
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:
Just realised that I would have to hurry to beat Missy as the opening act today, lol.

Gypsy, I'm very happy to hear that John is back home with you! I hope that is a good sign and that he will be OK again soon!! I'm here for you in any way possible, just let me know if there is anything I can do.

Junebug, how are things with your mother? To be completely (and perhaps too) honest, I think you should try to relax and don't think too much and stay on your vacation. I do know how you are feeling, but if there is no emergency at home, I think you and your family need some time. It has been 5 years of you doing the best job possible and you will continue to do that when you get back home. But either way I totally understand you. I just think you deserve (and if it had been me - need) a break from it all. Oh I do wish your mother would get better but the world is not always - or ever.. - that easy.

Marcy, how are things at the beach? Any shark attacks inside the house yet? :Up_to_something: :lol: :lol: Shopping sounds nice :)

Missy, how was work yesterday? And how is Greg's back? And most important :) How is the kitties? Your own inside ones, I mean :) How anyone could think that a back cat is misfortune, they are soooo beautiful! Well, maybe bad luck for me, they tend to scratch me... hope it is because I smell of dog, lol.... :lol:

Jimmianne, how are you?

Rainwood, hope you are feeling more up-beat today! If not, please feel free to come back to Scandinavia, the weather here is quite a bit colder now so I promise you would be comfortable :)

DH has to work late today, but we are going to the mountains tomorrow for a one-night stay to do a bit of training with the dog :) I look forward to that, have even bought a new jacket with bigger pockets for the mock gun, lol. This one in dark blue:

Are you familiar with the Norwegian brand Norrona? Not to brag about Scandianvian things... but the quality of that brand is really superb! I actually prefer it to for example Arcteryx, the breathing of the fabric is better. But I've never had a long jacket like this before, I tend to prefer the more ladylike ones, but what the **** it might be good to try something new :wall: :lol: :lol: :lol: (Me being brave - buying a longer jacket... :wall: :lol: 8-) )

So - for some good news: The logs on our house are finally coming along in the right direction. The constructing company's insurance company has finally agreed to pay to have all the logs recut, so now they are removing 2mm and thereby all the oil. Also, all lab reports (government, research and private) show that there should be no health issues, so yippee for that! There will however be a huge delay - as nothing has happened here since the oil spill - and now there will be 3 weeks of taking down and recutting logs. So no chance in **** to have things ready by Christmas. Maybe Easter. I have a really hard time trying not to think about Christmas on a building sight. But I do realise that this is a not-important problem! Still annoying though...

Hope you will all have the best day possible under different circumstances that I know you are all struggling with! Many hugs to you all from Scandinavia!


Jun 8, 2008
Scandi! Sorry I beat you to the punch. Believe me I would much prefer to be sleeping rather than getting up before dawn every day! :snore:

So glad you shared the happy news about your construction and yipee is right woohoo! Thrilled for you that they are doing the right thing!!!! Looking forward to when it is complete and ready for you to enjoy finally. :appl: Don't worry about the time it is going to take because soon you will be enjoying your new home and it will be a safe and happy place to be. That is the main thing. Time flies anyway.

Enjoy the mountains tomorrow and good luck with the training. Love the Norrona jacket you linked and it looks warm. I say get it. Longer coats are good for the cold weather. My warmest coat is from Canada Goose and it took me a while to pull the trigger but I'm glad I did and it kept me warm the last 2 winters. In fact I bought 2 different coats from them that are different lengths (one hits my ankles but I am a cold weather wimp lol) and they are both super warm.

Thank you for asking about Greg and work. His back is all better thank goodness and work was OK yesterday but that was mainly because I was slower at work yesterday so I wasn't as stressed. Still need to get the desk/counter/chair issues sorted out and the admin is trying to come up with a solution and they are trying the new solution first in my office before any of the other clinicians offices though everyone is not happy with the setup as it is now. LOL I guess the squeaky wheel and all. But really disappointed with the fact they just didn't consult us before the work was already done. Talk about frustrating and wasteful. Sigh. I know you're right and I should just hang in there and for the time being I will. We are changing our EMR by November so I might just hang in there till then if I can. Time will tell and once again the NIRDI motto rings true. One day at a time.

HRH Francesca asked that I share another photo of her. I don't remember when this was taken but her personality comes through with each and every photo. :bigsmile:



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm hoping your weather stays nice thru the weekend and you don't get hit with a lot of rain. It looks like the storm was going up towards NY. Is Greg able to cycle with his back? I'm hoping next week things settle down at work although if they don't fix the counter problem I don't think it will be much more comfortable. Things haven't been great here. My cousin passed away on Wednesday so I feel like I've been on the phone a lot the past few days. I'm worried about my aunt and my cousins daughter. I know this has hit them both so hard and am not sure how they are going to deal with the loss. I was going to have a necklace made and went shopping Tuesday trying to figure out what it would end up costing, Well my trip to the oral surgeon yesterday changed that plan. You were right about the doctor getting me in sooner. When I called and explained what was going on they told me to come in within an hour. I had been so worried that a lump I had in my mouth was something serious that the news I needed implants didn't even bother me. I was told I will need at least one tooth pulled and an implant, possibly two. So much for getting a new piece of bling.

Gypsy, Hoping you have more good news about John today. I'm taking the fact that he was released as a sign that he is improving although you said he isn't out of the woods so I'm sending more dust your way, I so hope things start to improve on everything for you Gypsy. Life can get so hard sometimes but it can also turn around quickly which is what I'm hoping for both you and John. Hugs honey. Please know I'm thinking of you and checking in hoping you have happier news to post regarding John's health. Are you also still concerned about John's job? Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Marcy, I'm sorry your vacation is not turning out the way you had hoped it would. Anytime family is together more than 3 days straight things don't seem to go too smoothly. I'm kind of surprised that the younger relatives are staying in the house a lot. I would have thought they would be off doing their own thing together. They have a beach outside. Why are they sitting in the house? I can't believe they drank your Bailey's. I haven't heard anyone making a White Russian in years. When are you heading home?

Rainwood, Your pictures are beautiful. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip.

Junebug, I'm with Missy and hoping you stay with your family at the beach house. You also need time with your family. Although I can certainly understand how you feel. Have there been any improvements with your mom's eating today. I'm sure your sister is taking care of everything that is needed to help your mom. Is she planning on returning home when you get back from vacation or will she stay with you for a while before she returns home? I know she is a big help to you and hope she is able to stay for a while to help you deal with everything going on with your mom?

Scandi, So glad you were able to get the log situation sorted out. It has to feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I hope you enjoy your trip to the mountains this weekend even if it's just an overnight trip. I hope the training goes smoothly with your dog. I would be thrilled if I could get my dog to just come when she is called. Most of the time she is good but she has to be in the mood otherwise she will just ignore me when I call out to her, unless of course a treat is involved. She will do anything for treats.

LLJsmom, Kristie and Sharon, I hope you are having a great day.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, love the Miss Francesca photo. She is quite the regal one. Let me know if you want to talk kitchens some more. We had a microwave drawer put into the beach house kitchen so I do have some experience with those. And your approach to the new workplace seems exactly right. Give them a chance to resolve the issues and then see how you feel.

Scandi, so happy you have a resolution to the logs!! It's been a long time coming. And that coat looks like it might be just the right thing. I'm out of my funk - decided that I needed to stop being so hard on myself - but I always like cooler weather and I didn't spend enough time in Stockholm so watch out or you'll end up with an unexpected house guest!

Junie, you need to do whatever seems right about staying or going. It's so hard when you want to be in two places at once. If I were to vote, I'd say stay in SC unless you think your mother might pass while you're gone. Having time with your son is important too.

Callie, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. Loss is hard on everyone, and it's hard to watch people you care about having to grapple with that loss. And ouch on needing extensive dental work instead of bling. Darn it! Although I'm glad it wasn't something more worrisome.

Gypsy, it's good to hear John is home from the hospital. Hope things are starting to look up.

I'm headed to the island for the holiday weekend. It looks like it will be a rainy one to start, but we could use the moisture. Maybe I won't have to water this weekend and can curl up with a good book. I certainly have a huge stack to choose from. Yes, Im a bit of a bookaholic.

I'll post a few more Norway photos before I go.


Mar 29, 2005
A bit more pretty from Norway.

Decoration from one of the stave churches:

The cabin we stayed in up in the mountains. It was as close to camping as I care to get these days:

And the view out our window. We had the window open to hear the sound of the rushing river and to reduce the mustiness that was making my allergies go berserk:

And another artistic shot on the way:






Mar 29, 2005
And here's a preview of what will be coming after I get back.

I can't believe my camera was able to get this shot from a moving bus:

And sit tight, the fjords are coming!




Jun 17, 2009
Hi all -

Just wanted to post a quick update - my mother's condition has worsened and the reports I'm getting are pretty dire, so dh and I are flying home tomorrow morning - drove to the airport to see if we could get on a flight today but they're all cancelled or full because of the storm down here. Thanks for the support and good thoughts everyone.

Missy, glad things seem to be going ok at work, at least for now, and yes, one day at a time. Love the pic of Francesca.

Gypsy, so glad to hear John is home and I'm hoping that everything turns out ok.

Calliecake, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your cousin, such a difficult time for the family and sending thoughts of comfort and strength to everyone.

Scandi, it's great that the log situation is going to be resolved in a satisfactory way, good news.

Rainwood, such lovely pics of Norway, what a beautiful country.

Thinking of you all, love to everyone!


Apr 19, 2004
junebug17|1472845272|4072669 said:
Hi all -

Just wanted to post a quick update - my mother's condition has worsened and the reports I'm getting are pretty dire, so dh and I are flying home tomorrow morning - drove to the airport to see if we could get on a flight today but they're all cancelled or full because of the storm down here. Thanks for the support and good thoughts everyone.

Missy, glad things seem to be going ok at work, at least for now, and yes, one day at a time. Love the pic of Francesca.

Gypsy, so glad to hear John is home and I'm hoping that everything turns out ok.

Calliecake, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your cousin, such a difficult time for the family and sending thoughts of comfort and strength to everyone.

Scandi, it's great that the log situation is going to be resolved in a satisfactory way, good news.

Rainwood, such lovely pics of Norway, what a beautiful country.

Thinking of you all, love to everyone!

Safe travels JB and family, and thinking of your Mom!

kind regards--Sharon


Mar 29, 2005
Junie, my thoughts are with you and your mom. Whatever happens, you are a daughter any mother would be proud to have.


Jun 8, 2008
Junie, I'm so sorry. Thinking of you and your family. Good luck tomorrow and wishing you safe travels. And ditto Rainwood. You are a wonderful mom and daughter and wife and friend. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, I hope the worst of the storm is over for you now (it's 8:38 PM and we are only in the same time zone for another half day oh well) and wishing you safe travels too. Hoping your flight tomorrow takes off as planned and sending you lots of safe travel vibes. I know Killer and Carl are very much looking forward to your return. XO.

Callie, I'm so sorry about your cousin and I know your phone calls to your Aunt are comforting. Hope your dad can visit her now. Keeping your family in my thoughts.

(((Hugs))) to all of you girls.


Jun 17, 2009
Thanks girls, I really appreciate the good thoughts! <3


Aug 8, 2005
Hi all, I rarely drink and indulged tonight when we went to one of our favorite restaurants for my birthday dinner, so I am very mellow. John is better, he's taking the next week off on doctor's recommendation. His health is the most important thing and he needs the down time. The rest of the chips will fall where they will at this point. I can stress about it later. For tonight I am taking the night off.

I just wanted to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for all your support these last... months. I am sorry I've been such a downer. Maybe things will look up. Fingers crossed. Your strength has been such a boost. All of you, those that post every day, and those that just pop in.

Much love to all. Good night. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, ooh I love your latest photos and am very much looking forward to more. Love the view you got from the moving bus. You are a talented photographer and you have a great eye. And haha the Fjords are coming...your preview is a tease LOL and I cannot wait for more photos pretty please. :appl:

Your camping tolerance is higher than mine I fear though those cabins and their view look lovely. One day I will share the story of when Greg took me to Woodstock and I didn't care for the accommodations and well let's just say that weekend didn't go as planned. :lol:

Have a wonderful weekend on the island and I hope your office planning for the attic is going well and that you have a peaceful and relaxing long weekend and get to read some of your favorite books. :read: I used to love snuggling up with a good book and then I started with the internet. I need a better balance and you are helping me get there because thanks to your post I am motivated to start really reading again and I think I am going to start with that book you recommended here many pages back. The problem for me is I prefer reading real books to the kindle but it is so much more convenient to order them on the kindle. That's why reading has been a less attractive option for me the last few years I think. I just prefer real books to reading them on the computer. Anyway hope you get to read a few good books this weekend and have a lovely time away at your island home. And yes please when you have time I want to hear more about kitchens and drawer microwaves and anything else you want to share.

Junie, I hope you get a flight this morning and are back home and get to see your mom very soon. I hope she has stabilized and is doing better and that everything works out today. Big hugs and sending good thoughts and lots of love your way.

Marcy, more good thoughts your way for a safe flight home and one that is not delayed. I know you cannot wait to see your fur babies and just be away from the madness of group family vacation. You need a vacation from your vacation LOL. So while I will miss us being in the same time zone I am happy you will soon be home in a nice quiet calm environment. Hugs.

Callie, Hope your Aunt and your cousin's daughter are doing as OK as can be expected honey. I am relieved that lump in your mouth isn't too serious though I am sorry it is still going to be something you need to deal with and won't go away on its own. And as for the bling of course you need some more bling as a gift to yourself after all you have and continue to go through. Don't worry when you are here next month we will find you something special. :Up_to_something: :devil: :halo:
You deserve it after the last year plus you have been through.

Gypsy, there is no need to apologize for sharing how you are feeling. This is a safe place to do that and we are here however you want us to be. Thank you for the happy update and I am hoping John continues improving and that the week off is just what he needs to get back in tip top shape. And I am glad you enjoyed a wonderful dinner out last night with him. Happy birthday and (((hugs))).

Yesterday we cycled and it was very windy and today is even more windy. But we are just sucking it up and enjoying our cycling anyway as today will be the last day of cycling this weekend. The storm will be here later today and is bringing even heavier winds and lots of rain but I am hoping that is all it brings. It's a bummer I won't lie but we are making the best of it and going to get a ride in despite the not ideal conditions. Heck if we waited for ideal conditions we would never ride. The drawbacks of living in the Northeast for sure. Gypsy and LLJsmom help me find an affordable home in (Northern or Southern) California on the water. Pretty please. 8) :cheeky:

And later this afternoon we are meeting with a kitchen designer just to talk through some ideas. I am not ready to hire anyone yet however but they know that and are coming here anyway. So we will see if anything interesting develops from that meeting.

Have a good Saturday girls and Junie and Marcy please let us know when you get home safely. I will contact you both later to see how you are doing. Big hugs.

And (((HUGS))) to everyone. Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, I prefer paper books too and that's all I read. I just like the feel of a real book in my hands. I finished a book last night and will start another tonight. I read more here on the island, partly because I've deliberately not gotten a TV. And the internet connection is slow and balky (but also free). Not sure I'd recommend the book I just finished, it was good, but she's written better, but I'm starting one by an author I haven't read for awhile. It may be fabulous!

Scandi, loved the color photo. So vivid! Hope the training went well.

Junie and Marcy, I hope you were able to get home safely despite the hurricane. Junie, we are thinking of you and your mom.

Gypsy, good to hear John could take you to a birthday dinner.

Everyone stay safe and be well.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from the mountains :wavey:
I do hope you are still sleeping Missy ;-) I hate getting up before 6...

Re reading books, I only read real books too :) have never even tried kindle haha. You - or at least I.. - can not curl up with that!?! No, real books and a large soy latte for me please :lol:

June, I'm so very sorry that you mother is worse. Safe travel that is hopefully over already. Thinking of you and your family!

Marcy, are you going home too? Be careful if you are anywhere near that weather!

Rainwood, love the latest pictures! Where in Norway are the cabins where you were "camping "? Looks very nice :) but then I'm a hiking kind of girl, lol.

Missy would hate the cabin where we are now for training the dog, lol. Old fashioned "outside toilet", you know - a hole but no water lol.

Missy, you have to tell that Woodstock story! :)

Training is OK, came here rather late but was out for 3.5 hours yesterday. Furbaby is still on medication so she was tired by then anyway. Her front paws are a bit sore too so I'm putting on paw ointment and making her wear booties. She loves that..... NOT. lol. But she forgets the second we get outside.

2+3+5+9 birds in the air yesterday so that was good. Running after like crazy on two occasions - not soooooool good. New day - new chances to make a fool of ourselves :)

Callie, how is everything going? I'm so sorry about you cousin!!! Thinking of you and your family! Hugs!

Gypsy, so nice that you were able to do a birthdays dinner!! :) that sounds perfect :) Good idea to relax a little - things will happen as they may anyways!

One day - and one bird - at a time girls! Many hugs!!

EDIT: I too want a California (holiday) home on the water! So if you find an affordable one, please look for one for me too :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Welcome home Junie and Marcy. So relieved you are both back home safely on solid ground.
Junie, I hope your mom has stabilized and is improving.Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, hope your killer bunnies and teddies are happy to see you and I know you are pleased to be home away from the crazy that are inlaws and the inlaw (or should I say outlaw) families. Welcome back.

Rainwood, good for you going without TV at the island house and not caring about a slow internet connection. Maybe one day I can be strong enough to do that but for now I just love watching movies here too much to forgo TV but I want to start curling up with some good (and real hard copy) books. Hope you are enjoying reading the new author.

We met with the kitchen salesperson yesterday who is not technically a designer though he was full of ideas LOL. I am just not sure. He recommended things that I wonder if he recommended because their company makes more of a profit or if it is actually a better product yanno? That is why I need to do my research as well as speak with you guys who have the experience and figure it out and not just trust salespeople and designers who might have ulterior motives.

For example, he didn't like my idea of white wood shaker cabinets as he said it will peel and warp over time and instead suggested (and had samples) of laminate cabinet doors that have a lifetime warranty. The body of the cabinet is wood but the door is a laminate. The samples looked OK but I really was thinking real wood for the doors too but he did make some good points about paint peeling etc. In Brooklyn we have real maple but it is not painted and looks as good now as it did over 12 years ago.

Then he showed us quartz countertops but I am not sure that is the best way to go. Greg likes quartz but I am not sure. I was leaning towards quartz but now I am thinking white granite again. LOL. I don't know. I know I want a beautiful white surface that can take hot stuff on it and won't stain or crack. Tough but pretty. Like the NIRDIs. :bigsmile:

The largest sink he thinks we can get in that space is 30" (right now we just have a 20 inch sink here so tiny) but I wanted around 34" here so again not sure. I don't want to be regretting I don't have a large enough sink. He said it should be centered around the window at the sink and that is why we should not go bigger than 30". In Brooklyn our sink is 27" and it isn't bad but I wanted bigger. I decided against farm sink because it doesn't sit flush with the counter and I don't like anything to stick out. We decided to go with a stainless sink like we have in Brooklyn. For the fridge and freezer we are probably stuck with 36" each because too much bigger and we won't be able to have them on the same side of the kitchen without blocking a window.

We just don't have enough space in our kitchen for me to do exactly what I want so I am a bit disappointed. I need to get as much counter space and cabinet space as possible and to that end we will be expanding the kitchen to all the walls i.e. counter and cabinet space where we have the butcher blocks and cat litter area. So that is going to be replaced with quartz (?) if that is the material we decide to go with and cabinets around our windows.

The biggest design drawback to our kitchen here are our support beams that prevent our cabinets from going all the way up to the ceiling which is a look I like and what we have in Brooklyn. So our cabinets come only up to the support beams and we discussed dropping the ceiling but the designer thought it would look closed in that way. It looks visually cluttered like this though with the beams and the cabinets not going all the way up and he agreed it is an odd space. Greg and I think dropping the ceiling would be our cleanest look but I am not sure because I don't want the area looking closed in.

He doesn't like drawer microwaves as he said people complain about them. I have to do my research but if that is true we will go with a conventional microwave.

We are thinking possible seating at the island as well as definite storage so no controversy there. We are talking about a lot of counter space all around the kitchen since we are expanding it to the cat area in the kitchen. We are going to be getting an estimate beginning of next week so I can get an idea of how much this will cost.

I might have left stuff out but that's all I can remember for now. I welcome any and all thoughts and advice. I don't want to do another kitchen renovation after this one. It will be our third 0not here just total kitchen renovation. We did one in Sea Girt around 2000 though that one continued for a few years on and off before we finally really finished it and one in Brooklyn 2004 and hopefully this will be our final kitchen renovation.

Scandi, gorgeous colors. My mom is an artist and used to take photos full of colors like that and I have one of her autumn leaves photos hanging on my wall in the Brooklyn Kitchen. This reminds me of that photo.

Yay Scandi, we can be neighbors on the water in California. LLJsmom, any prospects for us yet? Beach house on the water (with dry beach too please) and I only need about 4 bedrooms and one office and a basement space or garage space for Greg. I would love an indoor pool too please. Let me know OK? :cheeky:

Callie, how are things going with your family? Thinking of you. Thank you for checking on me honey and don't worry about us OK? We will be fine. Just keeping the ferals in my thoughts and fingers and toes crossed for their safety. Greg is checking on their shelters now though I am not convinced they ever use them I just want to make sure it is warm and dry and ready if they want to use it. We saw Sprite rolling around in our side yard right before it got dark last night and it made me happy to see her content. Then Squirt showed up but didn't hang around to play making me wonder if they still hang out at all. Sprite and Squirt were the 2 we met right after Sammy showed up last October. I still think Sammy is their mommy.

Hope all the rest of you girls are well and enjoying this holiday (for some) weekend. We are not going cycling today or tomorrow sadly as the weather won't allow it but we are thinking of heading to Lambertville and going bling browsing at my favorite antique jewelry dealer woohoo. :appl: Enjoy the day and hugs to everyone. Thinking good thoughts for all of you lovely ladies and Junie hoping things are going smoothly and that your mom is improving. (((HUGS))).


Feb 27, 2007

I’m back.

Rainwood, your beautiful pictures are amazing. I love seeing them. How is the island this weekend? Hopefully everything is working okay this time for you.

Missy, I love mudslides. That is the only reason I ever go to Applebees. Theirs are quite good. Great lyrics from Better Things! Glad to hear Greg’s back is doing better. I hope things at work get better for you. I’ve seen that cute picture of Francesca before - Carl has it saved on my iPad mini. Oh oh! Glad you got in a ride before that storm gets there. How exciting to be exploring remodeling your kitchen.

Scandi, I am glad you got your PC back and working. I teased some people for sure on Friday. I had to in order to amuse myself. Now that would have been funny to yell “shark” when I looked out the window. That is great news they are recutting the logs but rats it took so long. Very pretty flowers.

Junebug, I am so sorry. I will be thinking of you and your family. Dittoing Rainwood, Missy and others no matter what happens you are a wonderful daughter, mother, wife and friend. Hugs to you.

Gypsy, I am glad John is hope and I hope he gets better real soon.

Hi Sharon. It’s starting to feel like fall around here - is your summer holding on there?

Callie, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. That is so sad. Good luck with implants. I hope they get you fixed up real soon. I had a tooth pulled about 4 years ago and my dentist mentioned then I’d need an implant but I’ve never got one and my dentist never mentions it. I know it can lead to problems. The young adults were outside on the deck or in the pool drinking. They weren’t in the house much until the last few days.

Friday we were in the path of the tropical storm and it sure gave our area a beating. We had a few hours here and there when the rain let up or quit but it rained heavily for almost 24 hours. The beach house had leaks everywhere. All the sliding glass doors leaked really bad, also some windows had gushing water and a leak even started in the ceiling. There were times of torrential rain and wind (but not Wyoming wind). It was something all right. At least the storm surge was near low tide but the ocean was very angry. We had standing water off and on everywhere but a few feet right under the house. Luckily the elevator area kept dry. The worst part was all of us stuck in the house all day. Most of the liquor or mixer was gone, food was low and my FIL decided about 3 pm the worst was over and he, my MIL, Marty and BIL all ventured out to the bank. I think they got caught in the worst torrential rains while out and ran in to street flooding and debris in the road. We had a massive micro burst of wind at the beach house while they were gone. Since most of the restaurants were closed they picked up stuff for burgers for supper. The heavy rains and wind continued until about midnight.

We got up at 3:30 am to head to the airport. Most of the roads were clear of debris by then only ran in to one thing en route to the airport. Flights were on time. Woo hoo! We had about 4 hours layover in Atlanta and got to DIA about 1:30. We stopped on the way home to eat and got home about 4:30. I was excited to get home.

Okay sing in your head: “Home, home on the plains. Where the teddies and killer rabbits play. Where often is heard a vulgar curse word, and the skies are windy all day”.

I swore I’d never give up real books but I sure like reading in the Kindle app on my iPad. Very convenient.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning all :wavey:

Marcy, welcome home! Good to have you back :)

So, I'm going to do a kitchen post. I found this Norwegian site with what I think is a good piece of inspiration for different kitchen styles:

The pages are in Norwegian, but I don't really think that matters, don't really need to be a genius to figure out to press the arrow or next number to see the next page, hahaha..

For a beach house, I think a white kitchen is just the way to go :) I do love a nice clean white room! I do however also love dark floors to ground that a little, sorry.. :) Dark oak for example is one of my favourites.. lol :halo: However, I do think any floor colour could be fantastic, as long as you are not choosing EXACTLY the same colour for everything. Have a bit of experience with that... my dad has a summer house/cabin by the ocean, where the nature is a bit more rough and the view is amazing (!) and the entire wall facing the sea is a window (well, multiple windows do to construction limitations, but you get the idea). He wanted light and air, so he had floors, walls and the ceiling stained white. Not a good idea. You would actually get dizzy in there. Not kidding. Everything was so well blended that you had no idea what you were looking at, LOL. So he had to have the ceiling repainted a solid white. That helped :)

Which brings me to floors. I think you said that you have solid wood floors. We have that too, and a few years ago we had the floors sanded down (not sure if that is the right expression). I think that is a really good solution to old wood floors. Saves a ton of money and you can have any colour you like by picking the oil you want when remaking them. From white to mahogany, or paint them for that matter (a colleague of mine had them use boat paint in his house so that the paint would last forever, lol) And then you can have the same for the whole house without problems :)

But I'm so old fashioned, don't listen to me!

Then the beams and the ceiling. I would never ever have lowered the ceiling. But that may be because I'm obsessed with high ceilings and have never had that before, LOL. I have seen in places with very high ceilings, that the cabinets stop quite a bit down on the wall. Would that be an alternative to have the cabinets stop a bit lower than the beams so that it looks deliberate and not like they stop because the beam is in the way? This picture explains what I mean, even if the cabinets here are way to small in my opinion...

The last one allows you to build your own kitchen also :)

As does Ikea, off course ;-)

I think I might try to do our new one there actually, might be fun to experiment a little. I do have a kitchen designer for that, but I don't know. I'm a control freak :lol: :devil: :halo: :lol: We are going to have an Aga stove actually, so the main concern is how to fit it in, lol, I have ordered the aga already so no choice now :)

I've always been in love with these

Enough rambling for today - S



Jan 23, 2016
Oh and I completely forgot: I don't think painted cabinet doors will flake or peel. The ones my grandparents had never did, at least. But than again I just don't like the idea of laminate versions... all though a guarantee helps! But not if the company is no longer in business.. But they are beautiful and can be very shiny and pretty :) And I do think there is a white granite that looks like Carrara marble actually :)


Jun 8, 2008

today is a special day
And on that none of us are torn
It's the special day you were born

We are coming here to share
Our thoughts with you today
You are truly such a dear
and that is not all we want to say

You are kind and smart
sweet and sassy
You are one very lovely NIRDI lassie
You make PS a special place to be
Gracing us with your presence
and your lovely company

So we couldn't let today get away from us
without sharing how we feel
We love you LLJsmom
and not just for your bling appeal

Yes you love the bling
as many of us do
But it isn't the bling
that makes us care about you
You are a special person
beautiful through and through
And we are so lucky you are here
with all of the NIRDI crew

Wishing you a very happy and healthy birthday
today and all the year through
Celebrating this special day with family
and with the NIRDI girls too

We are sending happy birthday wishes galore
Hope the day is everything you could hope and wish for
and so very much more

You are a such a wonderful friend and confidante
and share your time so generously
Not just with the NIRDIs
but with your whole PS family

And I am so lucky I got to see you
IRL during this past year
not just once but twice
though you don't live at all near
So glad I got the treat of seeing you
LLLJsmom dear

Next time you and your dh will stay
at our beach house at the shore
4 cats we have that's true
I promise we won't get (for now) any more
And I will vacuum very well
so your dh's airways won't swell
making him all blue
Haha enough levity about that for now
But yes you are invited to stay sincerely and how

So wishing you the best birthday
health and happiness
the whole year through
wishing you much success
in all that you do
Happy birthday dear sweet LLJsmom
Very happy birthday to you!!!
Big hugs from all of us
and know that we do love you
So enough of the mush and fuss
But know that yes we really do.

XOXO!!!!! <3

We love you LLJSmom and wish you all the best. Happiness, success, health, love and lots and lots of bling. Happy Birthday! :wavey:




Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Just had my second cup of ice coffee and I am back.

Scandi, thank you for your kitchen post and all that information! Really helpful. Yes we have dark (real) hardwood oak floors that are in great shape all over the rest of the house so are going to have those added in the kitchen where we have ugly tile floors now. I agree the contrast will be nice. I am going to check out all your links thank you! The cabinets you posted stopping well before the ceiling looks good but our ceilings are not that high sadly so it just looks cluttered IMO. I have to take some more pics of our kitchen at the beach house now but this is the only photo I have right now. Maybe you could see the issue here.


Wow love that Aga stove. We could never fit it into our small beach kitchen though. I am lucky I can fit a 36" fridge and a 36" freezer side by side and thank goodness for that. I wish we had more space but expanding the kitchen into the dining room wouldn't look right and anyway it is solid brick against the kitchen going into the other rooms so it would be a real pain to break through those walls plus we just don't think it would look right anyway. So we are making the best of the small space we have. Thank you about the advice re the painted wood cabinets. I did want to go with real wood and have to read more about the pros and cons with warping etc since we have lots of salt air all around us.

Marcy, that Francesca and Carl. Naughty naughty. :cheeky:
Glad you are back but man leaks all over your beach house. That is unacceptable. I hope you are working something out with the owners because first of all you had to deal with a dirty house and then water all over inside. Please make sure you leave a review for them so others are aware before they rent from them. How frustrating. Fortunately your storm surge was low. Thank goodness and now you are home safe and sound. Do you think this might be the last family group vacation you take? Fingers crossed next year it can just be you and Marty. :sun:

Junie, how are things going? How are you doing and how is your mom today? Thinking of you sweetheart and sending more hugs and love your way.

We had a great day yesterday. Went to Lambertville and enjoyed some sights and some bling but didn't buy anything and then on our way back to the beach house and very close to Lambertville we stopped into Tabby's Place. The first time we ever did. It is a cat sanctuary and OMG we loved it. We got the grand tour and go to say hi to the cats and it is an amazing place.

Right now they have 120 cats which is higher than their supposed max at 100 but there are always cats in need. They clean and disinfect everything (clothes/towels, dishes etc,) each day and their laundry room is huge and always going. They have s veterinarian surgical suite and take care of the cats on site. They take in cats from shelters who are about to be "euthanized" and cats that really have no other chance in life. They do not take ferals of course because ferals are best outside since they are terrified of humans and need to be free.

We were greeted at the door by a cat who has no use of her hind legs but she gets around amazingly well. Olive. What a sweetie. And it was just a wonderful experience that brought tears to my eyes. I wish they weren't 90 minutes plus away or I would volunteer there. It would be my dream volunteer job.

Hope everyone enjoys a lovely day and hope to see you later!






Jun 8, 2008
Just lost my internet connection for a while there but have it back for now whew. Wanted to add a few pics. We saw Sprite again last night happily rolling around in our side yard so that was nice. Unfortunately we have a new feral who looks just like Fresca and Shasta but her ear is not clipped. It is never going to end. Not sure we are going to be trapping anybody else before the inclement weather sets in so we are just going to take it one day at a time. It seems inevitable that there are just going to be babies born since we keep getting more ferals who are not spayed/neutered.

OK I am off for now. Enjoy this Labor Day Monday girls. And LLJSmom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :appl:






Jan 23, 2016
missy|1473076885|4073347 said:
Good morning girls! Just had my second cup of ice coffee and I am back.

Scandi, thank you for your kitchen post and all that information! Really helpful. Yes we have dark (real) hardwood oak floors that are in great shape all over the rest of the house so are going to have those added in the kitchen where we have ugly tile floors now. I agree the contrast will be nice. I am going to check out all your links thank you! The cabinets you posted stopping well before the ceiling looks good but our ceilings are not that high sadly so it just looks cluttered IMO. I have to take some more pics of our kitchen at the beach house now but this is the only photo I have right now. Maybe you could see the issue here.


Missy, you should never have started to talk about kitchens! I'm all hung up in my head about that now and will never stop pestering you about it :)

It is kind of difficult to see from the picture, but would it be an alternative to have three separate cabinets on the wall, so that they are between the beams and go up higher than where the beams start? Kind of like this?

I think it might look different from how they look on your picture now just by changing colour actually:

As long as things look like they are made deliberately - and not by accident or by lack of alternatives - I think most things can look great :)

I do love your ceiling and I understand why you are hesitant to build it in. The bricks are beautiful in my opinion and should be highlighted, not hidden :)




Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I tend to agree with not wanting laminate cabinets. I would also want wood. I had no idea there was white granite. For some reason I thought if you wanted white, you had to go with marble. My husband jokes that we could skip the whole kitchen and that a closet with a microwave, plates and coffee mugs would work just fine. I also don't think I would lower your ceilings. It's hard trying to decide what will look best. I would definitely want to see pictures of kitchens this company has designed before committing to them doing the job. Did they say anything about if you are changing the flooring to a wood floor in the kitchen that they will need to refinish all the wood flooring on the first floor. We had all of ours restrained and refinished when we added wood floors to the master bedroom. We were told it would be close to impossible to get an exact match if we didn't refinish all the floors. Nothing makes a mess like refinishing wood floors.

Gypsy, How was your birthday dinner? How is John feeling? Are you feeling any better? You are not nor have you ever been a Debbie Downer. Life can be so hard at times. Please don't feel like you can't say how you are feeling. Missy started this thread when she was going thru a really rough time. Please know we will support you and help you try to figure things out. Believe me when I say this has been a rough year for many of us. My husband has always said if I problem can be solved with money, it really isn't a problem. I had learned that life lesson years ago but feel as though I got a refresher course in that lesson this year. When things are tough all you can really do is take it one day at a time.

Junebug, I am assuming you are back home now. Has your mom shown any improvement? Is your sister planning on staying longer?

Marcy, I'm glad you made it home safely and all the relatives are still alive and well. The fact that everyone survived the vacation is quite an accomplishment and I say this before the tropical storm hit. Just think now you can get back to your other children at the office. Did anyone call you with work problems while you were on vacation?

LLJsmom, So did you get the purse or the necklace??? I'm thinking of getting a new necklace too. I haven't worn a necklace in years so I'm trying to make sure I will actually wear it. I don't need another piece of jewelry I seldom wear.

Scandi, How did your furbaby do with training? It sounds like you were roughing it. No indoor plumbing doesn't sound like much fun!

Kristie and Rainwood, Did you do anything fun this weekend?


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, everyone!

Missy, that kitty place looks amazing!! It's nice to know there are people like you who are trying to make life better for all the kitties they can. I can see why you'd want to volunteer there if it were closer. How lovely. And Sprite is such a beautiful cat. I can see why Ann was hoping she could have been socialized. I love that raccoon tail on her white body. So striking.

I think I'd kick that kitchen designer to the curb. Sounds like he's not much of a problem solver or creative thinker and that's what you need. And I don't know why he'd discourage a microwave drawer. I've had mine 4 years and am glad I went that way. Haven't had a single problem. They take a little getting used to, but unlike that KD, I have no complaints! And when wall space is precious, like it is in my island kitchen, it's a much better alternative. Most if not all of the microwave drawers are manufactured by Sharp, even if it's badged with a different company name. We just went ahead and bought a Sharp rather than spend more for a higher-end brand name since they all get made by the same company. I can go into more detail off-line if you want as there are some specifics and tradeoffs on a drawer vs. a standard MW. I also have some thoughts on potential kitchen layouts - more just ideas for you and Greg to think about and ponder - and will do those offline as well.

Scandi, can you tell me a little more about the bird training with Fifi? I'm not sure I understand what the competition is judging. Will she be flushing out live birds, retrieving birds that have been shot, going after bird decoys or something else entirely?

Marcy, glad you made it home in one piece, physicaly and mentally. Time to cash in those wonderful wife points before Marty forgets all that you had to go through, including a hurricane and leaky house syndrome. Plus the obliviousness of young people you aren't able to boss around! I'm think at least 3 carats in sapphire blue. To match you know what!

Callie, I hope the rest of 2016 goes better for you. I don't know the specifics other than the loss of your cousin, but it does change your perspective about what's important. We've had a lot of crime in our neighborhood this summer- burglaries and car prowls - and people have been getting really worked up about it. I try to be sympathetic because it is distressing, but in my head I'm thinking 'If no one died, I'm just not going to get that upset about it.' My standard for what is worth worrying about has changed a lot!

As for me, I went to a fiber arts class on Saturday being taught by one of my friends, everybody in the group is very artistic while I'm just a total novice, but it's fun to see what people are up to. The island is known for its arts and crafts and it's amazing what people are doing. On Sunday, I went on a hike with some friends. It wasn't a long hike, only about 2.5 miles, but it was steep up and down. My friend's Fitbit said we'd climbed the equivalent of 33 flights of stairs! I'm not sure that's accurate, but I did come home and ended up taking a long nap which is something I never do. I was going to post a couple of photos but they're only willing to post sideways for some reason so will leave them out of now.

Today I decided to put some labor into labor day and washed the outside of the first floor windows that face the water. It makes such a difference! They get a lot of salt on them and I haven't had a chance to do it because I've either been traveling or having to leave because of A/C, hot water or septic problems.

Speaking of which, the septic issue did not get resolved so any time I use more than a cup or two of water, the alarm goes off and I have to go outside to turn it off so it doesn't drive the neighbors crazy. They're coming tomorrow to take another crack at fixing it. I hope they do because I have guests coming next week! And I have an appointment back in the city at noon that I'm hoping not to have to cancel. We'll see.


Apr 19, 2004
[b]Calliecake|1472835306|4072605[/b] said:
Missy, I'm hoping your weather stays nice thru the weekend and you don't get hit with a lot of rain. It looks like the storm was going up towards NY. Is Greg able to cycle with his back? I'm hoping next week things settle down at work although if they don't fix the counter problem I don't think it will be much more comfortable. Things haven't been great here. My cousin passed away on Wednesday so I feel like I've been on the phone a lot the past few days. I'm worried about my aunt and my cousins daughter. I know this has hit them both so hard and am not sure how they are going to deal with the loss. I was going to have a necklace made and went shopping Tuesday trying to figure out what it would end up costing, Well my trip to the oral surgeon yesterday changed that plan. You were right about the doctor getting me in sooner. When I called and explained what was going on they told me to come in within an hour. I had been so worried that a lump I had in my mouth was something serious that the news I needed implants didn't even bother me. I was told I will need at least one tooth pulled and an implant, possibly two. So much for getting a new piece of bling.

Take care, CC. Healing vibes across the miles.

kind regards, Sharon


Feb 27, 2007

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome back. I missed you ladies.

Scandi, great kitchens even though I can’t understand what it says. That is a fabulous stove.

Missy, great birthday poem for LLJsmom. Now that I’m back I will keep an eye of iPad usage of Carl. He hangs out on the banister and appears to be so innocent like he doesn’t have a care in the world. I am sure we’ll do another family vacation but I will kick and scream if they think they want to do this every year. They are suggesting a cruise next time which I am not sure I’d like being on a big boat but some of the issues I had on this vacation would be non-existent. Next year I want to do on a driving trip in my new SUV. I think my MIL was gong to complain about several things on that beach house. Tabbysplace sounds like a great place. I am sure you wanted to hug every kitty there.

Callie, it is amazing to think about all the struggles, challenges, heartache, triumphs and excitement all of us have shared on Missy’s thread. Lots of life experiences here for all of us to learn from and find support and hope. How is your mouth feeling? I agree that is quite the accomplished that no one got in a fight or screaming match on our vacation. You could tell people were getting on each other’s nerves especially on Friday when we stayed in all day. I did not hear a peep from my employees on my vacation. I’d bet money my boss told them to leave me alone. Or maybe my badge won’t work in the morning. i’ll see.

Rainwood, I like how you think. A big ole sapphire would make me forget those unpleasant experiences I had the last 2 weeks. Sadly that isn’t in the budget now. I keep thinking of that peachy pink oval sapphire I saw before Christmas. I certainly understand how your perception has changed about what gets people all worked up. We had a big upheaval at work right after my dad died and I got called in to the directors office to see if my feathers were ruffled about it and I just flat out said I’ve got a lot more important things on my plate right now I could care less about this political crap at work. I was rather blunt but that’s how I felt. It sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend. I did notice that sea salt air makes the windows pretty dirty. Rats for the septic issue still going on.

Hi Sharon.

I am loving the white kitchens. Now I want one.

I continued working on assorted projects I needed to catch up on being gone for 2 weeks. I got a lot accomplished.

We went to dinner with friends for Fantasy Football draft. It was a nice time and since the food and drinks were subpar I didn’t eat or drink much.

Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow but those pesky bills keep showing up.

I emailed my sales associate today to see if he can check and see if my car is finished - according to my order it should have come out of the paint shop on Friday.

Take care.

P.S. I had to go to the post office 3 times today and I didn’t have a curbing incident ONCE. Marty told me once we get the rims fixed I am not allowed to go there at all.


Aug 8, 2005
Missy, Tabby's Place looks amazing. I like how they have easy to clean outdoor furniture. Smart choice. I need to eventually re-upholster my dining room chairs and I am looking at outdoor fabric because of the durability. It looks like a great place to volunteer. I love that about NJ. So many great rescues.

One day at a time is all anyone can ask of you. I love the pictures of Sprite. She is a lovely lady and she looks happy outside.

I don't care for laminate cabinets. We've had them in many of our apartments and they aren't repairable the way a wood cabinet is. SO I too am not a fan. I agree with Scandi on the brick. I would highlight that too. I would keep searching for a different designer. This one doesn't sound like a good fit.

Hi Calliecake, My condolences about the passing of your cousin.((HUGS)) I am sorry your year has sucked and about the oral surgery necessity as well. Is there anything I can do to help?

Thank you for your kind post. I too am taking it one day at a time, and doing my best. One foot in front of the other.

Scandi, I'd love to know more about Fifi's training too.

Rainwood, I hope that septic issue is fixed tomorrow! That sounds frustrating.

Junie, how is your mom.

Marcy, welcome back! Exciting update on your car.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Out of time but quick post for now. Thank you for the great kitchen thoughts.

Rainwood yes please. I am interested in all of your thoughts. Hope your septic issues are resolved soon! What a pain.
The rest of your weekend sounded like lots of fun and glad you enjoyed a lovely time at your island home. I need pics of your kitchen if possible. I remember you shared a few but I don't have them anymore. I love your style.

Scandi, love that stove. Thanks for those photos. My photo of our beach kitchen is old. We painted the ceiling and beams white so IMO it looks better than the dark color it was originally. Thanks for all that extra info too. I'm enjoying looking though that website. How was the rest of your weekend!

Callie, hope you enjoyed the rest of the holiday weekend.

Marcy, good luck back to work today. I will watch Francesca and her use of iPad to contact Carl. Naughty fur babies. Yay for car update!
Woohoo on no curb incidents. We might need to find a different nickname for you. :cheeky:

Gypsy, thanks for your thoughts. I agree though Greg thinks high quality laminate doors are the way to go with everything else wood but I'm not sure of the terms. Plywood etc. I don't know the technical terms but he said rest of cabinet real while doors high quality laminate as to prevent warping and peeling since our air is high salt content and high humidity,

How's john doing?

Junie hope your mom is doing ok. Thinking of you.

LLJSmom, hope you had a good birthday. Get the necklace. :appl:

Quick drive by link of a dream kitchen. Can't post a pic.

Modern White Shaker Kitchen modern-kitchen

We went cycling yesterday and it was fun despite the high winds. If we waited for perfect or even really good weather we wouldn't ever ride lol. Off to brooklyn soon and running late. Have a good morning and will try checking back later time permitting. Hugs.
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