
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning!

Marcy, it's just you and me here. I understand from Jimmianne that PS was down for much of the day yesterday so perhaps that is why it is so quiet.

Can you get that tire checked today? I know you will be careful and I am hoping it is nothing serious.

I can imagine how much easier your newsletter is to send out now with our modern conveniences. Yay for making life easier!

The cat hair gets over everything. My dh had a dust collector in his old woodworking shop and is in fact researching for a new dust collecting system for his to be new woodworking shop. I think we need a cat hair collector in our homes lol. I have to mention that to him because that is a good idea. :appl:

Greg is sick. It started as a cold Sunday but now it is quite a bit more with a bad cough. Poor sweet darling. I feel so bad because I didn't realize he had such a rough night when I brought him coffee this morning and woke him up. :blackeye: I hope he gets better fast because this weekend is full of activities due to it being Passover and Easter and we have plans each day so really hope this doesn't get even worse before he starts feeling better.

Yesterday I ordered a recumbent bike (the same model I got in September when I started weight bearing) for my parents. I overnighted it so it should be coming today and Saturday when we visit Greg will put it together for them. I cannot wait for them to start using it. They could both benefit from it so I am excited for them. :appl:

Tomorrow your ring is here WooHoo! :appl:

Hope all the NIRDIs are enjoying the week. One more day till Friday. What are everybody's holiday plans? I cannot believe it is April already.


Dec 9, 2013
Yay, Marcy! Some of the NIRDI bling is starting to come in!
Will you please post it's arrival ASAP??

Oh, dear Greg sick. Not good, ever, but with the holiday coming up, it's a shame and I hope he feels better in time. I think being sick is worse for men, unless he is one of those rare stoic patients who remains cheerful. I hope so!
Please give him a hug from Puff and Dr.Kitty.

Here's a question for those of us who are in relationships. What is the secret to a good relationship? My daughter just broke up with her long-term boyfriend and I told her I would do some scouting for wisdom. I could come up with a few things, but I think she would listen to you : )


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Jimmianne. He is one of those stoic types and so I know he is not well at all. He is very sick and I am so aggravated. Not because of the holidays but because I know he feels so awful and there is nothing I can do to make him well. I cannot even find the thermometer. I think he has a fever. :blackeye:

As for the secret to successful relationships here is my .02cents...

Happy wife happy life but reverse is true too. It's a constant fluid thing a relationship and if you always put each other first it will be healthy. But both parties have to put the other first for this to work.

Don't let concerns build up address and communicate as soon as there are issues
And communicate even when there are no issues.

Be tolerant and keep things in perspective. No one is perfect but finding who is perfect for you and vice versa is what matters.

Treat each other always with respect and love even when you are disagreeing. Never be contemptuous or dismissive and if something is important to your partner treat it as important to you because it should be. What matters to your SO should matter to you because they care about it. And if there is a disagreement the person who feels the most strongly about it should be able to get his/her way. Sometimes compromise won't work and in those cases the person for whom the issue matters most should prevail.

That's all I have right now as I'm working out lol. With the music very low so Greg is not disturbed. Can you believe he plans on going into the office today? Men. :wall:


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, Missy. I'll pass this along to my DD, and more discussion here later!

Dr.Kitty says Greg No Office!

I wonder if that soup I mentioned a while back would help - the Rasam Soup that is very good for colds, fever & flu.
Where you live it might be available premade or from Indian Take-out. It certainly helped me and worked like magic with a few hours of relief. However, If he hates "spicy", this is not for him!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I have missed you all! One day seems like a week when you can't get here.

Missy, I'm so sorry to hear Greg is sick. I hope he feels better quickly and your plans remain intact this weekend. I know how much you were looking forward to Sunday and I can hear your excitements about getting the bike set up for your parents. What are your plans for Passover? I would probably make Greg some Chicken noodle soup but only becuase that is what my husband wants whenever he is sick. I have it very easy. Once when we were dating he was sick and said he wanted chicken noodle soup so I made a large pot for him. I brought it over and he just looked at me and said Campbell's chicken noodle was his favorite. He mom wasn't a great cook so they were very few things he liked. We are going to dinner with my parents this weekend to our favorite restaurant. We can't wait. It also has great lighting for bling! I still have no word on my brother. I'm hoping we hear something today on the test results.

Marcy. Please get your tire checked today. It sounds like you have a slow leak. How exciting about your ring being ready this weekend. I can't wait to see the sapphire. You must be going crazy waiting. Have you been wearing your Emerald ring this week? You had a very good month in the bling department. The best part is you were able to use your Emerald. It was 75 here yesterday. I hope you are also getting some nicer weather. My allergies have been terrible. I was laughing to my husband that I'm always so excited for it to get warm every year and I know it usually means I won't feel great because of my allergies.

Kristie, How is little Finn doing today? Did you hear anything new regarding Bubbles? What are your and Bob's plans for the weekend.

Jimmianne, I'm sorry your daughter is going thru a rough time. Relationships are hard. I could not agree more with all of Missy's advice. I also feel that kindness means sooo much in a relationship. If you don't show each other kindness and respect I think your chances of making it are pretty slim. A friend of mine was going thru a rough patch years ago and asked advice. I thought 90% of their problems were the way they spoke and acted toward each other. They were never kind or thoughtful with each other. Compromise is also key. I also agree that you need to gage things on how important they are to you and the other person. My husband has a wonderful sense of humor which often makes it impossible to stay mad at him. We laugh a lot together which I also thinks helps.

OV, I hope you are enjoying the time with your mom. I can't wait to hear all you have been up to.

Junebug, I hope all is well you and you a have just been busy. How did your brother handle everything with your mom when you were away? Did your sister help out too? You looked so happy in the picture you posted. You need to be able to make more trips and get time away. They help so much when your a caregiver.


Apr 19, 2004
junebug17|1427817345|3855074 said:
Hi all!

Missy, aw, thanks for the warm welcome back! Yeah, you're right, maybe I need to get away more so that I can learn to relax lol. Hard to shut everything off sometimes.

Here are few pics of the Riverwalk, in the spirit of Jimmianne I posted a pic of myself (against my better judgement hehe)

Beautiful lady and picture!!! Take care of yourself JuneB!



Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1427987583|3855795 said:
We are going to dinner with my parents this weekend to our favorite restaurant. We can't wait. It also has great lighting for bling! "

OK~ this is funny. I think the same way.
Aside from the lighting : ) why is it your favorite restaurant?


Jun 17, 2009
Thanks for the nice words about the pics everyone! Sharon, thanks for checking in and commenting too, you are so sweet. Jimmianne, I hesitated to post a pic mainly because - well, tbh I don't really like the way I look lol! But you've all been so kind, thank you for that.

Jimmianne, your trip to France sounds exciting. I love the setting you've chosen - a few PS'ers have that setting and I tried finding those posts but for the life of me I just couldn't track them down, I'll keep looking.

I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's break-up, that is tough and it's so hard to see our kids going through a difficult period - even when they're older we have that urge to want to "make it all better" for them. I know your support will be very comforting to her as she works her way through this life change, hugs to both of you.

Calliecake, thanks for the heads-up on the aqua ring - omg it really is gorgeous! :love: Sounds like the rings are being offered on an online auction site, I will have to check it out!

Your dinner plans this weekend sound like fun, it's nice to have something special to look forward to.

Missy and Callie, things seemed to go fine while I was away - long story, but my brother and sister don't get along so he stayed at my house while my sister was at my mother's. Initially not thrilled about this, because I was nervous about my sister being alone with my mother - turns out my sister was fine with it and things went smoothly. I guess I was mainly worried about my mother falling, but a few people have pointed out that my brother and I have to deal with that possibility too lol. My sister very kindly offered to come for a longer time period this summer and I will take her up on that. I haven't talked to my brother yet, I keep putting it off - and now that my sister has offered to come I don't feel it's as important to bring it up right now. I talked to him about my going to the beach Memorial Day weekend and he seemed fine with it, but I get mixed signals from him sometimes.

So sorry to hear Greg is so under the weather, hope he's feeling a little better soon, the poor guy must be miserable !

Kristie, glad Finn is feeling better! You made me laugh with "army of roombas" teehee. I agree with Marcy re Bubbles, at this point I'd say no news is good news! Sorry this has been a lousy experience for you and I hope the setting works out.

Marcy, excited to see your ring, woo-hoo!

Yeah, PS was a little wacky yesterday, maybe maintenance or something.

Take care, I'll check in again soon!


Jun 7, 2014
Jimmianne|1427990886|3855822 said:
Calliecake|1427987583|3855795 said:
We are going to dinner with my parents this weekend to our favorite restaurant. We can't wait. It also has great lighting for bling! "

OK~ this is funny. I think the same way.
Aside from the lighting : ) why is it your favorite restaurant?

Jimmianne, I don't eat steak often but I do everytime we go here. So I'm really looking forward to having a filet for dinner. Their filets are incredible. Great food and great bling lighting, what else could you ask for!


Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, I'm glad it all worked out well for your mom and also that your sister has offered to stay longer next time. I'm sorry to hear your brother and sister don't get along to well. Just so you know it happens in a lot of families, mine included. I also know how stressful and sad it can make you.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, Marty filled my tires last night; if I get another error message I will get it checked. We live smack in the middle of a lot of construction so I wouldn’t be surprised if I have another nail.

Yay for an easier life!

Good idea to have a dust collector for the shop. Marty needs a sawdust collector for his.

Tell Greg to feel better. I hope he doesn’t feel bad this weekend with all of your plans.

How nice to be getting a recumbent bike for your parents. I hope the like it.

I am excited for my new ring to arrive tomorrow.

Jimmianne, we are crazy busy at work but I will sure try to get some pictures posted tomorrow night. I have my tracking number so I need to make sure it’s on it’s way.

Sorry to hear your daughter broke up with her boy friend. That is always tough. Good question about a good relationship. I think it’s important to be honest and considerate. Don’t sweat the little stuff and in the scheme of things pretty much everything is little stuff. Don’t expect to change them in to what you want them to be. People don’t really change. Remember you do things that bug them as well. Listen to them and make sure you communicate in a way they will listen and understand. Let me clarify that; Marty often reminds me he doesn’t do hints. If I want something I have to ask. We always discuss big decisions so we are on the same page or find a compromise if we aren’t. We also like to laugh a lot; that always helps.

Callie, I bet your husband prefers your homemade chicken noodle soup now. That’s a cute story though.

Yay for a restaurant with great bling lighting.

I can’t wait to see my new sapphire tomorrow. It has been a good month of bling. I did wear my emerald quite a few times already. 75 degrees sounds great. Look out though because cold and snow was here today so it’s probably coming your way. I hate to hear your allergies have been terrible this spring. When spring allergies hit I know it can be miserable. It really makes me tired too.

Hi Sharon.

Junebug, I am glad to hear things went well with your sister and your mom. That’s great she is going to come out and stay longer with summer. Good plan to take another vacation. You certainly deserve it.

Sorry to hear your brother and sister don’t get along too well. My sisters don’t get along well either. It makes it hard sometimes.

Work was AWFUL with a Capital A today. I had Marty pick up Bailey’s today so I could have an after dinner drink. I thought of doing some work tonight to help out for tomorrow but it would take hours and it’s hard to do on my work laptop.

Marty made some pasta with cherry tomatoes, vinegar, seasonings and cheese. It was quite tasty. He was trying for something similar to Italian dressing. Then he made some stir fry beef with a wine sauce. I told him he could make that again.

Tomorrow my ring shows up. Sweet.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013

New bling arriving and a DH who cooks?!?!?!
You lead a charmed life :appl:

I'm glad you're getting help with the tire. They make me nervous when things aren't just right and I hope you get to the bottom of the problem.

Callie, I would love to go to a good steak place. Please report about your weekend dinner; both food, company and sparkle!

Missy, does having the GTG near you feel like you are herding cats to help everyone get organized?
I'm having a herding cats experience here with a short trip with less people.
We are only going overnight to a wonderful bird sanctuary, but i decided to go a day early since I'm driving alone. Now everyone is going crazy saying they can't go for two days, they are confused, etc. One said she was going to cancel. The funny thing is that if I had not told them they never would have known, but now I feel as though I've ruined the trip. :lol:

Thank all for your kind concerns about my DD.


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Good Friday!

Jimmianne, thank you for that kitty cartoon. Greg loves it and thanks you too. We never heard of Rasam soup and I need to find out who might offer it here locally so I can order some for tonight perhaps. Thanks for the rec.

Any news re your France trip? A close girlfriend of mine just got back yesterday from Paris where she celebrated her 30th birthday. Her dh surprised her with the trip. Except she found out about it weeks before and so it wasn't a surprise but that was OK and her dh has no clue she knew. He had packed France tour books in their suitcase that he borrowed from friends when visiting them for the weekend a couple of months ago and she saw the books. But it worked out great anyway and this way she had a better idea of what to pack. A very essential concern when traveling that one must pack appropriately. Anyway she had a fantastic time and I know you will too. I hope you are able to sort out the passport issues.

I am sorry about your dd and hope she feels OK about things and that her heart mends quickly so she can go about her business and find her "beshert" if that is what she wishes that is. That means her true life partner and love of her life. I believe that the better we know ourselves the better chance we have of finding our soulmate. And for the most part (and not for everyone at all just generalizing) the older we are the more likely that is. I am speaking from my personal experience. I never thought I wanted to get married but that is because I never met the right person and even when I did it took some time (years lol) to figure out he was/is the right person. So with age does come (sometimes!) wisdom. :halo:

Haha yes this is becoming more challenging than I realized but it is only normal with different personalities and needs of each person in the mix. This is why I never travel with more than my dh. Too challenging making everyone happy because everyone likes and wants different things. Rightfully so as we are all individuals and now the challenge lays in making everyone happy and content with the arrangements. I am confident we will all work it out though. We are NIRDIs after all and we will make it work and have an amazing time. :appl:

Callie, I love that story about you and your dh and the chicken soup. I have a lot in common I guess with your MIL LOL. I can boil water and make sandwiches. That's about it in the kitchen. :oops:

I am glad you are looking forward to dinner with your parents this weekend and I hear you on the bling lighting. Think you can sneak a few surreptitious shots of your rings at the restaurant? :Up_to_something:

Have you heard anything about your brother's biopsy yet? I am hoping it all turns out well and that it is negative. Sending him lots of healing and good luck ***DUST***.

Junebug, I am glad things worked out with your brother staying at your home and your sister staying with your mom and both taking care of your mom while you were away. I am also very glad you can take a Memorial day vacation at your beach house and that they will take care of your mom then too. And so happy your sister is willing to pitch in more on a regular basis. That will be so helpful and really go a long way in alleviating some of the stress you are under re caring for your mom. What are your Easter plans?

Marcy, Ugh, I am sorry work was terrible yesterday and hope you enjoyed a lovely evening. I love Bailey's too. My mom used to make us amazing Frozen Mudslides with Baileys. Mmmmm good. And the dinner Marty prepared for you last night sounds delicious. :lickout:

I am glad Marty filled your tires but please get it checked if you get another message or even if your gut tells you something is wrong without a message. Safe is better than sorry and Marcy we want you to be safe and well!

OMG today is sapphire day!!! So glad you are wearing and enjoying your "new" emerald ring and now you will be able to enjoy your beautiful new sapphire ring. Woohoo cannot wait and you know we need photos asap so I hope work goes smoothly today and that you have lots of energy to take pics. :bigsmile:

Kristie, soon you will have beautiful Bubbles on your finger and this will all be a distant memory soon forgotten. She is going to be gorgeous. Any decisions about those spess earrings? :naughty: :cheeky:

Orsi, good luck today. We are all thinking of you and sending more (((HUGS))).

I would love to hear everybody's holiday plans this weekend if you care to share.

Thank you all for your well wishes for Greg and Greg thanks you also. He is pretty sick and OMG coughing up a storm. I am being as domestic as possible (for me that is LOL) and I ordered him Wonton soup from our favorite local Chinese food restaurant last night when I got home from work. Haha that is me being domestic. Well, I did heat it up in a nice bowl at least and didn't serve it in the plastic quart container. :cheeky:
He is working from home today thank goodness. He is really too sick to go into the office.

He doesn't want to cancel on our weekend plans (and in fact my mom would probably be very upset if we did) but I don't know. Our friends we are seeing this Sunday would be upset if we came with Greg sick as she is (rightfully so) afraid of getting sick herself. She is more anxious about this than the average person so I wanted to let her know but Greg thinks he will be fine by Sunday and if I tell her now she will be hyper for no reason. I had an email all ready to send yesterday morning but Greg told me not to so I really hope I am doing the right thing. I never cancel plans and I would hate to do so last minute. I wanted to give them some warning just in case but knowing our friend as we do I think Greg is probably right in this case.

Oh and with regards to the recumbent bike I will only say this for now. UPS SUCKS with a capital S. They left it outside and never even tried ringing the bell. MY dad is almost 81 (April 30th) and he cannot move that bike into the house. It is HEAVY! I called them up last night so furious at how lazy that UPS driver is and well I am still waiting for satisfaction and I am out for blood right now honestly I am so furious. I specifically ordered it overnight and paid the extra money and called the day before to make sure it was signature required and my mom stayed home all day so she would be there and my dad went to watch the grandkids by himself. All for nothing because UPS just left the bike there right in full view of any thief too. I mean they live in a safe area but we all know things get stolen everywhere. How lazy and stupid and mean is that driver. And I called UPS as soon as I realized they just left it there (got an email 10 minutes later) and they said they would send him back but they NEVER did. FURIOUS. OK that is my vent for the day and hopefully the last time I will get upset over this whole affair.

Everyone enjoy their Good Friday. I hope it is a GREAT friday for all!


Apr 19, 2004
Hi ya'll:

Missy asked..... :bigsmile:

I am cooking Easter dinner--it has been ages! Usually we go out, but since most of my extended family are in Hawaii, my Mom is alone. Like many others here, we are caregivers to other family and my DH is going out of town overnight to attend to those matters. He will bring my Mom back here (to our city) and she will stay the weekend.

I will stuff a turkey (no offense! lol), make cabbage rolls, candied yams, corn meal soufflé, usual potatoes/gravy, brussel sprouts (with crème), and midnight cake for dessert. And champagne! Of course!




Jul 1, 2014
Well Hawaii sounds nice but your menu sounds FABULOUS! :love: What time should we arrive, heehee!!!!! We will keep the champagne flowing!

Have a great Easter, Sharon!


Apr 19, 2004
azstonie|1428093744|3856539 said:
Well Hawaii sounds nice but your menu sounds FABULOUS! :love: What time should we arrive, heehee!!!!! We will keep the champagne flowing!

Have a great Easter, Sharon!

Come anytime. We can start drinking early! :cheeky:



Feb 5, 2014
Hi Sharon, nice to see you here :appl: :wavey:

Missy, you are so kind to keep thinking of me and wishing me the best and sending me dust and hugs but I have known from the first time I read this thread that you were a wonderful person.

Callie I of course must thank you and Jimmianne too for all your support here and offline and Kristie I truly enjoy talking to you a lot as well. You are all too kind.

Marcy now I cannot wait for your new bling to arrive! We are both expecting sapphires :lol:

Junebug, I have to say that you do look great and it was wonderful to finally get to you see as well, many of you have seen me I believe but I can post a pic here too, think many do here. For anyone that has not seen me. Some of you have already seen this pic too.

Weather is awful,what is going on? Again below freezing point and it will rain for almost 14 days straight, how I hate that but today was a much better day, felt much better. I also feel really good about my telling my friend Klari about her ex boyfriend asking me for an engagement ring and that I hope to have saved Klari from much further suffering. I think she really appreciates it and I am sure I made the right decision. It was wonderful talking to her today and she really gave me great legal advice that I already thought of. I wish she could by my lawyer, well, she is, in part, at least as far as my company goes, she has always been. We loved working together at my last firm but I have always been the editor, translator because I know little about Hungarian law, of course more by now but still not enough.

Anyhow enough legal talk but happy holidays to everyone! And of course happy bling projects and let's all try to have as good a time as we can. I will try to check in tomorrow as well but because of the visit it is faster to reach me by mail.



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Is Greg feeling better? I hope he is well enough to go thru with the plans you have for the next couple of days. I know how much you were both looking forward to this weekend. I can completely understand how upset you are with UPS. They delivered a huge heavy package to our home right before Christmas. It was addressed to our neighbors home. My husband wasn't very happy about having to take it over to their home when he realized how heavy it was. Do your parents know the bike is coming?

Marcy, I keep checking back for your Sapphire pictures! I'm sure it looks beautiful on you. I hope your day at work went better today.
Marty's dinner sounded fantastic. All that was missing was the crusty bread. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? Your remark about Marty not doing hints made me laugh. I don't think most men do hints. They need a PowerPoint presentation with bullet points giving them step by step instructions.

Junebug, Do you have any plans with your kids for the weekend? My husband is very disappointed it won't be nice enough to golf tomorrow.

Kristie, What are you and Bob doing this weekend? Any news on when Bubbles will be finding her way home?

Jimmianne, If you can come to Chicago you are welcome to join us for dinner on Sunday! Do you have plans with your daughter this weekend? Is she doing okay?

OV, I'm glad you are having a good time with your mom. You look beautiful in the picture you posted. I sent you an email today.

Sharon, Your dinner sounds wonderful. What is midnight cake? I've never heard of it.


Jul 1, 2014
Orsi, you look great! You look just like your posts---pretty, warm, friendly :appl: I sent you an email today on Bob's computer. I hope you have a good Passover.

I got the Ruby Lane ring today. It's small size-wise but I still love it. The black opal is lively and the diamonds are white. I'll post a hand shot tomorrow morning.

Missy, no earrings for Kristie! I don't have pierced ears and clips hurt. I loved them, though :love:

Marcy, where is Kentucky Blue???? Don't let that Snacks get her!!!!

Jimmianne, your daughter. I've been thinking about that. Not all relationships last even though the love is still there. That's my experience any way. I hope she's doing well. How is Puff?????

Callie, what are you and Jeff doing for Easter?? Junebug? Missy, you'll be visiting your friends and also your mom and dad, right? Marcy, hw about you and Marty? Jimmianne, what have the mini ponies requested for Easter? Carrots and apples?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies. Here are a few pictures. Hopefully I can get more tomorrow. It's pretty. :appl:

I took a few pictures in the den with late day Sun coming in through the window.




Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, Your ring is gorgeous!!! That sapphire color is to die for! Woohoo!


Jul 1, 2014
:love: :love: :love:

That came out GREAT!!! I love it, the color is beautiful and even though I'm a yg girl I have to say it looks great.

Marcy, who cut that?

Are you pleased????


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I agree it’s a good day when you get new bling and someone cooks supper for you. If only I could get Marty to do the dishes.

I know; I hate car problems. If I keep picking up nails I’ll probably have to get new tires but I’m holding out until my car is at least a few years old.

When will you get Joy back? I can hardly wait to see it.

I hope your plans for the bird sanctuary don’t fall through with everyone. That will be a nice trip.

Missy, your friend certainly had a memorable 30th birthday.

Agreed it is hard to please yourself and Greg; let alone a bunch of other people but I know the NIRDI GTG will go fabulously. How could it not?

Mmm mudslides. I need to pick up some vanilla ice cream this weekend. Marty even brought up his blender from the man cave. It’s begging for attention.

Poor Greg! I hope he gets better and can enjoy the weekend.

That is so crappy of UPS! I can’t believe they did that. I would be furious too.

Sharon, your Easter dinner sounds fabulous. You might find a few of us at your door on Sunday.

Ovi, you are a very lovely lady. It’s nice to put a face with your name.

Sorry you are having bad weather.

I am glad you talked to your friend about her ex.

I can’t wait to see your pretty pink sapphire.

Callie, your power point presentation with bullet points made me laugh so much I started coughing. And Marty would still swear I never told him. I keep threatening to make him sign a piece of paper when I tell him something important.

Kristie, I can’t wait to see your black opal ring.

I got the sapphire from the Shane Company. I have quite a collection of sapphires from them and they are all pretty nice IMHO. My other sapphire ring is in YG and I actually like this shade in WG.

Thank you Callie and Kristie. I am very pleased with my sapphire. It really is lively for that shape and looks different shades of blue depending on the light.

Work was really busy and stressful again today but I felt more confident when I left I won’t get paged this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Marty and I don’t have any plans for Easter. We don’t have family here anymore so we’ll probably just hang out around the house. It will probably be nice enough for golf so maybe we can go out and eat after Marty plays golf.

My sister and BIL are coming to town tomorrow. She is going to turn in her benitoite to my gold smith and order a ring from him.

Have a great evening and weekend.

Marcy New Sapphire :bigsmile:


Jul 1, 2014
This is for Snacks, from Miss Maggie the Westie:
Snacks, do you know the song, "Little Rabbit Frou Frou?????"



Dec 9, 2013
Dear Marcy New Sapphire,

It's such a beautiful blue color that lights up all on it's own and in the sunshine - wow. depth. lush.
I'm so glad you [WE] have your bling for the holiday weekend! A nice blue Easter egg.

I haven't heard a thing about Joy, but trying to be patient.
My girls' bird-watch GTG is ON again, everyone is finally on the same page.
The France thing - who knows. I got official papers from NY State saying they could not issue a birth certificate because I'm not on record. So - I don't exist...except when they want me to pay taxes : )
I'm sure it will all get straightened out.

I said I didn't have holiday plans, but my art roundtable is on Easter morning. We are 8 artists who meet the first Sunday every month to discuss art and critique each other's work. We all bring great food and have art-gossip with brunch.
Kind of like our group here - nice, good, funny people with a common passion for beauty.

Can't. Stay awake. Goodnight everyone.



Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Thanks for all the well wishes and your nice comments, you know I am now sans lash extensions and feeling great about myself, my eye are is almost back to normal by now and I am happy I dared to go natural.

Jimmiane, who is that cutie? Now it has occurred me, when are you coming to France? I would love to meet you if you like then,France is doable for me for a few days and France is my favorite place. I had the best vacation there with my ex fiancee but I went to the French Riviera, Cannes, Saint Tropez, etc. and Provence, I would not mind going to Paris either. I wonder if you felt like meeting and when you are coming, let me know and you can always drop me an email too.

Missy, how is Greg? I hope you are not getting sick. I did too a bit but took my immune stimulants and feeling fine now.

Marcy I absolutely adore your sapphie, that is one amazing sapph :love: :love: :love: so happy you got her back in time for the holidays, perfect design and perfect size. I too find the cut wow. Just really PERFECT.

Kristie when will we get to see pix of Bubbles in her new home?

Hope everyone is preparing for a lovely holiday weekend. We are not really planning anything special because my mom is like that, she would rather just stay home, clean and organize than go out and have fun, sigh but at least we are together.:)))

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, Happy Passover to everyone and Happy Easter soon too.


Dec 9, 2013
Nice Bill Cunningham this morning:

I love the clothes! I tend to bounce back and forth between minimalist, straight edge and a sort of hippy chic with layers and mixed up patterns. What are your styles, my dear NIRDIs?

My kitty Secret Agent Man - SAM - got hurt in a cat fight yesterday and could not walk & had a high fever. We spent the afternoon at the vet. This morning he was up on the counter yowling for his breakfast : ) very much better.
He is a stray who showed up 5 years ago, a huge beat-up young tomcat. I did not want to keep him, but then he won my heart.
He does dog tricks : ) and is very happy to be my painter's model. Here he is wearing his backpack


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I am so happy your sweet tomcat SAM is feeling better. He looks like such a love. When I was in my twenties I had an orange cat that looked like Sam and he also did dog tricks. In fact all 3 of my original kitties did dog tricks with their favorite one being playing fetch. I sometimes wondered which one of us (i.e. me) was doing the dog tricks hehe. Hugs to sweet SAM!

Your Easter Sunday art roundtable group brunch sounds like fun. They sound like a great group of women.

Who is that adorable little fella (or is he a she?)? OMG I just want to reach through the computer and hug him/her. So sweet.

I am sure everything will work out re your passport but I can imagine it is frustrating while it is getting sorted out. It's crazy and doesn't make any sense (no surprise there) that you exist when they want you to pay taxes but don't exist when you need a passport. Stupid government logic and red tape. :knockout:

As for style that is difficult to say for sure as I am eclectic in many ways. But I like to think of myself as edgy, flirty, sophisticated and fun in my style. 8-) That's my take anyway. ;))
It depends on my mood of course but I will say black is my favorite color (though I have many colors in my wardrobe).

I know I already gave you the latest Roomba update but for those who are interested...girls I love Roombie. I put him to work yesterday morning and he was cleaning for 105 minutes straight! That's right. 105 minutes on one charge. And he did a lovely job. I just love that he can go under the sofa, the armchairs, the tables, the bed etc. Places I cannot go with a vacuum. Today I am putting him in the bedroom to continue the cleaning. He charges up pretty quickly but I think then he doesn't have as much juice as when I charge him for more than a few hours so we'll see how long he goes today. He was charged for a full 5 days before yesterday's cleaning assignment so that could be why he lasted so long. Anyway very pleased with Roombie. FYI for all those who are considering getting one. Only issue for me is we need a few Roombies to do the whole house. But that might be considered wasteful I guess especially considering I have 3 (or it it 4) Dyson vacuums right now. :cheeky:

Marcy, your new sapphire ring is beautiful. I love that blue and I also love the setting you chose. It looks fantastic on your hand! Now the only problem is deciding what to wear when because you have a lovely varied collection. :love:

I'm sorry Friday was another stressful day at work and I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will not get paged this weekend. Enjoy your visit with your SIL and brother and also your Sunday on the golf course with Marty if he plays and a lovely dinner afterwards.

Kristie, we need to see pics of your new ring! So happy you love it and I am glad you decided to buy the ring. I didn't know your ears weren't pierced...sorry to send you that email with those gorgeous spess earrings you think you would ever get your ears pierced? Think of the whole new bling world that would open for you... :cheeky: C'mon over to the dark side girlfriend. :devil:

Sharon, your Easter plans sound wonderful and I agree with the other girls. What time shall we be there and what would you like us to bring? That midnight cake sounds yummy and I'm with Callie...I never had that before and would love to hear how you make it. Enjoy the time with your family!

Ovi, you are beautiful but of course we already knew that and I am glad you decided to share a pic with all of those who didn't already know what you look like. I think your eyelashes look beautiful and don't start with the lash extensions again please. You are perfect just the way you are! Hope your weather improves soon and more importantly that things continue to go smoothly for you and that you enjoy the visit with your mom.

Junebug, I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend and that you have a fun holiday with your loved ones.

Callie, how is your weekend going? How is the weather? We are clearing up and it seems like it might be a decent weather weekend.

My parents were well aware the bike was coming because my mom had to be home supposedly to accept delivery. That was a huge waste of her time as she would have preferred being with the grandkids but was told she had to be there to sign for the package and we all know how that went. UPS is full of idiots who just don't care. That is my realization after a few experiences now. If anyone has stock in them get rid of it before they crash IMO.

I am not surprised that UPS messed up with your neighbor's delivery and that was kind of Jeff to bring over that heavy package to your neighbor. Sorry but I am going on another UPS vent. Skip ahead if you are not in the mood to hear of the latest frustration with them.

UPS messed up again yesterday but this time with my delivery of cultured veggies (an expensive order too) that I get every month. It is always an overnight delivery and the company sent it out Thurs so I would get it Friday and yesterday I got a notice from UPS that it had to be rescheduled to the next business day doe to holiday closures. :confused: The thing is UPS was working yesterday and the woman from the vegetable company told me there were 74 deliveries from them yesterday in Brooklyn and everyone but me got it. LOL.

The issue is that these are live cultures and need to be refrigerated as soon as possible to be palatable enough to eat or they get too intensely sour. OMG UPS screws up again. I now realize they don't give a damn. So now I am supposed to refuse delivery Monday and the company will send out a fresh batch. Except refusing delivery is challenging in my building. There are lots of packages that come every day and lots of different staff who might be at the front to accept them. They cannot be expected to refuse a specific package for me because in addition to that one package I probably have other UPS deliveries I am getting as well so you can see the complication. Also why should this now be my problem. I want the company to arrange to have it sent back to them on their end and not something I need to be in charge of yanno? We shall see how this plays out but needless to say if I can go with Fed Ex when I have the choice I certainly will. I want to add I tried contacting UPS as did the woman in charge of my order did as well and we never got any returned phone call despite numerous promises they would. HA. No surprise there.

UPS is really more like the PITS. :nono:

Sorry but I just had to vent here. Back to you Callie. What are your plans for the rest of the weekend? I think you are seeing your mom and stepdad. Is that right? Whatever your plans I hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday. :appl:

Greg is still coughing up a storm and I think it is just a bad cold. He says he is feeling a bit better and he still thinks spending tomorrow with our friends doing our usual Easter walk in the city is doable. I am concerned because I don't want my friend to be worried about getting sick so torn as to what to do. We love doing the annual 7-10 mile easter walk with them and then going out to eat at my favorite vegan place. She is a health nut like me and loves the same food I (we) do and they (her and her dh) also have very similar (high end) culinary taste. Plus they live at the Jersey shore but have a place in Hoboken and they are staying in Hoboken just so the trip into the city is easier. I don't want to disappoint them or us either but I also don't want Greg stressing his body so I guess I will see how he is feeling later. I still want to email her giving her a heads up and let them decide but I will wait to see what Greg thinks is the best course of action.

OMG we had a little "adventure" yesterday LOL. This is just the typical Lucy and Ethel experiences that happen to us (me) haha. Greg insisted we go to Costco as per our usual Friday even with him being so sick so we went. After our shopping we checked out at the cashier and were heading out of Costco to the car and Greg was like Uh I don't have the car keys. :shock:
OMG so I remained calm and sent him out of Costco to the car despite him being sure he didn't leave the keys in the car. And I went to Todd (a worker we know at Costco) who told me he would watch our Costco groceries etc and to just go through the whole store (2 levels LOL). OK so I went upstairs to produce where we spent the most time all the while looking on the ground as I went making sure there were no keys there but desperately hoping they would be somewhere and when I got upstairs to produce I was talking to several employees when Greg called me on my mobile. No he hadn't found the keys but someone left a note on the car they had found them and left his mobile # and he would meet us by the meat. OMG I was so relieved when I found the man there that I just gave him the biggest hug (times 3 I was so relieved haha) and he seemed very surprised but then pleased after I gave him the other 2 hugs haha. And then he said well his wife actually found them and she was just across from us and I went over to her and gave her the biggest hug too! How nice they went to the trouble of writing a note on the car and giving their mobile # and waiting for us to realize we didn't have our car keys. YAY for good samaritans and for people who actually care about others. :appl:

Happy holidays to all you lovely NIRDIs and all the lovely PSers reading this. Wishing you health, happiness and love and a wonderful holiday. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

I can't pretend to be able to catch up....

....but that RING Marcy! Whoa! :love:

JiA--your photography skills are excellent. Love your subjects (cats with capes and diamonds!)

Missy--very sorry for Greg's present chest cold--they are the worst. But your acronym skills rival JiA's photography....NIRDI's, UPS and PITS. I have to read closely! :bigsmile:

Callie--the midnight cake is my Mom's recipe for chocolate cake. From her Robin Hood cookbook from the 60's. Anyway, it is a dark cake (aka midnight) because you use 1/2 c. dark pure cocoa. The cake is not sweet and while I don't eat a lot of cake, this is my fav. Oldie but goodie. Easy as pie. :bigsmile: (ironic "as pie" is much more laborious!)

OV--what a lovely photo! Not sure we will get to Europe after all for vacation (DH wanted to go to London and Paris) as my son has a new summer Internship, and I like to travel as a family. We will see. Bit late for making summer plans to Europe at this point anyway. Hawaii it is!

AZ--good luck on the hunt for the perfect chair. I also detest furniture shopping and decorating in general.

I have not intentionally missed anyone...but no worries: we will all have some champagne and wine later for dinner here---ALL will be forgiven! :D Don't bring anything but your awesome selves!



Jul 1, 2014
JImmianne, love the tiny widdle bunny! He wants his nap :angel: We will have no "Little Rabbit Frou Frou" for that adorable little fellow.

Snacks, OTH, Snacks ITS ON!

So glad Sam is on the mend! He looks like my kind of tomcat--orange and scrappy!!!! He looks great in his pack, btw!!! What does Sam think of Puff????

Missy, OMG the car keys. There *are* good people left in the world and I'm glad they were also intelligent, that was a smart way to ensure you got your keys back and timely too. Bob and I do Costco on Friday if he's on a flex day from work; if not, I go Tuesday first thing because NO ONE is in the store then. Out west here, Costco's are sprawling and one floor, you have to wear appropriate shoes or your feet and knees hurt after that much concrete, haha. I hope Greg is continuing to feel better and today is better than yesterday.

And regarding what you had to say about YOU cancelling the pkg with the vegetables on your end, this is exactly my pet peeve the past years: When did *I* become an employee of ____________________ (fill in the blank)? How are other people's mistakes when selling me stuff MY PROBLEM to fix????? Bob gets PO'd with me when I ask someone trying to palm their job off on me, he will always just solve or fix something himself rather than complain to someone or even just TALK to someone. Me, OTH, I'm more likely to say No, YOU fix this, and the frequently male person trying to make me do his job, they always look shocked to be confronted about that. So I get it: When did YOU become an employee of UPS?????? I get multiple packages from UPS and the USPS and FedEx too and I can imagine how trying to stop ONE pkg would be an exercise in frustration for you btw people/staff in your building who would accept delivery on your behalf.

So is the bike in at your parents' place?

Callie, are you around? I've been emailing you, I hope everything is alright.

Sharon, that midnight cake sounds wonderful, particularly when served with French champagne! Is there such a thing as Canadian sparkling wine? When Bob and I were in Vancouver, BC, for his 50th we could not believe how fantastic the area wines were, Okanagin (spelling, sorry bout that) area makes some incredible Canadian wines. We also were surprised at how good the food was pretty much anywhere in Vancouver, from the little mom-and-pops to the big fancy hotels, etc. Definitely a good spot for foodies and boozies (I'm a foodie, Bob's the boozie).

Marcy, I hope the golfing is good today and the lunching too!

Junebug, what are your plans for Easter/Passover?

I'm taking the easy way out this. I love fried chicken, I have it about once a year. I'm getting some today from Culver's and I'll serve it tomorrow chilled, (its in the 90s here) potato salad, squash and cauliflower, champagne, carrot cake (making it today from Southern Living cookbook).

Edit: I tried to post the second pic of the ring, which showed the liveliness of the opals but I keep getting a page that says "Entity too large 413."

I'll try one more later.

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