Hi Ladies!!!! I have been reading your posts and loving the stories, the photos, the support and well pretty much everything on this damn site!!! My boyfriend and I met close to three years ago in Mexico city ( I live in LA and he lives in Miami) and I was pretty darn sure it was NEVER going to work but it has, we both go back and forth to Miami and LA and after we are married will move to Miami most likely. These past years have been tough, my Dad was sick with cancer and passed away a few months ago and a year ago my sister was diagnosed with metastasized lung cancer and my boyfriend has stood by me and my family throughout all of this so to say he is a good guy is an understatement, he has been my rock through what I feel like have been truly difficult times. We are clear about wanting to get married and I am thrilled to be with this man.....we have tons of fun and have survived a long distance relationship and my family crisis' and are doing great, thank you God! We found a beautiful setting and I posted some concerns regarding the diamond he is thinking of buying on Rockytalky and got great feedback. The diamond is a GIA 2.17 I colored, very good cut RB.....I shared my concerns with him regarding diamond and now I am letting it go (trying, hehe) and am anxiously awaiting a proposal but I think my neurosis over the diamond may have slowed this down a bit and selfishly I want to get engaged soon and enjoy it for a while before my sister gets more sick......this is hard cuz I know it's so close but I fear my concern about the diamond may have translated into being ungrateful and demanding which is not who I am....he knows that but it's kinda put a funky energy around the diamond so I feel bad. Wow.....I sure shared a lot....hope it's not too much ladies I just feel like no one else really gets all of this except you on here!!!! Thank you!