
OEC Clarity Help Please!


Jan 1, 2014
Hi ladies,

I am considering a vintage ring from a second hand store, but I am unsure about the accuracy of the specs. The appraisal was done by an independent lab and the stats are vs-1, I colour and fair cut. There is some fogginess and what appears to be graining in the middle of the stone, and I cannot tell if its a result of dirt stuck under the stone or is some form of inclusion. Could any of you tell me what these markings are?


Could just be a dirty stone. Have you asked them to clean it really well? Clean the gallery area?

If the inclusions are not affecting the beauty of the stone or the light return I wouldnt let it bother me.
looks like water spots to me. My stones always look dirty under a macro lens photo even when they're freshly cleaned. Have it steam cleaned. I have no reason to suspect any problems - if those are inclusions a monkey should have seen them, and would not have graded it a VS1.
Thanks for the responses, ladies! Here are some more photos. Does the stone look okay?



I'm curious as to whether you ladies were referring to these markings that I've circled? Is this normal because I can't say I'm familiar with this look.

Which lab was it? That will help us probably to say if their grading was off or if it is just really dirty. OECs are notoriously difficult to keep clean too btw. Having said that the finger pic has me worried it does look full of inclusions, either that or the underside has a number of finger prints that really really need cleaning off.
How is the light return on that stone? Your pictures arent really showing good light return (IMO) but I know you took them to
show the inclusion/dirt and not the light return.

That stuff looks more like a dirty stone and not an inclusion. Needs a good bath, brushing and steaming. Then take another look
at it.
arkieb1|1427413347|3852953 said:
Which lab was it? That will help us probably to say if their grading was off or if it is just really dirty. OECs are notoriously difficult to keep clean too btw. Having said that the finger pic has me worried it does look full of inclusions, either that or the underside has a number of finger prints that really really need cleaning off.

It is a Toronto, Canada based lab, so not one of the well known reputable labs, hence my concern. I am already aware that it is more like at SI 1 which doesn't concern me too much. I have a GIA SI 1 and it is eye clean. I am just not sure how clarity works with OECs with the chunkier facets. My biggest concern is that strange graining which I have circled in the photo. Is this out of the norm or just how diamonds can look when they have build up underneath them?
tyty333|1427413883|3852955 said:
How is the light return on that stone? Your pictures arent really showing good light return (IMO) but I know you took them to
show the inclusion/dirt and not the light return.

That stuff looks more like a dirty stone and not an inclusion. Needs a good bath, brushing and steaming. Then take another look
at it.

I haven't really gotten an opportunity to see the light return on this stone. These photos are from the person selling the ring.
Are you going to be able to see it in person?
tyty333|1427414765|3852974 said:
Are you going to be able to see it in person?

Not unless I purchase it... It would be an online transaction. I have asked them to soak the ring over night and send some more photos tomorrow. I will also ask them to get some photos in sun light to see how it looks then.
Good on getting more pictures because it that's the best pictures they can get of it (and diamonds are hard to photo), I think it
looks a little dead. (could just be bad photos but I probably wouldn't take the chance unless it is returnable with no
restocking fee).

Post the new pictures you get so we can take another look. Fingers crossed...
I'd pass on the stone. There isn't much promise from the pictures. There's prettier oecs out there.
My concern is that what you are seeing isn't dirt or inclusion but the setting underneath due to poor cut allowing light to leak through the stone.
tyty333|1427415293|3852986 said:
Good on getting more pictures because it that's the best pictures they can get of it (and diamonds are hard to photo), I think it
looks a little dead. (could just be bad photos but I probably wouldn't take the chance unless it is returnable with no
restocking fee).

Post the new pictures you get so we can take another look. Fingers crossed...

Here are the new photos. They soaked it over night but they said it could still do with an ultrasonic clean.




Here's a good angle for clarity of the stone.

Looks like it has some obstruction and a lot of light leakage. I would pass too.
Forget the clarity it looks like it has fish eye in the first new pic and there are way too many dark dead areas in that pic for it not to be troubling. If you compare it back to the first pics they also have this fish eye frosted ring in all the pics too and then that dark dead area or black inclusions or both inside that..... I also don't think they did a brilliant job of cleaning it. What did they soak it in? If it was me I would PASS!!!!
arkieb1|1427508059|3853537 said:
Forget the clarity it looks like it has fish eye in the first new pic and there are way too many dark dead areas in that pic for it not to be troubling. If you compare it back to the first pics they also have this fish eye frosted ring in all the pics too and then that dark dead area or black inclusions or both inside that..... I also don't think they did a brilliant job of cleaning it. What did they soak it in? If it was me I would PASS!!!!

THIS! Thank you! I have been wondering what the frosted circle was. I couldn't tell if it was just the lighting or if it was an internal reflection. I will definitely be passing on this stone.

Thanks for the opinions and advice ladies!
ditto all the's just a badly cut stone. Rather dull and have to do a lot of hunting to find nice OECs but
they are out there. Good luck!