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Feb 25, 2005
Ummm.. Okay,

I got a phone call last night from a team that wanted my daughter to come out and practice with them It was scheduled to be held at an area High School. The coach that fcalled was the state champ soccer coach for that High School.. So I thought, cool, maybe she will meet the soccer team.

So we went out to the field tonight and there was a BOYS team playing there. Ummmm.. a Classic (high level) boys team ( in her age bracket) (Under 11, U-11). So they call A (my oldest) over to practice with them and start going through some drills. After a while, the coach, including the high school coach come over and say, "she is good, real good, we want her," So I laugh and say thanks.. thinking they are just kidding... They say "no, we want her to play on the team"... We are not looking for players, but we have been scouting her for the past few months.. and we want her." To this I proceeded to tell them that she was a girl and that there were plenty of people that could play for the team,l to which they said, "yep, but want her."

Apparently this high school coach goes to the league games to look at high school players and to pass it along to scouts. When he was at a game, he happened to look over on another field and my daughter caught his eye. He took the info back to the coaches of this team, and they have been taking peaks at her games and assists, etc, etc. And now, they want her.

It is a HUGE thing and we are all in shock, but once again VERY VERY proud!! Proud enough for me to brag and SAY

GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! That is so neat!!! Hooray for your daughter!

Congrats! That''s great! You must be really proud of her!
Congrats to your daughter MINE!!!! Perhaps a sign of great things to come..........

My youngest sister was always recruited by the boys teams in her youth.......she then went on to play for Canada''s National Women''s Soccer Team for many years!
Thanks everyone, It is so awesome. She is nervous and it is a VERY big decision. She will have to leave the team that she is playing on now to play with them. But she is being smart about it and told them that she would need a while to think about it before she commited.

Is is actually the big fish in the pond right now, if she goes to this team, I warned her that she would no longer be the big fish. Her answer to that, "mommy, I will always be the big fish.." LOL...yes she will....
YAY for her, that's awesome MINE!!! What ever she does, yeah, she'll always be a big fish!!! Tell her congrats for me, ok?? Gotta love GIRL POWER!!!!

And congrats to you mom, you have done a splendid job raising such strong girls.
The Nutcracker is coming up for second daughter, how is that going??? Lisa
big decision and i hope she goes for it.

she''ll face some problems on a boys'' team but she''ll learn lots, especially since the coach wants her.

movie zombie
Thanks Kaleigh, put I cannot take too much credit, they are just strong and determined kids, and that is just a good soul...

Nutcraker is BUSY BUSY BUSY right now. It is in less that 2 weeks. Rehearsal EVERY NIGHT!!! Her "poor boy" character is HUGE!!! She basically has a "mini solo" and tonight she practiced with the party cast watching and everyone clapped for her... I think she turned abouyt 6 shades of red...LOL...

Funny story: When we were walking into the studio the other day there was a man waling down the hall, T said " Mom, he is the Mouse King, he is really good and really strong." (He is a guest dancer from a proffesional troupe.) So eventually, when he got close, he stopped and said "Hey T!" OMG!! You would think that the man handed my child a diamond ring!!! She smiled and waved and he kept walking by, Then she looked up at me and said "He KNEW me MOM!! He KNEW ME!!!!"

On the way home after rehearsal, I would look into the reatview mirror and see her with this big smile on her face and heard her wishpering. "Wow.. he knew me!!!"

LOL.. It is so exciting.

This weekend, she is coming with me to buy a new dress to wear to the Nutcracker. I told her that I had to buy a new dress for such a magical specail occasion, she said that she was going to try out for every recital so that I can have a new dress all the time...LOL
Date: 11/28/2006 10:14:34 PM
Author: movie zombie
big decision and i hope she goes for it.

she''ll face some problems on a boys'' team but she''ll learn lots, especially since the coach wants her.

movie zombie

MZ.. I kinda do too.... But I want her to make the decision. we have talked about the possibility of being injured (more so) on a boys team, but she said that was not something that she was afraid of... LOL... she said they would have to catch her first..LOL
wow- that''s so impressive MINE
Way to Go!!


MINE! Whether she ends up playing for them or not, what a feather in her cap this is. Congrats to your daughter for being SO GREAT! I am proud to say "I know of her" here on PS. You GO girl!
Wow, she must be really good! That is awesome. Did you see the Amanda Bynes movie "She''s the Man" ? You should rent it if you have not, your daughter might like it, not sure if she is too young, but the movie is about a girl wanting to play soccer and having to disguise herself as a boy to play on the boy''s team when the girl''s team is cut at her school! She is out to prove a point...cute movie.
congratulations mine and mine''s daughter!!!!

i started playing soccer when i was 3years old. i actually made my mom fib on the application because i wanted to play soooo badly and my neighbor friend has signed up, but you had to be 4... i still can''t believe she did it, but i was a pretty determined little kid.

anyway,a bit later i became the only girl on the boys traveling team. at nearly every game, the other team would "taunt" our team for having a girl
but my team was completely accepting. plus, we won a lot
i had a blast and learned a lot. it was a wonderful experience. when we got to junior high or high school, i played for girls-only teams, but by then the physical differences in size and strength really did require the seperation.

what''s really funny is that i just went to my high school reunion this past weekend and three of the fellows that i used to play soccer with were asking me if i still kept at it, saying all this great stuff, telling my husband what a little tomboy i was, but with braids. so cute.

good luck to here and you''ll be there cheering on the sidelines!
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