
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
this has to be the nicest [& most hits] thread on PS.

I've been away so I wouldn't get a new case of diamond fever, but I've come down with it anyway :angel:
and my first thought upon checking in on PS are you doing? Last thing I read a while back was that you were doing some better but not very mobile. Hope things have improved greatly!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

OMG Marcy, I love your menagerie!!! So adorable. :love:

Thank you for all your good thoughts for me. You are a sweetie and I appreciate your support and encouragement and good wishes all these many many months. It made my journey a lot more bearable and even enjoyable because you guys were and are here for me. I am here for you too always.

I hope Marty likes the furniture you will be taking pictures of and can choose exactly what he wants for his man cave. I am sorry Marty is not enjoying his negotiations with the vendors and that they are being pains. It is tough that he will have to work Romania office hours when he gets home but at least he will be more week and he will be back with you where he belongs!

Good for you in getting rid of the furniture you don't need anymore. It is always nice to make room for new things that you will enjoy. I have been decluttering a bit these last few days but have a lot more to do before I start work. I want to at least accomplish something during this time.

Junebug, did you get what you wanted to at Ruby Lane? I love their sales but there was nothing on sale that I wanted to get. It's always the stuff I love that doesn't seem to go on sale there. Oh well. I shouldn't be spending money now anyway. I hope you got something you love is always a mood lifter IMO.

That's hopeful news for Callie's niece that Accutane doesn't start working for a while as that is what she is taking.

Ooh I am excited at the possibility of meeting with you at some point when the weather improves. We are near Atlantic Highlands at the beach house. Hoping that is not too far. You know Greg and I will want to have you and your dh over for the day of course. :appl:

I hope you got a good night's sleep last night and are feeling much better!

Ovi, how did work go yesterday? How is Sapphie feeling? How are you doing? I know you are busy but I want you to know we are all thinking about you and sending big hugs your and Sapphie's way.

Kristie, I hope you are 100% better now with no residual anything from your virus. Love your detailed write up on Arizona and makes me want to visit there again but perhaps one day in the far future. In the meantime I really hope you can meet with Marcy and LLJsmom too! I still am looking forward to a get together in the NY area at some point so you guys are not off the hook LOL.

Callie, hope you had a good night last night and that you have something fun planned for today. I think we are supposed to get snow this weekend which I would not care for as I want to drive to the suburban malls so I can get some La Mer samples at the department store there...We had a whole plan to go to the malls out there and then spend the day shopping indoors. Snow snow stay away!

LLJsmom, how are you enjoying your rings? They are spectacular and not sure if you started a thread yet on them so will go and check that out. I forgot to respond to what you wrote the other day. Don't worry about not having any advice to offer about my face. I appreciate your good thoughts and wishes for me and just knowing you care is what matters to me. I care about you too and am here for you. (((Hugs))).

Jimmianne|1421932452|3820308 said:
this has to be the nicest [& most hits] thread on PS.

I've been away so I wouldn't get a new case of diamond fever, but I've come down with it anyway :angel:
and my first thought upon checking in on PS are you doing? Last thing I read a while back was that you were doing some better but not very mobile. Hope things have improved greatly!

Awww thank you Jimmianne. How kind of you to think of me and big hugs to you. I am doing so much better. Very mobile and in fact heading back to work in February. I have come a long way and thanks to the support of so many wonderful PSers including yourself it has been a good journey despite the challenges. I hope you are well and glad you checked in to this thread. I have missed you and if you have a chance please update as to how everything is going for you. And please stick around PS because we miss you!



Jul 1, 2014
Marcy the bears are GREAT!! Heehee, fun :lol: too. I think homes can take themselves too seriously, I like some whimsy myself!

However, what all those BUNNIIES doing in there???:???:

I see Snoopy is a member of the club too!!!


Oct 24, 2012
Kristie, thanks for those links! That is great info. I had a chance to look at White Stallion Ranch website. It's pretty amazing. My son (12) and daughter (9) would love it. We took them horseback riding for the first time last summer, and they had a great time. I was terrified, but that probably is not surprising. I also looked at the El Tovar website, since we will probably be taking a family trip to the Grand Canyon in the next several years. This property looks gorgeous. At 12 and 9, they aren't bolters, so I think it would be perfect. I would even bring my mom and dad, and it would be great to have them stay at a comfortable place. Of course, I could just always come by myself for a nice bling getaway! ;-) I'm in if I can get the time off!

Marcy, I believe I spy at least 2 Snoopys in there!! I love Snoopy. Isn't Marty pleased that his couch is put to such good use?? What an excellent location for your bears and doggies. Glad that Marty is going to be back soon. June 15? The winter weather lasts that long?? Wow... We are actually hoping for more rain in the Bay Area before the winter is gone.

Missy, speaking of decluttering...I just need to immediately take action when I see something that I don't want to keep in my house. So much stuff I need to donate and just get rid of. I have a problem with LV purses, that I have bought over the years. They are just taking up space in my closet, and I am hoping my daughter will like them when she gets older. At least she can save money since I have so many of these bags to give her. I know I should sell them on ebay, but I have problems letting them go. February is the target right? Is there a specific date? How are you feeling about it? Are you still doing your pilates daily?

Callie, I'm so sorry your niece is not finding relief yet from the medication. I haven't given up hope for her, though I can see why it would be so hard for her since she is the one going through it. Is she the niece that wants you to help her choose an engagement ring? What are you leaning towards? Will you also help her choose the setting too? What are you going to do? Will you keep us updated on the search?

Ovi, thinking about you. Hope you are having a good day today.

jb, hopefully today is better than yesterday. How was sleep yesterday? I went to bed before midnight, and got up after 5 am to get to Bikram at 6 am. But I have been getting between 6-7 hours earlier this week. I'm doing ok today. The biggest impact I notice on low sleep days is the change to my appetite. I am ravenous on low sleep days. If it isn't nailed down, it's going in. It's 2:17 in the afternoon, and 43 minutes until my snack time. LOL!! And last night before I went to sleep, I did my devotions in advance for today. It's a good thing cause I forgot this morning. My son was running late to school, so I drove him separately while my husband drove my daughter, who did not want to be late, and convinced her dad to leave without her brother who was making her late. LOL!! She cracks me up! Luckily I got back from Bikram just in time to drive him. He would have come out of the bathroom and looked around for people. My son is soooo clueless sometimes. I hope its just because he is a boy, and not because I have completely failed as a parent and my 12 year old doesn't know how to read a clock.

So I get a gold star for yesterday b/c I didn't lose my sh!t with my kids at all. And even though my son was late today, I didn't yell at him, likely b/c I just did Bikram and the happy hormones were raging through my system. Six hours later, I'm kinda running low.

I'm loving my rings. They rotate all over the place, but they always do after I've worked out and am low on fluids. I'm looking forward to the afternoon because I will be taking my son to the running store to get him a new pair of running shoes, which is always fun. He told me yesterday that he had shin splints while running his mile and a half at school. I am going to finally talk him out of using Nike Frees as his running shoe as they are light but have very little support. We will have fun testing shoes. I'm really impressed by him. He does a 6:10 mile, which is really fast compared to me. Just a year ago, he was running around 7:10, and at that point I was keeping up with him, and beating him sometimes. Now, I simply cannot. But I am hesitant about encouraging him to do too much running at such a young age cause running really beats the body up. Track season is coming up and he is looking forward to joining the team. He wants to do a 10k with me, which may happen some time in 2015. Anyhoo, just musing about the afternoon.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, if you go to the Grand Canyon, skip Flagstaff (other than UofA--small campus) its a snooze, and head to Sedona, you'll get the red rocks view on the drive, and go on to Jerome, this funky old mining town perched on the mountain. Eat at Grape, the best food, depending on the weather eat on their patio. If you're all up to the stsir stepping from hell, eat at Haunted Hamurger. Lots of great small shops and galleries. If the kids wanted to look around on their own it would be safe. There is a good museum there about mining, the tyr of the century, if you're into that.

Just over Mingus Mountain is Prescott, which used to be Arizona's capital. All around Courthouse Square are funky shops, places to eat and Whiskey Row.self-explanatory.

Jerome has several websites and tripadvisor listings, as does Prescott.

When you drive from Grand Canyon to sedona, take the highway thru Oak Creek, its stunning. Drive on thru Sedona, marvel at the red rocks, then on to Jerome.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Junebug, I hope you slept well last night. That TOM can certainly bring out the emotions. The bears liked the couch all right!

Jimmianne, PS will give you diamond fever. Missy’s thread certainly is busy! I am glad she brought us all together. How are you doing?

Missy, you made this long hard journey yourself but I am glad we were able to hopefully bring a smile to your face and some cheer on those less than bright days! You are welcome for any thing I did that helped you along the way. I appreciate your support as well. The man cave furniture belonged to his parents and was their living room furniture when they lived here. It’s pretty old but clean and not worn out. I am glad to find it a new home. If all of us girls had a GTG we’d be like a bunch of giggly high school girls (with nicer jewelry). I should declutter some things here too.

Kristie, Marty and I definitely don’t take things too seriously. I am a major Snoopy fan. About 3 years ago I bought the first bear and had it setting on the love seat. That night I bent the bear over and pretend like he was sniffing Marty’s feet and I pretended like the bear was coughing and gagging to which Marty responded “it’s on!” When I came home the next day the bear was shoved down in the corner of the loveseat and you could see only his face and feet. Right after that Marty left for the UK and I posted pictures on FB of the bear drinking out of Marty’s espresso cup, wearing his slippers, playing with his play station, etc. A few weeks later was Christmas and I bought Marty a Killer Rabbit (of Monty Python fame) and put it on top of his Christmas stocking. The rabbit is built around a big clip so it can actually open its mouth and grip things. So the first thing Marty did with the killer rabbit is to have it bite the bear. The battle between the bear and rabbit was on and hasn’t stopped yet. As you can tell our collection has expanded. On days when Marty is bored I’ll come home and find the rabbits tormenting the bears. We’ve had a lot of fun with those silly little stuffed animals. And yes we are very easily entertained.

LLJsmom, I am glad you like Snoopy too. I want to visit the Charles Schulz museum. Have you ever been there? Is it close to where you are? We will have some nice weather in March, April and May but we also get our most snowstorms then too. I hope you get some rain; California has had so many bad fires lately. Good plan to try and get rid of things in your house when you see them. We moved 2 years ago and holy cow did we have way too much stuff that we never used. We threw out and gave away a ton of stuff but still moved too much. That would be a good goal; throw out something every week. I am glad you didn’t lose it with your kids today. I don’t have kids but I know what a full time job that can be. You also have those beautiful rings to look at to help calm your nerves. I hate to hear your son has shin splints. I am a major fan of Brooks Beast (men’s shoes). They work better for me than anything I’ve tried.

Marty’s response to the bears and rabbits picture on FB was “It looks like there is a bunch of children in our house. Oh wait…” I am a bad den mother though. I forgot 2 of my bears. I’ll have to round them all up again for a new picture.

I think when I go take pictures of the furniture I am going to take a bear with me. That would be funny! Get pictures of everything with a bear on it and then post them for Marty to look at. As I said before, I am easily amused.

I met a friend for supper. I ate way too much. The server we had was friendly but ditzy. I ordered a small pizza and got a large then ate 2 pieces of it and now I’m stuffed! Alka Seltzer to the rescue.

Tomorrow is Friday. Then next Saturday Marty gets home. Sweet.

Have a great day tomorrow!




Aug 12, 2005
Marcy, the bear/bunny wars are KILLING me. :lol: Carry on. You guys are a very entertaining bunch. :clap:


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, is that little bunny torturing that sweet teddy??


Jul 11, 2003
Missy, I have followed your journey and you have been a trooper! Congratulations on your success!


Feb 5, 2014
ROFL Marcy, love your killer rabbit and bear.:))) Hope you are ok and hanging in there for Marty to return.

Hope everyone is fine. Today I stayed home to wait for a shipment and run errands, also wanted a day away from Vienna because of this husband story. It is not going great and I am taking it day by dad. He has something wrong he needs help for and is killing me with begging/threatening every half an hour. Also stalking me and making me feel unsafe. Worst part is that I was married to this person for almost two years and of course I feel sorry for him, this is unbelievable because I should feel sorry for HIM? Last night was scary. Hopefully sooner or later this situation will sort itself out. Otherwise, I am doing well, I have better and worse periods of course and still in denial about losing Niello. My allergies are handling Sapphie well I think, I love sleeping with her and want her to have company. She is eating well, I can only hope that all is well with her as she is not the youngest either. We shall see.

I did not buy the dress in Vienna, it was not a good fit. I loved the skirt part but the top was odd, my colleague came with it but we both said nah. I need to get my moth eaten dress fixed but that experience also made me discouraged about buying new dresses, that wool dress was beautiful and expensive and only wore it once before! I cannot see moth anywhere in my closets and have always had lavender, lots of that as a matter of fact but now I bought more and also a trap that I set up in there. This is when I just get so upset that I tell myself this is why I love gems and jewelry, and bags. I am not spending a lot of money to end up throwing it out the window. Bad luck.

Otherwise, there is quite a bit of work for me, which is good and I always love that. I did not expect January to be busy but it is and I am happy about it as I always enjoy doing what I do and it takes my mind off of other problems in life.

I wish I could be with you in Tucson Kristie, it would be so much fun and now both of us having lost our goal weight we could be buying for ourselves.:))) That said I still have enough saved for myself that I need to work on, once we have the time, will do that. Still I cannot wait to hear about your experience at the show.

Missy, are you looking forward to work? Ok, I know it must be a bit scary too but I do think you will love it like you always have. I am sorry about your skin. I wish you tried the La Mer, who knows, as I said sometimes some people might call an ingredient bad and in fact it has no bad effect on people's skins. I love how it calmed my skin down, it was horrid from the retinoid cream I decided to use. All these semi-expensive cosmetics I have and not sure what to do with them. Someone will get a nice gift as now I do not dare using anything else. Hope that you, Greg and Francesca, as well as the whole gang are well.

Jimmianne, I agree that this is the best thread ever, unbelievable how it brought us together and how we built up relationships like this over cyberspace. I do hope we will really get to meet IRL, now Girls there have been so many ideas about locations for GTG, by now I feel like visiting every one of you but that would mean quite a few separate trips to the US.:)))

LLJsmom, you know I told you via PM that you really shocked me with your kindness. Still, I wonder how come IRL we hardly meet the kind of people I met here, you are all wonderful. Perhaps there was already something common in us and we came together here. I just wish we lived closeby, of course then we could not take trips to visit each other but what a group we would have, can you imagine? You already feel like best friends to me, we would have so much fun and also we would support each other with everything. Nowadays, it is hard to trust others, perhaps the internet and anonimity helped us open up but it is still surprising because so many fear writing about private matters on a public forum. I also think that you Missy enabled this because of the wonderful, trustworthy person you are and because everyone here loves you!

I rambled on again, a long-winded and not very well collected post. I want to talk to Callie, Junebug and the other Girls here too of course and will go back and read and address you as well. I just need to run out in a few and be back by the time you all get up anyhow.

Lots of love and a great day to everyone here.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies!

LOLOLOLOL Marcy, you are killing me here hahaha. So funny. That killer rabbit is going crazy. Someone stop him before the poor teddy bears get hurt. :errrr: :cheeky: You and Marty have a very similar sense of humor to us. I think I shared this before-our animals (alive and stuffed) talk to us. Heheh perhaps I should have not shared that secret. :oops: But they do. :lol:

Love the idea of bringing a stuffed companion or 2 for pics for Marty when you visit the furniture store again. I can just see the salespeople's faces. Haha. If you can get a pic of their expressions too I am sure it would be priceless. :bigsmile:

I agree at a GTG I am sure we will be a bunch of giggly young women. Haha I have been called a Woohoo girl before. Not sure how I feel about that but hey it's part of who I am Woohoo! Better than Boohoo!!! 8)

Hope the alka seltzer worked and you were able to have a calm and good night's sleep!

LLJsmom, your daughter is going to be very lucky to get those LV purses! I would hold on to them too because they will certainly retain their value and if your daughter ends up loving purses think of all the money you will be saving as opposed to having to get all new ones for her! I never even knew what designer purses were till my 30's LOL.

Yes, February 11th is my return date and I am already booked for patients. Not going to lie. I have mixed feelings because of my face and because I have a lot to learn re EMR when I return so yeah the butterflies have already started. I keep telling myself not to let fear rule me and that is why I decided ultimately to return. What have I got to lose? If it is intolerable for me I will give notice but not till I try my best yanno? Some of the older (and yes I fit into that category believe it or not OMG) clinicians have quit over the EMR because it can be quite challenging. And as some of you may remember I do not have a technological savvy mind so I am going to see if I can handle it. But as I wrote at least I had to give it a chance.

Good for you on upping your sleep. 6-7 hours sound great to me. And I totally hear you on consuming everything in sight when you are low on sleep. I do the exact same thing. I just ate like a lb in cashews in 30 minutes. Just kept eating and eating them as if they will give me the energy and motivation I need to workout this morning. HA. So far that lb of cashews is just sitting in my gut not helping me move LOL.

I am so glad the Bikram is helping soothe your soul and make you feel content and peaceful. I really need to look into that. I need those happy hormones! And so glad you are loving your new set. Have I mentioned I think they are GORGEOUS. :love: :bigsmile: So great your son loves running and wants to run a 10K with you. I think that is awesome!

lulu, thank you so much! I appreciate you chiming in and it makes me feel good knowing others wish me well. All the best to you too!

Hi there Monnie, nice to see you here. :wavey:

Kristie, I know very well what you are doing young lady and it is working. 8) OMG your detailed descriptions and recommendations are tempting me! Lucky for you my fear of flying right now outweighs any tempting but you know I am going to have to request pics of any GTG in Arizona right? :bigsmile: :appl:

Have you reached your goal weight already? I bet you have or will very soon because you are so organized and efficient. :appl:

Ovi, I was so worried about you last night and am breathing a sigh of relief you got through it OK. Glad you are taking some time for yourself to run errands and regroup. Glad your allergies are not preventing you sleeping with Sapphie and that she is doing better.

There will be other dresses that look smashing on you so no bother about skipping buying this less than flattering dress. I am sorry about the moth hole and I have had the same issue. It's annoying but well it's just a dress even if you haven't worn it much at all. We had a moth issue in our building and I bought these wood chips to deter them. Not sure if it is working but will let you know as soon as I figure it out. I got them on Amazon. I don't want to let the exterminator spray because of the kitties and also my own sensitivities. I feel like these days I cannot be too careful given my skin problems.

I am glad you are enjoying work and perhaps that it is taking your mind off some problems.

Callie, Junebug, hey there. Hope you guys are well and enjoying the morning. :wavey:

Have a great day everyone. :wavey:


Oct 24, 2012
missy|1422024300|3820855 said:
Yes, February 11th is my return date and I am already booked for patients. Not going to lie. I have mixed feelings because of my face and because I have a lot to learn re EMR when I return so yeah the butterflies have already started. I keep telling myself not to let fear rule me and that is why I decided ultimately to return. What have I got to lose? If it is intolerable for me I will give notice but not till I try my best yanno? Some of the older (and yes I fit into that category believe it or not OMG) clinicians have quit over the EMR because it can be quite challenging. And as some of you may remember I do not have a technological savvy mind so I am going to see if I can handle it. But as I wrote at least I had to give it a chance

Missy, I am excited for you. I can see why you'd have butterflies, but it's movement, a step forward, and you're taking a risk. All good stuff!! (Sorry, what is EMR again?) And they have already lined up patients for you. That is terrific. They believe in you. I know you are awesome with patients. You have such compassion and understanding. They are lucky to have a chance to be treated by you.

Feb 11. :) You will do very well. I just know it.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is having a great day.

Hi Missy, I hope the snow doesn't ruin your shopping trip. What are you looking for? Anything special? I always find when I just go to browse is when I find everything I think I can't live without. What do you to wear to work? Please don't stress to much about work. You will be just fine. Try to tell yourself if you aren't happy you can always quit. I think you are going to do great. Your patients love you and will make you see what a great decision you made going back!

Marcy, You are cracking me up with your bears and sweet rabbits....or should I say killer rabbits. I'm glad you were able to go out for dinner. It really helps the time go by quicker. Marty will be home before you know it. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

LLJsmom, Has anyone noticed your new ring? It is so beautiful! Please hold on to your LV purses. There is a very good chance your daughter will want them. My nieces took all my mother in laws LV purses. Your kids would love going to the places Kristie recommended. It sounds like it would be a great vacation for the whole family.

OV, I'm sorry you are still having to deal with the husband stuff. It's never any fun when a marriage is ending. It doesn't seem like he has come to the realization that it's over. Are you still feeling really anxious? At least the dress shopping is a good way to get your mind off of everything and have a little fun. Are you looking for a casual dress or something more special?

Kristie, Are you counting down the days to the gem show? Are you on the hunt for anything special? Are you still doing well with your diet? I'm honestly up for any location if we all decide to meet. I just think we would all have so much fun together. I can already hear us all laughing!

Junebug, I hope all is well with you and you are feeling a better. I really wouldn't be a bit surprised it if was mostly do to hormones. It can be really scary when you aren't used to feeling down and the down moods hit you like a ton of bricks. I know I've said it here before but I had the worst time with menopause. Thank god the bad part only lasted a few months, but boy did they seem like a long few months.

Monnie, What a nice surprise to see you popped in here. I have always loved reading anything you post!

Jimmianne, Where have you been. It's been a while since I have seen a post from you. I'm hope all is well! Have you made any new bling purchases.

I had fun diamond shopping for my niece yesterday and my husband is very glad I'm spending some else's money. Although he wanted to know if I saw anything that I thought I'd like to have. I was looking at 3 carat diamonds so really how could it not be fun. Pricescope has really wrecked me though. 3 carats didn't really look all that large to me anymore. Maybe it's a good thing that my hands are starting to look older. I figure I don't have that many years left where rings look good on me. My niece loved how large the ring looked on my hand. I found one that I liked but I think it may have a little too much color for her. She will have to judge with her eyes. I keep telling her not to feel pressured. If she isn't madly in love, we will keep looking. I have to admit I love the looking!

I also talked to the jeweler about making a ring like the one Circe just sold to SB624. This is the ring that had originally belonged to San Diego Lady. He said it wouldn't be a problem. Their bench person does custom work all the time. I'm really loving the north south rings and I have loved this ring for quite a while. This may be my next project.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Monnie, we do get a lot of chuckles out of our bears/bunnies. I told Marty today he needed a bear hug. He said he’d have the bunnies hug a bear with their teeth!

LLJsmom, yes the bunnies torment my bears all the time. I will post one of my favorite pictures. Marty had texted me it sounded like a war zone upstairs. Then he reported he investigated and the bears and rabbits were fighting over my iPad. I took this picture when I got home.

Ovi, I am doing okay. Thanks. How are you doing? I hate to hear your husband is being so awful. Do you have an alarm system at your house? Darn that the dress didn’t fit as well as you’d like. I am sure you’ll find another beauty soon though.

Missy, I remember we decided you and Greg have similar sense of humor to us. Being able to laugh is always a good thing. I definitely plan on going to take some pictures of furniture with a bear or two on it. I am sure the people in the store will remember me for a while. Maybe they’ll give me a big discount to get me out of their store. Woohoo is a good thing too. I felt fine after my alka seltzer. I just ate more than I normally do. That is great you are already booked for patients on the 11th. You’ll do fine with their new programs. Have fun shopping!

Callie, I told Marty this morning that now that he’ll be home next Saturday it doesn’t seem that far away. I am sure your nieces were delighted to get some LV purses. I bet you had a great time diamond shopping with your niece. I love helping someone else shop for jewelry. I so agree to encourage your niece to keep looking until she finds that one diamond that makes her heart go pitter patter when she sees it. That’s great you are looking in to getting a ring made like SDL’s. I think I remember it; did it have sapphires in it?

Dinner was fun last night. This weekend I am going shopping with a friend. One ,ore week.

Have a great weekend!



Oct 24, 2012
:-o Ok Marcy, now I'm scared. Are the two bears cowering behind the chair, looking at the remains of their bear buddy who happened to wander within eyesight of the bunny (aka Jason with hockey mask) or are they stalking and planning revenge? ;-)


Jun 8, 2008
OMG Marcy! Did the killer rabbit kill something on the couch or just bust open a bag of drugs...or is that cookie crumbs? :o :lol: Tell me it is not as LLJsmom suggests and they have hurt sweet teddy poo. :errrr:

Hahaha love the crazy killer bunny. He's my favorite of the bunch. :devil:

Oh and the solution to them fighting over your iPad is to get one for each of them. Did you get them their Valentine's presents yet? I think that would be a gift they would all enjoy and perhaps they would calm down a bit. :bigsmile:

Callie, ooh I would love to go diamond shopping with someone who was looking for an ER. So much fun. At your niece's age I don't think I would have been OK with anything lower than a G color. What diamonds was she drawn to? Does she have a favorite cut and style?

I am not shopping for anything in particular but would like to get some La Mer skin care samples at the dept store if possible. And then since we are there just some fun shopping. I am with you though in that when I am not looking I end up getting lots of things. But I am seriously all shopped out and truly need no clothing or shoes. I did enough damage these past 7 months to be sure!

Ooh I love SDL's ruby ring (ruby right?) and it would be amazing on your hand. I am in favor of you commissioning your jeweler to get started. Just in time for Valentine's Day too! You get the ruby ring and Marcy's stuffed furbabies all get an iPad. Win win. :appl:

Thank you guys for all your encouragement about going back to work and your kind comments. We'll see. You definitely have more confidence in my EMR abilities than I do! LLJsmom- it stands for electronic medical records. Or as I think I might be referring to it soon-extra maddening recording LOL. Oh and I forgot to respond to your question about the pilates. Yes I am still enjoying it every single day. It is somehow relaxing for me as well as energizing and strengthening so very pleased about that purchase we made. I better be because that was in place of my antique diamond dangles I wanted to get!


Feb 27, 2007
Not to worry ladies. Marty had torn up a pillow and hid one of my bears. The Killer Rabbit is amusing. I'll wake up in the morning and he's on Marty's pillow staring at me. My husband is a real comedian. The rabbits and bears get to use our iPads. They do have their own Facebook pages too.


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1422041099|3820970 said:
Not to worry ladies. Marty had torn up a pillow and hid one of my bears. The Killer Rabbit is amusing. I'll wake up in the morning and he's on Marty's pillow staring at me. My husband is a real comedian. The rabbits and bears get to use our iPads. They do have their own Facebook pages too.

Oh that's a relief! Now that you said it I can totally see where it is pillow feathers and such. Whew. I was worried there for a minute. OMG they each have their own FB page LOL. I bet they have more friends than me on FB haha.

ETA: Greg just called me and bought me the iPad air 2 woohoo! I cannot wait for him to get home so I can start using it. :appl:


Feb 27, 2007
That's right SDL ring was a ruby. Drool.


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1422041226|3820972 said:
That's right SDL ring was a ruby. Drool.

TDF and it will look amazing on Callie! :appl:


Feb 27, 2007
The rabbits look like they are talking since their mouths open and move so Marty has them say things to me, has them sing and he really makes it look like they are singing. If we could make money on putting a video like that on You Tube we'd be rich. It is so darned funny. He also likes to scare me with them. I'll be getting ready for bed and this rabbit comes in around the corner and says something in my ear and of course I always scream. Of course then the rabbit laughs. Funny thing is the QA on those rabbits is so bad we can tell them all apart. Marty takes a rabbit with him whenever he goes someplace for the first time and gets a picture of them there. He hates pictures of himself so he personalizes it with a rabbit.


Feb 27, 2007
Missy I hope you love your iPad 2. I love mine. Did you get a gold or silver one?


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1422041589|3820975 said:
The rabbits look like they are talking since their mouths open and move so Marty has them say things to me, has them sing and he really makes it look like they are singing. If we could make money on putting a video like that on You Tube we'd be rich. It is so darned funny. He also likes to scare me with them. I'll be getting ready for bed and this rabbit comes in around the corner and says something in my ear and of course I always scream. Of course then the rabbit laughs. Funny thing is the QA on those rabbits is so bad we can tell them all apart. Marty takes a rabbit with him whenever he goes someplace for the first time and gets a picture of them there. He hates pictures of himself so he personalizes it with a rabbit.

Oh I can understand that for sure. I take way more pics of our furbabies than I do of us. As for the scaring you part I think that is hysterical. I cannot do that with the kitties scaring Greg as they just do not listen to me that way though I occasionally hide behind a door and scare the bejesus out of Greg haha.

Funny how they are all a bit different so you can tell them apart. I am grateful that all our kitties are different colors because I know I would definitely have trouble telling them apart otherwise. I have poor facial recognition skills lol.

Get cracking on that youtube video. That is something we would all enjoy seeing! :cheeky:

marcy|1422041765|3820977 said:
Missy I hope you love your iPad 2. I love mine. Did you get a gold or silver one?

Silver. Really excited. Now I just have to pick out a cover. I didn't like any of them in the apple store so I am going to have to search online. Do you have any suggestions?


Feb 27, 2007
Missy, that is awesome you like to scare Greg. Marty succeeds at scaring me far more often that I do with him. Marty had managed to scare me a few times one night so I went and hid in a closet. He was wandering around looking for me but sadly he heard me giggling and just quit looking for me. I was so sad. The worst he scared me lately was when he was in our bedroom in the dark. He was in completely dark clothes and I couldn't see him at all but I saw that darned white rabbit kind of as a white glow in mid air. I really let loose a scream then.

I buy the cases from Tumi the model I buy is Prism. They are solid and I feel they protect it really well. I would not recommend the smart covers because they stay on by magnets and they come off way too easy. I dropped my Air 2 about 3 times that way so I went back to my Tumi case. I've had one on all my iPads and my Mini.


Jun 7, 2014

How do you think the ring would look with sapphires instead of rubies. I'm just worried that they wouldn't be able to find rubies like the ones in the ring. Those rubies are so clear and I loved the color. Rubies would absolutely be my first choice if they looked like the ones in the ring. I would also like the ring to be on a slightly smaller scale. What are your thoughts. I will ask Sarah (SB624) if she would mind me making a very similar ring. If it makes her uncomfortable, I won't do it. The whole thing makes me nervous because a couple years ago I had a ring custom made similar to Junebugs sapphire. Well I had it made too large and have not been happy with the ring because it looks too large in my hand. Live and learn. I just would feel so much better seeing something on my hand before purchasing. I'm just don't want to spend money on a ring I won't wear.

Any thoughts or opinions you girls have on this would be greatly appreciated.

Junebug, I still feel sad when I see your sapphire ring. I wish mine had turned out like yours. Yours is perfect!

Missy, I can't wait to hear how you like your IPad.


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, definitely go ahead and ask Sarah but I know she will give you the OK and will also be flattered. She is very easy going and honestly would be happy for you to make this ring and help you any way she can.

Can you post a pic of the sapphire ring you had made that is similar to Junebug's ring? I am sorry it didn't turn out the way you had hoped it would. Is there anyway you would consider redoing it so it is just right for you so you can enjoy it?


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1422042998|3820990 said:
Missy, that is awesome you like to scare Greg. Marty succeeds at scaring me far more often that I do with him. Marty had managed to scare me a few times one night so I went and hid in a closet. He was wandering around looking for me but sadly he heard me giggling and just quit looking for me. I was so sad. The worst he scared me lately was when he was in our bedroom in the dark. He was in completely dark clothes and I couldn't see him at all but I saw that darned white rabbit kind of as a white glow in mid air. I really let loose a scream then.

I buy the cases from Tumi the model I buy is Prism. They are solid and I feel they protect it really well. I would not recommend the smart covers because they stay on by magnets and they come off way too easy. I dropped my Air 2 about 3 times that way so I went back to my Tumi case. I've had one on all my iPads and my Mini.

Haha so funny. I love Marty. I am going to have to borrow some of those ideas if you don't mind. Greg won't know what hit him haha. :devil:

Thank you so much for those case recommendations. Perfect! That was my thought about the smart covers too. And I definitely drop my stuff too often so good to have protection. Thank you Marcy.


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, I think rubies would look better than sapphires just because SDL's ring is so pretty. I agree though you want very nice rubies. I would definitely find the rubies and approve them before having the ring made. Ask in CS who they recommend for rubies. I think sapphires would be pretty too but in my humble opinion great rubies are hard to beat. Sadly many rubies are mediocre at best.


Jun 8, 2008
marcy|1422043760|3820998 said:
Callie, I think rubies would look better than sapphires just because SDL's ring is so pretty. I agree though you want very nice rubies. I would definitely find the rubies and approve them before having the ring made. Ask in CS who they recommend for rubies. I think sapphires would be pretty too but in my humble opinion great rubies are hard to beat. Sadly many rubies are mediocre at best.

Callie, I completely agree with Marcy. Don't settle. Hold out for the gems and the quality you want. The girls in CS know their stuff and can help you get the most for your money.


Feb 27, 2007
Callie do you have a link to SDL's? I am trying to find it but having no luck.
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