
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
LOL I went to get some more delicious ice coffee and decided to take a pic for you girls so got my phone and see I got 142 texts overnight. :shock: You girls were busy LOL. Will check it out as soon as I finish this post. Hope it is bling related. :appl:

Sharing ice coffee with my girls. Refreshing and strong. Perfection in a jar. :lickout:





Jan 23, 2016
Hello from Scandinavia :wavey:

I have had such a difficult time trying to post today, PS didn't like me at all! But I think it is due punishment for being away from you for so long.. Just that I did not bring my PC on holiday, and that one thing took the other and time goes sooooo fast sometimes!

I have tried to catch up today, reading all your posts for the last couple of weeks, but you will have to forgive me for all that I miss - and please remind me of the important stuff!! I have missed you all, good to be back!

So let me start with today's picture (well... at least a picture from Sunday) before PS throws me out again!



Dec 31, 2006
OMG missy who are those texts from? :o I feel overwhelmed just looking at that.

I agree 1000% with you on the communication thing. It is so much easier to miscommunicate than to truly understand. And miscommunications and what we feel are small slights pile up on top of each other and then become big, and how we lose patience with people we deal with all the time because we feel we already know what they're all about so we don't give them a clean "slate."

BTW who is Freddy in the picture above? I love his googly eyes ::) (if he's one of your furbabies I'm so sorry I don't remember that name)

welcome back scandi

guys just a quick post today because I'm kind of subtly freaking out and wanted your input.

Remember how I said I wasn't craving cookies? Well, I started to think it wasn't normal. It's not normal for me to not crave cookies for over a week. Then I started to realize I've been feeling full all day. Like for the past week or so. I hardly feel hungry. And I feel like a...warmth inside. So I started looking up feeling full, etc., and it led to all kinds of reasons...from nothing bad like gas, to ovarian cancer, ulcers, and a bunch of other scary things.

It also says to avoid an excessive amount of teas and coffees and lately, I have been drinking more. I've also been slacking on the amount of water I drink. And from what I've been reading both those things can lead to constipation (aside from the obvious dehydration).

Anyway - part of me wants to just ignore it, wait for it to go away. Part of me feels overwhelmed as to who I would go see to find out what this could be. What would you do? Do you think I should just cut down on the tea/coffee and increase the water intake, and see if that changes anything? Or should I get myself to the doctor? (maybe I should have a physical, I've been slacking on those too).

Hi marcy hi june hi gypsy hi callie hi kristie (btw I need a haircut but no way do i have the guts to do it myself! ::) hi rainwood hi lljsmom (how have you been? I hope things are good with you) hi jimmianne


Apr 19, 2004
missy|1471345218|4066547 said:
LOL I went to get some more delicious ice coffee and decided to take a pic for you girls so got my phone and see I got 142 texts overnight. :shock: You girls were busy LOL. Will check it out as soon as I finish this post. Hope it is bling related. :appl:

Sharing ice coffee with my girls. Refreshing and strong. Perfection in a jar. :lickout:

May I have a cuppa or rather a jarra, please!! yummmmmmm

ETA: Enjoying the photos that everyone posts!! :appl: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Hello ya'll!!



Jan 23, 2016
I will try to do a lot better tomorrow, but I just want to make a few quick comments to some of you :)

Missy, thank you for keeping tabs on me even when I'm not here on PS - that really means a lot to me !! I do hope all the trapping etc turns out perfect in the end. You (and Greg!) have such a big heart, I can't understand how it could possibly not be a happy ending to that story. Like for example taking that cat into the basement even with the possibility for flees. I would have done the same, but I don't think a lot of people are like that. You truly are a very special and kind person, please give yourself a lot of credit for that. And remind the universe that you deserve a break! Reading about all the difficulties with cable etc is a lot of fun to read, but I would have lost my sanity if it was me...

CJ2008: if you have a bad feeling, I think a doctors appointment can't hurt! Especially if you have skipped a few.. :halo: But also - if you google too much, any kind of feeling and or symptom can be deadly.. Re overeating - I don't go hungry - ever !! - but I do try to not have anything too unhealthy in the house. So if I'm really hungry one day, at least the things I eat are ok for my body, and for me at least, that makes it better the next day. If I eat a lot of sugar and similar things, I just get more and more and more hungry each day, and by the end of the month I would probably not be able to work, walk, or talk - I would be too busy eating, LOL.

Junebug, I'm so sorry and sad to read about your mother! I wish all the best for you and for her in the world, but I don't think that helps much.. I really wish there was something I could do for you. Sometimes, there just is not anything that you can do either, not even for your loved ones. And then I think that being there is really all that we are supposed to do. You are such a support for her, and I just know that she knows that and perhaps that is all she needs right now. You mentioned getting her to a nursing home - perhaps a change could do her good? Especially if she does not like her current place, for what ever reason. Hugs!

Gypsy, so sorry to hear that one of your old cats is unwell. I wish him all the best. At least he has you :) So I know he is in the best hands possible! How is he today? That little one is adorable!! :love: :love: :love: I love her expression in those pictures. Too cute for words! And so very aware of herself! Might be a little princess in the making :)

Marcy, I have missed you! When are you going on holiday? I do hope for pictures :) Your work stories are just so much fun (Sorry !) to read!! And I do love your account of your every day life but you know that :) Hope you are not as horrible at holiday updates as I have been.. Happy that they have an elevator so you will not hurt your knees!

Junebug, I think I read that you hate going to work functions with your DH. (Please forgive if I remember this wrong..) And Gypsy, I think perhaps you said something similar. So I just wanted to tell both of you: I love work things. But then again I don't take that kind of things too seriously, and I really don't care if they like me or not, LOL. So I just try to have some fun in the middle of a very grey crowd of people - next time I think I might pretend to be a nail designer, and discuss what kind of nail colour would best bring out the colour in someone's eyes! :lol: :lol: :lol: A bit dangerous these things actually.. I got burned once. I thought the topic of conversation - housekeeping chores - was very (VERY) boring. So I just said that I never do any such things, because I have never understood how you turn on the vacuum cleaner. Oh my. One of the ladies took me seriously. And started - very S-L-O-W-L-Y to try to explain about plugging it in and pushing the button with the circular mark on it. Had to avoid her for an entire weekend after that... LOL now but then it was a bit horrible. The point to my rambling: anyone should be very lucky to have you come to anything. Don't care about the rest!

Gypsy, the post about bathing cats made me laugh for a long time!

Callie, so SO happy to hear that your brother is doing better! But I really think your DH has got it wrong about trimming the trees. If you get 60 more, then HE has 60 more to trim.... 8-)
Rainwood, love your pictures!! And I'm very happy that you like Scandinavia!! I never thought I would ever say this - so sorry it was to warm for you :lol: :lol: :lol: It is never ever warm here - that is why many of the hotels don't have aircondition. I have been further up north than you for most of the summer, so I would have liked a bit more sun! To much rain in the mountains this summer! You sure have done a lot of walking!! Do post more pictures if you have the time :) :)


Jan 23, 2016
azstonie|1471280197|4066265 said:

CJ, please be informed that it is 'wrong' to use the words "jiggly" and "thighs" in the same sentence!!!!

Kristie, I love you !! :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Sharon, yes you may have a jarra and I would love making it for you. It is the one thing I can do in the kitchen :lol: and it is pretty yummy.

CJ, honey get it checked out. It is probably nothing and you may need to drink more fluids like water and less caffeinated fluids. I love my coffee but you have to balance it out with water. It is so easy to get dehydrated especially during the summer so make sure you get enough fluids OK? But for peace of mind go to your PCP or internist and be safe and certain.

We are on the same page about communication. And that is Fred our eldest kitty. We rescued him in 2002 or 3 (I'm a bad cat mommy as I don't remember when :o ) and he has asthma and is getting up there in age but he has grown more loving and cuddly with each year. He is a real sweetheart and OMG his purrs are so loud. The iPhone catches sound too and it is a riot when I press on his pic and hear his purring come through loud and clear. Thank you for noticing how sweet he is.

Scandi, you are so sweet. I should be thanking you for remembering my birthday even when you were away with your family on vacation and taking the time to write to me and wish me a happy birthday. TBH I didn't realize you were away till I read your message and really appreciated you thinking of me sweetie. (((HUGS))).

My parents stopped by unexpectedly today and it was really nice to have them visit for a while. I usually don't like surprise visits from anyone but I was happy to see them. Callie, I am sorry it interrupted our phone call LOL but at least you got to say hi to my mom. :lol:

Of course I took this opportunity to take a pic of my mom's ring. I am a PSer after all. :cheeky:

Hope everyone is having a good afternoon! :wavey:



Mar 29, 2005
As promised, some photos taken in Denmark. I might spread this over several days as I have so many.

Some of the few half-timbered buildings in Copenhagen to survive the many fires:

The colorful Nyhavn harbor in Copenhagen:

A photo from the jazz cruise we took. It was so much fun, mostly locals. Everyone brought their own food and beverages and the quintet on board was really good. People would come out from their homes to raise a glass and appreciate the music. As someone said, it was like spreading joy. A family from Oslo was in front of us and they brought their Golden Retriever who was so sweet. I looked down at one point and saw dog hair on my backpack - life as it should be.

And the opera house - which I thought of as the Stetson building:

More to follow.






Mar 29, 2005
Something green:

To offset these, which not surprisingly they don't call Danish!

And the cinnamon buns, served on Royal Copenhagen. Note the bite I've already taken before it occurs to me to take a picture!

But what we ate the most of was the bread and rolls. I fell off the gluten-free wagon hard and loved every bite of it. They use lower gluten flours which helped. The ones on the left were our favorite:

More of Denmark in the next couple of days, including some non-food photos.






Feb 27, 2007

Missy, ugh to your place being so hot. Bricks really hold in the heat. We liked the BMWs we test drove. We didn’t try one of their SUV. I really like the looks of the front of them. Marty had a big lead foot and slow traffic really irritates him. One of our Everhart images is called Rage Rover and it’s Snoopy drive a car looking all angry - I tell Marty that is him. We did look at Mercedes SUV and no offense if someone has one and loves it - we thought the inside looked cheap - like flimsy, plastic knobs. I loved the looks of it though. I think Bed, Bath and Beyond had those diamond sticks; I should go pick one up. Thank you. Yes, we can find the right balance for everything. NIRDI’s ROCK! I do like my haircut. I had her cut it chin length and I think it looks quite nice. I hope it cools off there. We are going to have highs in the 50’s here on Saturday? Oh no! Your iced coffee looks great even though I don’t drink coffee. LOL to that many messages. I finally put all of you on silent for text notices because all the dinging was way to obvious at work. Nice your parents stopped by to visit. Your mom’s ring is gorgeous.

Scandinavian, funny you should mention drama at work since I had some today. Children! Very pretty picture. We are headed to Garden City, SC for vacation. Marty’s family put in together and we rented a house on the beach there. Yes, I will try to faithfully post pictures. I would miss chatting with all of you ladies. My typos will be frequent on my iPad but I’ll try. That is pretty funny about the vacuum story.

CJ, I hate to hear you aren’t feeling quite right. I do know that googling symptoms can only make me feel worse and worry - to the point where I just know I’m probably going to die in the next 10 minutes. But seriously I listen to my gut; if my body is telling me something is wrong I would listen. Hope you are doing better.

Hi Sharon.

Rainwood, Denmark looks pretty and delicious.

Had a fight with one of my whiner employees today. She got all rude and defensive when I got after them to not talk while they are doing their morning verifications. She even said to me “it’s okay for you to talk to us about a Porsche but we can’t talk about our kids.” Holy cow! I said just stop; when we are working we all need to pay attention to what we are doing. A few more exchanges and she turned around and starting pouting. This afternoon she acted like nothing ever happened. I will sure miss that when I am on vacation. NOT.

I did a phone interview today and really liked the lady. She is coming in for an interview with me, my old boss and HR on Thursday. She sounds mature and just wants to work. That would be novel!

I left work at 4, got my glasses tweaked so they won’t fall off my face, got my hair cut, had a dish of Cold Stone ice cream, stopped at the store and picked up trial size stuff for our trip. I am working on laundry. Tomorrow I am switching out purses, getting my makeup bag ready and starting to pick out clothes. Progress!



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning :wavey:

I'm back at work today - yikes! Work is so overrated!! A few days ago, one of my best friends and I took our children to an amusement park. She asked me if I was going back to work or if I planned to keep the holiday going permanently :lol: Oh well. That might get boring to at some point I guess. When I ran out of shopping money, at least, LOL. So back for now! Looks like it is going to be a very busy fall, so I will have to be super efficient at work from now until Christmas because I have so many weekend plans that I would just hate to work weekends this fall. At least until the end of October. Nothing super exiting for normal people, just REALLY REALLY want to win a competition with my dog and that is going to take a lot of practice, lol.

Missy, I like your mother's taste in jewelry!! That ring looks sooooo nice!! I'm with you on surprise visits. They can turn out OK but I prefer a warning, lol. (Read: please let me clean my house first, lol)

Marcy, you do have the best employees! At least from my perspective, lol. They are worthy of a sit-come! I can't believe she talked to you like that though. Even here that would be considered very rude and disrespectful. Yippi for a potential new and nice one!

Rainwood, your pictures makes me hungry! I totally understand why you would fall off the gluten free wagon! Danish pastries are super delicious!! They know their food, the Danish :)

Everybody else - hello :wavey: I have missed you, nice to be back :D


Jan 23, 2016
Some days were cold too... and raining... :)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, I love your latest photos. And I would also gladly fall off the gluten free wagon while traveling when there are such goodies to be enjoyed. And even better that they are made with lower gluten flours. Everything looks scrumptious. :lickout:

Beautiful harbor and amazing colors. Love the jazz cruise and love what you said about spreading joy. Aww to the golden retriever that was with his family from Oslo and having dog hair on your backpack. Life as it should be. It warms the heart. Gorgeous opera house. I really enjoy their architecture and style.

Marcy, Oh no to your child(ish) employees. Wow to that woman who said what she did about your Porsche and her children. Just wow. You're almost done with them for a while at least so just another couple of days or so hang in there! Yes I have my phone on silent vibrate much of the time now as the dinging drives Greg batty and when I'm at work well it is distracting. Though at work the signal is very weak and I often don't get texts in a timely fashion there.

I am glad you love your new haircut. Chin length sounds like just the right length for summer- sassy and sophisticated. One day I might be brave enough to chop off much of my hair. My mom still keeps her hair long but keeps it back so it generally looks neat. She has never ever colored her hair. I don't really know many people well into their 70s who can say they never tried coloring their hair but my mom never has. She has lots of gray mixed with her dark hair and she is fine with it. Thank you for the compliment on her ring. It is a fireball in person.

Glad you are having a nice cool off this weekend to the 50s. It is going to be in the 90s here and high humidity again. I am still longing for some cooler weather. I would head your way but you are leaving Wyoming so I am outta luck. I cannot go to Arizona and visit Kristie because it is hot there too. Fortunately however we have a number of NIRDIs in cooler areas so maybe I should start packing my bags...

Scandi, yes a permanent holiday sounds very enticing about now. But you are right. When the shopping money runs out it might be not as much fun. :lol: I hope your sweet dog does well in the October competition. And I hope that your busy work schedule in the fall doesn't affect any of your weekend plans. Yes I could have used some advance notice but fortunately our home looked nice and clean but it was me who was the wreck having just worked out and chatting happily away on the phone before I took a shower oblivious to everything and when my doorbell rang imagine my surprise. :lol: And then after my parents left and I took a shower the doorman buzzed and sent up the pharmacy delivery guy and I was in a towel. LOL yesterday was not the best day for me answering the door. :lol:

CJ, how are you feeling today? Are you going to see your doctor? Hope you are feeling lots better. (((HUGS))).

Callie, sending more internet dust your way and hope things are working more consistently now. I think all of the NIRDIs end up being the same height since the more petite girls wear heels and the less petite ones don't. 8-)

Junie, how is your mom doing? I hope she slept better last night and had a bit more to eat and drink. (((HUGS))).

Hey there Jimmianne, I hope you are enjoying a lovely visit from your DD and that Pom is doing well.

It's my first day back to work in a while and I am not going to lie. Not really excited about it. Scandi, I'm with you. Work can be so overrated. :lol:
Have a good Wednesday girls. :wavey:

LOL I just went to check my iPhone to see if it was charged before I take it to work and I see I have a few more messages from overnight. Well at least it is not as many as the night before. 8)



Mar 29, 2005
Scandi, love the photo of your sweet pup. It looks like he just got off the bike for a quick rest and peek at the view!


Jul 1, 2014
CJ, I want you to have cookies so when I was at Whole Foods this morning I picked some up! My favorites, Tates!! :appl: No, no need to thank me, its just the kind of friend I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Jul 1, 2014
Rainy, great pics. That looks like it was a fabulous trip, just my kind of trip! Was it a group tour, like a Trafalgar or a Globus? I have gone on two of those and loved them. Keep posting your pics, Rainy, much appreciated. :appl: :love: :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Scandinavian|1471372046|4066640 said:
azstonie|1471280197|4066265 said:

CJ, please be informed that it is 'wrong' to use the words "jiggly" and "thighs" in the same sentence!!!!

Kristie, I love you !! :lol:

Love ya too, Scandi, hahaha!!! So glad you're a NIRDI now! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Great pic of the swing and the pond, very pretty and serene. I love every single pic you post of your amazing dog. Have you shared her name yet? I don't know it!


Aug 8, 2005
I am sorry all. I am really down right now. Beyond jewelry advice I am completely empty. Maybe after infusion helps with pain I will be better. Take care all.


Jun 8, 2008
Gyspy, honey, big (((HUGS))) from me. Good luck with your infusion and I hope you start feeling much better very soon. Being in pain makes everything worse and of course you are feeling down. :(
Please if there is anything at all I can do please don't hesitate to contact me offline.
I would be so happy to be able to help you in any way I can.
Big hugs and much love and lots of healing vibes being sent your way.


Jun 7, 2014
Oh gosh Gypsy, I am so so sorry. Is there anything you can take for the pain before your infusion? I completely understand if you don't want to post anything else today but please know I'm thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon honey.


Aug 8, 2005
Thank you both so much. I took 800 motrin earlier. I think Henry's death in other thread broke me for some reason. That picture of him so alive was just too much. Strange but true. I saw it yesterday and just broke. Straw, camel's back kind of thing. I am just ... I feel like I am treading water, badly, today. Just trying to keep my head out of the sea.

It will get better. But right now just feel heavy and sad and angry and down. Really down. And lost and helpless.


Jun 17, 2009
Gypsy, I am so sorry to hear you're feeling so badly right now, being in pain is really draining and makes everything so much worse...sending tons of good thoughts and comfort to you - You don't need to respond, but I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better soon. (((Hugs)))


Jul 1, 2014
Gypsy, take care. Love and peace to you.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandinavian, I am glad you are back at work. It’s hard going back after being off for a while. I know come early September I will be dreading going back to the salt mine. Good luck getting all your projects done so you have free weekends this fall. I don’t know if my employees would be a sitcom but reality TV for sure. Employeezilla? Great picture of your pensive furbaby! Looks to me like she’s thinking anyway.

Missy, that day I was buying my EC diamond all sorts of people were looking at me with my phone going ding, ding, ding. It was fun though. I bet your mom’s diamond is a fireball. How many carats is it? I really hope some of my employees pull some crap on my boss when I am gone. They won’t know what hit them. My boss is not patient at all. That is great your mom doesn’t die her hair. I like gray and dark hair together. It looks nice. You did have a busy afternoon yesterday. You are popular with all of those text.

Kristie, those cookies do look delicious.

Gypsy, hugs to you. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

Hi Junebug and Calliecake!

Quick fly by here. It’s 10:15 and I just got done packing my makeup bag (mostly packed anyway) and moving and emptying out my purse.

Marty’s co-worker in town took us to Olive Garden for supper so we were there over 2 hours then Marty stopped at the store to get some food.

I’ll have to do laundry and pack tomorrow night. We are taking that guy out to dinner so I suggested me meet there at 5:30 so hopefully I’ll get home by 8 tomorrow night. I should have packed last weekend.

Take care.


Jan 23, 2016
Gooooood moooorniiiiiiiinggggg :wavey:

Hello and good morning! I'm in a really good mood today, but I'm not sure why. At work and with a lot to do today, have to finalize two projects before I go home tonight. Oh well. Sun is shining and I'm planning on a wee bit of shopping in between all the work, lol. The children need - no. not need. would be happy to get - some new clothes, so I thought I would check out the sales today. I never find anything on sale, but it is a good intention. But the new stuff always looks better, don't you think? As I always tell my DH - I was shopping on the sale, just not the sale stuff..

Missy, that amount of messages is just crazy :lol: I don't think I have ever had anything like that! And I could not help noticing - you do have quite a lot of unread emails too don't you? :shock: :lol: :halo: :lol: Sorry, had to tease you about that one. How was work yesterday? Salt mine, coal mine or gold mine? I always hope for the latter, but... not all days :lol: I like your mother's hair. Looks nice to me. I think it is not so good if you start colouring and then if you don't see the hairdresser like every two weeks you get that nice gray / brown line... I hope I can still pull off long hair when I'm old. I would hate to cut mine. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it..
And re cooler areas: Mountain cabin has 2C (35F?) right now, so you can borrow that! Brrrrr....

Gypsy, I hope today will be better than yesterday. Try not to worry too much. I think everybody has days that are better and worse than the rest of the days. Just allow yourself to be a bit down without feeling guilty about it, curl up with your gorgeous kitties and a nice cup of coffee (or tea?) and read a good book or something? Many hugs and get better wishes sent your way!

Rainwood, you are too sweet. My little furbaby is cute, isn't she :love: She sure thinks so herself, lol. Our local vet calls her "the queen" because she always looks so above it all when I bring her in for a check-up.

Kristie, don't show us cookies.. I'm back from vacation and had to try on three different dresses this morning before I could find one that allows me to breathe... Thank you for liking my dog pictures :) She is the love of my life and she is very much aware of it, lol.

Marcy, are you leaving Saturday? Oh it does sound nice to go on vacation now !! We are going to the summer house this weekend to try to get one more taste of sun and summer before it is too late - and I checked the weather report and it is going to rain. So much fun. Even better because we have invited guests. Oh joy. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: Dinner at the Olive Garden sounds nice :) Good luck with the packing. I always bring too much stuff.. :halo: :devil: :halo:

Everyone, have fun today! That is important sometimes! :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Pictures - green water from the glaciers :)





Dec 31, 2006
kristie I'm going to kick your butt when I meet you. The *only* positive thing out of this whatever I have going on with my stomach is not craving cookies. So don't try to tempt me. :angryfire:

Seriously - how sad is it that all in the back of my mind I'm like "great - I'll lose the little weight I had gained now."

so for payback, here you go

jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs jiggly thighs


marcy you're right about looking up symptoms. At the same time, it's good because at least for me it helps me to pay attention. My body is definitely trying to tell me something. Amazing how we take so many things for granted like our stomach just doing its thing that we don't even think about it. But man when it's "off" it ruins your whole existence.

I'm excited for you for Saturday :appl: almost here.

missy I scheduled a physical. But that won't be until the end of September so I'm thinking I'll go to the urgent care so I don't have to wait for an appointment. I'll look to go some time next week - I'll drive by and see when there isn't too long a wait.

In the meantime, yes, I have upped my water intake back to normal levels and are taking it a little easier with the tea and coffee.

Fred is so so cute. Give him an extra hug today for me. If I had him in front of me I'd annoy him by kissing his eyelids. ::)

scandi missed your pictures! (and you of course!) And you're right about hunger. I don't allow myself to go hungry either - and I do eat pretty well / healthy. But this is's a feeling of fullness that doesn't go away. I can't explain it. But yes, I have stopped googling now and just need to get to the doctor. I did read that it could be low stomach acid.

gypsy (((hugs))) we're here if/when you want to come and share. If not, that is OK too. There are no minimums or maximums here. ::) sending a kiss to Duncan, too.

rainwood, callie, canukgal, june, everyone, hi!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, don't worry I know you will be able to finish packing in the time you have left and in the meantime savor the anticipation of vacation. I find that anticipation so very sweet. Thanks for the compliments on my mom's ring. It is 3.5 carats. I think you might remember the backstory. My dad had no money to buy an engagement ring when they first got married in 1963 as he was in the Navy and just starting out. Fast forward a year or so later and he insisted on buying her this ring as soon as he was able to afford it and this is the same ring all these years later. Upgrade or changing it wasn't even a thought LOL. But honestly he did a great job and I would be happy with that ring too if I wanted an MRB. It is an F color and I am not sure if it is VVS or VS clarity but in person it is icy bright and a fireball. And her setting is classic. Never changed it except to put something on it once her RA got bad and her fingers got swollen and it allows her to adjust the size. It's pretty cool. That's how I was able to get it on my finger. It adjusts from like a 3 to a 7.

Glad you are enjoying a few dinners out before the trip. More relaxing than cooking and leaves you more energy to plan.

Scandi, OMG yesterday was awful. The AC was broken on the clinician's side of the clinic (of course perfectly working on the administration side) and had been broken since Monday. But no one called me to warn me and it went to 88 degrees (with fans blowing) in my office. They cannot get anyone in till Monday to fix it so I told them I wasn't coming in today. I stayed at work most of the day yesterday because when I got to work I already had 5 or 6 patients waiting for me who came very early. I didn't want to leave them hanging and just go home despite the heat. So I had the office manager set my log in on the computer at her desk (AC side) so I could enter patient data there where it was cool but I had to examine my patients in my exam room where it was boiling hot. Felt like a sauna. Terrible. But I saw everyone who was there in the morning. I am taking the day off today however and they are rescheduling all my patients from today and yesterday afternoon who I had them cancel when I realized how hot it was in the office.

How is your dad doing? Please update us.

Love your latest cool pics. Ahhh I feel the cool temps coming from them. Much appreciated right now let me tell you. :bigsmile:

CJ, glad you have an appointment set up. I am sure that takes some of the weight of the worry off knowing you are going to have yourself checked out. Glad you are upping your water intake. I need to do the same. I am hugging Fed as we speak from you to him. He is purring thank you to you. I am taking a few pics of Francesca right now. She is so comfy in bed. I slept late because I couldn't fall asleep last night till after 1AM. Greg had a work issue he was dealing with most of the evening last night after dinner and it went on until midnight and by the time he came to bed I was wound up and awake. Of course he fell asleep promptly leaving me to watch hours of Grey's Anatomy repeats. LOL. But at least I got to sleep till almost 8AM this morning woohoo! There is something to be said for not working yanno? Hope you are feeling better and sending more hugs your way CJ.

Junie, hey there honey. Hope today is a good day for you and your mom.

Kristie, how is Bob feeling this morning? I hope he didn't get on your nerves too badly yesterday and I hope he is feeling all better and ready to go to work today.

Thinking of you Gypsy and hoping you are having your infusion very soon and will get much needed relief and I hope Duncan is doing much better. I hear you on the Henry thread and it made me feel sick to my stomach over his death at such a young age. That precious face is engraved in my mind. A terrible loss.

OK Francesca pic overload from just a few minutes ago. I couldn't resist. Looking at my fur babies makes me happy and peaceful and who can't use more of those feelings right?






Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone -

Missy, so fun that you are looking at cars! I have a 2009 Lexus rx350 and I love it. It has a lot of miles on it from all the driving I've done, poor thing. I occasionally get to drive a new one as a loaner car, and the newer models are more luxurious than mine. We also have a 1999 rx 300 lol - my son drives it and it still rides well. My car does have better pick-up though hehe. My sister has a BMW SUV and it's beautiful but I've never driven it. I'm not a big fan of sunroofs, I never open mine but I do like the extra light it provides. I thought sunroofs were so cool when they first came out back in the day ha.

Your mother's ring is gorgeous! I think it makes her an unofficial member of PS, she's a fellow bling lover after all. :cheeky:

Just a quick update - my mother is about the same, although I think her mood is just a tad better during her alert periods? Appetite still very poor and she's very weak and exhausted all the time. I'm honestly just taking it one day at a time, and doing better at not being so stressed.

Gypsy, thinking of you, hang in and ride out this period the best you can, and I'm hoping you start feeling better soon. I love your pics from the beach and I'm glad you took a break, I think everyone should occasionally. It's a good way to recharge imo. Thinking of your kitties too and hoping they're doing ok. (((hugs))) Love the pic of them snuggling.

Rainwood, I'm loving the pics from your trip, thank you so much for taking the time to post them, I feel like I'm sight-seeing right along with you. Love the pic of the harbor and opera house, and of course the yummy food. The jazz cruise sounds like it was a lot of fun, what a great experience. Thanks for your support, I feel more at peace with what's going on with my mother, I can offer her food and liquids but ultimately it's her decision.

Callie, I am so happy your brother is doing great, that is wonderful to hear. Unfortunately my mother will only eat a few things that I bring from home, so if I don't go she doesn't eat. Luckily my sister is here now and we can trade off on the visits, so that will help a lot. Thank you so much for thinking of me Callie, it means a lot to me. How is your summer going? How are your flowers doing? You must have the most beautiful yard.

Scandi, I'm so glad you had a great holiday and welcome back! I laughed at your vacuum story, so funny that the woman took you seriously! I am wishing your furbaby the best in the upcoming competitions and I hope you can get lots of practice in. Love the pic of her and the bike, she is such a beautiful dog. Your swing pic is beautiful and the glacier water is amazing! Thanks for your kind words, I am doing better with dealing with my mother's situation - I am trying my best but am not as stressed out as I was, it doesn't help and only hurts me.

Marcy, good luck with the rest of your packing, you'll get it done! So glad you're getting a decent break from work. I can't believe what that woman said to you - very rude and disrespectful. Ugh, dealing with people is just really hard sometimes. I remember the day you bought your EC, that was such an exciting day and so much fun!

CJ, I hope you're feeling better by now - if not, yes, I would definitely go the doctor - I'm thinking of you and hope you're doing ok.

Sharon, hi there and I hope you're having a good summer - also hope your mom is doing well with her recovery.

Jimmianne, hope things are going well for you.

I probably missed some things but I'll sign off for now, am going to force myself to exercise, it is a major effort these days and I really, really don't want to do it but I do realize it's good for me. Ugh.

Take care everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Junie, so glad your mom's mood is a bit better and even more relieved you are feeling better about it all. I hope she starts eating more and gains some strength and can sleep a little bit more. ((((HUGS)))).

Haha yes my mom is an unofficial PS member. She enjoys bling. I told her I posted her ring on my online jewelry forum. She rolled her eyes. She thinks I am crazy to post online. :lol: But she doesn't even have or want internet or know how to use a computer. She can barely answer her iPhone LOL.

How funny we both have a 1999 RX 300 Lexus. Yes we love ours but you are right. The pick-up sucks. That is one of the main reasons Greg just wants to get a more recent model. And I love those air conditioned seats. The day we test drove the Lexus was the day the heat index was 108 and the seats were nice and cool!

Hope you had a good workout today and are enjoying the afternoon. Hope all the NIRDIs are having a good afternoon. :wavey:
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