me to do it for her.
Absolutely, yes! As time has gone on, doing the weekly struggle through the supermarket has become my second least favourite chore (after ironing) so having the shopping delivered seems like a huge luxury. It's great not having to lug heavy items like juice and cleaning products into the car and back into the house.
We ordered many years ago from Fresh Direct and I was disappointed in the service and I quickly realized I prefer picking out my own produce. I think it is a great service for people who for whatever reason cannot get there to shop for themselves be it disability, time constraints, etc. However for me, as long as I am able to I want to pick my own groceries. Especially produce because no one can (or will) do it with the same care that I do it.
I live in London and we've not set foot in an actual grocery shop for about 5-6 years. It's easy! They started bag free delivery so we don't have a huge amount of carrier bags luckily. We can send back anything which isn't up to standard. We can choose if we want to accept substitutions on each individual item. The company also notes when the van will be in your area so you know when it's a "green" eco-friendlier delivery slot and I generally try to go for those. It's always 1 hour time slot and if the driver is early or late they call you and generally they're very polite. They'll carry our shopping into the kitchen and put it on the counters if we'd like them to.

I love it! I haven't looked back since we started doing it and cannot imagine not having it.
missy|1469794808|4060491 said:
We ordered many years ago from Fresh Direct and I was disappointed in the service and I quickly realized I prefer picking out my own produce. I think it is a great service for people who for whatever reason cannot get there to shop for themselves be it disability, time constraints, etc. However for me, as long as I am able to I want to pick my own groceries. Especially produce because no one can (or will) do it with the same care that I do it.

My feelings exactly. I used to use a delivery service about 9-10 yrs ago when my kids were babies. I had the same issue with produce. One of my biggest pet peeves with it was that I noticed the expiration dates on items they delivered/chose were never as good as the expiration dates I always find when I pick things myself :). I also had several instances where things were forgotten or I was charged for things I didn't receive. Nothing major but kind of a hassle to deal with stuff like that. I tried two different stores/services and noticed the same issues with each one.

I think it's a great option for times when I'm sick, or back when the kids were babies, but I still prefer going myself for the most part. Nice that the service exists though.
I would shop online for bulk heavy items like large quantities of beers, wines and pops for a party.

I did a grocery shop once and was not impressed with the fresh fruits and vegs.

I would miss not being able to see, smell and touch the produce, and to say hi to the regular shoppers and workers.

Not to mention the opportunity for discounted bargains! The best one ever was a 0.09 GBP hot roast chicken some years ago.

DK :))
I don't want another stranger touching my food and food packages ... and the packages touching additional surfaces they didn't need to touch.

I have my system for food shopping down.
Besides, I don't trust some snot-nosed kid to pick out my tomatoes, et al.:eek2:
I'm going to hand-pick my produce and meat, thank you very much.
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i wish id done it years ago when it first arrived here but only started to get deliveries last year when Gary couldn't drive with his eye problems

and click and collect is free for orders over $50, only started doing that in the last 3 shops at the end of lockdown when we had been unable to get deliveries and we endured much pain shopping at the smaller more exspensive neighbourhod grocery store in our suburb

substitutions can be interesting sometimes, but the odd time ive had to complain ive had a hastle free refund of the offending product

and as @amc80 said it saves a tonn of money sticking to your list
also i find if your on a budget, its a lot eaiser finding the best prices and value for money from the comfort of your couch, not stuck behind a supermarket trolley
i have discovered some new products that has been good and also there is no temptation of all the confectionary of the checkout
I don't want another stranger touching my food and food packages ... and the packages touching additional surfaces they didn't need to touch.

I have my system for food shopping down.
Besides, I don't trust some snot-nosed kid to pick out my tomatoes, et al.:eek2:
I'm going to hand-pick my produce and meat, thank you very much.

i always imangind some helpful older motherly type lady picking my order
i just hate when they pack the cat food with the laundry liquid and soap
Has anyone else done this? I just did my first order and it was amazing, so I thought I would share.

My local store (Fred Meyer/Kroger) offers online shopping. It's all linked to my rewards card, which means they have lists that show me my recently and most commonly purchased items. Then, you shop just as you would at the store. If you want bananas that are green, just just type that into the comment section. It's a really nice way to stick to a budget because 1) you aren't tempted by random stuff you may see in the store, and 2) you can easily shop things that are on sale. It would also be great if you are on a diet, since you aren't tempted to buy the ice cream or cookies or whatever.

Pickup was really easy- I pulled up to a kiosk where they got my name, and then I drove over to the pickup area. They came out and went over substitutions they made due to out of stock items (you never pay more for a sub, and you don't have to accept the item), swiped my card, loaded the groceries into my car, and off I went.

I highly recommend this to anyone with little kids. The normal cost was $4.95, but it was free for my first time.

IMHO its the greatest thing since sliced bread !
the lady at the service desk (where we pick up our orders from) said click and collect is by far the biggest growth area in their bussiness
I love getting mine delivered and the people picking the items are always great. I really appreciate them.
I wish we could do online shopping at Trader Joe's. They are the most challenging store to shop in due to crowds. They have an almost cult following.

I wish we could do online shopping at Trader Joe's. They are the most challenging store to shop in due to crowds. They have an almost cult following.

I miss Trader Joe’s SO MUCH ;(

They’re only letting 30 people in at a time here, and it would take an hour to get in.
My local TJ's is not crowded at off times.
No line at all; I can walk right in.

Ask your TJ's when it is least busy.
We’ve been getting deliveries since a couple of weeks in to the lockdown. I can wash anything a snot nosed kid has touched, but I can’t survive without food. :lol: Everything that we’ve ordered has been packaged, which we’ve quarantined in our utility room, then wiped down all the packaging. Of course I prefer to pick my own produce, but beggars can’t be choosers, and I’m really grateful that we finally found one retailer that delivered. From what I read, the main supermarkets in our area are a free for all, so I wasn’t going to risk going shopping there.
Yes, I've been ordering groceries online for delivery to my home for ~3 years now. I have kids and no car so lugging heavy groceries around is not fun!

It's ~$5 in extra fees, plus I always tip the delivery person.

My biggest pet peeve is that they are not careful about choosing produce, sometimes I get damaged or turning items. The product substitutions can also be... interesting, lol. Occasionally items are missing from my order and then I have to go out and get whatever it is myself.

But still better than trying to lug heavy milk and canned items home on my own.

So overall, a great option!

Has anyone else done this? I just did my first order and it was amazing, so I thought I would share.

My local store (Fred Meyer/Kroger) offers online shopping. It's all linked to my rewards card, which means they have lists that show me my recently and most commonly purchased items. Then, you shop just as you would at the store. If you want bananas that are green, just just type that into the comment section. It's a really nice way to stick to a budget because 1) you aren't tempted by random stuff you may see in the store, and 2) you can easily shop things that are on sale. It would also be great if you are on a diet, since you aren't tempted to buy the ice cream or cookies or whatever.

Pickup was really easy- I pulled up to a kiosk where they got my name, and then I drove over to the pickup area. They came out and went over substitutions they made due to out of stock items (you never pay more for a sub, and you don't have to accept the item), swiped my card, loaded the groceries into my car, and off I went.

I highly recommend this to anyone with little kids. The normal cost was $4.95, but it was free for my first time.

I’ve been doing this since mid-March! It’s very convenient and feels safer right now.
The pandemic has made it so that I shop exclusively online. I LOVE it! For groceries, I shop at walmart, costco, and Safeway. I don’t care for the way they pick out produce, so I have it delivered weekly from a local organic farm.

It will be a rare occasion that I ever step foot in a grocery store again.