
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Oh my goodness Callie, I am so sorry about your friend! This might be the best thing that could have happened to her though because if your first heart attack doesn't kill you it could actually save you because it can get you the help you need to live a healthy life. Meds, lifestyle, diet changes whatever it takes. I hope your friend does very well here on out and that she recovers fully.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, loved the party pics, I feel like I got to attend :sun: :bigsmile: :wavey: Love your nieces summer dresses and funky bright shoes too! Your parents and your aunt and uncle, they look great, you have a good gene pool!! How tall is your dad? He looks like the typical tall stringbean, my grandfather was one of those. So glad it was one of those perfect days.

Missy, get out in the bay for a swim! Don't let this infuriating leg rash keep you from doing/being/enjoying what you have there. The cool water should be soothing, yes? It'll also chill out your frame of mind. Even if you just stay in the water for 10 minutes!!

You helped me out this summer by recommending the rash guards. I bought a couple from Land's End and I have not had one sunburn, I don't have poikederma for the first time in a long time thanks to your timely tip. Its also cut down the sun damage on my arms and back.

Callie, phooey on the thiefscaper! :angryfire: :twisted: Re your cleaner, can you keep her twice monthly or once monthly? Reason I ask is if you ever got sick or injured, you could increase her cleaning when you are out of the game. I was without a cleaner when I broke my leg and knee and having all that stress PLUS having Bob 'cleaning' the house? Urgh. Double urgh.

Marcy, glad you had Friday off. Sounds like it came along at a good time. Heard anything more from BGD re band/melee?

Junebug, hope you're enjoying the new beach place :appl:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, your family pictures are wonderful. Everyone looks very happy and of course your yard and the view are awesome. The kitties are so cute and thank you for the lovely sunrise photo. We visited Carmel on our vacation a few years ago. It’s very pretty there. We tried to eat at Clint Eastwood’s place but it wasn’t open for lunch. Wyoming’s weather is interesting and we experience all 4 seasons; often within a 24 hour period. One thing I like is you see the Sun more days than not. Stupid rash; I hate when you can’t figure out what causes something like that. That is nice of your niece to donate her hair to locks of love. My 2 nieces do that too. Love your bunny socks. Kristie bought me a pair that are so fun to wear.

Jimmianne, I hope you have a very nice time with your friend at breakfast.

Callie, what a jerk that landscaper turned out to be. I’d be mad about the grill too. That is too bad the people who own your old home aren’t taking care of it. Our old house looks the exact same from the outside. A single young guy bought it and it looks like he’s never home. Of course we always liked you couldn’t tell if we were there or not. A single young guy also bought my parent’s old house and he definitely doesn’t take care of the yard like my parents did. I don’t know why I drive by and look but I do. Baby showers are always fun. Sorry to hear Jeff’s golf game was rained out. Hopefully he can go play at that golf course again some time. Sorry to hear about your friend having a heart attack but I am glad it was a mild one.

Kristie, I love the name theifscaper. That is so perfect. I am glad to hear the rash guards are working so well for you. I did not hear back from BG on Friday. I will be anxious to hear if they have some signature blue melee. Oooh. The GIA strong fluorescent diamond we saw in Denver one time was very cool. It was so different it really stuck with me. We talked to my in-laws today. They said it was 106 when we called.

I slept until 8 today. Marty again was “starving” when I got out to the kitchen but we both worked on breakfast so it didn’t take too long. We had hash browns; toast, eggs, bacon and I made Marty sausage. This week is operation clean out the refrigerator and freezer so what’s in there needs to be consumed or thrown out.

I was coerced in to going to Lowes and Sears again looking at refrigerators. The frig we have upstairs is 4” too wide for the refrigerator space in the man cave. It was on sale and works awful. It freezes everything and the after market icemaker doesn’t work that great. The few we found that fits his 31” space were almost as pricey as the one we bought for upstairs. Marty finally decided he would change out one of his cupboards to a 30” width instead of 36” and then slide everything over. That way we can move our refrigerator downstairs rather than give it away. The side by side will be great for the man cave. He can freeze his martini and beer glasses without anyone knocking them around and he’ll have ice and water in the door down there now. When he built the sink and cupboards there he did it to accommodate his smaller refrigerator instead of thinking he may want a standard size refrigerator down there sometime.

I got laundry done and have been reading most of the day.

Take care


Jul 1, 2014
Got the CD cabinet built by Bob the Builder (!) and then I loaded up my CDs.

This is a paltry amount. This is reflective of two things: (1) The switch from CDs to downloads and (2) The switch from vinyl to CDs in my 20s.

Factor in the jewelry addiction, that's been part of this too! There's so much music now that is 'free,' I really approve of that for the betterment of society but as an old musician I deplore the economics of it (Taylor Swift outplayed the Musicians' Union).

I hope no one from USC Thornton sees this pic, they'll take back my degree :lol:



Jul 1, 2014
Have any of you NIRDIs seen the movie, "Chef?"

I saw it last night. I loved it and Bob did too (it has a nice father/son element to it). You've probably all seen it, I'm behind the curve on movies anymore.

Watched it on Netflix!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Kristie, I love your CD cabinet! Nice job Bob! I hear you on the changing times. We belong to a music subscription service called Tidal. Greg feels it is the best subscription service available as we have tried many and this one has the best sound IHO. He is an audiophile as you are so perhaps you would agree.

Haha theifscaper. Love your way with words clever girl! :bigsmile: :appl:

Thanks for the lovely comments re my family. My dad is (well was) 6'4" but now I think he has shrunk a bit but yes he is still very tall. I am the "shrimp" in the family LOL at 5'6". Though my mom has shrunk too and is a bit shorter than me now unfortunately. Getting older is a mixed bag isn't it. My aunt and uncle (mom's brother) are in their late 60's, dad 81, mom 73 (I think LOL hard to keep track the years going so fast!).

I am so glad the rash guards helped you. I wear the Lands End rash guard long sleeve zip tops when cycling and I wish they made cycling pants! I am seeing my derm tomorrow and hope he might have a better idea of what it is that I am dealing with because not knowing is worrisome. What scares me most (well there is one thing that scares me more but not constructive to think about that right now) is that my dermatologist might make me stop taking Oracea and if that happens my face will explode. So I am very worried about that!

My best guess right now is a type of contact dermatitis with the material of the cycling shorts/pants and a photosensitive reaction to the sun and heat.Which was the hypothesis my derm and I had reached a few weeks ago but really he didn't know so hoping in person he has a more definitive and harmless diagnosis. It is a scary looking raised and angry rash and covers a large surface area. I am going to apply the aspirin and Avene paste you recommended. Thank you again for that reminder! I forget everything these days and appreciate you reminding me!

Yes I saw "Chef" and recommended it here many pages back. Glad you enjoyed it too. Nice movie. I have lots of recommendations and when I remember them I will share them here and would love you girls sharing what movies you enjoyed as well. I am always looking for good movie recs. We rewatched "The Net" last night. Very good. We also saw "The Magdalene Sisters" a few nights ago. I liked it. A bit stressful knowing it is based on a true story however. Unbelievable and sad. :blackeye: I also started watching "Remote Area Medical" last week without Greg as he doesn't care for those kind of documentaries. I am loving it. Very good. Curious if any of you have seen it and what your thoughts are.

Marcy, ooh that will be a lovely band if BGD comes through with their signature blue melee. I think that will be out of this world bluetieful! :love:

Marty's man cave fridge sounds great and I am jealous because I wish we had the space for a huge man cave to for Greg. Yay for cold martini and beer glasses. Frosty goodness. :lickout:

Breakfast yesterday sounded delicious and it was sweet of Marty to wait for you. If I am hungry I am probably not waiting if Greg is sleeping haha. Though we usually wake up around the same time anyway.

Wyoming's weather is certainly interesting and variable and you cannot get bored by it now can you lol. The fact that you have the sun more days than not makes it a winner in my book however. That is one of the most important factors in considering a place to retire. I love the sun (whether or not it loves me which obviously it does not) and my mood lifts when it is bright and sunny out vs gray and rainy so while I guess I like variety I prefer more sun than rain.

How sweet your nieces also donate to locks of love. I don't remember that organization when we were growing up. Glad you have bunny socks too and enjoy them. Now we have to find you teddy bear socks or do you already have those? I will be on the lookout for those for you. :bigsmile:

Sounds like a very good weekend finishing your chores, laundry and enjoying reading too. I hope you have a good Monday and thank you for your lovely comments about my family and yard.

Back to Brooklyn this AM and hope everyone has a good start to the week! :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there everyone! Yikes, I thought I was all caught up and all of a sudden I'm behind haha!

Missy, I am SO glad the weather finally cooperated and you had nice weather for your get-together. LOVE the family pics, thank you so much for sharing, makes me feel I was a part of it lol! Your parents are such a great looking couple, and your father has the most amazing smile. I see now where you get your beauty! And your nieces are as cute as can be, and of course Greg is as handsome as ever.

Ugh, sorry to hear you're still dealing with the rash, how frustrating. Hopefully once your derm sees it he'll have a better idea of what it is. I don't blame you for being concerned about stopping the Oracea, I'd feel the same way.

How great that your niece thought about Locks of Love all by herself. It is so impressive that such a young girl would be thinking of others like that, what a sweetie.

Kristie, Bob did a fantastic job on the CD shelf!

We're closing on the house this Wednesday, and the kids and I are going to the beach this Friday. I will definitely fill you in as to how things are going. I think I'm most excited about having a pool lol!

Marcy, I almost spit out my coffee when I saw the pics of the bear in the bag and the cartoon! :lol: Those bunnies really are mean!

I'm excited to hear you're considering a channel set band :dance: Anything new on that?

Moving the refrigerator to the man cave is a great idea! It will be really nice and convenient to have a full-sized fridge down there.

Calliecake, I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with your landscaper, that is certainly frustrating and upsetting. I think it was pretty lousy of the owner to step in and take the grill too. I hope you're able to enjoy your beautiful landscaping in spite of all this, it must look gorgeous!

And that is just terrible about your friend, my goodness, 36 is so young to have a heart attack - I'm very glad she's doing well and will be ok.

Not much new with me, just plugging along and dealing with a few issues my mother is having, the main one being chronic constipation (sorry, TMI). It's causing some stress and anxiety for everyone - I arranged for a doctor come to the house for a check-up (what a huge help that is) and we're following her instructions but things are still not where they should be. I knew this issue was going to come up at some point, I'm actually surprised it hasn't come up sooner.

Well, I probably missed something but I really wanted to check in and say hi to everyone - hope you're all having a good afternoon and I'll see you later!


Oct 24, 2012
Hi NIRDIs, how are you? Sounds like you guys are having some fun. Saw some posts on this page.

Kristie, I saw Chef too. My kids loved it, and I seriously wanted to eat right after.

Marcy, the band with BG blue would be so beautiful. Hope it happens!

Just saying hi!!

((Hugs)) everyone!


Feb 27, 2007

Kristie, your CD cabinet looks fabulous. LOL to Bob the Builder. Tell him he did good. I love your caption to your photo. That’s priceless. I haven’t watched Chef but it looked interesting.

Missy, good luck at the derm. I hate to hear the rash on your legs has continued to expand. I used to get up when Marty did but I enjoy sleeping in now that our bedroom is so dark. If I sleep in too late then I can’t fall asleep at my normal time that night. I am glad you and Greg had such a nice time at the beach this weekend.

Junebug, that’s great you are closing this week and will be at the beach this weekend. I’d be excited too. The rabbits around here are pretty mean. I told Marty tonight I’d pay money for him to take the rabbit through security with the teddy bear in that bag and tell them here’s my rabbit with his carry on luggage. He told me that is not going to happen. Weird. Where is his spirit of adventure? That’s great you have a doctor coming to check your mom at her home. I hope they figure out some things to help.

Hi LLJsmom! Hope things are going well.

I haven’t heard back from Brian Gavin yet. I sure hope they find enough 3 pointers in signature blue to make me a band. I think I’d really like that.

Marty is starting on his man cave remodeling tonight. Luckily I was doing dishes and got to stay home rather than wander the hardware store again.

Marty made the best supper for us tonight. He made us some beef Parmesan which he cooked on the grill and some fettuccine alfredo. Grilling the little steaks turned out great; they were very crispy outside. I told him that was as close to chicken Parmesan as we could get.

I had my second team leader meeting today and gave them both heck about turning our first meeting in to a b*tch session. I told them those meetings should be short, to the point and I want status updates, what is working, what isn’t working and solutions to what you want to do about it. My argumentative employee said “I thought it was the most productive meeting we’ve had.” I sure chuckled to myself about that.

Take care.


Oct 24, 2012

Marcy, loved the bunnywipes! Made me LOL. :)

Callie, I would have been really mad too about the owner taking the grill. I would have told the owner I was changing my mind bc I certainly wasn't offer in it to HIM. The gaul of some people!

Missy, the pics of your family are just beautiful. Your nieces are seriously going to be heartbreakers and they will need an impartial
Auntie to help them sort through all the boys. ;-)

Have so much to share soon. Hope you all are doing well.




Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Junie, thank you for those lovely comments about my family. I do look like my dad at least when he was younger. It's funny because most people initially think I look like my mom but really it was/is my dad whom I take after looks wise. Personality wise I'm a mix but close enough in temperament to my mother for it to be a problem lol.

I am glad the doctor is coming over to check up on your mom and figure out how to help her. Chronic constipation is no fun. :( I am sure you went through all the possible offenders regarding this issue i.e. drinking enough water, eating enough fiber. IDK if she is active at all but if she can walk does she walk so she can get some exercise? How about a stationary recumbent bicycle? Has she tried eating prunes? Does she/can she take a stool softener like docusate sodium? I am sure the doctor can help her and you have probably tried all of this but just throwing those out there in case. I hope she finds relief soon!

OMG closing tomorrow on your beach house! How exciting! Good luck and I would be over the moon thrilled to have a pool too so woohoo!!! :appl: So glad you and your kids are going down there Friday to enjoy! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Marcy, Marty remodeling the man cave sounds like fun. I am hoping for pics of the finished space. The bunnies and bears must be excited though I am sure those evil bunnies have something up their sleeve to sabotage the project. :devil: :Up_to_something:

Dinner sounded yummy and yay for Marty cooking for you. Always a lovely thing to do. I am sorry the work meeting didn't go as well as it could have. I'm with you. Meetings should be short, sweet, efficient and to the point. Your employee is a PITA and acts like a child. It is amazing to me how some people keep their jobs.

Hoping Brian Gavin gets back to you soon because that is going to be such a lovely band.

Thanks for the good luck at the derm wishes. I am leaving in about an hour. The rash is much better but I took pics of the latest one just to show him when it was at its worse. Just hoping it is nothing to worry about. I don't care about the rash itself just what it might mean re underlying issue. As long as it isn't on my face the appearance doesn't bother me. It is more what it might mean is going on with me but hopefully it isn't something serious.

LLJsmom, I love your bracelet. It really suits your wrist and looks so beautiful. Gorgeous. :love: :love: :love: I showed it to Greg and he said he likes it very much because it looks industrial to him. So vote of approval from both of us. I really LOVE it on you! :appl:

Haha thanks about my nieces. They are not yet interested in boys. I know because they made yucky sounds when Greg and I were kissing and I asked them don't you like boys yet and they were like Aunt Missy ewww. :knockout:
:cheeky: IDK but I seem to remember boy/girl parties when I was the age my older niece is (9) so maybe they are getting a late start? LOL that is fine with me and I know that is more than fine with my sister and BIL. 8)

Have a great morning girls and LLJSmom go to bed LOL. It is late by you but I have to say your new bracelet is very exciting and would keep me awake to with all the happy adrenalin that would be going through my system just looking at it on my wrist. (((HUGS)))) to all you girls and hope to see you later. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, today's picture at is Paris at night. It's gorgeous and I thought you'd enjoy seeing it.

Have a great day ladies.


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1436880565|3902637 said:
Jimmianne, today's picture at is Paris at night. It's gorgeous and I thought you'd enjoy seeing it.

Have a great day ladies.

oh, my, gosh! Marcy, thank you. What a stunning, stunning photo.

I was watching White Collar this morning with Neal Caffrey walking down one of those narrow Paris streets with the tower in the background and just broke down in tears. lol

I interviewed the cleaner. I think it's going to work. She has been cleaning for 3 years and it turns out that her Mother is my wonderful window cleaner! I had no idea. I like her and she's very professional. Thanks to the NIRDIadvisors I knew just what to ask. She will come twice a month - all she has time for right now. It's a start!
Thanks, you guys.


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom that bracelet looks fabulous. It is very elegant and pretty. Ooh. I am glad to hear bunny wipes made you laugh. Some golf morning I am going to cut out some silhouettes of bunnies and bears and tell Marty I made wipes for our furbabies.

Missy, those evil bunnies are always up to no good. Once I told Marty I had another bear on the way he looked up killer rabbits on Amazon and added 300 of them to his shopping cart. I sure hope he didn’t finish that transaction. I keep hoping that one employee will mature someday but I’m not going to hold my breath. Now that I’ve stepped more in my supervisory role I have more meeting to attend than I ever wanted. I know that’s what supervisors do though. I think I’ll wait until noon tomorrow and write BGD again. I told them I’m not in any rush but I’ll just ask what if anything she has found out. I hope your derm appointment went well and will be anxious to hear what he said.

Jimmianne, I am so glad you liked that photo. The minute I saw it I had to come let you know to go see it. I enjoyed the White Collar series; I hated to see it end but now we can imagine Neal Caffrey enjoying life in Paris. NIRDIadvisors. That’s great. I am delighted your cleaner sounds so promising and will be starting for you soon. We get our house cleaned every other week and that works great for us. She doesn’t do deep cleaning but gets all the basics clean for us and it’s nice.

I had a busy day. First of course was work. We got to leave work at 11:30 for lunch then met at the theater at 12:45 for a departmental movie. We saw Jurassic World. After the movie I stopped by the nearby park / gazebo to see if Marty needed anything. He was putting up our giant tent for the neighborhood night out. We had a 15 x 40 foot tent so once we moved in the neighborhood we became popular for the summer picnic. He was almost done so I timed that perfectly. I came home and made a pasta salad to take to the picnic and we got back over there about 5:15.

I would say there was about 160 people there. It was fun. We had a thunderstorm move through here about 2 – 3 pm so it was chilly and windy tonight. I sat under a blanket. When I got home I put on sweats for a while.

Marty just got home now with the tent. I’ll conveniently stay in the house while he unloads his trucklet. Hey I cleaned out the cooler for him and dumped the ice. That’s something, right?

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Cleaning the cooler is HUGE!

Hey Junie, saw lots of the elderly with chronic constipation. We advised them to drink coffee first thing upon awakening, the caffeine wakes up the colon (motility or its ability to MOVE). The other thing that wakes up a sluggish colon is movement, walk her around. Narcotics kind of halt motility so avoid them if at all possible. Never give an oral laxative unless you're sure she doesn't have a blockage, that would create an emergent surgery situation. Keep her hydrated, dry poop is hard to move, painful and causes fissures on its pathway. Totally Tmi from me, sorry!!

LLJs, great arms!!!!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Such great news that you can continue your medication. I showed the picture of your yard at the beach house to my husband and told him I would really like to live there. He just laughed and said he felt the exactly same way. He also thinks your neighbors are nuts. He said they should consider themselves lucky. We would have planted trees that completely blocked their view after they decided to put their patio right next to yours. You have to wonder what people are thinking sometimes.

Marcy, You did your part by cleaning the cooler. I hope to get your new bear in the mail today. I hope you like the little guy. Did you look up Patrick Sharp? My husband asked me last night why Kaner was still here.

LLJ'smom, I love the new bracelet. Does it bother you to sleep while wearing it? I had to laugh because the first thing I thought when seeing the picture was what beautiful arms. Wish mine looked like that! Kristie and I certainly were thinking the same thing.

Junebug, I'm so happy for you closing on your new house. You must be so excited! I'm sorry to hear about your mom. How have you been feeling lately? I'm so glad you are getting a break even if it will be a very busy break. Setting up a new house is a lot of work...but such FUN!

Kristie, I can't wait to hear all about Bob's phone call today. I loved your comment about LLJsmom's arms. I thought the exact same thing. Is there any hope of having nice arms after fifty? One of my friends mothers had her arms operated on a few years ago to decrease her bat wings. My friend said she didn't know what looked worse, the before or the after. They had made her mom's arms so thin looking that they didn't match the rest of her body.

Jimmianne, My cleaner is comig this afternoon, I was thinking about you as I was putting things away this morning. I hope your happy with the job the cleaning lady does on your house. I also have someone come twice a year to clean our windows. Most of my windows have separate panes of glass as opposed to those grate things that can be removed for cleaning. It used to take me hours to clean the six French doors alone. As soon as I cleaned the outside It would bother me that the inside windows were not spotless so I would have to clean those to.


Jul 1, 2014
Junebug, if you ever feel your mom *might* have a blockage or might be so constipated as to need help in the ER, take her and the first thing they should do to get the proper information is an xray. An xray will show how much stool there is and how far it goes. It would also show if there is a blockage. Don't let any medical establishment give her a laxative until they have verified on x-ray that there is no blockage or a break in the colon.


Oct 24, 2012

Thank you for the nice comment about the arms. ;-). You guys are so funny! I always thought they were too skinny and lacked definition. Even when I worked my way up to 12 pound weights on each side, this is as much definition as I can get. You know whose arms I love? Remember Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2? And all she did were push ups and pull ups while locked up in a mental institution? I guess if you have those hours and nothing to do... Anyway I digress.

Marcy, you are a great wife. Cleaning out coolers is one of my least favorite things to do. Did you like Jurassic World? I like Chris Pratt. He is very likeable. I also LOVE Chris Hemsworth. He is such a hottie in Thor. Ok, I am really digressing now.

Missy, I also showed DH a picture of your backyard. Hard to believe people have that kind of beauty out their backdoor. It's amazing. Thank you to Greg to approving the bracelet. It does look quite industrial does it not? Very me. I considered the VCA but in the end,nor this kind of money, I needed to get something I really loved vs. something that I should live more than I do. I hope your rash gets better soon. I'm so sorry. I know how annoying and disruptive a painful rash is.

Callie, such a nice comment. Thank you. :) I have been criticized for my arms for much of my life. Too dark, too many moles, too boney, too long, etc.

Jimmianne, hope your cleaner works out, and this is the right one for you. Finding a cleaner is a stressful thing.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Thank you Callie and LLJsmom and thank your dhs too. We feel very fortunate to have the beach house and realize nothing is perfect. So far nothing new from the neighbors and in fact A has said hello to Greg on two separate occasions since the incident so maybe he wants to move on but we are keeping it distant and polite and not interacting with them in any way since the "fallout".

LLJsmom, you *do* have very lovely arms!

Callie, what project does your dh have in mind re the landscaping? Glad it is rainy and cool for you for your new landscaping. :appl:

Jimmianne, so glad you found a good cleaning person. Twice a month is perfect for having help. I know you will love it. Just hope your Roomba doesn't get too jealous. :cheeky:

Marcy, any updates from BGD? I cannot stop thinking about your new potential and yummy project! Ooh la la BGD blue band. :love: I hope it works out!

You are a great wife Marcy and Marty knows it. I have never cleaned the cooler or dumped the ice. I need to step up to the plate. Sounds like a fun day and watching a movie at work, sweet!

Junie, how is your mother doing? I am hoping she got some relief and is feeling better and that you are not stressed and looking forward to all the good events coming up this month. (((Hugs))).

Hi Kristie!

Have a good day girls!


Feb 27, 2007

Quick question. BGD wants me to pay them $175 to find the fluorescent melee and since it's called an upcharge I don't think that applied towards my purchase. What do you think?

Will catch up after supper.



Dec 9, 2013

My first reaction was - !

Then I thought they may have to have a lot of time invested to find quality melee with that particular characteristic and want to be sure they have either $ for their time or that you will purchase the finished ring.

However - could you try this - - - agree to the charge if they take it off the purchase price?
Of course it may still end up being incorporated into the final price unless you have a firm quote.

How do you feel about the charge?


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, that settles it. All of us will buy some beachfront property by Missy and Greg and we can have bling parties. What a blast that would be, huh? I haven’t looked up the Blackhawks players yet. The new teddy hasn’t arrived yet (unless of course one of the rabbits has it off in a corner somewhere snacking on it.) I will watch for it though. Cleaning windows reminds me I need to clean our storm door and patio doors.

Kristie, I hope Bob got good news yesterday. I’ve been thinking of you guys.

LLJsmom, Linda Hamilton did have great arms too. I did like Jurassic World. People tease me and call me T-Rex because I have short arms and can’t reach things so I had to point out to everyone the T-Rex saved the day. I like Chris Pratt too; he was great in Guardians of the Galaxy. Chris Hemsworth is a hottie for sure.

Missy, how are you doing? If we were your neighbors we’d be nice. I swear! We could make cookies. Drink, look at our jewelry sparkle in the sunlight.

Jimmianne, I hope you are pleased with your cleaning lady. I do understand a fee for finding the stones. She said they would have to hand sift through them to find matching stones. If I go for it I would insist they are all strong blue. I thought of asking if they would apply it toward my purchase but like you said they may say sure and then add the fee to the price anyway. I didn’t have a quote yet so I asked for an estimate of 14K YG 3mm channel set band size 7. Hopefully I’ll hear from her tomorrow on a price. I am obsessed now with getting something fluorescent but their prices are higher than WF for jewelry so I may pass on it because of the price. I think I should set down and figure out what I'm willing to pay on it whether it includes that fee or not.

Yes it’s true I was just looking through James Allen diamonds because you can filter for strong blue fluorescent diamonds.

I am so glad you agree cleaning out the cooler was a major chore. I had to throw away 3 bottle tops, dump the ice on the lot next door and prop open the lid in the garage. Geez I was exhausted after that.

Today was a weird day. I had a training class at the local community college and we got out about 3 so I came home early. I made tacos for supper and did some laundry. Which reminds me that buzzer went off about 20 minutes ago. D’oh!

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Hey Marcy, we await news from the meeting.

Re the charge by BGD, I understand them not wanting to work for free but what an inelegant and unprofessional way for them to handlevthis.


Feb 27, 2007
Kristie, grr to waiting for news. I am keeping you and Bob in my thoughts. If I was BGD I would find out exactly what I want, quote me a price which includes that fee but without breaking down the costs. That way I'd never be the wiser. This way kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Plus I had to ask after 3 days of no response if she'd checked with production. I was just looking at Shane Co again for EC diamonds with florescence. There is one about the same size as I have, better color, slightly better clarity with medium blue and about $2000 more after a trade. But then again I need more jewelry like I need a swift kick in the head. I have to pay for my appliances first. We need the deck painted and new patio furniture first.


Jun 7, 2014
I just lost a post....Grrrrr. I hate when that happens.

Marcy, I wish we all had beach houses close to each other. Wouldn't that be fun! Your bear is still sitting in my house. I forgot about the little guy when I was going out yesterday. My husband said he was going to the shipping center this weekend and he would drop him off to be mailed. Don't worry there are no killer rabbits here.....just a playful dog! I can't wait to see the new ring you are designing. I love it when you get new jewelry!!!!

Missy, I wouldn't worry to much about your neighbor at the beach house. It sounds as if he probably knows he over reacted when you planted the bushes. I hope you have a wonderful time biking tomorrow and you are enjoying the nice weather. It will hot here all weekend. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I have no idea how anyone can live without it.

Jimmianne, Did the cleaning lady come? If so did she do a nice job? Are you still missing Paris?

Junebug, Did you close on the beach house yet?

LLJ'smom, You have beautiful arms!!!!

Kristie, I hope you are feeling better! My husband came home tonight and asked how our conference call went!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, I don't like that BGD is charging you an "upcharge" for this project and that would be enough to make me look elsewhere. :knockout:

First of all being non responsive for 3 days and needing to contact them again is mildly annoying but then adding this charge just to look well that is maddening. Like you said they should have just incorporated it into the cost of the project or better yet said it was fully refundable once you bought something from them i.e. would be put towards your purchase. I am sorry they are disappointing you this way.

I know this might sound crazy but have you thought about asking WF if they could source these fluorescent stones for your project? I know BGD Blue is supposed to be special but why can't WF source these for you? You have a very good business relationship with them and I bet they wouldn't charge you an "up charge". Or I even like the James Allen idea since you can filter for fluorescent stones and I understand their prices are very competitive.

Of course another option is to call them and speak with Leslie or Brian directly and voice your displeasure and see if they can arrange to have this fee put towards your purchase so it is more of an insurance fee for them i.e. so it is not in vain for them taking the time to search. I hope once you speak directly with Leslie or Brian they will make it more palatable for you.

OMG Marcy, Please, I would LOVE for you NIRDIs to buy property right near me at the beach. I would be over the moon so happy that retiring in NJ wouldn't seem so challenging if you girls were there!!! Seriously not kidding. :appl: :appl: :appl:
I love Kristie's idea of a NIRDI compound and if we could make it happen...
:pray: :love:

Jimmianne, did your cleaning person come yet? I swear we just had our apt cleaned and it once again needs a thorough vacuuming and dusting. Ugh if we had the budget I would love (I know Greg would be over the moon happy if I allowed this) her to come here every week. At the beach house really once a month is good enough if I vacuum there every week but here once a week would not be too much. But I am too cheap for that LOL much to my poor dh's chagrin.

Junebug, thinking of you and good luck!

Kristie, I am keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you and Bob that this goes smoothly. It would be so wonderful to have this finished with finally.

Peggy, LOL my dh did the same thing. Hahaha. I think he was surprised when I told him it was only an hour as he remembered the marathon call that lasted over 4 lol.

Sorry you lost your post. I hate it when that happens. I had been copying and pasting the long posts before I hit send but I have become complacent and stopped doing that a while ago. Perhaps it is the best way to handle longer posts because it is not fun having to recreate our thoughts all over again.

OK so my throat started feeling dry before bed last night and I was hoping it was just dry though I thought it weird drinking did not help soothe it. Well I woke up in the middle of the night (HA it's still like the middle of the night for my day off) and it was on fire. So I am officially sick. And upset because I was so looking forward to a great weekend at the beach. Still going and still planning on cycling but my head is now pounding as well as my throat killing me and well in conjunction with the rash I am not that excited about cycling anymore today LOL. But today is the nicest day of the weekend (Friday is the beginning of the weekend right?) and Sat and Sun is supposed to be HOT with thunderstorms so I don't want to miss today. Plus by tomorrow I might not be well enough to cycle. What a bummer. I told Greg with all I have gone through these past 18 plus months I thought perhaps I could get a pass on being run of the mill sick yanno? :wink2:

And now I forgot what to do when I have a sore throat as it has been so long. Must find soothing lozenges to help ease the throat pain and hope very hard it doesn't become something worse as these things tend to do with me. Serves me right for rescheduling the surgeon 1 year follow up visit to next Tuesday. If I get really sick that has to be rescheduled again. Sigh. Honestly I shouldn't complain as the last time I was sick was over 2 years ago (not including the mystery illness February 2014). So I was due. ::)

LLJsmom, how is your tendonitis doing? Are you feeling all better? I am hoping you are after all that resting. I am looking forward to hearing more about your bling project and how much you are enjoying your newest acquisition. :appl: I think Linda Hamilton had good arms in the Terminator as well but honestly I prefer your arms because they look nice and toned and not artificially built up if you kwim. I don't care for the overly muscled look on men or women but prefer a nice toned strong arm that is natural. You got it girl. :appl: Haha hope that description wasn't too weird. :cheeky:

Have a great day girls and hugs to all of you. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008


Dec 9, 2013
No Cleaning Person yet - it's next Thursday, but I have noticed that I am being more careful picking up after myself and I am organizing the paperwork clutter from the estate & shredding most of it, SO this is good.

I have a separate studio that can also be used as a guest place - it is totally full right up to the door with my Mom's stuff, so I haven't been able to use it in several years : (
There is an organizer coming next week to help me consolidate and/or toss Mom's things. GIrls, I am on a roll here. Going to France changed my life-really opened things up. I am ready for the next adventure and am so tired of going around & around with all my stuff. Bling is OK though - very portable!
so...Marcy... THERE is a justification for jewelry...instead of things for the house LOL.

A NIRDI compound. yahoo!

Missy, no! My Mom used to make us gargle with something called oral pentacresol [nasty stuff], so maybe hot salt water would help??
Lemon, honey & whiskey is supposed to be good for sore throats too.
Be Well Soon, dear Missy, & Keep updating. The NIRDInurses are on call 24/7.


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you sweet Jimmianne my NIRDI nurse. :kiss:
My throat is hurting up to my ears and I can barely swallow and my head is pounding. It helps to keep a lozenge in my mouth so I can swallow. I cannot take any pain relievers besides Tylenol and that doesn't do a thing for me so I am not even going to bother with the Tylenol.

We just got to the beach house and luckily I found a whole unopened (albeit 2 plus year old) stash of cold eeze and zinc lozenges from when I was ill last June 2013. Sucking on one right now. Tastes gross :knockout: but glad I have it. :appl:

Glad this is the impetus you need in getting things and life organized. You go girl! I need some kind of fire underneath me so I can get on that same organized page. I had all those months off but didn't really get to do anything I was planning to do organization wise LOL. I am quite the procrastinator. :((

Please check out my chimpanzee link. My close girlfriend Maureen alerted me to this yesterday as I had missed it on her FB page as I don't really check out FB pages too often and it is heartbreaking. My dh is now telling me to make sure it is not a scam because things out of Liberia often are but my gf is very smart so hoping I am not leading everyone here astray...I know Kristie will be able to tell if it is for real or not.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. No one likes getting sick but for some reason it always feels worse when you are sick in the summer. Gargle with salt water and an hour later with Listerine, multiple times during the day. I don't know if it actually works but it has seemed to help me in the past. I signed them chimp petition. Too funny about Greg making the same comments. He walked in the door and shouted how are the diamond girls? I swear he feels as though he knows the girls here. I was stunned when he bought Marcy a bear out of the blue!

Jimmianne, I hope you love your cleaning lady once you has cleaned for you. So all I need to do is go to France and I will start getting rid of the stuff I really don't need? I need to clean out my closet in the worst way. There are way too many things I will never wear that are taking up space. I have been procrastinating way too long on this!
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