
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, the box my wedding ring came in was blepphttt. Now we have a lovely home thanks to you!



Jul 1, 2014
There's going to be fisticuffs btw Filigree Ring and Pear Ring now! Who gets to reside in the lovely purple splendor? Who? Who will it be?



Jul 1, 2014
Bob is my hand model, bwahahahaha!



Jun 7, 2014
Kristie, That box is gorgeous. They could easily become addicting! Too cute that sweet Finny got in on the reveal. How is he feeling now and how is his Mommy feeling? Was there any vodka left for Bob when he got home tonight?


Feb 27, 2007
Kristie, what a great package and beautiful ring box. Your ering looks lovely in it. Finn is obviously enjoying the show. Bob makes a great ring box model. What a special treasure.

Jimmianne, that was so nice of you to give such a nice prize to one of us NIRDIs. :wavey:


Feb 5, 2014
Beautiful box Kristie and Finnie is simply adorable. Vets shock me sometimes too, no pun intended and I would rather not go back to that when I had my latest emergencies a few months ago. I am just glad that Finn is ok and actually feeling better at the end. I hope this does not happen next time.

I am really into beautiful jewelry boxes, especially leather and velvet, my only problem is that most the time I either wear mine or they are in the safe or carried with me and you definitely need these gorgeous boxes to display them. Guess for me that would not make a lot of sense but I would still like to get some gorgeous ones. The ones I can around here are very expensive though, not sure about these ones. I have been thinking about buying some leather ones.

Thank you for the link Kristie, I will definitely check that out. Yes, it is really hard, you understand I am sure. You think your parents want the best for you and when you realize that is not the case, it is pretty hard. I thought that my dad could not hurt me anymore but I guess I was wrong. My mom is so very sorry and me too that she notified him when this terror happened, had he not known, at least he would have kept himself out of it and not harmed me. I still cannot believe why he would try to harm me or allow his wife to do so and not even want to talk to me. If anything I was overly honest with them and way nice. My dad had only had use rights on my condo yet I offered him the state refund on mortgage and no he definitely does not need that. I think because of him when people are nasty like my ex was too, I try to be even nicer to show them that they do not need to do this and also because I think that perhaps I did something wrong to cause this. Then it results in even worse abuse, from now on I get it, if anyone shows nastiness or wrong treatment of me, then I will walk the other way. You live and learn right? It is hard to learn but I will get there.

Today my mom is coming. Evenings are hard as I have a difficult time shutting off my brain and mornings are also hard to wake up to this but now I have talked to the new lawyer and at the moment he seems to be good, at least he seems to care and we talked for over an hour on the phone, so, hopefully fresh beginnings will be good. He has not painted a rose picture at all, there are many things that can happen but at least maybe we are getting somewhere.

Hope you all have a great day and talk later.


Dec 9, 2013
So much has happened here since I left the house for yoga yesterday!

AZ/K I'm so glad you like your ring box! I had so much fun having a "secret" and waiting for the first poster on the 100th page.
Your rings look very happy in their new home and your hand model is divine :saint:
The Finnster is looking good. What a sweetheart. I hate that the vet hurt him - I had a dog hurt at the vet and I hate to even think about it...but I'm sure both our dogs have totally moved on from their experiences ... our Finn to be a professional ring box model!
If your canine model is the Finnster, is your hand model the Bobster?

Missy, I have to study your "political" posts and read the links. I'm glad you've brought up a subject for serious thought. [well! not that bling isn't a very serious business with us!]

OV, you are thinking of getting a roommate? I'll have to go back and find the post on that for the details, but it sounds like a great idea.

Junebug, welcome back from your adventure!

Callie and Marcy, good morning!

Thank you all for the compliments on my photo. As you can see - it is not TOO revealing but enough that you could pick me out on a line-up LOL I just thought it helps so much to put a "face" with a name when writing, although stuffed animals and pets help as well. haha. It would be wonderful if everyone could be at the fall GTG.


Jun 8, 2008
Happy last day of March NIRDIs! Tomorrow is April 1st. Watch out for those tricksters kids and especially those killer bunnies. No one is safe around them.:shifty:

What a nice way to wake up...beautiful ring box Kristie! :love: And thank you Jimmianne for making it possible! :appl: And thank you to Bob and Finnie boy for being such accommodating models. :bigsmile:

Kristie, any Bubbles updates? I am guessing that beautiful ring box is going to be for Bubbles when she returns home though your gorgeous pear ER looks amazingly at home in the velvet jewelry box I have to say. :love: OK just read you are going to be keeping your ER in the ring box. She does look beautiful in it and right at home!

Jimmianne, now we want to see yours. :appl:
That was one long yoga session you had yesterday. :cheeky:
Did you enjoy it? How was the rest of your day? It is still gray here though the sun peeked through for a few minutes yesterday afternoon it got scared away again lol. The light is very pretty this morning though.

Marcy, that is a great size for your KB sapphire. And I agree that color is beautiful! Yes do run home today at lunch to check on it and please give us an update. :bigsmile: Friday is only a few more days away. Oh, HRH Francesca just asked me to ask her Aunt Marcy if she could borrow your sapphire ring for special occasions. I told her she might have some competition for that. :devil:

How about we hold our jewelaholic meetings at Cartier or Harry Winston? Do you think they would mind serving bling with the hor d'oeuvres? 8)

Sorry Marty lost his Fitbit. I am thinking if I get one I don't want one that attaches to my wrist and I don't like rubber so perhaps the Fitbit One. Our friends who we are seeing this Easter is going to bring their Fitbits to show me. I'm not really sure I even want one because I don't think I want to know how inactive I actually am most days lol. Unless my workouts add up to all the steps I need I might fall short. :shock:

Ugh about your allergies too. I just started taking Zyrtec (I usually take Allegra) to see if it makes a difference. What do you take for your spring allergies?

Callie, yay for warming up weather. It's about time. I think it might be warming up here mid week but that comes with more rain. Appropriate I guess as tomorrow is April and we all know that April brings those darn showers.Where's my umbrella emoticon when we need it. OMG just heard the meteorologist update...some snow expected here today. Crazy. I cannot believe it as I think it is too warm. We shall see. Probably areas North and West of us but not NYC.

Any updates re your niece's engagement ring search?

Ovi, I am glad you talked to a new lawyer and think he is competent and capable and will do a good job. I hope you have a good reunion with your mother today and that she helps you and is there for you and that the visit is a happy one. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, aw, thanks for the warm welcome back! Yeah, you're right, maybe I need to get away more so that I can learn to relax lol. Hard to shut everything off sometimes.

Kristie, thanks for understanding, and you're right, I think I was so busy the few days before I left that I was still sort of geared up for the couple of days I was there. My brother ended up staying at my house at the last minute so I had some cleaning/straightening to do that I normally wouldn't have bothered with.

I'm so sorry about Finn's experience! ;( How stressful for everyone - but I'm happy he seems to be feeling good, yay for that.

Love that ring box! Your beautiful ring looks perfect in its new home :love:

Ovi, thanks for explaining your work situation, I get it now! In a way, it is like dealing with a new job because the environment has changed and you are dealing with new situations and I can see how that could be very stressful. I'm glad your ex isn't there anymore. And I am so very sorry about the situation with your father, his behavior and actions are impossible to understand. I'm really happy things are working out with the new lawyer. You need to feel you have someone on your side, and someone you can trust. I truly hope you have a great visit with your mother, and that you can relax and enjoy yourself a little. If you read my above comments, you can see how I understand it's hard to shut out the stressful stuff sometimes. Hugs, and hang in there!

Thanks for asking about my trip, it was nice! We visited the Alamo and ate too much ha! At the last minute we also went to a golf tournament that was being held in San Antonio, which sounds weird but I like to watch golf on tv and I'm familiar with a lot of the golfers, so it was fun.

Jimmianne, it was so sweet of you to send the ring box to Kristie! It is so pretty. How was your yoga class? I don't have much experience with it, but one of the exercise dvds has a yoga segment, and I get frustrated because I'm not very flexible and some of the moves are difficult for me to the point I really can't do them.

Marcy, can't wait to see your new sapphire set!

Here are few pics of the Riverwalk, in the spirit of Jimmianne I posted a pic of myself (against my better judgement hehe)





Jun 8, 2008
OMG Junebug you are not only gorgeous on the inside but on the outside as well. :love: :love: :love:

Thanks for sharing your picture and for sharing your vacation details. I'm so happy you had a great time. Start planning your next one...Drs orders lol. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Junebug, you are so beautiful! And look so happy. No wonder it's fun to communicate with you. It's great to know what you look like for writing to you. It makes such a difference.
Soon any photos we have posted will be buried 10 pages back anyway. I can't see the harm. Any stalkers will have to deal with all of us :lol:
Missy you were the brave first photo poster - of course that was a series of progress shots of your dear leg =)
We have come a long way!


Jul 1, 2014
Great pics, Junebug, you look great there on the Riverwalk! I also know its you and not a Texan because you don't have big hair and lotsa makeup!!!!


Dec 9, 2013
Missy - ha - I had to stay away from the thread yesterday and start spring cleaning. Once a person starts reading and writing, the day flies away.
Perhaps I should just tell you that I'm a yoga master and spent the whole day in lotus pose =) [does THAT fall in the little white lie category? probably not : ( lol ]
The class was great. It's held in a little studio in the woods behind the teacher's home. It is very gentle yoga but uplifting. It made my whole day more energized. I started about 15 years ago and had good flexibility for a beginner, but as time went on I was less able to do the strenuous poses, which made me sad. Still, I think I am much better off than I would have been without it. I just avoid the classes that attract the 20-somethings and therefore continue to feel young and flexible :lol:

I've started the process of getting my act together to go to France in June and am not sure if the USA will let me leave the country that soon. When trying to get a passport yesterday I found out that since I'm adopted I have to write to Albany to get an amended birth certificate : (I am quite ambivalent about travel of any sort, but hoping to get excited enough to override fears.
NYC - I wouldn't miss for the world, although THAT'S a big deal. France, that's a whole new level of OMG. plane. ocean. language, etc.

Tried to get glam shots of my Mrs.Box, but the camera liked focusing on the box better than the ring so I'll keep trying to show how the yellow of the stone contrasts with the lavender of the box.I bumped up the color on this photo... p1130839.jpg


Dec 9, 2013
one more thing. I asked to have a photo of Joy's temp setting and here it is.
Now happier[!] about the whole temp thing since it has a nice -almost vintage- feel to it.
Is 14k gold sturdy enough? Is the difference between platinum and gold just for long-term durability? not that the 14k prongs might bend more easily?


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I love your temporary setting. I definitely see what you mean, and agree. It has a vintage vibe. :appl: So glad you are feeling good about it and I think it will be beautiful! :appl:

Your yoga class sounds lovely. And I like your strategy of staying away from the young 'uns classes. :lol:
And I hear you on PS and this thread being quite the time suck. LOL. But a good time suck though yes the day sometimes disappear out from under me when I am on PS. :o

Good luck with getting your passport and being able to go to France. I am sending good luck and safe travel vibes your way. I am very much looking forward to the NIRDI GTG in October. No passport required. :bigsmile:

Great glam shots of Mrs. Box. :kiss:

I agree. We have come a long way. No more broken bones for any of the NIRDIs though we may not have met and gotten to know each other as well as we have if not for that broken leg I would say that's enough. From my mouth to you know whose ears. :halo:


Jul 1, 2014
I think the others probably know more than I do on this, but what I've been told is that platinum scratches and dings more easily than gold. If you're planning on wearing Joy daily, if this is true I would go with gold. If you want the gray color of platinum with Joy, you could use gold prongs for wearability and strength and have a platinum band.

My recent experience informed me that white gold requires rhodium plating, which easily wears off. It is highly toxic. I did read that there are new white gold alloys that do not require plating; be sure to ask about this if you go white gold. You could look into palladium if you want white metal. You could also do gold prongs for strength and a platinum band if you wanted platinum.

Jimmianne, re Paris. GO! take a conversational French course; they'll still pretend they don't understand you BUT they will have some respect that you tried. All of my internatinoal travel was easier than domestic. Get a TSA preclearance card and skip a lot of the lines and security hassles. You have to do this well in advance. Depending on how much travel stress you can endure, look into Trafalgar or Globus, etc for a group. Bob and I super enjoyed our Trafalgar group through the UK. You can spend as much time as you want with the other people or not at all, its up to you. Bob and I add on days in major cities at the start or end of the trip and do things we are interested in. The Trafalgar trips were populated mostly by Easterners, Canadians and Aussies/Kiwis. Very fun and savvy travel companions. Don't get drunk with Australians, you'll take days to recover, heehee.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I had to laugh at your Fitbit comments. I told my husband it would just another something for me to feel guilty about if I wasn't getting all my steps in. My friend said she gain weight after she got hers. She said she had so many steps in she figured she could eat more. She realized that logic wasn't working real well for her. My husband has the wrist and clip on type. I have almost washed the clip on one a few tImes while doing laundry. It is beautiful here today. I'm going out for a while this afternoon.

Marcy, I can't wait to see your new Sapphire ring. The color of your stone is gorgeous. I'm living vicariously thru you! This has been a fun jewelry month just seeing everyones beautiful pieces!

Junebug, I don't know what looks prettier you or the river walk! You are so pretty! You keep saying things about having to get into shape....are you kidding!!! You look wonderful! I'm glad you had a good time on your trip. Did your mom do well when you were on your trip?

Jimmianne, I even like the temporary setting. It's great that you now have the time to design your perfect setting. I understand your feeling about traveling overseas. My husband has been trying to get me to fly to London for over 10 years. I had finally received my passport and the following week London had the bombings. If I was going to go last summer woukd have been the perfect time as my husband was staying in Central London and there would have been so much to do right outside the hotel. My biggest fear is traveling over the ocean. France sounds like such a fun trip. Would you traveling with someone? Your ring box us beautiful. They seem like they would be addicting!

Kristie, I'm so happy Finn seems to be doing better today. I'm sure he would like to forget yesterday even happened. So what color will your next ring box be? They are so pretty! Any word on when Bubbles will be returning home?

OV, Have a great time with your mom! Please try not to stress about everything with your Ex.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi, hi, just real quick, white gold scratches very easily actually. 14 K is of course the hardest, then 18. If you want very soft for certain stones like emeralds, 24 K is best but we only use that for the setting. Obviously, 24 K is always yellow. Plat is most likely the best choice but also much more expensive. I wear 14 K white gold most the time with a plat metal alloy, higher palladium content for whiter look and no plating needed. When the need arises, it is very easy to polish out scratches. Actually polishing is way more difficult than one would imagine but minor scratches are easy to polish out. More soon girls, busy here and also slightly stressful with mom and all.


Jul 1, 2014
Yay Ovi I was hoping you'd tell us. I just printed what you wrote and put it in my datebook so I know what's what!!!


Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, If you have a minute please look at There is an beautiful aquamarine ring (along with many other beauties) on yesterday's post.


Feb 5, 2014

Just coming here real quick before hopefully for once going to bed on time, we have a lot to do in the next three days, not such fun things, well, most of them and some of it will be testimonies. So, obviously we have been very stressed over that and it went ok considering so far but of course I already accepted the fact that ex will screw me wherever he can with the money he owes me too, all I can do is meeting my new lawyer on Thursday and go from there, hope this works out with this lawyer, please cross your fingers for that, I get paranoid these days and I better go to sleep before I start stressing too much before bedtime.

Thank you for wishing us a nice time Callie.

Jimmianne, I also like the temp setting, glad you can wear Joy soon. Can you tell me about your beautiful ring in the lavender box? Would love to know.

Kristie, well, I can only tell you what I like to work with, wear and what my experiences are but everyone will have their own preferences. I am fine with 14 K WG, I also like rose though I do not own it and I like PLAT as well. Those are my preferences, some objective facts I have mentioned and hope it does help a bit.

Sorry girls that I obviously missed some posts and topics but today flew by, yes, it is hard to follow when you must deal with others things as well but wanted to send you hugs, all of you, Missy you too and will respond to you shortly.


Dec 9, 2013
Hugs, OV. You are really in the thick of it. Keep taking those deep breaths. How wonderful it will be when this is all over and things are clear and bright again.


Feb 27, 2007

Ovi, it is hard to walk away from your dad but he has certainly pushed you out of his life. If he would hurt you and side with your ex you are better off distancing yourself from him.

I am glad to hear you talked to a new lawyer and he covered possibilities of what may lie ahead but it’s always better to be prepared.

I hope you’ll enjoy having your mom there visiting.

Jimmianne, I really like your temp setting. I think Joy is going to look fabulous in it. Your ring box is very pretty. How exciting to be planning a trip to France.

Missy, I am sure you and Francesca would have fun borrowing my new sapphire. I bet the Killer Rabbits get to it before I do.

Cartier and Harry Winston would be a fabulous place for a Jewelaholic meeting.

We sat on the deck tonight and I am stuffed up now. I generally only take decongestant when I really need it. I am supposed to get allergy shots but I never go in to get them. Let me know how you like Zyrtec. Most of those medicines make me become a crybaby.

Junebug, I love your vacation pictures and you are a lovely lady. It sounds like you did a lot of fun things on your trip and Marty would definitely have enjoyed the golf tournament.

Kristie, if Australians drink more than the Canadians I’ve met they’d probably kill me with alcohol poisoning. Heck, my in-laws will probably do that to me next month. I am glad to hear Finn is doing better.

Callie, I am glad to hear you had beautiful weather today. It was gorgeous here today too. We as a group certainly have been getting new bling recently. I should name my sapphire China or Michelin since the money for new plates or tires will be on my finger. I hate to think of flying over the ocean too. I am a basket case when Marty is over the ocean.

I thought today was Wednesday most of the day. Rats.

We had crock-pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy plus asparagus cooked on the grill for supper. I am glad I only ate cereal for lunch.

It was near 70 so we sat on the patio but it’s in the shade that time of day and the breeze was chilly.

I just got my club newsletter ready for April so I must go proof read it now.

I did tell Marty we wanted him to paint a picture of our rings and he said I could take care of that. Weird it’s like he’s not all excited about jewelry like we are. Darn it anyway.

Take care.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and Happy April Fools Day!

Ovi, I hope you had a good night last night and that you and your mom are able to take care of matters without any problems this week. Sending you lots of dust and hugs.

Marcy, Your dinner sounds delicious (minus the pot roast for me hehe) and cereal for lunch also sounds pretty good. Please tell Marty we would sweeten the deal for him if he decides he will create a painting of our bling. Home baked goods and we will baby sit the killer rabbits for him too. Think of all the golfing he could get in without having to worry about those sneaky killer rabbits. :cheeky:

Hope your enjoyed proofreading your club newsletter last night. Was there a specific topic that was front and center in your newsletter or anything the NIRDIs might find interesting? I mean stars and bling are both very beautiful and sparkly and out of this world. :halo:

Sorry you allergies are acting up and I will let you know how the Zyrtec works out. My problem is I forget to take it most mornings. I also take chlor trimeton at night which helps with the cat allergies as their dander and hair is all over the bedroom. We really have to stop allowing them to hang out with us in the AM. Frankie is the only one who we let sleep with us due to our allergies but we let them all in when we wake up which sort of defeats the purpose lol.

Junebug, How is your mom doing and your brother in charge when you were away and if so I hope all went well. Did you have that talk with him yet? I hope your mom is doing well and just know I am thinking of her and your family too.

Callie, I hope you got to take that walk yesterday during the beautiful weather you are having. I feel badly that my niece and nephew from Chicago always visit NYC when the weather is sort of crappy but to be fair the weather here is crappy most of the time. :(sad

Kristie, Ha, my experience is exactly the same as yours. The Australians really can drink. OMG they love their Foster's beer. Every year at our CE meetings we would have big parties Saturday night hosted by each of the different countries who attended. The Australian party was known for the alcohol consumption and was usually one of the most popular parties of the night. 8-)

Jimmianne, I think I have forgotten but did you tell us when Joy would be in her temporary setting? I am trying to be patient but all this waiting between you and Marcy's KB sapphire and Kristie's Bubbles is driving me crazy. :boohoo: A girl can only be so patient especially when it comes to bling. C'mon bling please be ready soon. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008


Jul 1, 2014
Lol, the Bubbles deal is getting to me too. I haven't heard from the San Diego jeweler, Arshad, but presumably he's carrying out the job: needling the prongs, splitting them a bit, rhodium plating and polishing, and settjng Bubbles . I just feel kinda beat down about the whole thing with that mount. If I get a call that the mount is unusable I won't miss it, that's fer sure. The $ is a neck rubber but I've had worse ones than that :wall:

I gave Finn his twice daily message and he did real well all day. I think I forgot to say that the acupuncturist vet said he has back pain and that is the source of discomfort. His gait is off due to favoring the right leg and that adds up to back pain for a dog.

I hope everyone is doing well and seeing spring. Off to vacuum---I need an army of roombas! Missy and jimmianne, do roombas work if you have floors with both hard surface and rugs????


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Kristie, yes Roombas work with hardwood and area rugs and though we don't have rugs I am guessing it works with rugs also. It has no problem going from our area rugs to the hardwood floors and back so I think it should be fine on floor to floor rugs. We love Roombie and I am going to let him loose tomorrow or Friday. Too tired to have him going right now since I am not in the mood to clean up after him lol.

It sure is quiet in here...I thought I would get home from work and have a lot of catching up to do. 8)

Hope everyone is OK. I heard from Orsi and she is doing much better and feeling more cheerful so YAY on that. Sending continued good luck PS dust your way Orsi! Sweet dreams. :snore:

Hope everyone is having a good day. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, good idea for bribery for Marty; keeping his killer rabbit out of trouble. The April newsletter had an article about the Electromagnetic spectrum, some newly discovered dwarf galaxies that are in our local group of galaxies and a nice cluster near Coma Berenices. I post it online in PDF; which beats the heck out of the old days when I had it copied then folded it, taped it, put labels and stamps on it and mailed them. Now I post it the beginning of each month and there you go! Our friends tonight were mentioning the same thing about how they love their cat but there is hair all over the house. Chlortrimeton knocks me out but it works well. I will take them at night when my allergies are really bad. Junebug, Kristie and I are also anxious to get our bling returned and ready to wear. I am glad to hear Orsi is doing well. I’ve been sending good vibes her way!

Kristie, I would say no news is good news with Bubbles and the ring. I am anxious to see your beautiful ring all finished. I am glad Finn seems to be doing well. Is Maggie hovering and helping take care of him?

Work was busy. We met some friends for supper and had a nice time.

2 more days until my ring comes. Sweet.

Take care.

BTW my right rear tire is low again. Sigh.

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