
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
ennui|1440804587|3920529 said:
marcy|1440726179|3920151 said:

I couldn't get the quizzes to work. It said "click here to begin timed quiz" and it dumps me back to their home page. ;( Do I need to register or something?

Ennui, it worked for me without registering. Darn. Maybe try another browser. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

I just got done rounding up "stuff" and it's almost 10 so I'll respond to all of you tomorrow.

Marty was distracted by "shiny" today and drove a F150 so guess what we are probably buying tomorrow? We went for a quick ride tonight before we Ford closed; I have to admit it is a lot nicer than the trucklet (a Honda Ridgeline). They have 0% financing for 72 months; you can't beat that deal.

I was rounding up pay stubs, pay off on the trucklet info and other general info. I had to log in to work 3 times to get a copy of my recent pay stub. Then our mortgage company has a new website and I had to go through and create a new account. They had one section where you HAD to agree to receive text or phone calls from their approved vendors to see if I am interested in their products or services. Really? I couldn't go forward unless I agreed to that. I can block those numbers like the other solicitations I get. Ha! I should go look around and see if I can turn that option off now.

Jimmianne, do you love your bracelet? I am anxious to see pictures.

Kristie, I am crossing my fingers and toes for a check coming Bob's way on the 15th.

I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow.



Jun 8, 2008
Happy last weekend of August! Wow the summer months are flying by. Loving the long days and warmer temps (well not 90's but the last few days have been perfect) and wanting to hold onto these perfect summer days for just a bit longer. :halo:

marcy|1440820205|3920626 said:
ennui|1440804587|3920529 said:
marcy|1440726179|3920151 said:

I couldn't get the quizzes to work. It said "click here to begin timed quiz" and it dumps me back to their home page. ;( Do I need to register or something?

Ennui, it worked for me without registering. Darn. Maybe try another browser. :wavey:

Worked for me. Marcy, thank you, I loved these quizzes. I have not gotten around to taking them all but I scored 100% on the gemstone quiz. LOL I cannot think of any PSer who would not get 100% on that one. Easy peasy!

Hoping your work situation sorts itself out and you end up with a completely competent and well tempered staff! You deserve it!

Kristie, Good luck on the 15th!!! You know all your NIRDI sisters are holding their breath and crossing their fingers and toes that this works out for you and Bob! If it does I see big bling in your future. Double OEC bypass ring here we (haha I mean you) come!!! Sending bucket loads of good luck ***DUST*** your way sweetie!

Jimmianne, you know what I am thinking (sorry if I was too vocal in my thought and feelings but you know I cannot hold back how I really feel) and I am glad it looks like it is going to work out but I do not appreciate the initial trying to get one over on you or just no clue what they were doing. IDK it left a bad taste in my mouth but glad it has been cleared up and fingers crossed for you too that you end up with a gorgeous piece of bling to love and enjoy. Remember only if you love it should you keep it. Don't feel obligated or anything OK? Fingers and toes crossed for this purchase to work out.

Callie, haha yes the last pic is Fred the one who you heard crying the whole way home last Monday. Seriously he cries the whole trip every time and now has started crying on the way to the beach too. It is hard to block the meowing out that is for sure. If you close your eyes he sounds just like a baby crying waaah waaah waaah. I am surprised you were able to hear me over his crying LOL. Sounds like we torture him but I swear he is a much pampered and loved cat. I promise!

As for your niece you know we all think you are the best aunt ever and your nieces are incredibly lucky to have you. As are your SILs and brothers. I sure hope they realize it!

LLJSmom, haha I didn't even realize this word existed till the other day. Hangry is the perfect word for me. If I don't get to eat every few hours watch out my hangry mood comes out LOL. :devil: Darn why does this ***autocorrect keep trying to change my hangry word to hungry. Doesn't it know it is now a real word?! ;))

Hey there Junie and Orsi. :wavey:

Have a great Saturday all!

Adding 2 pics of sweet Frankie attacking my water shoes. OMG she went wild. LOL I wish I could have gotten an action pic for you guys. :bigsmile:




Dec 9, 2013
Thanks Missy. Strong words were exactly what was needed!

I took some photos this morning that I thought might be interesting.
In no particular order...Tiffany, WF and JA. Can you tell which is which?

Dear NIRDIs, thank you for your interest in my new bracelet! I am deciding if I will keep it. Today after bunny-sitting [last day! whoo-hoo!] I will go the the Maul to try on bracelets with larger diamonds. The WF bracelet is very sparkly,almost magical in sunlight, but huge on my wrist and also I may need a line of diamonds wider than my wrist wrinkles LOL
Isn't there a rule that says the older, I mean WISER you are the bigger the diamonds?



Dec 9, 2013
So - the three diamonds. The WF quality is distinctive [bottom], the Tiffany-beautiful little diamonds in person, but a less distinctive cut under magnification, and the JA at the top - that was a surprise to me. I ordered these tiny in-stock dangles a couple of years ago and was delighted with the cut.

oh goddess I am so into diamonds again. help!
off to Bunny-sit... :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya everyone! Yikes, I've fallen behind!

Missy, hope you're having a wonderful time at the beach! I know, it's crazy how fast the summer has flown by, I just can't believe it. I wish summer would stick around a little longer. We're going to the beach this Thursday and I am so excited! I think the new dining room set is being delivered while we're there. I'm pretty stoked to see it and will post pics.

LOVE the pics of Bobby and Fred. I am in love with Bobby's little pink nose. :love: And the kitties attacking your shoe, so cute!

Jimmianne, your french lessons sound like fun, and it's great that you have found something you are so passionate about. That is a good feeling and adds a lot to life. I LOVE the bracelet you bought, substantial and very elegant and graceful. And congrats on the pendant! How awesome that something showed up on pre-loved that you've been admiring for a while. I love when that happens :dance:

Ah, it's sounding like you're not totally sure about the WF bracelet - sometimes you just don't know until you see in person. Let us know what you think after you check out some other bracelets.

And your diamond pics are great! I'll be honest and admit that I picked the WF diamond but reversed the other two - you own some lovely stones. :love:

Kristie, congrats on the new dishwasher! We bought a Bosch recently too and I really like it. And after I post this I'm off to check out H moradi and I know I'll see stuff I love and can't buy right now ;(

SO happy to hear Finn had a good vet visit and is doing so well! Woo-hoo!

And of course you have all the dust and support I can send re the board meeting in September, I am hoping very hard that this all ends for you and Bob very soon.

Marcy, I'm so excited for you to receive your ring! I love channel set bands. Eh, don't worry about the payments, I do stuff like that all the time ha! How exciting that you guys might be getting a new truck, that's always fun. And here's hoping your employee situation is settled soon and that you can find a reliable and competent replacement soon. That would be a nice change of pace, wouldn't it? :cheeky: Thanks for the quiz link, I haven't checked it out yet but I will as I sit here procrastinating hehe.

Calliecake, sounds like you're feeling a bit better about your niece and I'm glad for that! It's great that you had a good influence on your niece and she's being a little nicer to her mother now. I am glad you shared your feelings with us - you are always so kind and compassionate to me, and I am glad for the opportunity of offering you some support since you are so great to me, and I know all the NIRDI's feel the same way.

Yep, heading to the beach next Thursday and I'm so looking forward to it!

Ovi, thinking of you and still dreaming of an eternity lol! Of course I'm dreaming of a few other things too ;( I'm hopeless.

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am glad to hear I am in good company with you and all the NIRDI ladies who can laugh with me at silly things. I thought what is the worst that can happen overpaying Whiteflash? I get store credit. Woo hoo! A license to shop. Hangry is a great word. Marty gets that way. Bobby and Fred are cuties. I chucked at Bobby relaxing; that is awesome. Have fun at the beach house this weekend. I can’t believe it is the end of August already.

Callie, getting 16 years out of a dishwasher is pretty amazing to me. You definitely got your money’s worth out of it. I am with you on preferring that our husbands travel in the states. I guess it is more of a comfort zone. How nice to hear from your niece’s mom such a positive outcome from your talk with her. That was nice of her mom to call you and tell you.

Kristie, it sounds like you got a better deal out of your builder grade dishwasher. I am sending mega dust your way to get this deal with your BIL and SIL done SOON. LOL at them falling off their bar stool.

Jimmianne, great arrows shots. I can certainly see a difference in them. I am anxious to hear what you decide on your bracelet. I am sure it sparkles a lot. Have fun bunny sitting.

Junebug, sometimes I can fall behind in one day. It’s fun to keep up with everyone though. I guessed the same thing on picking the diamonds. I was kind of surprised the Tiffany one didn’t have distinct arrows. Have fun at the beach. When do you get your table set?

Well it took most of the day but Marty has a new truck. It ended up being $134 more a month on payment but the insurance is $8 a month cheaper so that’s $126 more. Not bad. He is all happy and out taking it for a spin right now.

We went and had breakfast first and then headed to the Ford dealer. My company gets a family and friends discount so they gave us a pretty good deal even though Marty wanted a better deal. He decided since they wouldn’t budge on price he wanted them to see if they could find him a red truck. They offered another $500 off and we took it. 0% financing for 72 months – how can you beat it?

It was kind of a sad time for me too. My dad was a total Ford fan and pretty much everything he ever owned was a Ford. He was really good buddies with a few of the salesmen at Ford so I told them who I was and this guy who is now the sales manager and makes the “offers” actually had tears welling up in his eyes talking about my parents. Which of course made me start to almost cry. My mom had made his first baby a blanket and he told me she still uses that blanket to this day. Before we left he brought me his business card – laminated and said if I ever need anything at all even help with my Audi to call him at home or on his cell. I thought that was very nice of him. While we were driving around Marty took me to the cemetery so we could “show” my dad the new Ford truck. Tomorrow will be 2 years since my mom passed away so I wanted to go out there this weekend anyway. Yes I am sad this weekend but right now doing okay.

Thank you ladies for wishing me well at work. I hope things calm down pretty soon.

Now I have to go pick my fantasy football team. We are meeting the “team” at 6 pm to pick our teams.




Jun 17, 2009
Marcy, that new truck is awesome! :appl: Marty must be a very happy man right about now!

It is very touching that the salesman became emotional talking about your parents, they were obviously very special people that brought joy into other peoples' lives - I'm sorry it upset you though, and I hope the fact that other people remember your parents fondly and miss them brought you a little comfort too. Hugs to you my friend, I will be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow and hoping the day is not too painful for you.


Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you are feeling sad today. You were so lucky to have such wonderful parents. They made so many lastIng impressions on people and in such a positive loving way. I know your dad is smiling about Marty's purchase. I hope the next few days are easier for you. I hope you know that we are all here for you. Hugs


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, isn't funny how where you least expect it, you are reminded of how awesome your parents were, and still are in your heart. Big hugs to you. I bet your Dad loves Marty's new truck. It is pretty sweet.


Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, Callie and LLJsmom thank you so much for your support and kind words. My parents had so many good friends and it’s nice to see how much people truly liked and remember them. I am blessed to have had them as parents. That guy who gave me his card told quite a few people around Ford who I was and several of them came up to me and shook my hand saying my dad was a really great guy. I am sure my dad is smiling somewhere that Marty has a new Ford.


Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, Thank you for your kind words regarding my niece. It seems her 1 year old daughter may be my jewelry girl. She wants to walk around with my ring on her little finger and didn't really understand why I wouldn't let her walk around the room with the diamond. She took my braclets and seemed to love those just as much. I can't wait to see the pictures of your new dining room set. A long weekend at the beach sounds perfect!

Missy, I didn't for one minute thinking you were torture sweet Fred. I wonder why he hates the car ride so much? The picture with Francesca and the shoes is adorable. She is definitely a female. You better hide your boots!

Kristie, You know I have been sending you truckloads of dust for the sale of the property. How I wish we could be a fly on the wall at that board meeting. Your bar stool comment had me LOL!

Jimmianne, I love all your diamonds! You know there should me many many gorgeous pieces at the Miami show. I have been meaning to ask you if your daughter loves diamonds? I know your mom had an eye for beautiful jewelry. My mom doesn't understand my love of jewelry at all.

LLJsmom, What at have you been up to this weekend?


Dec 9, 2013
Truck Envy!!! Congrats!

glad to get a little info on the Honda truck. I've always thought it would be the perfect solution for light hauling, but I guess not. Your new truck is a beauty! :appl:


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, your great niece sounds like a candidate for PS in 20 years. I liked jewelry as a kid.

Jimmianne, the Ridgeline isn't that bad of a pickup. It's not high end or low end on quality. Marty has a lead foot so he wanted something with a little more power. I wouldn't rule them out if you were looking.


Oct 24, 2012
So far, doing a little work, hanging with my DH, RAN 15 miles today! Glad I could finish but it was truly hard. I remember when I could run 15 w/o much trouble, but I really struggled today. But have been mellow all day. Saw aloha, and some kind of beautiful. Both relatively good. Aloha is reminiscent of Jerry McGuire. Had a pedicure with my daughter. It was fun! Hugs girls. Gonna pass out now.


Dec 9, 2013
LLJsmom, you are amazing. 15 miles?! I can't imagine. You have my deep respect, kid!

Two new things:
My DD is back from Montreal, [but I haven't talked to her yet].

I had a lovely young couple living in my studio for 18 months until they moved to Tenn. to attend grad school two years ago.
They have just graduated and want to have a conference call with me this evening about living here again.
I love these kids and want them back here on the farm. I could see where their coming back here could coincide with me living in France several months out of the year and also taking care of the farm as I get older. Because of that I would be willing to deed them a little corner of the farm to build a house. She is an art therapist and wants to start an art therapy retreat. Very motivated, hardworking & responsible young people. Also they are beautiful and a joy to have around : )

The tennis bracelet is very pretty, but I think I want larger diamonds. However, I don't want to spend any more money!
That's a tough one. :lol:


Dec 9, 2013
June, thanks. Those diamonds in the photos are tiny! The JA is 0.12ct : )
My whole collection would fit in a mouse's vest pocket, but I love each & every one : )
I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1440930404|3921099 said:
LLJsmom, you are amazing. 15 miles?! I can't imagine. You have my deep respect, kid!

Two new things:
My DD is back from Montreal, [but I haven't talked to her yet].

I had a lovely young couple living in my studio for 18 months until they moved to Tenn. to attend grad school two years ago.
They have just graduated and want to have a conference call with me this evening about living here again.
I love these kids and want them back here on the farm. I could see where their coming back here could coincide with me living in France several months out of the year and also taking care of the farm as I get older. Because of that I would be willing to deed them a little corner of the farm to build a house. She is an art therapist and wants to start an art therapy retreat. Very motivated, hardworking & responsible young people. Also they are beautiful and a joy to have around : )

The tennis bracelet is very pretty, but I think I want larger diamonds. However, I don't want to spend any more money!
That's a tough one. :lol:

Jimmianne, I hope it works out where the couple comes back to live on the farm. Talk about a perfect solution! I can't wait to hear all about your daughters trip. I can understand you wanting larger diamonds but that thin row of diamonds is also a beautiful dainty look. I wish diamond shrinkage only applied to rings.


Jun 17, 2009
Jimmianne, I hope things work out with this couple! That would be such a good solution, I will keep my fingers crossed everything falls into place on this.

I hear ya on wanting bigger diamonds but not a bigger price tag, it's a conundrum isn't it? ;(

LLJsmom, wow, 15 miles, that is something! Glad you had a good day, and it's nice you spent some quality time with your daughter. I wish I had done a little more of that with my daughter when she was younger, I think it helps with bonding and feeling closer to each other.

Marcy, I'm thinking of you today, hope you're doing ok. (((hugs))))


Dec 9, 2013
Thank you, June. They are like angels. By coincidence, they moved onto the farm the week my Mom died and helped greatly in keeping things together - so serendipitous! and here they are again, just as my daughter is leaving the country. It is mysterious! and I am most appreciative to whomever is responsible for the coordination.

Here is that bigger than a bread-box-bracelet wrist shot : )

Off to a BD party at a place called "Unwined". Wine seems to be a prominent theme these days lol

I hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls!

Marcy, I am thinking of you and sorry you are/were feeling sad missing your wonderful parents. So many people loved them. You were indeed fortunate to have them as your parents and they were lucky to have such a terrific daughter! Sending you lots of good thoughts and big hugs.

Nice new pretty truck for Marty and I am glad you scored a good deal too. Safe driving! Now it's your turn for a new car right? I am sure we can help you pick a pretty convertible. :cheeky:

Jimmianne, How wonderful that your previous renters might return and serendipitous timing indeed. :appl:

I love that bracelet you just posted. That makes a statement and looks amazing on your wrist. :love: I hope you are enjoying your BD party at Unwined. Haha love the name.

LLJsmom, WOW, I am in awe. Running 15 miles is incredible and just a few months ago (not even maybe) you were dealing with tendonitis. You go girl! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Junie, woohoo only a few more days till your beach vacation and I cannot wait for you to get your new dining set. Very exciting! Is the whole family going? How is your mom doing these days? Thinking of you all.

Hey Callie, how is the rest of your weekend going. And why does Sunday get here so darn fast? I am sending you lots of good vibes and thoughts that everything will work out tomorrow. Hang in there and call me if you need me to talk some sense into anybody OK? (((Hugs))).

Kristie, I am dreaming of jewelry as I sleep. Must stay away from bling searches at night LOL. Hope you are enjoying a good Sunday and that Finn and Maggie are getting some pool time in with their mommy and daddy and that everyone is staying cool. :sun:

Haha I had to post this pic of Tommy that I just took. He is such a sweet baby. I hope you girls don't mind all the kitty pics I post here. I cannot help it. Thank goodness I don't have human kids or else their faces would be plastered all over PS LOL.



Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I watched Aloha too; it was pretty good. I however didn’t run 15 miles; it’s not in my skill set. Wow, congratulations on that accomplishment.

Jimmianne, that couple sounds perfect to help you out and watch your place when you travel. I hope things work out the way you want. It’s strange how people come in to your life when you need them. I am glad they were there to help you out when your mom died. I am sure you are relieved your DD is home from her travels. I love the picture of you and your bracelet. Did you have fun at the BD party?

Junebug, I am doing okay today. Thank you for thinking of me today. I don’t mind pay more money for a bigger diamond but dang how much the price jumps between carat weights.

Missy, thank you for the kind words. I am doing okay today. Sunday does get here to darned fast. Dreaming of jewelry isn’t a bad thing (IMO). I love the picture of Tommy sunbathing (or sun napping). He’s a content cat.

I made pancakes, eggs and bacon for Marty before he took off to golf this morning. He left 45 minutes – like he wanted to drive around in his truck or something. I worked on household chores today and considered one of them baking a pan of brownies. That warm brownie was delicious.

Have a great Sunday!



Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, I am in complete awe of both you and Missy. The amont of exercise the two of you get in a weeks time is mind boggling! I think I would die if I ran a mile. How long does it take you to run 15 miles?

Marcy, I hope you are havjng a good day today. It's good to hear Marty is out enjoying his new toy today! Brownies sound so delicious right now!

Missy, We never get tired of seeing pictures of your babies! Tommy looks so much larger than Francesca.

Kristie, I hope you are having a great day today, I ran to the mall and bought a few things today and put a few items in hold to think about. I always go over board this time of the year when they start putting the cooler weather clothes out.

Junie, Are your son and daughter going to the beach house with you?


Oct 24, 2012
Thanks girls. 15 miles was an accomplishment but I paid for it. My ankle was really tight this morning but I guess I wasn't surprised. It took about 2:35 to finish. A girl I was running with did 19 as her marathon is 3 weeks before mine. I think 19 is unfathomable. But I can see how 15 sounds nutty too.

Missy, I love that picture of Tommy. I never get tired of your kitty pictures. His just says CONTENTMENT. I want to feel like that. I love that about cats. They have different moods and aren't afraid to show it. I really want a cat but DH is allergic. How annoying.

Jimmianne, I am so happy that you and this lovely young couple have crossed paths. I hope it does work out well for you all. It would make life much easier and more pleasant for all of you. That bracelet is very eye catching. Hope it feels great at to wear too. Luckily WF has a great return policy. Maybe you do feel like you need something bigger. I hope you will show us when you like it enough.

June, how long will you be on vacay? It's a great time. When all the kids are back to school, you don't need to deal with the summer hoardes everywhere. It's hard for me to spend time with my daughter too. She likes her alone time.


Oct 24, 2012
Sorry had to cut it short. Brb, but have to share this.



Oct 24, 2012
Callie, you wouldn't die, but maybe you would feel like it. :lol: I read an article about what runners think about during a run. And strangely enough, a lot of runners, long time runners or new runners, feel similar. "Why am I doing this? Why does it still hurt?" and my personal fave, "Why did I pay money to do this to myself?" during the first couple of miles on a race. OMG. But I think people that have run longer know the reason, even if they don't actually feel any better physically. It's the feeling of accomplishment. For me, I want my mind to make my body do something it doesn't want to do. Mind over matter. The mind is willing but the body is weak. But in actuality, the mind does control the body. I tell myself that I can finish. That my body is trained to do this, even if it doesn't FEEL like it. That I will feel fabulous, and accomplished and strong after I finish. There is no IF. There is only WHEN I see 15.0 miles on my watch. After I run, all my problems and challenges don't seem that bad. I see another solution, or alternative. Issues becomes clear.

Sorry, I don't usually go on about running, but just thought I would share. I know you guys would get it, the need to let something out.

I have been a total b!tch today to my DH. I have blamed everything on him, and have been pissed since 9am. It's crazy but true. I am not sure how to get out of it. I just finished dinner, and will brush and my teeth and stop eating. That will help. I don't even get it. I have had an off day, and it's all his fault. Ok, at least I cut my nails. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and maybe I am feeling yucky cause summer is officially over. Ok, I will put away Luke's organic cheddar lightning bolts, the king size bag from Costco. Right, brush teeth.

Btw Marcy, I love hearing about what you and Marty cook for each other. Am I weird?? For some strange reason, it gives me a feeling of peace, husband and wife caring about each other and making each other yummy food. I know. Weird.

Thanks for letting me be off today girls. Hugs to everyone.


Dec 9, 2013

I truly love hearing your thoughts about running. There is a strength of character that shines through and makes me proud to be a NIRDI.
I'm sorry you are now paying with that ankle. The friend who had the BD party yesterday is a runner and just finished some event in the NC mountains. From now on I will pay more attention to her running thanks to you. I'm a walk-run-walk "runner" and have never done more than two miles and understand now that for runners like you it's a core passion in life.

It is finally pouring raining here. The drought has been severe with everything in the landscape one color; brown. By this afternoon the grass will be green again and perhaps the trees won't be wilting anymore.

My DD is going back to France in October and staying through New Years. I've been invited to the family home for Christmas and her boyfriend told her he is going to ask me for her hand.
Meanwhile, I had a conference call with my young friends who want to move back to the farm. They want to buy land from me and start a perma-culture farm as a business. They will come in October to walk the land with me and decide the best place. Interesting that I am buying the 6.5 acres next to me, yes? [I have a contract, but the sellers are still working with their bank to negotiate something :confused: ].

I wore the WF bracelet yesterday. I like it, but I'm not over the moon. However, I think I would put it on and never take it they say, "a staple". What I really want is to fall in love with some glorious piece of bling. Maybe BOTH can be done. :devil:
I look to you all as total enablers.
Missy, you are so funny! yes, let's find Marcy a convertible, shall we?! What ever happened to "all you need is a cat" ? :lol: :lol:

I too get a warm fuzzy feeling reading about the "Marty & Marcy Domestic Life"...Marcy, you send us those brownies right now!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

LLJsmom, I am sorry yesterday was a bit of a down day. I totally get being pissed at those closest to us (for me my dh and sometimes my mom and sister) for a long while even whilst feeling guilty about feeling pissed. Usually how I get myself over that mood is I talk to the person I am really upset with hoping we can work it through. Those closest to us really can push those buttons and make us see red and sure sometimes you just have to let it blow over but sometimes (at least for me) I have to confront it head on and work it through no matter how unpleasant it might be at first.

IDK I hate letting feelings (and no matter what they are your feelings so they matter even if they don't seem 100% justifiable it doesn't matter, feelings are real and true and need to be addressed to move forward and past the hurt and anger IMO) hope today is a better one. (((HUGS))).

I also totally get what you mean when you talk about how you feel while running. Very often that is exactly how I feel biking. I love biking so don't get me wrong. I love the feeling of freedom as we cycle by the ocean and the beach and the greenery and the blue skies and the farms etc. I love the feeling of flying with the wind in my face and hair and the feel of speed. It is exhilarating.

However after mile 30 or so my body (female body part on the seat ouch) starts hurting no matter the padding I am wearing in my cycling shorts/capris/pants and OMG I am in pain. And then my back and my neck and my shoulders and my wrists and my hands- it all starts hurting. I have to keep adjusting myself (Greg has to too) to make it through the 40, 50, 60 and rarer these days unfortunately 70 mile bike rides.

And while we are cycling through these miles I always ask myself WTH am I putting myself through this pain for and the answer always is for the sense of accomplishment and reaching goals that are not easy to reach. It feels really good (well not always physically but mentally) and knowing you can push yourself to attain those goals well there is no feeling like it.

So I get you LLJsmom and while there is no way my body could run the way yours can (you are AWESOME!) I do what I can in my own way. I marvel at your accomplishments. Pushing through after dealing with and to some extent still dealing with your injury. Greg always tells me real athletes are always dealing with some sort of pain/injury etc. It means you push yourself to reach goals that are challenging. Let's hope we can long continue reaching those worthwhile challenging goals long into our old age! Woohoo!!! :appl:

Are your kids looking forward to starting school today? I always dreaded the end of summer and never looked forward to the start of school. Haha much like dreading the end of the weekends when I was working Mondays (who am I kidding I still have vestiges left over of dreading Sunday afternoon/evening even though I have not worked on Mondays in decades). I hope school today goes well for your kids and that they love their teachers and friends who are in their classes with them and that they are actually excited about the school year. Sending lots of good luck to them both!

I love that cat cartoon! Thank you for sharing it. So true. A purring kitty cuddling next to you creates such a sense of well being and peace. Almost nothing like it. Except sometimes when your dh is snuggling next to you sleeping peacefully. Sometimes our dhs are best when sleeping haha. JK! :cheeky:

Jimmianne, That's interesting how your young couple friend want to purchase some property from you. How do you feel about that? What is a perm culture farm exactly?

How exciting your dd will become engaged soon and how sweet her young man is to ask for your permission. He sounds like a gentleman with chivalrous ways and I like it. I hope you are over the moon about your dd marrying someone you love and respect and I wish them both the very best. Do you know when the wedding will be?

Yay for rain when you need it. Now we need to send some rain LLJsmom way for sure. I love right after it rains how everything smells so fresh and green.

Keep us posted re the WF bracelet. I hope you figure out the best thing to do for you. I hope you either become over the moon about it or decide to keep looking. My vote is if you are not crazy in love with it move on and find one you are crazy about. It's funny, I have many bracelets (and one lovely antique diamond bracelet that I have to find somewhere in my safe) but I cannot remember the last time I wore any of them. I always feel it is too much when I am already wearing my ER and WB(s) and earrings. I just cannot bring myself to wear a necklace and bracelet and watch on top of that so these days it is just my rings and earrings. I have too much bling to be a minimalist but there you go. I really am at heart a minimalist. Though I am also borderline hoarder at times. LOL go figure. I am an enigma wrapped up in a conundrum. :wink2:

Oh and yes I love convertibles. NIRDI convertible for transporting us around our NIRDI compound. Thoughts? Oh Kristie yoo-hoo. :halo:

Marcy, I'm with Jimmianne and LLJsmom. I LOVE hearing about your life with Marty. It also makes me feel happy and warm inside. And hand over those brownies girlfriend. Your NIRDIs need some chocolate goodness pretty please. However if you are taking specific requests I would love some peanut butter added to mine. LOL. :lickout: :bigsmile:

Tommy is a content cat but he had such a difficult beginning that he won't come around strangers at all and that includes my friend and family. Whenever anyone visits he does not show himself. And he is very skittish at times even around Greg and me. He had it tough his first few years and it still breaks my heart thinking what he went through but he knows how loved he is now and we pamper him as much as he lets us. As with many cats that is all on his own terms. We take what we can get. Little Francesca OTOH is a lap kitty. Thank goodness for one out of 4 at least. Because I am the type of person who *needs* a lap kitty if you kwim. I cannot get enough loving from them. Haha I am so needy. 8) Now if I can only convince Greg that 2 more kitties wouldn't be such a big deal or hardship traveling back and forth b/w homes...Men can be so unreasonable at times yanno? :naughty:

Callie, Tommy is about the same size as Francesca. Maybe a tad bigger but almost the same. The pic I posted yesterday was totally off perspective wise and it is hilarious the way his lower half seems so huge compared to his head and upper half. Greg and I were LOLing at that pic. I just had to post it. Let me see if I can find a better pic with the 2 of them for perspective about size. If you look at the beginning of this page I posted a pic with Tommy and Francesca and my water/beach shoes. That gives you a better idea of size. The only other pic I can find for now I am posting below. Sorry it is the best I can find right now.

Good luck today Callie!

Junie, only 3 more days till beach vacation! Woohoo!!!

Off to Brooklyn in a few hours. It's Monday again sigh. OK girls have a great morning and will check back later with you. :wavey:



Dec 9, 2013
Missy - it IS Monday again [[[sigh]]].
I know as a result of your devotion, your kitties think it's always a TGIF day, so maybe we can follow their lead.

I am finding that with the rainy grey weather has come an instant cloudy mood. I am returning the WF bracelet - if I'm spending 3.4k I want to feel as though it's a celebration - not "oh well, that works" haha
I have looked at or researched every darned bracelet locally & on the web.
I think if I spent a tad more [say, 12k] I could find something to jump up and shout about! KWIM?

Permaculture farming..."Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems."
For instance, my young friends want to grow mushrooms and raise ducks. [raise DUCKS Missy!] Some how those things feed on each other and thrive. A well-set up permaculture farm can last indefinitely once set up and no longer need the input of the farmer. At least that's the theory. NO mention in the theory of foxes that eat ducks, ducks that eat mushrooms, etc. ha.
Now off for some positive activity to lighten the day.


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, I love fall clothes – both because there are a lot of sweaters and I like the earthy colors.

LLJsmom, I hope your ankle felt better as the day went along. 15 miles is very impressive and I enjoyed hearing how wonderful (mentally) it makes you feel. That is what is important! I am sorry you are having a rough day. I hope things look better to you tomorrow. Thanks for listening to my boring tales of what we did or ate today.

Jimmianne, I am glad you had a nice rain. We’ve remained pretty green around here for August. The weeds are taller than me (which isn’t that impressive but still). Do you like your DD’s boyfriend? How exciting he is going to propose. The conference call with that young couple sounds like it went well. Thank you for explaining a perma culture farm, it sounds interesting. I am sorry you aren’t over the moon with your WF bracelet and are returning it; how fun you get to keep shopping though. I’d like a 4 or 5 carat bracelet but I’m like Missy – I rarely wear my bracelets or pendants anymore. Thank you for liking to hear about M&M’s boring domestic life. We often say we are boring and we like it that way.

Missy, you love biking as much as LLJsmom love running. I think that is so special you have something that brings your so much peace and joy. I am glad you don’t mind hearing me prattle on about our everyday life. PB in brownies sounds great. Have you had the ones with PB cups in them? They are quite tasty. I am glad you have at least one lap kitty; all of your kitties certainly have different personalities. Francesca and Tommy look great together. Cute kitties.

Poor Marty worked until midnight and got up at 3:45. He said he is really tired tonight. His new truck doesn’t know it’s way to the airport either.

I kind of drifted in and out of sleep but at least I slept more than Marty did.

Take care.
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