
Now I really did it :((


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is -6c today and slightly snowing. We out for lunch and to check out new phones but didn't decide on anything. I want a flip or foldable phone but they might not be very sturdy. I like the cool factor of the foldable phone but maybe is isn't very practical. I really want something small and lightweight. Anyway.

@Scandinavian so nice to hear from you again! I'm sorry your Mom has to have surgery and that you are feeling under the weather. Get better soon! My DS was in Norway this year and absolutely loved it! Cool part of the world he thought. And what's not to like about Denmark.

@missy I admire your hiking fortitude. I just walk to the store and to the car these days in this weather. LOL

@Slickk sorry you too are under the weather. But thank you for sharing your pooch pics! What an angel.

@MamaBee get better soon! All this flu is nasty.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Oh no @MamaBee I’m so sorry you’re sick, I hope you feel better soon. I’m excited for you to get your new studs and will be interested in what you think of MMD vs Earth Mined.

Isn’t that just the pits @Slickk, I’m sorry your leave is being spoiled by being ill. Bear is such a cutie, and his little coat reminds me of Harry, we used to laugh and say he was a Sheepdog in sheep’s clothing when he had his sheepskin coat on :lol: Feel better soon I really hope the Tamiflu works.

It seems phones have gone through a 360 @canuk-gal, my first was practically the size of a house brick, and then they got smaller and smaller, and now they’re getting bigger and bigger again. I hope you find what you’re looking for. I keep seeing adverts for Samsung Galaxy phones that fold, but I’ve no idea how good or bad they are.

I‘m sorry to hear that your Mum needs surgery @Scandinavian. I was hoping she had got the all clear. Sending healing vibes to you both, I’m sure it must be a very worrying time for you all, hopefully you’ll be better soon so you are fit and well to accompany her when she has her operation.

Oliver is such a rascal @missy, lovely photos from yesterday, thank goodness you didn’t slip or hurt yourself. How exciting that your friend is over from Australia, if you all test, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Costco was heaving today, long queues at the checkout, and as usual, we spent way more that we expected to. I did get a lovely pair of black velvet jeans, which were, of course, a necessity :lol:

I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family @junebug17.

Did Nathaniel turn up in time to enjoy some of Christmas Day @mrs-b ?

How’re things with you @marcy?

Hi @springerspaniel, did you and the pups have a good Christmas?

It’s warming up again here, thank goodness, I’ve had enough of the cold weather and having to have the heating on.

We‘ve got someone coming tomorrow to quote for a glass ‘fence’ around the pool, so hopefully It won’t be horrendous.

I’ve had a recall notice for the car, so booked that in next week, and hopefully after that, we can finally get the damaged fixed.

Keep warm and safe lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy love all your photos. It is so pretty where you live. You and me both on cookies. That is interesting about Snoopy’s original name. I have tons of the Peanuts and Charles Schulz books and collections so I am sure I read that at some point. They even had a Life magazine lat year about Peanuts that I bought and thoroughly enjoyed. Glad you watched so many great and classic Christmas shows. Too strange It’s a Wonderful Life was such a bust at the box office. Maybe times weren’t right for that kind of story. That is scary Greg got so sick, glad he is a bit better and hope he continues to improve. Have fun catching up with your friend. Too funny Oliver became stunt kitty and climbed the tree. I can’t say I am surprised.

@springerspaniel glad you and Clyde went for a walk and avoided the ice.

@Scandinavian good to hear from you. Love those earrings. Not sure what the center stone is though - details please - if you care to share. Your new puppy is adorable. Marty’s gym is doing well and he still enjoys it. He moved next door to where he was so has double the space at double the rent. He has roughly 20 clients and they seem to really enjoy working with him. It does keep him busy. He took off work and the gym this week so has been holding the couch down but since he got sick, that is probably for the best. I am sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I hate to hear your mom needs surgery, sending her mega dust. I hope you are over your bug in time to fly with her. Big hugs to both of you.

@canuk-gal good idea to stay inside when it’s icy. Yes, the cancelled flights are a nightmare. My niece flew home for the holidays and is on Southwest. I saw today 80% of the flights cancelled yesterday was that airline. She isn’t returning until January 4th, so hope it’s resolved by then. I’d hate to be stranded somewhere and have problems finding a place to stay. Santa was good to me. Was he good to you? Your Italian food sounds good. We ordered in steak dinners this afternoon. I wondered the same thing about foldable phones, I like the convenience of the size, but like the sturdiness of a flat phone.

@Austina I have more leftovers than I ever wanted. I bet there are 20 bags of ham in the freezer - I froze them per serving size (1 portion for me, 3-4 for Marty). I need to get rid of cookies before I eat them all. We skipped going to our friend’s house for Christmas because Marty has the crud. He’s slightly better today. Glad it’s warmed up there. You are so right about how phones have evolved. My folks even had a bag phone for the car. Seems like some of the larger phones are about the size of my iPad mini. Interesting about a glass fence, I wonder if birds will hit it a lot? Hope it’s not too pricey. That would be nice if they can fix the damage on your car when they fix the issue on the recall.

@MamaBee I hate to hear you are sick too. This cold weather - I think - put a lot of people under the weather. I hope you are doing better soon. Big hugs to you. What shape are your studs? I am totally enjoying my little heart studs. I have tiny earlobes so don’t like larger than about 5mm studs on my ears.

@Slickk oh no you are sick too. Big hugs to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery as well. Love your fireplace and decorations but of course the best is cute Bear.

I worked about 6 hours today. Not putting in as many hours with Marty on total vacation and hanging out on the couch. He got a new security camera to mess with today so that kept him busy for a while. I wanted to go out for lunch today but since he’s stick we shouldn’t venture out right now. I need to get some groceries but ended up working most of the day.

We did start the day taking pictures of clouds from the deck. My new fisheye lens is quite bizarre. I doubt I use it often, but it will be fun to play with.

I hope Marty is better by Friday so he can run me to Denver to turn in those rings they sized too small. I might move my new peach sapphire to a different ring. That ring seems to size funny and by now the top and sides are still wide but the shank is really thin. We’ll see. I am thinking a bypass or criss-cross style for a change.

Take care.


Jan 23, 2016
@marcy, the centre stone is a champagne diamond, colour C5, so a little darker than most champagne’s really. Zoe’s, well, the total is just over 5ct, including the little pinks. So 2,3 perhaps each.
I’ll be back later. Oldest furbaby is .. I don’t know. Does not want to run today. Appears to be in pain.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

@marcy I hope Marty is feeling much better today. I love leftovers. I hope you can go to Denver tomorrow and get those rings resized. Sweet that Santa was good to you. You deserve that and more

@Scandinavian ooh la la...beautiful earrings. How are you feeling? How's your momma doing?

@MamaBee how are you feeling today?

@Slickk how are you feeling...hope you are enjoying a good week and that you are feeling much better today.

@bling_dream19 good morning, hope you have a lovely day ahead.

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying more mild weather. It is going to be in the 50s F here for the next two days but then rain rain rain

@mrs-b hope you are continuing to have a wonderful time with your loved ones and that you and Tim are feeling well

@springerspaniel hope you are having an enjoyable week

Hi everyone else.

So Tommy has a UTI. The urine culture finally came back and the shot my sister gave him prophylactically at the appointment last week doesn't cover that bacteria he has so now we have to give him amoxicillin for two weeks. And unfortunately the pharmacies here don't do it at that dose so we now have to wait for Chewy to send it and due to the holidays we won't be getting it before next Tuesday. Ugh. Hoping poor Tommy will be OK. I do hate that the holidays make getting necessary meds harder.

We actually did go hiking yesterday before the call. It was a lot we packed into the day but so glad we did it because it was a gorgeous day weather wise. The specialist who is top in the field told me how complicated my case is (I have heard that many times before) but he was the first physician to tell me he wanted to think about my case before he gave me his recommendations. So hopefully he will come back to me with something useful. He also added I know more about this than any other of his patients. But we all know that is because I had no choice. We must advocate for ourselves always

Today my friend T and her boyfriend are visiting us and we will do rapid tests beforehand but I know that is far from foolproof. Hoping we all stay healthy and it goes well.

Wishing everyone a terrific Thursday. Be well and enjoy

During our (easy for a change haha) hike yesterday there was ice on everything making it a bit less easy but oh so beautiful

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I am wearing my Santa Cat leggings haha. @bling_dream19 girl you have to get a matching pair if you don't have these in your wardrobe yet


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry to read that many our lovely NIRDI's are under the weather. GERMS be gone!!!!!!!

Super busy day and I didn't do all that I wanted. I actually delegated work to my family! (unlike me--I just do it all....) Good to be productive! It was foggy this AM--pretty rare for our neck of the woods---but it cleared up and is -5c and bright! Felt warmer with the sunshine.

@Austina I really don't need a phone but since I have one I want it to be small and light. Truth be told, when I was watching Emily in Paris I saw Emily's boss Sylvie's flip phone and I was inspired!!!! (or envious!!! LOL) Those folding phone are $$$$$$. Anyway.

@missy hope you have a safe and fun visit.

@mrs-b how are you feeling? I hope your company gave you a lot of cheer.

I was searching for natural yellow heart shaped diamonds for stud earrings. I really need to STOP that! (but it is kinda fun.....I need to clean and wear what I have!!)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!!!

@canuk-gal delegating is good! Very good! Hope you find those yellow heart shaped diamonds fors studs. Sounds perfectly gorgeous! I am supporting you for that purchase, haha just saying. It would go so beautifully with your ring :kiss2:

@mrs-b hope you are continuing to enjoy a wonderful visit with your family

@springerspaniel I cannot believe it is almost 2023...hoping for a happy and healthy year for all of us

@Slickk It's almost January and you know what that means...summer is not that far off haha

@bling_dream19 girl, I hope all is going smoothly and you will have another happy update soon

Hi everyone else. We had a great visit yesterday and they were so respectful as they arrived wearing masks while we tested. I felt comfortable and hopefully we will all remain well. It was so nice out Greg even made an outdoor fire and it was just a lovely visit. My friend is special and she has had more challenges in life than anyone I know. But she never lets it get her down.

Today is a very mild day for end of December and we are considering going cycling. Hope we can!
Have a wonderful FriYAY all and enjoy! XOXO

Haha Gracie while we had company. In fact none of the cats but Oliver made an appearance (but he wouldn't come close) for the entire day til they left. Our cats are the very definition of "scaredy" cats

At the top landing

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

There's no harm in looking @canuk-gal :shifty: If you see the perfect hearts, will you be able to resist the temptation?

I'm so glad you were able to meet up with your friends @missy. As we well know, Australia is a looooong way to come, so it would've been a real shame not to see them. Sounds like you had a lovely time, and sitting by the fire outside sounds perfect.

Oh no @Scandinavian I hope your pup is OK. Wow, your earrings look great on, even better than just a static photo :kiss2:

Was Marty well enough to take you to get your rings resized today @marcy? I'm sorry you didn't get to see your friends on Christmas Day, was it the RVS that's been going around? We know of several people who've had it, it sounds like the same thing that's going round the UK ATM. I don't think the glass fence will be a threat to the birds, we don't seem to get a lot of them in our garden as we have no trees.

We bought a huge palm in Costco so had to get an indoor pot to stand it in, so went to Home Depot yesterday, before HEB to get even more food :lol: The pool project manager called round, and apparently the electrician is coming next week to hook up the pool heater, they should be doing the clean up, then the plaster, and finally the deck coating, so hopefully in a few more weeks, it'll all be done.

The thrillometer ran to laundry today, bedding, towels etc., and deciding on a plan for the landscaping. Our rear (and front) garden looks like a bombsite, so as soon as the pool is done, hopefully we can finally get on with it.

I can't believe the year is almost over, we've been invited in to our neighbours tomorrow evening, so that should be fun.

Sending big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@Austina I had the same thrill o meter chores today also. And, well, temptation (Leibish) ATM is strong. LOL How nice to be invited to the neighbours. I always like those invites....not far to stumble home. Glad the pool process is progressing. LOL

@missy how wonderful to have an old friend visit!!!! And those silly kitties--what were they afraid of??? Gracie's face was priceless.

@marcy you had a lot of ham!!! Hope the crud is on it's way out your door and that your DH is better.

Had some lovely family news. Nice for a change as I've been missing my Mom and that put a damper on my Christmas. Anyway. We have been enjoying mild weather, I think it was +1c and bright today. Makes such a difference.



Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
GOOD morning girls! Happy New Year's Eve! And happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina yes it was a lovely visit and I hope she comes back to the USA's very hard for her to travel but that is a long story I won't bore you all with here. Suffice to say her medical challenges are greater than anyone I know but she handles it with grace and good humor. I am glad everything is going smoothly for you and woohoo about the pool heater. Yassss! Happy New year's Eve dear Austina. Big hugs

@canuk-gal yay for milder weather for us both...we had the best cycling day yesterday. Last cycle of the year. But hopefully not last cycling of our season. We consider our bicycling season to run from April to March so we still have three months but LOL they are generally the three coldest months so not sure we will be cycling but we hope to! And I am so pleased you received good family news. What a purrrfect way to end the year. And speaking of purr Princess Gracie sends her purry love...big hugs

@bling_dream19 happy NYE girlfriend...have a fantastic day and evening...big hugs

@Slickk how are you feeling today? Big hugs and continued healing vibes

@springerspaniel do you think your furry babies would like to have Oliver come and live with you? Just thinking out loud he could be the purrrrfect companion to them :) Big hugs

@marcy happy NYE and hope whatever your plans are you enjoy. Big hugs

@mrs-b wishing you a very happy NY eve celebration...I hope to be sleeping by 9PM LOL
Big hugs to you

@MamaBee happy last day of 2022 and here's to hoping 2023 brings us all good health and good cheer...hugs and love to you

@Scandinavian wishing you and your mom an easy and successful journey...big hugs

@rainwood sending you big hugs and lots of love and here's to hoping 2023 is the year we all recovered from the pandemic...fingers and toes crossed XOXO

We enjoyed a 50 mile bike ride yesterday and it was a purrrrfect December day! We ran into our sweet M but his momma cautioned us as she was recovering from Covid..she was wearing an N95 mask while walking him when we ran into her. That is the way to do it. She said she was on the tail end of it and I was pleased to see how responsibly she was being as compared to Y who was out cycling with Covid many months ago without any mask. The difference in people's nature is quite stark and I feel I have learned a valuable lesson about people in general and am pleased and honored to call this woman and her family our friends. Anyway leaving you with their holiday photo haha. LOVE M so much!!! He is the sweetest!!!!

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Sorry if Ieft anyone out....sending all of you big hugs and lots of love
Enjoy a wonderful NYE celebration and see you in 2023!!


Jun 8, 2008
Our New Year's Eve plans :)



Jan 3, 2013
Happy New Year to all the amazing NIRDIs!!
@missy I love the picture of your dear friends with their pooch. What an adorable fur baby! :love:
I am still sick. The Tamiflu is really messing with my belly but if I discontinue I risk a rebound…I finish on Monday. The painful cough is hanging on as well as the fatigue. Thankfully, none of my family members have caught it!! But my colleague and I had a laugh as we always quote the Devil Wears Prada line…


She is filling up on all the holiday treats as I sit here not being able to eat since Wednesday. She’s a little bit jealous! :lol: #kiddingnotkidding

Hoping everyone enjoys a fabulous New Years Eve doing whatever it is that makes you happy. ❤️



Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dressed to the 9's today for lunch with my pal! Wore some SW boots I'd forgotten I had LOL. Piled on the jewellery--even if was not cleaned. LOL. My Risotto was gorgeous. Yum. Place was packed--I was a little surprised; I guess people celebrate NY at lunchtime too.

Have a great and safe NY folks...see you next year!



Feb 24, 2017
Happy New Year lovely NIRDIs, let’s hope it‘s a good one for us all. Wishing you health and happiness.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy 2023!!!

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Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI's! Happy New Year!

Well, I really did it. I fell on ice on Friday and broke my left wrist. I am not in much pain, but I have a splint on my hand from about an inch of my fingertips and up to my elbow. I will see a doctor this week to get a cast on it. The break is pretty clean so it should not require any surgery or realignment. I am learning to do things with one hand. Somethings will never work. Some work okay and some are just so challenging. By the way, I am using dictation on my laptop, so if it doesn't make sense, that is why.

@Scandinavian your diamond earrings are gorgeous. Enjoy.

@missy Marty is better, thank you. I hope Greg is better too. I hope Tammy gets better soon. Love the pictures from your hike. I am glad you enjoyed the visit with your friend. It's always good to catch up. That's great you got a nice bike right in this time of year what did you end up with mileage for the year on your bike?

@canuk-gal Glad you delegated Work to the family. I do the same thing I just do it myself it's easier. Sometimes I would think yellow heart shaped diamonds for studs would be amazing. I love my little heart studs. I am so glad you had some happy family news. Holidays are rough when we miss our loved ones especially our moms. Big hugs to you. Nice to get all dressed up to go to lunch with your friend. I hope you had a really nice time.

@Austina I wish Marty had been well on Tuesday to take me to get my ring size because it hasn't snowed in Denver then. Since we went Friday after they had 7 inches of snow is why I fell a nice darn it anyway that's good that the glass fence would work well. That would be great when your pool gets done you will really enjoy that. That's nice the neighbors invited you over. I hope you had fun.

@slick1 I hope you feel better soon.

So, as you can tell from my introduction above, my trip to Denver was cut short, because I fell. I turned in my rings to be sized. Then, we got some ice for my hand and drove back to home. We spent about four hours in the ER and found out my wrist was broken. It's the radius bone. They put a splint on with lots of gauze wrapped around it with one hard side to keep it in place. Hopefully I can get the cast on early this week so I will feel a little more comfortable to do a few things, I have kept busy though. I actually ran errands yesterday. Got laundry done and again I'm finding some things I can do and some things I can't. If that's the worst problem I have in my life, I am doing great. I'm so glad this dictation works pretty well because I will need it to work

Take care, Marcy


Apr 19, 2004

@marcy I am very sorry for your accident! Phooey!!!! I hope you get a cool color for your cast! FWIW it was super icy yesterday and I was in high boots--it is a miracle I didn't fall 10X. I wore my Olang boots/spikes today while out walking.



Feb 27, 2007
Thank you @canuk-gal, I appreciate it. I am glad you didn't fall yesterday. I was just being careless. I usually watch where I go. There was a puddle that had been melting and I walked through it and there was one little spot of ice about the size of my right shoe, and I fell on it. I did see that you can get cool color casts. Sadly, I can't wear a ring to coordinate with that - ha ha.


Sep 26, 2011
@springerspaniel do you think your furry babies would like to have Oliver come and live with you? Just thinking out loud he could be the purrrrfect companion to them

Neither Clyde nor Freddie has had contact with a cat before, so I think it would certainly be interesting. I think we could convince Freddie that Oliver is just a small, unusual-looking dog.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy January 2nd Monday 2023. Wow, now I have to keep remembering to write 2023. Most of the time I don't even know the day of the week let alone the date. The least I can do is remember the year. LOL

Neither Clyde nor Freddie has had contact with a cat before, so I think it would certainly be interesting. I think we could convince Freddie that Oliver is just a small, unusual-looking dog.

Let me know when I can send him lol. Kidding/not kidding. We love him but he is a big pain in the butt. He chases Tommy (and Bobby but Bobby stays upstairs most of the day away from Oliver) and we end up having to keep Oliver in the playpen much of the evening. We try taking him out and he starts chasing and fighting with Tommy again. It's unreal. He hates the playpen after an hour he starts crying but I have no other ideas. We have tried spraying him with water and that only works temporarily. We have tried positive reinforcement as well. Nothing works. There are no cat behaviorists near us and even if there were (and I would take that chance and hire someone if I could) I doubt Oliver can be trained. He is a love the rest of the time when he isn't being a big bully that is. And he and Gracie love each other so there's that issue too. Oy to the vey...

Speaking of Oy to the Vey oh no @marcy I am so so sorry! My heart goes out to you and I am wishing you a speedy recovery and it is great news you do not need surgery. I wish I lived closer to you because I would come over and help out. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do...from my heart I mean it. Sending you gentle hugs and bucketloads of healing vibes. When things feel especially challenging just take it one day, one hour at a time. I promise it will go faster than you think and when you look back on this it will be just a blip on the radar. I am so so sorry you are going through this and I am here for you. Day or night. Just a text or phone call away. I mean that

@canuk-gal please be careful. This time of year I try so hard to be present in the moment and aware of my surroundings. But it is impossible to be completely fall proof. I know that. I always feel I am one accident away from breaking bones again so I try being hyper aware. It's not easy and it's not foolproof. But Olang helps. Thank you again for recommending them. I don't even think we can source them anymore from the USA. I remember looking a few months ago and they were not available. Glad you remained upright and hope your ice all melts

@bling_dream19 Hope your 2023 is off to a good start and you are feeling strong

@mrs-b happy New Year sweet lady...hope you are still enjoying all your loved ones and still in the holiday spirit. We are keeping our tree up at least another month or two. After all we didn't put it up til December 24th :)

@Slickk hope you are feeling completely better and despite being under the weather that you had a terrific vacation and when you go back to school it goes smoothly

@MamaBee happy 2023 and hope you enjoyed a wonderful time with family

@Austina I hope this first week of 2023 is going smoothly and all according to plan. Hi to Colin, How is your sweet grand baby doing?

Hi everyone else. Yesterday we actually went cycling. It was nice. Not as mild as the other day but mild enough. And we are thinking we are going cycling today too. @marcy we count the cycling season to be from April (2022) to March (2023). That's how Greg determines the cycling season. Not from January to December. Since we start cycling usually in April and continue to Nov/Dec/Jan depending on the temps. A few years we might have cycled a bit in Feb and March. Generally December is the last month we cycle of the season but sometimes it spills over. So we are not yet done (though after today we probably are because it is supposed to be a tough winter weather wise). So far, to date, we have 8,925 miles on the bike for this season starting last April (2022). I will keep you posted when we know our final tally. We are behind last year's total as I believe we were at 9300 last December but might be wrong about that.

And we had ice cream yesterday! Jimmy made a new batch of strawberry just for me. It was sooooo good. I mean it was out of this world delicious. Even more delicious than usual. I was already half done eating when I realized I forgot a pic so hopefully this half eaten ice cream pic will do...sorry about that

Jimmy gave me a cup of vanilla while he was scooping the strawberry because the strawberry was very hard to scoop. So I started in on the vanilla and then he brought out the strawberry for me:lickout:
and then I remembered oops forgot a photo
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Sending everyone hugs and well wishes for a sweet week. And a special shout out to @marcy for a quick and easy recovery and full healing. ((((((((HUGS)))))))))


Jun 8, 2008
@springerspaniel speaking of we rode the bike back home yesterday and cycled up the drive Oliver was in his usual spot waiting for us. He really can be a love.

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Haha you can see the ocean and our christmas tree in the background and please excuse the windows. Greg did just clean them Saturday but it rained yesterday so...

May your Tuesday be as purrrrfect as it can be girls. XOXO


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy I couldn't agree more--the only time ice is your friend is when it is in a drink! It was pretty icy out again today--so I walked very slowly. The Olangs help but are not foolproof; one must still be cautious. How wonderful you can still cycle!! Keep it up as long as possible!!

@marcy I hope you are not suffering in pain.

@springerspaniel your research sounds interesting, and very complex!

@mrs-b how are you feeling?

@MamaBee hope you are on the mend. Those lingering coughs suck!! Happy watch hunting!

Back to work tomorrow. Ugh. I tidied the house of the Christmas decorations, but left the tree. I need the lights!!! Always time consuming.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Oh no @marcy, I’m so sorry you’ve broken your wrist, what a pain, but so easy to do. It’s weird because even when it was down to -9 here, there was no frost at all. I hope you’ll be able to get a cast on this week to stabilise things, so it can set properly and get you back to normal soon. Marty is going to be in for a spot of nursing and care, so good job he’s all better.

By the sound of it, I think Oliver would be able to hold his own against the pups @springerspaniel :lol:

Be careful @canuk-gal, we don’t need any more ‘broken’ NIRDIs.

Glad you were able to get out yesterday @missy, our weather is back to ‘normal’, a lovely 75 degs today. Wow, you’ve still wracked up a very respectable amount of miles this year, or rather last year! I keep forgetting we’re in to 2023 now.

Apparently the electrician is coming tomorrow to hook up the heat pump, then they’re going to be clearing away all the debris on Wednesday so that can start plastering the pool. We have to chase all the time for information!

Let’s hope 2023 is good to us all. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Thanks for the well wishes. I’m not having much pain. I see the doctor tomorrow at 1 p.m. Hope I get a cast. Or is that careful what I wish for? Got a bit frustrated today but I’ll get over it.

take care



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!!

@marcy good luck today!!! I will be thinking of you at 1PM! It has to be a good sign we have an appointment at the same time. Fingers and toes crossed for good news. It is pretty impressive you could tie your own laces and peel your own banana... you are self sufficient despite it all. You go girl! And this thread was made for us :lol:

@Austina ooh 75 degrees. I think I would be sweating if we had those temps in January but I wouldn't be unhappy with those temps lol. Enjoy your gorgeous weather. We are still in our cycling "season" as we consider the cycling season to be from April 2022 to March 2023 so we have two months left though we might be done cycling now as traditionally we are not able to cycle in January and February and most of March. But we might break 9K yet as we are 15 miles away from hitting 9,000 miles. Unfortunately I do not see how we could possibly hit the 10K mark for this season. But a girl can hope right? Good luck with the electrician this week and I hear you on having to chase people down to get things accomplished

@bling_dream19 happy first week of the new year...hope it's a wonderful year

@Slickk looks like rain all week. At least the first couple of days of the new year were great weather wise..hope work is going smoothly

@canuk-gal we are in the 50s temp wise but colder weather is arriving this weekend and the forecast all week is rain...hope your temps are mild and you are enjoying the outdoors

@MamaBee happy first week of 2023...hope all is well

@mrs-b dear Cirrus...please hug and kiss him from me and I hope he is 100% fine after his ordeal

@springerspaniel hope work is enjoyable and all is well

We cycled 51 miles yesterday and it was so much fun. It is even sweeter when we get to ride in winter since we rarely get the chance. Yay for those mild temps while they last(ed). And we enjoyed ice cream again. And some furry babies. Leaving you with some photos of our day yesterday. Today is a busy day with Telemedicine appointments and such. Plus rain for the rest of the week so I anticipate we will be indoors most of the day today.

Visited A in SG as we were cycling yesterday...our halfway point at the 25 mile mark

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Enjoyed ice cream yummmm

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And on our way home we ran into (not literally) Cleopatra (our name for her but not her actual name)...she has RBF and I adore her so...cattitude is her middle name...she has more cattitude than Gracie I think hahaha

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Enjoy a terrific Tuesday all. XOXO


Feb 27, 2007

@missy that that is great that you got to go cycling. Thanks for the information on how many miles you put on so far you are right in line with how many miles I have on the Curbymobile. I’m always curious as you well know. And speaking of ice cream I just had a little bit of chocolate ice cream myself. It was quite delicious thank you by the way, I think that your pictures always make me crave ice cream but hey, that’s good. Yes, this thread was definitely made for us. We keep life interesting and challenging. All of my.

@canuk-gal sadly, you and I deal with a lot of ice. Marty took me to my appointment today because it’s pretty icy here right now. Story later about me stepping on ice again oops. Thank you, luckily I am not in much pain. My body kind of notices aches, and pains probably from falling. And I think my shoulder on the side where I broke. My wrist is squawking about wearing the sling now and then.

@Austina yes, I was glad to get a cast put on today. It definitely feels more stable and solid for me. I am a little less hesitant to try a few things. Marty is helpful, of course and will take care of me but I’m kind of stubborn I like to do things for myself. I hope the electrician got everything worked out for you. That will be great when you can start using your pool.

After I got my cast on, we went out for lunch somewhere and Marty's being careful, pointing out where the ice is in the parking lot and I stepped right on it. He's like woman "I told you there is ice there and you step right in it." Oops. Oh well, I survived.

Yes, I got my cast on today. It's a pretty blue sapphire color. He didn't x-ray it today. I go back in a week to get an x-ray. He said my only restrictions were don't lift and don't get it wet. I can use my fingers. They're a bit more open. It's a fiberglass type of cast. Darn now I can’t say I went out and got plastered. It's lightweight and kind of thin but it's very hard. I can get my larger down jacket on now, so I'm glad I have a jacket again, but all my sweaters seem to be like kind tight. And wow to what a nasty big yellow bruise on my inner arm.

i am trying typing in my lap. yes it works hunting and pecking but not typing as normal. the cast is too rigid, like i broke something. ha ha.

I worked eight whole hours yesterday, and got kind of frustrated and tired. I even uttered a few Gordon Ramsay type words. But today only worked four hours, then we went to the doctor, then we went out and ate. I think I will take the rest of the day off and just r. I think with this new cast, I might even be able to put on earrings and wear a ring on my right hand we will see.

Take care and thank you all for the good wishes. I really appreciate it.


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