
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I hope you were able to cycle this morning. I didn't get home until 7:30 last night and was out the whole afternoon shopping with my little niece. I knew I was in trouble st 7:30 AM when my husband asked her what she wanted to do and her reply was that the two of us were going shopping. The DH let out a sigh of relief when she had every planned and he wasn't mentioned. He met us for dinner. I had so much fun with her yesterday. My niece and nephew also met us for dinner. I told the little one that we could get her nails done after dinner. Her mom was thrilled because she hates painting tiny nails and her daughter is constantly asking if she will paint them. I thought she would see her mom and forget all about the nails but as soon as we were leaving the restaurant she grabbed my hand and told her mom she would see her later. I and everyone else in the salon were amazed that she sat perfectly still the entire time they painted her nails and the 10 minutes we had to wait for them to dry. I think I have created a monster. In all honestly it was the first time in 4 days I didn't feel like a nervous wreck. I'm so grateful she made me forget about everything for a few hours.

Marcy, I'm glad you were able to get everything planted. I'm not sure what the nursery used when planting my plants for potting soil but I think I need to do what you and Marty did and add the miracle grow potting soil. I have the best luck with my plants when using that and my plants are not looking as good as they do when I plant them. I still can't garden and fear it may be a while before I can do much. My yard looks awful when compared to previous years and unfortunately my husband has not been bitten by a gardening bug.

Junebug, Like Marcy, I'm also interested in hearing what your husband thinks of his Tesla.. I will need to get a new car next year and want to have a decision made long before I need to actually get the car. My husband said just last week that he wants us to look at Tesla. So happy to hear you have another trip planned. It's always so nice to have something fun to look forward too.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls!

Austina I am keeping you and everyone in England in my thoughts and prayers and I am so sorry. It really is a nightmare. (((HUGS))).

Junie honestly your day sounded good to me! I am missing Costco and we are going to go tomorrow. One of the good things about being off is you can go to Costco any day of the week LOL. Yes House of Cards has to start improving this season for me to finish watching. We are finally past the point of the confusing election issues but it sure is reminding me of you know who and it's stressful because instead of escaping reality I am reliving it with this season so we shall see.

Marcy, glad you got flowers to plant yesterday and I cannot wait to see the fruits of your labor so to speak. Dinner last night sounded good and I am glad you enjoyed yourselves. I am sorry Marty has to leave today for 2 weeks. We will keep you company! And thank you for all your big hugs and I am sending big hugs your way too. (((Hugs))).

Snowdrop! Thank you and I am going to watch the link you so generously and kindly shared here. I am in pain today. I stupidly rode the past 3 days and now for the first time ever I have sores. I am not a happy camper and I sure hope I dont have to give up cycling. I have tried so many saddles and repositioning and Greg has lowered and raised the seats the handlebars and readjusted the pedals...everything he can think of and while I thought it was better yesterday today it just put me over the top in terms of now I have those sores. I never had that before and I know it's from friction but cannot figure it out. The cycling pants I am wearing are my most comfortable ones. The chamois is super comfie (Terry Coolweather) so I don't think that is an issue. Anyway sorry for the long vent but just want you to know I really appreciate you sharing any info and I am off the watch that link! Thank you!

Hey Callie, hope you are resting your shoulder and it starts feeling better after yesterday's activities with your sweet great niece.

I still have barely any voice. This is such a strange virus for me as usually I never lose my voice let alone 5 days and counting so far. Hahaha giving Greg a rest.:lol:

Sharing some photos from yesterday and today. Today first. It's a grey sort of day but nice for cycling as it's not too hot and not too cold. Greg on the Asbury Boardwalk.


Closeup of Calfee.


Isn't this a beautiful bike? So sad I may not be able to ride.:blackeye:

And yesterday became sunny in the afternoon after the morning rain. Last photo...from yesterday when we cycled to Sandy Hook. It's so pretty there.


Expecting a few days at rain at least so that will give me a chance to heal and then try a few new saddles that are expected here tomorrow I believe. Off to nurse my wounds and check out your video Snowdrop. Thanks again!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend and sending big hugs and good thoughts all your way.:wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you again @snowdrop. I watched the segment on vulval health. At least I know I'm not crazy. Unfortunately there was nothing in the segment I didn't know. But I appreciate you thinking of me! I hope all is well by you. I don't remember where you live but based on the link I am guessing perhaps in the UK? Keeping you and everyone there in my thoughts and prayers.

ETA No I was wrong. It did cement one issue in my head. Shaving the pubic hair is BAD for cycling. LOL. I sort of knew that but now I know for sure. The dermatologist was funny when she said she at least doesnt let any hair show out of her bathing suit bottom but she doesn't shave or wax it either. She said natural is best. I should add it to that thread that was started a few weeks ago but I don't remember the title. LOL when she said that about her bathing suit and grooming it made me laugh.:lol:
Last edited:


Aug 27, 2011
Ha ha, yes, I heard the segment while I was in the car and laughed too! I thought the doctor was just so frank and sensible. I'm glad it was of some use to you!

I am in the U.K., we are having a difficult time at the moment and my heart goes out to all the people who have been affected.


Feb 27, 2007

Austina and Snowdrop, my heart goes out to everyone there. So incredibly sad and awful.

Hi Snowdrop and Junebug.

Callie, I love it that your niece had her day planned and it meant that you were taking her shopping. I am sure both of you had a fabulous time. That is awesome she sat patiently for her manicure. I am delighted she makes you feel so good too. I think the 2 of you will have many happy times together. I am sorry your plants and yard don’t look as good; maybe you could find a neighbor kid to help you out for the summer. I am not sure about how Marty planted the plants, I usually pack them in with dirt and he just dumped it around in there and didn’t really pack them down. I’ll have to be careful picking off dead flowers for a while or I’ll pull the plants out with them. We also need to replace a tree out front. I call it our Marge Simpson tree because it reminds me of her hair; tall and thin. I want to get a pine tree (naturally so it can be decorated at Christmas).

Missy, I am so sorry to hear you got sores now on top of everything else. I hope you get better yesterday. Big Hugs and get better wishes coming your way. Darn that you lost your voice; Marty always enjoys that when I lose my voice. Great pictures!

Well I had a list of things to do while Marty is gone and I’ll be done with all of them within the hour. But hey there are no shoes, socks or clothes lying around. The linens are washed, the tablecloth is crumb free and I miss Marty already.

I had a stack of mail to take care of and got that done and then some. I wrote 3 letters - who writes letters anymore? I sent some pictures to my aunt and uncle in Georgia, wrote a nice long letter to my best friend from grade school who sent me a birthday card and a letter to my 2nd cousin in Michigan who is starting the process of settling her parents and grandmother’s estates. She has hired an auctioneer since there is a lot of things plus land to sell.

I went to supper with a friend of mine tonight, We had pizza but it was a nice time.

I am watching The Notebook. A great but sad movie.
Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Snowdrop and Austina and Jaaron, sending more good thoughts your way and to all of the UK. My heart goes out to all those affected.

Marcy I never saw (or read) The Notebook. Will have to check it out. Thanks for the rec. You are certainly super efficient. Good for you for accomplishing so much in a short time. I could use some of that motivation right now. I love writing and receiving letters. When Greg and I were dating he would write me lovely letters. I saved them all. Hope your Monday goes smoothly.

Junie We finished the most recent season of House of Cards already. I won't give it away but suffice to say it wasn't as good (IMO) as previous seasons.

I am not any better re that virus I got last Tuesday. I am taking my inhaler every 2 hours or less due to my coughing fits and still hardly any voice. So annoying this thing whatever it is won't go away.

We are in for a cool and rainy week here at the beach and for now I am OK with that. Lots of errands to do today that we put off while cycling this past weekend. And it gives me time to heal from both whatever virus I am dealing with and my vulva injuries :oops:.

Have a good day all and remain safe and vigilant while still enjoying life. (((HUGS)))

Leaving you with a bling pic because well, this is PS after all. Hope others will chime in with some bling pics of their own.:dance:

Bea in bed.

Bea in her beach jewelry box. Those aren't inclusions. I just haven't cleaned her for a week. Bad PSer I know.:oops2:



Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis!

Missy, sending healing vibes to you and I'm hoping you feel better soon. I guess in a way it's good it will not be great cycling weather - it gives you a chance to rest up and heal. Dh and I have watched the first 2 episodes of HOC, and yeah, so far I'm not enjoying it as much as previous seasons. Love the bling pics, Bea is SO gorgeous! :love: Lovely pics of the beach too, so serene and calming. And yes, it's always fun to go to Costco, and dh has been traveling a lot lately so nice to spend some time together - And you're right, it's great being able to go on a weekday, I feel like I practically have the store to myself haha!

Marcy, it's great you are all caught up with the bills, it always feels good to have that chore over with. Dh loves the Tesla. I think he drives too fast though lol - but he tells me it only feels like we're going fast, hmm. We had a chance to see the Tesla SUV while we were there - it's beautiful, but the back doors go up when they open, like a Dolorean. Not sure how I feel about that, seems a little gimmicky? But also kind of cool lol. Dh unfortunately had to bring in his Tumi briefcase for a repair - the trim wore out at the bottom corner and the underlying wire was sticking out - The salesperson said they might just send him a new one so we'll see. Your dinner sounds delicious and I'm glad you had a good time. Sounds like we both have husbands who like to drive fast lol. Your flowers must look so beautiful. I'm sorry Marty is going to be gone for so long. Maybe you can set up a few more dinners with friends, just to break up the time for you a little. And of course you have your nirdis to keep you company too!

Scandi, forgot to say in my last post that I'm not a fan of exercising - I do half-hour DVDs at home every day - well, ok, almost every day lol - but I sort of hate it. I force myself because I keep reading about all the benefits of exercise and I feel guilty if I don't. I like classes because it's not as boring and it's motivating to be around other people, so I'm thinking I might sign up for a class at one of the gyms around me. I'll just add it to the list of things I never seem to get to! :roll: :razz:

Calliecake, as I was telling Marcy, my husband really enjoys the Tesla. You and your dh should go for a test drive, just for fun if nothing else. It rides very well and it's fun to drive. I'm sorry to read about some health issues you're having, and I hope things are working out ok for you. How has your shoulder been lately? Your shopping trip with your great-niece sounds like it was a lot of fun, it's so nice you get to see her often and I'm so happy she was able to distract you from your worries for a while.

Speaking of exercise - I've been procrastinating all morning so I should get to it - hope everyone has a good day!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, The Notebook is great; a definite love story. That is cool Greg used to write you letters and you saved them all. Marty and I used to write each other little poems; I still have some of them. I think I’ll start writing letters more often to my aunt and uncle and my cousin. I usually send holiday cards to my family but maybe once a month would be nice. I hope you start feeling better soon! Bea is her lovely self today. Oh la la.

Junebug, thank you for the info about the Tesla. They are very cool looking cars. I am glad your husband likes it. I will have to look up what the SUV looks like. We have several charging stations around town and I’ve yet to see anyone hooked up to them. I do see some Tesla’s in town. So if our husband’s ever play golf together we can be assured they’ll get to the golf course rather quickly too. I sent Marty a review on the 2017 Macan GTS that said “those with trouble driving records probably shouldn’t buy this car”. He didn’t think that was funny. Tumi is usually great about replacing things. I took in an iPad case from them one time that was breaking around the edge and they gave me a new one. I have quite a few of their nylon purses and they look brand new. I bought one of their briefcases (post teaching) so I don’t use it often and it looks great. Marty has quite a bit of their luggage and they have held up great. He went through 2 sets of Samsonite luggage rather quickly when he started traveling. That is exactly what I plan on doing is scheduling some outings with girl friends. I am meeting one tomorrow night as well. If I get really bored I tend to get sad so I’d best keep myself busy.

Speaking of hating exercise - a guy at work printed out a sign for me. It says “If I was meant to exercise there would be diamonds all over the floor”. It’s hanging up in my cube.

I sure wasn’t excited going to work today but I did. I did get 1/2 of my procedures book reviewed. That was a boring task but I want to get the revised book printed this week while we have a couple of slow months.

I met 2 friends and their children for lunch at DQ today. We all sat outside; it was kind of fun. We definitely weren’t the only people who thought of doing that today. They have a pretty small parking lot and most of it gets blocked off by people in the drive up lane so I parked across the street and walked over. They both sent me a text later that it took them forever to get out of the parking lot. I’m a local; they aren’t. I knew better since I’ve been stuck there too many times.

I had strawberries and leftover steak for supper. I took a few pictures of my pots and flowers today. Some of my macros didn’t turn out well because it was windy. As you can see we have several pots and they’ll probably start filling in soon. I thought I’d at least get some pictures since I never know when those pesky, hard white things will come flying out of the sky.

Have a great evening.


Feb 27, 2007
Here are the flowers. I forgot to attach this.


Jul 1, 2014
Love those colors, Marcy :appl:

We're getting a new DQ just down the street, here comes 5 lbs :mrgreen::lol-2::wall::lol-2:


Jun 7, 2014
Beautiful flowers Marcy. Can you please come take care of mine? I have Hagen

Kristie, I'm parthetic I bought a pair of pants today I wasn't In love with but I loved the size on the tag.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, You need to buy 50 pairs of your new cycling pants. I would live in those pants if they looked like that on me and I don't cycle.

Junie, Good for you for exercising, I thought I could count gardenig as my exercise but it doesn't look like I will be doing that if my shoulder doesn't start improving. I used to spend hours out there everyday last summer. It's time for me to join a gym and go. My husband used to tease me that I need to actually go to the gym and not just pay the monthly dues.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie good for you for making yourself exercise every day. It is challenging at times but I agree worth it. We do what we can to maintain our best health and our best selves. Though at times it feels like a losing battle for sure. HOC wasn't worth the energy. It went off the deep end IMO. Off the rails so to speak. What a disappointment.

Thanks for your healing vibes. For some reason I am getting worse though. I am having big issues breathing and that darn inhaler isn't working as well as it had been. I don't want to go to the doctor for a few reasons. One being that hopefully it is just a self limiting illness that will run its course without any medical intervention. Just treating it supportively. Second is we are at the beach so I don't want to head into the city to see my doctor. Third I cannot allow any doctor to put me on steroids for my breathing issues unless there is no other choice as my POD will flare with steroids. No thank you.

So really hoping I start improving soon instead of going the other way. It is difficult to sleep waking up coughing every hour. My throat and head hurt from coughing so hard. It alternates b/w a tight cough and a loose one. OK TMI LOL. For some reason it is easy to pour my heart out here and I know I have too much to say most of the time. I am shutting up about myself now.

I have never seen a Tesla in person. Glad your dh loves the car. I think (not sure) Rainwood might have one too...Hope your week goes well despite the gloomy weather!

gorgeous flowers! Sounds like you had a lovely lunch with friends and next time warn them not to park in the lot. OMG I would have hated being stuck trying to get out of the parking lot. I don't handle traffic well. Just ask Greg. I once tried getting out of the car when we were stuck on the GW bridge. Not a smart move but I was getting a bit crazy LOL. Greg had to restrain me and then thankfully a moment later the traffic started moving. No I don't do well in small spaces where I cannot escape.:-o:lol:

Good for you accomplishing so much at work yesterday. LOL I love that sign you put up in your office. Hahaha. Now just substitute cleaning the house for exercising and that could be one of my mottos.:cheeky:

We won't let you get bored or down. We are always here Marcy. Text me call me whatever. Even though Marty is away for business we are here for you!!! ((((HUGS)))).

And I am going to watch that movie on your rec. It isn't something we would normally watch and I have never read a Nicholas Spark novel but now I am intrigued. Thank you for that recommendation.

What restaurant is DQ?

Callie LOL you are crazy but I say that in the most loving way. As those of you reading might have guessed the XS cycling pants arrive yesterday with another saddle to try. The pants fit much better than the other pair from last week but they make my butt look flat. I swear IRL it isn't as flat as that though it isn't as full as it once was just a few years ago. Sigh. Aging is a cruel task master. I workout and eat as best I can and still my body is not defying gravity and aging. Darn it.:confused::knockout: But always grateful to still be alive and enjoying (most of) the activities I love. And LOL 50 pairs of those cycling pants would cost $10,000. Plus tax. Ummm no thank you. I will save that for bling please!!!

Spill. What pants did you buy yesterday you sneaky girl. After the doctor's visit I suppose. Well good news deserves a good purchase I agree!:appl:

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the week. Have a good Tuesday girls.:wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
OK we just spent a bit of time naming the new ferals. It took Greg hours to go over the security camera photos from the last 4 weeks.

We have 7 or 8 new feral kitties- not exactly sure since some of them look very similar. Ann is going to help us trap and neuter and release them. It is a bit disheartening because the original crew of 12 are mostly gone (dead or somewhere else IDK but my guess is the former :cry::cry::cry:). But Ann said it is absolutely worth TNRing them even if they only live 18 months because the time they do have is much better quality if there isn't a crowd of 30 which could easily happen if we don't successfully TNR the new ones. Ugh so stressful and overwhelming the whole thing.

Yes Rainwood you were right in the beginning but still I don't think I could make a different decision even knowing what I know now and living through it all. I just couldn't turn my back on hungry kittens no matter how much stress it added to our lives. Wish I could. I guess that classifies as masochistic behavior but I swear I am not a masochist!

Of the original crew we have seen (we think) Sprite, Squirt and Rootbeer and maybe Fresca 2.

Anyway without further ado here are the names of the new ferals that we are going to attempt TNRing. The weather is not cooperating this week as it is pouring and we cannot trap during the rain because the cats don't come out. So we are going to try on the first non rainy day which right now is nowhere in sight. ::)

We couldn't continue with the soda names as we have more cats than soda choices unfortunately.

Tux 1 and Tux2 (2 black and white tuxedo cats who look exactly alike but we saw them both together so we know there are 2 of them).
Fresca 2 (this might be the original Fresca 2 but sadly Fresca 1 is nowhere in sight and we never got to trap Fresca 2).
Tigre (looks like a mini Tommy so naming her Tigre which is tiger in spanish).
Sienna (love this city in Italy and she has spots so S for spots)
Bianca (small white kitten)
Blanca (mostly white with black mask on her face).
Pisa (another city I love and she is white with spots and a patchy face so P for patch).

Will add photos if I can later.


Jun 8, 2008
Ladies, may I present the "new" beach ferals.

Tigre-tabby kitten looks like our Tommy


Bianca-little white kitten with grey spots

Blanca- mostly white with black mask

Sienna-white with lots of black spots hence S for spots and Sienna

Tux 01 and 02. Difference is face. Tux 1 has tuxedo face with white boots. Tux 02 (who could possibly remotely be Cola I wish and hope) is mostly black. No good photo to see if ear is clipped and then it would probably be Cola if the ear was clipped. Of course I hope and pray it is Cola.
Tux 01.jpg



Fresca 2-who we think is the original Fresca 2 who we were never able to trap and spay/neuter.


and Pisa. The kitty with white and dark spots and dark patch on nose hence the P for patch.




Feb 24, 2017
Afternoon lovely ladies. Thank you for all the good wishes, it's comforting to know that people care.

I'm so sorry to hear you're still feeling so awful Missy, I too, am someone who likes to give their body a chance to heal itself. I had a horrible dizzy day yesterday, which makes me even more convinced it's a result of my system fighting a low grade infection. I'm fine today thankfully. Hope your 'nethers' are healing too :D Lovely photos of all the little kitties.

Calliecake, your day out with your niece sounds like fun, she's obviously a real sweetie.

I hate exercising too, but a lovely walk with Dottie makes it feel less of a chore. I do enjoy Pirates though.

Marcy your pots look great, I'll have to get cracking when I get back and get mine planted up. Not much point doing it now as they'll need watering everyday, and although we have good neighbours, I'd feel it an imposition to ask them to do it.

A big wave to all of you I've not specifically mentioned, need to get on, still lots if jobs to do before Thursday


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I would gladly pay $10,000 for something that made my butt look great! OMG that one kitty looks just like Tommy!

I forget to tell you guys the funniest thing that happened with my grand niece. We were sitting at dinner and she was taking all her jewelry out of her purse. She grabbed my hand and said she wanted to put my diamond ring in her purse.

Austina, I hope you are feeling better today.


Feb 27, 2007

Kristie, DQ will be a nice outing for you and Bob sometimes. I love DQ soft serve especially in the summer. Thanks! I picked mostly pink, peach and purple flowers this year.

Callie, thank you. I wish I was there to help you with your garden. My flowers look a bit smushed tonight; we had quite a bit of rain this afternoon. The story about your niece asking to put your diamond ring in her purse totally made me laugh out loud. I think she is going to have expensive taste. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Missy, thank you. I hate to hear you are still not getting better from your crud. I know people that swear by putting vaseline on the bottom of your feet, put on socks and you’ll sleep all night without coughing. I have never tried it but I’ve sure thought of it sometimes. Sending healing vibes your way. I hate being stuck in traffic - it seems like i always have to go to the little PS room then. One time were were test driving cars in Denver and it was in the 90’s so I was downing the bottles of cold water the dealers were all handing out - and then we get behind an accident on the interstate. I am setting there and finally say “um you need to find an exit as soon as you can.” I am also very claustrophobic. DQ is Dairy Queen. You have such fabulous ice parlors around you a national ice chain probably can’t survive there. Darn that pesky gravity. I often say it works every time it’s tried and violators will be brought down. Of course I think I’m funny. Great names for the new feral kitties.

Austina, I am glad you are feeling better today. That’s nice you don’t mind walking with Dottie. Good plan not to get your flowers put out until after your trip. Marty set up a little drip system for our pots and I love it. They are like tiny little sprinkler heads. I got a picture of one of them yesterday; I’ll load it up. They come on for an hour at the same time every day. Good luck getting ready for your trip.

Work was busy but I don’t feel like i got much done. Lots of meetings kept me busy.

I met a friend for supper tonight. I ate way too much. We had chips and salsa first, then sandwiches and split a molten lava cake. I brought home 1/2 of my sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

I am completely taking off a day from dishes. I could unload my dishwasher and get my few glasses and one knife in the dishwasher but the bears and rabbits said they don’t mind the mess and I figure I deserve a day without dishes. Ha!

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
The picture on the left you can see the spray coming out and the picture on the right you can side one of the little sprinklers from the side.

IMG_3440.JPG IMG_3441.JPG


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! The sun is shining but it feels like winter outside LOLOL.

Marcy gorgeous flowers. :love: I am glad you met your friend last night for dinner. And yay for no dishes. Thanks for the 411 re DQ. I am slow sometimes. We have DQ not far from us at the beach house but we have never been. As you say we prefer the mom and pop ice cream shoppes/parlors that are all around. I sure hope the old fashioned places don't go out of business. It is happening all over and in our neighborhood in Brooklyn lots of mom and pop bookstores have gone bankrupt. Rents too high and competition with the bigger stores too harsh. And yes I do go to PS on my phone when I get stressed in traffic. It is a good distraction though I don't love reading on my phone. I tend to get motion sick when I do.:confused:

No better today. Up much the night coughing. The coughing urge sucks especially when there is no relief. I finality bought and took cough medicine last night and it didn't help. Also sucking on cough drops which I hate and maybe minimal relief but not significant enough. I also loaded up on Whole Foods remedies too. Wellness formula, megdosing on Vitamin C etc. Looking for any relief but I think it just needs to run its course.

Not sure of our plans today. It's chilly outside and I am not certain it is possible to ride. We did get a new saddle and now 3 more are coming. We visited another bike shop yesterday and the manager suggested another saddle which they don't even carry so I know he's being earnest in his rec. It is the same saddle his girlfriend is able to comfortably use so when we got back yesterday after our afternoon out (exciting afternoon-bike shop, Costco again, Whole Foods etc:lol:) Greg ordered the saddle online. Coming tomorrow. So I definitely have more options. Also bought Chamois cream which I never used before but it was highly recommended. So hoping there's a suitable alternative for me so we can keep cycling long distances or at least 40-50 miles a day. But I guess at this point I'd be happy if I could comfortably cycle 30 miles a day because it would be better than not cycling. However at this point I am not even at cycling comfortably any amount of miles. Fingers crossed.

OK here's the saddle Greg ordered yesterday for me based on the bike shop manager's recommendation. It's from Selle. We ordered another Selle saddle but it was not comfortable. But there are so many different saddles it's mind boggling.


One serving of the "Wellness" pills from Whole Foods.




and last but not least the sweet kitties greeting me when we got back yesterday afternoon. Love my sweet babies. :love:
Bobby did not greet us lazy kitty. He was sleeping in the cat bedroom upstairs. That's right. They have their own bedroom with twin beds. Man we need a larger house so we can have guests stay overnight because right now the kitties outnumber the amount of bedrooms/beds we have.:lol:




Have a good Wednesday girls.:wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Good afternoon lovely ladies.

Well, we're ready! Spent the last few days getting everything in the house sorted, and once we dropped Dottie off with her sitter this morning, we were able to put a coat on sealant on the travertine in the orangery.

I reread my post, stoopid autocorrect, I don't like pirates, I like Pilates :lol:

Sorry to hear you're still no better @missy, this virus is a persistent bugga (as we say here!). I hope you find the perfect saddle, presumably the air slots are to keep the nethers ventilated? Who looks after the kitties when you're away? We're lucky to have found someone Dottie loves, but she gets very booked up, so we're actually going to try out someone else soon as a backup.

So glad you have company @marcy, my DH used to travel extensively with his job, so I sympathise with being a 'work widow'.

This time tomorrow we will be just over half way to Austin, and our political fate will be all but sealed. Corbyn makes Trump look like a prince, that's how bad he is!

An early night for us tonight, see you on the other side, take care all :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls!

Hope you have had a fantastic weekend! I have not, LOL. We have been cleaning out our closets, quite literally. The old part of the house will be renovated once the new part is a bit closer to being finished. And so in practice, we need to move… just a few meters, but still. So we started by doing a proper pack-the-nice-things-and-throw-away-the-rest this weekend. Who knew that we have so much stuff??? And bunnies. Dust bunnies (freely translated, we call them that here, lol). You know, the “little” dust things that live under your sofa and behind the closets, and that jump when you try to get to them.

Missy, sorry you almost lost your voice. That usually goes with a rather sore throat. We have the same height! LOL too funny! I’m very sorry about your neighbour. So many sad things these days. Like your cycling shorts. But why did you order them in size s? I would have pictured you a typical size xs.. But then again. Just send them to me or to Callie. We have shrink-your-favourite-clothes-at-home-closets, LOL. Oh and buuu (!) to your admin and AC. Perhaps you could set up shop at home…? LOL but would make your patients very happy. Not to worry. I’ll retire if you do. So come visit me anytime! And of course Greg will feel that you are a useless weight on his shoulders… Oh come on! Silly girl! You are pretty and witty and nice and kind and we love you! You are smart too by the way. Just in case you wondered. And you would probably do the world even more good with your volunteering and kitty rescuing anyways. So just do what makes you happy! Hope one of the new bike saddles works out OK! Aouch.. Oh, and my evil little plan is moving along beautifully! Back to the saddle thing. Perhaps you need to get used to a new one? I’m really no expert, but I think I remember that the first rides each season is always the worst, for me at least. Hiking is good too. Anyways, I mean. Cycling or no cycling. Hiking here in Scandinavia is also quite nice .

Marcy, of course I will never tell Marty that you have too much jewellery! How could anyone ever be so evil… ?? LOL.

Jaaron, I’m so sorry to read about everything that is happening in London. Must be awful, its bad enough to read about it. Read that you had lost a friend also. So sorry. The world can be such a sad place sometimes.

Austina, good luck on the election. Pilates. Me in my dreams. I have the flexibility of a timber log. Or a moose. Or a car. You get the picture… Kickboxing and jujitsu? You truly are my hero! I so wish I did something like that. Going to enter our youngest in taekwondo (that is the only option where we live for his age) come fall. Perhaps they have mommy-classes…

Rainwood, you are too funny! Made me laugh! Not sure I should be in a red bikini either, but hey – its good for swimming compared to a large jacket… LOL. Impressed that you saved the saddle! That ring is amazing! Yay for petal-i-ness!!! More pictures please! Perhaps from outside also…? I would keep the MRB but then again I hate giving anything up.

Kristie, so so so happy to hear that the acupuncture got to Maggie’s knee. I’m sure you are swimsuit perfect –> swim in suit = perfect! But no skinny-dipping in public pools please.. I do think we are all too old for that ladies.. and too much like ladies too LOL. Yes, those biopsy results were just perfect. I have had a hard time concentrating lately whilst waiting for them… Your part time work sounds just perfect too!! Not to mention retail opportunities… Care to share?? LOL

Callie, please come visit me. I’ll let you yell at my closet. But I’m going to be SUPER GOOD the next few weeks. I have bought a large (LARGE!) stash of something called Skyr. It is a type of yoghurt from Iceland, and it has 16 grams of protein and only 93 kcal per cup. Gotta love that, lol. And I will (I will I will I will I will) exercise every single day until we go on holiday! I like to feel good and in “summer condition” come summer, LOL. And perhaps all that exercise will scare my closet into behaving and returning my clothes in my proper size back to me because I’m oh so strong and will kick its big but out of the house if it does not behave!!! Bad bad closet. (Almost as bad as furbaby – she ate a pair of Jimmy’s last summer – I finally remembered so now I have bought a new pair and stopped looking for the old ones… )

Had my nails done today. Tried something other than French for a change. A very exciting soft pink, hahahhaahaha I’m so adventurous…

June, my DH has a Tesla too! I bought it for him after I crashed his car… (and broke my ankle and met you girls). We love it. Are you happy with yours? Perhaps not the best time to ask as you just had to replace the batteries… LOL. Please sign up for an exercise class and then yell at me that I have to since you did until I do the same, hahaha.

Missy, just had a stupid idea: no chance to have your old saddle fixed? Reupholstered or whatever they do / call it?

Marcy, you are the best for paying your bills ASAP. I always intend to do that, but sometimes I forget that I had good intentions, and also the bill… Oh and racing a Tesla – just tried on normal streets, but oh my what acceleration! I love it! Ours is just short of being a 10 second car – so I’m trying to bully DH to let me get the latest version which is. I like cars… Could you tell..? Fantastic flowers!

Callie, your niece sounds wonderful and it also sounds like you have a wonderful time together. I always find that it is nice to take the kids to do things that I also love Like shopping.. and nails.. and coffee.. (they get hot chocolate.. I’m not crazy, lol). Re gardening, I have bought an “Automower”. It’s a little lawnmower that works on its own. I love it. At least the grass is always perfect. And I have given up and called a gardening centre to fix the rest… Bad me. I love Tesla. But it is not a mountain car. As a city car – and for trips up to 4 hours before the next charging place – it is just perfect. It handles the snow quite well too. But the height under the car is just not enough for some of the roads we drive. So we use it as a city car mostly. It really handles very well. And I love cars, so I really mean that. Only thing is that if/when you do a test drive, please give it a good and long drive. It takes a little while to get used to how it handles. It turns a bit quicker/harder than most, giving it a feel that is just a little bit like a bumper car. But that feeling goes away after a little while. And your husband is silly. I have been paying the gym for years without going and that works just fine! The gym never calls to complain. LOL to your grandniece!

Marcy and Missy, even I might clean the house if there were diamonds on the floor… Lol

The only remedy for my flat but is heavy lifting squats. I will do that when I press “post”. Summer is coming. LOL.

Missy, I love the ferals. Old or new. And I think it is Cola. Choosing to think so for now, anyway. Please keep the pictures coming either way. They always look happy out there. And your house kitties too of course! They are all adorable!

So – this took me three days! Tragic! People keep coming into my office to ask me to do things – don’t they know me at all? I’m busy with stuff to do! And calling. Why oh why are they calling?? LOL. Hugs.


Jun 7, 2014
Scandi, Just so we are clear, I do not mow our lawn. I have a service to do that for me, I used to when I was younger but don't feel the need to do that any more when people will come to my house every week and take care of it for me. Hey a girl has to know her limitations! I love to take care of all my flowers and find it very fulfilling to make the yard look beautiful. It bothers me that I'm not going to be able to work out there every day or spend hours a day out there like I have done in the past. I found out yesterday that the pain in my shoulder is Arthritis so I know the pain is not going to just disappear. As far as my closet I know the only way I'm going to lose the weight is by starving myself. I weigh now exactly what I weighed from the time I was 16 to 50. I got a very stern lecture from the doctor that the weight I have been the past few years is not healthy. I need to learn to quit worring about my weight which unfortunately I am not very good at. I may actually have to start going to that damn gym. LOL. I think I love cars much more than my husband does. I wish I was going to be in NY when you are there.

My grand niece is an angel. My nephew was teasing me the other day when I was telling him how well behaved she is for me. He said they were all good for me when they were young. HIs comment was who would not act perfect for someone who made them feel like the sun rises and sets on them, takes them to very fun places all the time and gets them cool things to play with. I guess I spoiled them a lot when they were little.

Missy, I'm going shopping and am praying I can still fit into the extra small clothes but know that is probably just a dream at this point. I wish I still weighed what I did when I was in NY. Please don't send me pics of you looking great in cycling pants. I find it very depressing when I have so many rolls areound my waist. And you need to buy more of those pant. They look great on you!
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Jan 23, 2016
Oh Callie, I'm so sorry about the Arthritis. My mom has a version of that, Bechterew, started when she was in her 20s. For her, it really helps to avoid sugar and fast carbs. That is the only piece of knowledge I have, unfortunately. I'm really sorry. But hope that a few pills might help you. I adore you for loving to take care of the flowers. Wish I was like that. I love flowers. But not the work involved.. Oh and re size - I think you sound pretty darn perfect! <3 Too skinny is really not as beautiful as we think, at least not according to my DH and a few trusted male friends, LOL.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, well darn that it’s so chilly there. We had a warm day and it’s trying to rain again tonight. I am sorry you are still coughing and not feeling any better. Your virus is stubborn. You did stock up on some wellness aids there. I hope one of your new saddles work great for you. That’s cute the kitties greeted you when you got home yesterday.

Austina, I hope you have a safe and fabulous trip. I thought you mean Pilates but I did smile at Pirates.

Scandi, it’s always nice to clean out things and lighten the load of your closets and dressers. Darn those pesky bunnies though. They grow and multiply. Thanks for keeping my jewelry quantity secret. I think it’s safer for me to pay my bills when I get them so I don’t end up forgetting them. Glad you had some fun in your Tesla and tell your DH I vote that you get the newer version.

Callie, sorry to hear your shoulder is arthritis, hopefully the doctor can find a treatment that helps reduce your pain. There is nothing wrong with spoiling your nieces and nephews. I sure did my share of that when my nieces and nephews were young.

The weather was nice here today. So far no rain but it’s trying.

Darn - I had an unlimited subscription to the electronic version of our local newspaper but I called them today and they found their error. They charge for reading articles online but if you have a subscription you can create an online account and merge the accounts so I called to have my accounts merged and everything was set - then I asked - when do I need to renew? Well, my account had been marked as unlimited - now it’s due the end of July. I guess I got 4 months free anyway. I wouldn’t knowingly not pay them though so that’s fine.

Take care.
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Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, sorry you are still so under the weather - a persistent cough is the worst, very disruptive and annoying, and not a whole lot you can do to relieve it. Sounds like you're doing all you can at this point, and I do hope you start feeling better soon. The ferals are so sweet. Your kitties are so cute, love the early morning stretch! And I have my fingers crossed that one of the new saddles works for you. Sending hugs, hope you had a fun day with Greg.

Austina, lol to liking Pirates! I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't notice and thought you had typed Pilates - darn these 50 something year old eyes! :cry: Wishing you safe travels! And good luck with the election, fingers crossed your candidate wins.

Marcy, your flowers are beautiful. I love the little sprinklers, what a great idea! Thinking of DQ is making me want ice cream! Good for you for taking a break from dishes, I do that too from time to time. Love the saying about diamonds and exercise haha! I think Joan Rivers said it initially. I'm glad the day went quickly for you…can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. The weekend is almost here, yay.

Calliecake, so sorry about the arthritis. I hope you can find ways to get some relief. I'm also hoping you can still do some gardening, even if you have to cut down on the time you spend on it. Such a cute story about your great niece and your ring! She's my kind of girl lol! You are creating wonderful memories for her to look back on, just as you did for your nieces and nephews. They will always remember the great things you did with them, and they will carry those memories with them always.

Scandi, sounds like you've been really busy, going through things and packing is such a chore. I have several closets in my house patiently waiting for me to clean them out lol. And we have dust bunnies here in the US too! I have quite a few of them roaming around my house. And how dare people interrupt you with their silly work requests! :razz:

Not much going on here - dh has been away so I've been trying to get some things done around the house, and I haven't been that successful lol. I am so lazy. Tomorrow I'm going to my mother's house to straighten up/clean and then I'm calling the realtor and listing it. Had to put things on hold for a while but I've been stressing out about it and just need to get it on the market so it's not hanging over my head anymore.

Ok, my computer is acting wacky so I'm going to post this before I lose it - hope everyone is doing well, take care!
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Apr 19, 2004
Good morning girls! The sun is shining but it feels like winter outside LOLOL.

No better today. Up much the night coughing. The coughing urge sucks especially when there is no relief. I finality bought and took cough medicine last night and it didn't help. Also sucking on cough drops which I hate and maybe minimal relief but not significant enough. I also loaded up on Whole Foods remedies too. Wellness formula, megdosing on Vitamin C etc. Looking for any relief but I think it just needs to run its course.

Not sure of our plans today. It's chilly outside and I am not certain it is possible to ride. We did get a new saddle and now 3 more are coming. We visited another bike shop yesterday and the manager suggested another saddle which they don't even carry so I know he's being earnest in his rec. It is the same saddle his girlfriend is able to comfortably use so when we got back yesterday after our afternoon out (exciting afternoon-bike shop, Costco again, Whole Foods etc:lol:) Greg ordered the saddle online. Coming tomorrow. So I definitely have more options. Also bought Chamois cream which I never used before but it was highly recommended. So hoping there's a suitable alternative for me so we can keep cycling long distances or at least 40-50 miles a day. But I guess at this point I'd be happy if I could comfortably cycle 30 miles a day because it would be better than not cycling. However at this point I am not even at cycling comfortably any amount of miles. Fingers crossed.

OK here's the saddle Greg ordered yesterday for me based on the bike shop manager's recommendation. It's from Selle. We ordered another Selle saddle but it was not comfortable. But there are so many different saddles it's mind boggling.


One serving of the "Wellness" pills from Whole Foods.




Have a good Wednesday girls.:wavey:


I know your aggravating cold symptoms will pass as those ridiculous germs are already otw outta town.

I know you will find something comfortable to sit on to cycle with your DH. (great bottoms need to find great seats)

I know you have strength (and courage) because you started this thread and, well, enough said.

healing vibes across the miles--Sharon xoxo


Jun 8, 2008

I know your aggravating cold symptoms will pass as those ridiculous germs are already otw outta town.

I know you will find something comfortable to sit on to cycle with your DH. (great bottoms need to find great seats)

I know you have strength (and courage) because you started this thread and, well, enough said.

healing vibes across the miles--Sharon xoxo

Thank you dear Sharon! I appreciate your confidence and your caring support. (((HUGS))).

You are right. I know the virus will pass and I will be just fine. This is just a minor inconvenience. No biggie. It is just persisting but I will fight it off and start feeling better soon I know.

The bicycle saddle issue however is proving far more challenging. I have lost count re how many new saddles I have tried now. Yesterday I tried 4 more new saddles. All no good.

Greg ordered another 4 new saddles last night before bed. One will be here tomorrow and the other 3 next week. Turns out you cannot overnight or 2nd day delivery everything especially on the weekend but that is OK because my you know what is sore. Right now it is mainly my sit bones that are the sorest. And speaking of sores yup I have another.

Today I will be using for the first time the Chamois cream we bought on Tuesday at the bike shop as I didn't want to introduce a new variable in the mix while trying the new saddles yesterday. However atm, I have no more new saddles to try till the delivery tomorrow so I am going to see if the Chamois cream makes any difference.

I won't give up but I would be lying if I didn't say sometimes I think this is hopeless. But Greg keeps saying there are other options and it isn't time to give up. So I am holding on and holding strong and hoping we can figure it out. I have tried well over a dozen new saddles. This has to be a record.

One thought I have is a recumbent tandem. But it would be another custom expensive bicycle. It would most likely solve the issue. But no guarantees. However, we have so much money in Calfee that I just don't think I am willing to put more money into another expensive bicycle.

We have only had the Calfee since 2013 I think. When I think PPW or PPU (price per use) not counting the whole year I could not bike at all due to my broken Tibia and Fibula I do get a bit down about it. Just too much money for something we only got to enjoy for 3 years during the OK weather (which is infrequent here enough yanno). So to invest more money into another bicycle and on top of that no guarantee it would even solve the issue well that is too risky a proposition. Plus I don't think Greg is ready for a recumbent anyway. He doesn't like that they are low to the ground and we do ride in traffic often. Too many distracted drivers. Even with a flag on the recumbent to warn them we are there.

Another (expensive) option is a half recumbent (for me) in front and racing position (for Greg) in back. We would be higher up than the regular recumbent tandem. But that would be crazy expensive and another custom bike. But you can see I have been thinking about this issue a lot.

Maybe I need a butt transplant :lol: with more cushioning:oops:. It is the sit bones however that is the problem right now so not the butt per se. Don't know what could have changed re my sit bones. Really cannot figure it out. Yes I have been through menopause but that was already 3 years ago. Seriously been wracking my brain trying to figure out what changed so I can fix it or figure out the solution. Is it possible there isn't a solution? I don't want to think that way but you have to admit after all the different saddles I have tried it isn't looking as hopeful as it was the beginning of last weekend...

OK onto the amazing news....drumroll please....we trapped 2 of the ferals this AM!!! Woohoo!! Within 15 minutes of putting out the traps at 530AM Tux 1 walked into the trap because he/she was hungry. We took their food away last night around 7PM though it was hard for me to do since right after that Sienna walked by last night looking for a meal and there was no food in the feeder.:blackeye: But Greg said toughen up lol because they have to be hungry to walk into the trap. He is right I know but I hate taking their food away. Anyway right after Tux 1 walked into the trap Tux 2 who saw the whole thing happen ran away. But then she/he came back and went right into the 2nd trap. OMG well they are all inbred I guess and you know their reasoning is compromised. Not the brightest kids on the block. And so we now have Tux1 and Tux2 in the shed. Ann is sleeping but I emailed her earlier and hope she sees my message and can pick them up and make an appointment for neutering/spaying. My guess is they are girls as most of the ferals seem to be girls that we can trap. Those male cats are smarter and more devious and difficult to trap. They love to spread their genetic material around.:oops:

Scandi, the bad news is Tux1 and Tux 2 are not Cola. I am sorry honey. Believe me I am broken up about the fact that most of the original soda gang is gone. It made me want to stop doing the TNR. All this energy and work and cost for what? But Ann said even a short time here is quality of life for them and if they all start having babies we would be in much more of a difficult situation and their life would be much more difficult. So doing it for the kitties and hoping whatever time they do have here is made better at least somewhat. IDK. I don't like to dwell on this for too long. It overwhelms me.

You are the sweetest and kindest and too kind in fact but thank you for all those lovely comments and right back at ya girlfriend. I feel the same way about you. And so glad our broken ankles brought us all together. (((Hugs))).
We also have dust bunnies in common. OMG I need help with my closets and am afraid the dust bunnies would overtake us all.:lol: Good luck with all you are doing and just think how wonderful it will be when you are finished. Organized clean and new. Ahh. We need pics when you have reached that point OK? Pretty please...

Thank you so much for your suggestions. Hahaha I shared with Greg about your thoughts to reupholster the old saddle. Love it! You are such a sweetheart. Cannot wait to meet you IRL next month!

Good luck with all you are doing. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and hoping it all goes smoothly. (((Hugs))).

Junie you are anything but lazy. Seriously not even a little bit. Good for you for listing your mom's house and I am sending buckets of dust your way for a successful and quick sale. I think that would go a long way in lifting a weight from your shoulders. (((HUGS))).

Austina safe journey and have a wonderful time! Don't think about the election. My advice fwiw. I cannot think about what is going on in the USA or the world right now. Talk about overwhelming. So just do your part (Vote and whatever else you think is helpful) and then don't think too much about the mess. One day at a time and fingers crossed somehow it all is OK.

Marcy well it is warming up here considerably. Winter to summer within 2 days LOL. Tomorrow or Saturday I will be sweating up a storm. LOL love the weather. The one thing we cannot change no matter how much we complain.:lol: And the one topic of conversation that you can enjoy with almost anybody.:razz: Where would we be at parties without weather conversations.:cheeky:

I am glad you straightened up that electronic subscription you have and 4 months free woohoo.

Callie thank goodness it is just that. You are OK!!! Arthritis is a pain (haha get it:razz:) but you will be able to manage it and still enjoy gardening. There are many options for you. And it won't kill you so best possible news. (((Hugs))). And don't forget it means you can visit me more often because more free time for us both8-)

OK I have written a lot and already lost part of this post once grrrr. So am hitting send right now before I lose more of it. Too long to recreate. Have a good morning girls and fingers crossed for Tux 1 and Tux 2. They are so scared right now and I just want to get them over this and release them soon. Poor babies.

See you later and enjoy the day.:wavey:

Edited to add photo from last night right before sunset. Pretty glow isn't it?

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Apr 19, 2004

Missy, those darn ischial tuberosities! You could always use duoderm over your pressure areas/bones. A bit extreme but it may work. I wonder if the Roho Cushion company makes a bike seat??

Good luck on finding a seat that works.



Mar 29, 2005
Ermagherd I just clicked in here on a lark and Elle is a beauty!!!!!!! I love the petals!!!!!!!!!:love:

Thanks, PB!! I feel lucky to have her.
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