
Official introduction!


Mar 24, 2011
Hi Ladies!!!! I have been reading your posts and loving the stories, the photos, the support and well pretty much everything on this damn site!!! My boyfriend and I met close to three years ago in Mexico city ( I live in LA and he lives in Miami) and I was pretty darn sure it was NEVER going to work but it has, we both go back and forth to Miami and LA and after we are married will move to Miami most likely. These past years have been tough, my Dad was sick with cancer and passed away a few months ago and a year ago my sister was diagnosed with metastasized lung cancer and my boyfriend has stood by me and my family throughout all of this so to say he is a good guy is an understatement, he has been my rock through what I feel like have been truly difficult times. We are clear about wanting to get married and I am thrilled to be with this man.....we have tons of fun and have survived a long distance relationship and my family crisis' and are doing great, thank you God! We found a beautiful setting and I posted some concerns regarding the diamond he is thinking of buying on Rockytalky and got great feedback. The diamond is a GIA 2.17 I colored, very good cut RB.....I shared my concerns with him regarding diamond and now I am letting it go (trying, hehe) and am anxiously awaiting a proposal but I think my neurosis over the diamond may have slowed this down a bit and selfishly I want to get engaged soon and enjoy it for a while before my sister gets more sick......this is hard cuz I know it's so close but I fear my concern about the diamond may have translated into being ungrateful and demanding which is not who I am....he knows that but it's kinda put a funky energy around the diamond so I feel bad. Wow.....I sure shared a lot....hope it's not too much ladies I just feel like no one else really gets all of this except you on here!!!! Thank you!
Welcome Ladybug1,

I'm sorry to hear about your family but it's great you found someone who's so supportive. I don't think you're being selfish about the diamond, I think a lot of us just want to make sure they get he best for what they're paying. I agree that this forum is a life line. I haven't talked to anyone about my LIW rants or the fact we have a ring being made.

Hopefully your engagement comes sooner rather than later.
Thanks gummy-bear :). Only a few people know about the setting being made or the diamond in question, actually only my Mom and sister, my Mom thinks I am off my rocker so I agree, LIW is a life line, I have felt so much better reading these topics and realizing I am not the only crazy around, lol!!!!
Welcome! :wavey:

It sounds like you have a wonderful guy and are going to have a beautiful ring. I know it's hard but just try to take a step back from it now because I'm sure it's going to be perfect. There's nothing wrong with wanting the ring to be just right but remember this has to be special for him too and if he's feeling like you're being too obsessive he can't feel like this is a fun and exciting experience. I hope it comes out just the way you want it and that it'll be on your finger very soon. Good luck!
Welcome!!!!!!!! Hope your stay will be short and sweet!!!!
Thanks Grlsbestfrnd!!! So true!!! I am getting excited again which is good :)))).
Sjm.....Me too!!!! :)))
Hi Ladybug1, and welcome! Everyone here is a great support network!

I'm so sorry to hear about all of the troubling circumstances you've had to face - you have a wonderful man that has stood by you and is willing to go through the tough times with you! :))
Welcome!! :wavey:
Welcome ! :)
It seems like you have a wonderful guy who really wants to make you happy and I think he has proven his love to you by standing by you through some really difficult circumstances. I really dont think his love is going to waver now even if he has discovered your " passion for your perfect diamond". And I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to be engaged as soon as possible once you find the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. The best thing about the ladies here is that they always offer great advice and are very understanding when it comes to " ladyinwaitingitis" so please feel free to vent anytime hehe. I def think your ring is going to turn out amazing and your engagement is going to bring your family some well deserved happiness. Hope your stay as a lady in waiting is short and sweet !
I had a proposal put back 6 months AND was kicked out of the apartment for a week after a tragic LIW rant; so hun.. don't stress too much - you're doing far better than I did!!

I think it's natural to get excited and to start dreaming about your ring. I had such a strict critera for what I wanted and where I thought I knew things about diamonds.. being here has taught me that I actually know didley squat!!

What was your freak out about? The diamond you described sounds lovely!! I've had the fight with my SO about size, colour, clarrity.. god you name it we have been there. Thankfully I learnt to let go.. he now knows alot more than I do.. (even quoting different dimensions and light refractions???) and while I'd rather sacrifice colour and clarity for size, he would prefer the opposite... the best you can do is put your views forward and then let them own the choice and the moment because this is their day too.

I figure I can always upgrade in a few years if I'm that unhappy.. but chances are.. I'll love whatever he gives me because of the promise that comes with it. And thats what matters most to us all in the long run anyway.

GOOD LUCK! Whats your timeline??

Hi there! :wavey:

I'm sorry to hear you've had some rough times but it sounds like you have an amazing man by your side!! Congratulations on the upcoming engagement and I hope your stay here is short and sweet!
lisalikesdiamonds, omg you poor thing, it's so easy to get all nuts around all of this, I know!!!!!! My freak out started as me second guessing the diamond we agreed upon, he met with my family friend who is a jeweler and he showed us a stone he just got and I loved it, he said he thought it was an excellent cut and an H color and I was excited, so BF called other jeweler who had the setting and gave him the dimensions of the stone and the thumbs up to customize it. About a week later the jeweler got back the GIA report and it was a very good cut and an I and I had spent the week doing research on here and put in the numbers on the HCA and it came back as only "good" and I then started thinking that the I color if the stone was not cut well enough would be too warm and blah blah blah I started getting worried so I spoke with BF about it and he reminded me how much we both liked it etc etc and I was ok for a bit and then got anxious again and basically drove my BF nuts about it( I kept going bsck and forth saying stone was ok and it's not about that it's more the commitment cuz i know he wants this to be a done deal but then I would start questioning it again cuz for some reason I would start thinking about all the stuff I have learned on here and freak out it was a horrible diamond and I didn't want him to get a bad deal ) he finally told me he would make the best choice possible whether he'd change it or not he wasn't sure yet and said I was taking any and all fun out of it and I agreed I was so I am letting it go but OMG I still feel anxious if I think about's like all my anxiety about life has now gone into my near obsession with the diamond....thank god for you ladies who get it. Not sure about time line but who knows now, he may wait a while till he feels more excited about proposing again, shouldn't be too long though I hope.
wwmd8118, thank you. He IS a great guy which is why I felt so bad for what I worried looked like I was being super ungrateful......anyway, he and I spoke and he is clear on what I was saying and the truth is no matter what the ring looks like my guy is the real gift, and the stone I initially thought was lovely so I want to hold onto that and let some of the info I have learned go to the back of my mind and trust in his choice and enjoy all the good stuff happening now! You ladies are awesome!!!
Oh and thanks Twinklestar!