
once again... bummed.

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Mar 31, 2008
Well, it comes and goes. The feeling of "it's never going to happen" that is. It comes in spells, and then it passes. I'm having one of those months where all I can think of is the posibility of getting engaged soon... it's crazy. I so badly want that commitment and it really just tears at my heartstrings every day that passes by and it doesn't happen. Near christmas-time I thought it would happen then, then came new years and valentine's day passed, now it's spring. Nothing exciting in spring, aside from the beautiful weather. I am just a little sad and sick of waiting. We've had "the" talk about our future, timelines, etc. so that is not the issue... he wants to commit, and is going to propose sometime this year, but WHEN! I know i've said it, and even have preached against thinking like this, but I've been "lapped" by my friends. Friends who have dated their bf's for less than 2 years, already married, and are trying to have kids. Friends who shouldn't be engaged, like, not-good-for-eachother! So it makes me sad to wait, wait, and wait, when I know we have an awesome relationship, have been with my bf for 7 years, but they all have something I want so badly... something in my mind should be so simple, but I know it is not that simple. I know that in time, at the right time, it will happen when everything is right... we are both on the same page, ready to move foward and start the rest of our lives together.
I guess I just need a pick me up.....anything will do, just feeling down!
Hey, I know how you feel.. I think you should consider yourself lucky that you know it''s coming this YEAR!

My guy won''t even give me that much info and I''m starting to wonder if he really wants it to be a total surprise or if I''m totally kidding myself..

Maybe your guy doesn''t want to propose on a special event or holiday. So yea there aren''t that many holidays coming up but maybe he''s planning on proposing on just a "random" day!
Hang in there!
Yeah you're right, I know it could happen on any random, given day...we'll see!
I know this sounds silly but before I wouldn't fill up my weekend too much and made myself more available just in case he wanted to whisk me away on a weekend trip.. nah, not anymore. I am living my life and doing what I need to do. I have actually non-intentionally made plans for a couple weekends in April already... so it's nice to be busy and try to keep my mind off of things!
Hey honey, I''m sorry to hear you''re feeling so down, but it IS going to happen!! I can understand your frustration at having to wait, but I''m sure that there''s a good reason for it--that he''s got something wonderful in store for you when it finally DOES happen.

Want to share anything about the plans you''ve got set up for next month? Anything out of the ordinary? (Sorry, don''t know why, but a male strip club came to mind for some reason...
Sorry you''re feeling bummed honey. The good news is that you''re not doubting his intentions. Plain and simple, you know it is going to happen.

It''s been said so many times here already, I feel foolish for even thinking it might help, but really, try and think on the bright side. Be excited in knowing it is going to happen this year! That is BIG.

I honestly cannot wait for your story...
As Namaste said, it''s coming this year! So that is GREAT NEWS! Keep your chin up and try to enjoy the time you share with him TODAY. Because really, that''s all we have for now in life, just today....

I know it''s hard though.
Date: 3/18/2009 1:45:47 PM
Author: Bia
Sorry you''re feeling bummed honey. The good news is that you''re not doubting his intentions. Plain and simple, you know it is going to happen.

It''s been said so many times here already, I feel foolish for even thinking it might help, but really, try and think on the bright side. Be excited in knowing it is going to happen this year! That is BIG.

I honestly cannot wait for your story...
I couldn''t agree more with everything Bia just said. It''s great to hear that you''re not putting your life on hold waiting for the proposal and that you''re making plans with your friends. Really, I have no advice to give because I think your head is in the right place and you''re being totally rational. Come vent on PS anytime.

What''s this I hear about male strippers? gwen??
I agree w/ BIA. You aren''t doubting his intentions, but as a former LIW who didn''t doubt intentions it still STUNK when others got engaged when you didn''t. Envy is a horrible monster... and it turned me into quite the she-devil... that said, I can get away with A LOT now that we are married- because of all my crazy antics I pulled while in wait.

Not much can be said to make you feel better - until your sportin'' a sparkly... so I''ll just send you some dust! and wish you both the best! ***************

first of all, **hugs**!! that totally sucks.

i know what you mean about it coming and going... last november-december, 5 girls i knew got engaged, all who had starting dating after my bf and i did. and i felt horrible about it.

but hey, it''s less than a year, and you''ve got that knowledge, and you know that your bf is perfect for you.

(that''s what i keep telling myself!)
Date: 3/18/2009 1:07:42 PM
I guess I just need a pick me up.....anything will do, just feeling down!
**Picks ringless up and swings her around**
The waiting really sucks.
Ringless, I know I''ve said it before but I''ll say it again, I soooooo understand how you feel. Luckily, I am going through a placid phase at the moment, however I know it won''t be long before my LIW-itis flares up again.

I''m not going to say anything about how you should enjoy this time, blah, blah, blah because I know it''s not want you want to hear. I just want to say we can wait it out and rant and moan together!! Hopefully it will happen soon
Aww, sweetie! Cheer up! It''ll happen. You even know (sorta) when, which is more than some of us can say (and by "some of us" I mean me! lol).

I''m sure all of us can relate to these crazy ups and downs. Some days (or weeks, or months...) I just want it SOOOO bad. Then other days it''s like, I''ve got the man of my dreams, why do I really need a piece of paper to show that? (Besides health insurance, but that''s another story.)

I don''t really have any advice because there are some days that I''m not sure I''m going to make it through because I''m so discouraged, but just know you''re definitely NOT alone! Hang in there!

I am really sorry you''re having a down cycle, I think everyone here can relate to the way that you feel. Try and go do something that makes you happy and focus on how wonderful your relationship is - things turn crazy once the engagement happens and this is the time to really indulge in the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, because you will never be here again! Get some ice cream or listen to loud music, cry, do whatever you need to do. Just like everything else, "this too will pass" and when he does propose, you will look back on this time and laugh at how silly it all is in comparison to the fact that you WILL marry the man of your dreams!
Hang in there! We ALL know how you feel. You''ve come so far, and you''re almost there! I think we all have those times when we think it''s never going to happen. IT WILL!

Besides, the more time he has to prepare, the more amazing his proposal will be!
Sending hugs. I hope that it happens soon for you.
I'm so sorry I've been MIA from this post... I do appreciate everyone's kind words! I am doing a lot better now, like I said... it comes and goes!
I had a really good talk with my bf last night, and he had a lot of questions and gave me the impression it would be happening soon. I am hoping before May... but we'll see. I am trying not to get my hopes up and just enjoy things the way they are now.

Thanks everyone!
Date: 3/25/2009 10:40:36 AM
Author: ringless
I''m so sorry I''ve been MIA from this post... I do appreciate everyone''s kind words! I am doing a lot better now, like I said... it comes and goes!
I had a really good talk with my bf last night, and he had a lot of questions and gave me the impression it would be happening soon. I am hoping before May... but we''ll see. I am trying not to get my hopes up and just enjoy things the way they are now.

Thanks everyone!
Glad to hear things are looking up.
Before May would be REALLY soon!!! (Just remember, don''t confuse girl soon with boy soon!)

I feel the same way. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years and I am still waiting. I have many friends who are already married or engaged and it stresses me out sometimes. He''s told me that it''s coming this year. You can vent here anytime and hopefully we will all have good news soon.
Hi ya''all,ave bn following this blog to get my mind off thinking about how ringless ive been for some time now.So i truely feel you ringless.

At least you know its coming..this year has only eight months left in it! i cant wait to see your ring pics***

More DUST**
I hear you on this one. I have been with my BF for 6 years and am getting lapped by friends that have been dating for only 2.
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