
Off of the fast track

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Nov 8, 2005
I''m just curious. Have any of you (or your spouses, friends, etc) gotten off of the fast track on purpose? I mean, giving up a prestigious, traditional job to pursue something less "prestigious" or simply less busy? Did you do it to have more time for family, time to pursue hobbies etc, better work/life balance, etc? How is it working out? I''ve done this to some extent, and for the most part it''s working out well. I am interesting in hearing about others'' experiences.


Nov 24, 2006
Me. I did it for a reason though but I don't want to elaborate too much. I will go back to work in the summer but something less stressful; I LOVED LOVED LOVED what I did and my bosses liked me too, but I don't miss working 50-60 hrs and traveling 4 months out of the year. I worked w/brilliant people and made great friends but when it was time for me to go back to work I knew in my heart I couldn't (I was on a 6 mo leave).

Recently, I signed up for sewing and loved it so I signed up for another sewing class next semester. In the past I volunteered my time doing low income taxes for the low income earners and loved it. I did it for 2 years so hopefully in the near future I can give of my time like that again! I feel soooo incredibly lucky in life so I understand wanting to give back to others or doing something you totally enjoy or like your making a contribution in same way.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 11/27/2007 11:36:58 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 11/27/2007 11:33:17 PM
I''m just curious. Have any of you (or your spouses, friends, etc) gotten off of the fast track on purpose? I mean, giving up a prestigious, traditional job to pursue something less ''prestigious'' or simply less busy? Did you do it to have more time for family, time to pursue hobbies etc, better work/life balance, etc? How is it working out? I''ve done this to some extent, and for the most part it''s working out well. I am interesting in hearing about others'' experiences.

I''ve never been ON the fast track.. however, I''ve heard of people doing just this and being very happy.
Only my first job after college (management consulting) was on the fast track... and I wasn''t happy. Since then I''ve been on the "medium" track I suppose. It''s going OK, but when I read my college''s alumni magazine, I can''t help but compare myself to people who are accomplishing huge things - many of whom are younger than me :) Still, since I''ve made more time for friends, family and hobbies, I''ve been a lot happier overall!


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 11/27/2007 11:38:52 PM
Author: Skippy123
Me. I did it for a reason though but I don''t want to elaborate too much. I will go back to work in the summer but something less stressful; I LOVED LOVED LOVED what I did but I don''t miss working 50-60 hrs and traveling 4 months out of the year. I signed up for sewing and loved it so I signed up for another sewing class next semester. In the past I volunteered my time doing low income taxes for the low income earners and loved it. I did it for 2 years so hopefully in the near future I can give of my time like that again! I feel soooo incredibly lucky in life so I understand wanting to give back to others.
Skippy, I think that is fantastic that you have volunteered your talents! I hope you are getting everything you want and need during your time off. I am glad you loved what you did before and I hope you will love what you do when you go back!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/27/2007 11:39:18 PM
Author: TanDogMom
Only my first job after college (management consulting) was on the fast track... and I wasn't happy. Since then I've been on the 'medium' track I suppose. It's going OK, but when I read my college's alumni magazine, I can't help but compare myself to people who are accomplishing huge things - many of whom are younger than me :) Still, since I've made more time for friends, family and hobbies, I've been a lot happier overall!
I understand what you are talking about. I have a good friend that was in the same field as me but he didn't mind working insane hours moving to one of the financial capitals of the world and of working like a nuttball. For me not taking that track means a healthy marraige; I didn't see my hubby much when I was working so many hours.

Try not to compare; I do understand the feeling though. Just remember it is about an overall happiness. I bet you feel less stressed and enjoy working out, and having time for yourself and your hubby.


Dec 29, 2004
I was on the fast track for most of my 20''s. Worked hard, long hours and went up the ladder quickly. When I turned 30, I felt a bit burned out, which I felt was ridiculous at such a young age.

Still, I decided to put the brakes on while I could afford to do so, and that''s when I quit my job and took a 9 month sabbatical, 4 of which I traveled. Obviously the best thing I have ever done.

Made me realize that life/work balance is very important and even though I am in a similar line of work now, I am much happier having taken the break to focus on living and not working.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 11/27/2007 11:47:24 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 11/27/2007 11:39:18 PM
Author: TanDogMom
Only my first job after college (management consulting) was on the fast track... and I wasn''t happy. Since then I''ve been on the ''medium'' track I suppose. It''s going OK, but when I read my college''s alumni magazine, I can''t help but compare myself to people who are accomplishing huge things - many of whom are younger than me :) Still, since I''ve made more time for friends, family and hobbies, I''ve been a lot happier overall!
I understand what you are talking about. I have a good friend that was in the same field as me but he didn''t mind working insane hours moving to one of the financial capitals of the world and of working like a nuttball. For me not taking that track means a healthy marraige; I didn''t see my hubby much when I was working so many hours.

Try not to compare; I do understand the feeling though. Just remember it is about an overall happiness. I bet you feel less stressed and enjoy working out, and having time for yourself and your hubby.
Thanks Skippy - you are right! I know life is about so much more than career, but it''s easy to get caught up sometimes.

TGal, your sabbatical sounds very smart. I''m glad it worked out so well for you!


Aug 12, 2005
Yup, left retail after 10 years of it, at the ripe ol'' age of 27...I''d spent those ten years going to school and working or working about 50-60 hrs. a week, never saw my family on an actual holiday, didn''t have enough time with my new husband, then when my father was diagnosed with stage IV cancer I decided it was time to SLOW. DOWN. I left the retail thing, got a M-F 8-4:30 desk job, spent more time with my husband and of course my family, and thanked my lucky stars every day that even with my huge pay cut we could still pay a mortgage and put food on the table. I finally got the oral surgery I''d needed for years, and braces to correct my teeth...I had great insurance coverage with the last retailer I was with, but never had time or a regular schedule so I could make appointments or take time off! I did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and another cancer walk in my neighborhood after I left my retail career for the same reason: I finally had time to do those things! It was all about work/life balance for me.

Yes, my fast track would''ve allowed me greater wealth and I could''ve acquired more, but it didn''t allow me any free time in which I was not stressed out over my job, in pain from being on my feet constantly for up to 16 hours at a time, etc. Sooooo glad it didn''t take me another ten years to realize I was not doing myself any favors with my original career path...I''m much happier now.

BTW, the desk job only lasted for two years, then this past summer I was let go (downsizing) and ended up --hey!-- back in retail! Only this time it''s a much smaller setting, and I''m now embarking on a new journey working for an indie jeweler and will possibly be pursuing my G.G. sometime in the new year! It''s so true that when one door closes, another opens.


Jul 15, 2006
dh and i were discussing this very thing tonite, as he travels weekly to chicago and leaves me here, imprisoned by our children
. i think it''s a hard thing to do ,as most "fast trackers" are probably type A personalities and it may be more ingrained in them to be driven. dh is tired of the rat race he''s in but he has allowed me to be with our children and number 2 child is headed to college next fall, so...we are actually starting to discuss MY latent career, which will be a whole new deal for us as i''ve been a stay-at-home mom more or less most of our 20 years.
i applaud you for making changes which have made you happy. we just had two more children in our 40''s so we have a lot of kids and expenses. we are considering downsizing our pricey suv to a more efficient mini-van with gasoline so crazy expensive but don''t know if our 6ft 2 son, other kids and two carseats will fit comfortably in one???? that''s one small step we are considering imminently toward a less lavish lifestyle.
i never realized when we married over 20years ago that the economy would become so costly, so quickly. and raising kids is just plain expensive. the whole college thing when our dd went to university two years ago was a huge eye opener. wish young people today did not have so many financial challenges!!


Nov 8, 2005
Monarch, thanks for sharing your story. I remember some of the highlights of it from before, and thanks for telling me again. I am really glad that you were able to spend more time with your father and that you are in a job you enjoy now!
Snowflaklvr I hope that you are able to find work that fulfills you when your kids finally head out. Being a SAHM is a very important and difficult job and I applaud you!


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 11/28/2007 12:12:17 AM
Author: TanDogMom
Monarch, thanks for sharing your story. I remember some of the highlights of it from before, and thanks for telling me again. I am really glad that you were able to spend more time with your father and that you are in a job you enjoy now!
Snowflaklvr I hope that you are able to find work that fulfills you when your kids finally head out. Being a SAHM is a very important and difficult job and I applaud you!
TDM, I think it''s damn near impossible not to compare oneself to our younger, faster-climbing peers...every time I come across a gal who is working crazy hours and making a fabulous salary that is way more than I will possibly ever make per year and who has already bought her own condo or house, I think "gee, that could''ve been me had I stuck it out." Then I look at my life and realize that wasn''t the path I was meant to be on in the long run and I look at how flexible my time is, and how much love I have in my life and I''m not so freaked out by the thoughts of "coulda, woulda, shoulda."

Great thread, btw. It''s so interesting to read about others'' decisions. I''m glad to hear that your "slow down" is working out well for you! I have to mention to you that you seem happier in your posts this year compared to last don''t seem as stressed.
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