
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls!

Missy, Don't second guess the color. I have seen the lighter color you are talking about and yes they are beautiful...but not very practical. Suede can be difficult enough with snow and rain. The lighter color would be impossible to keep looking nice. You made the right decision. Can't wait to hear what you think when they arrive. I have not seen the color you purchased.

I'm not going to have to worry about finding boots to wear with my new skirts. I've had so many butter cookies that I doubt the skirts will even fit me. I have absolutely no willpower. None!

How are you feeling today?


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1419360871|3806586 said:
Hi Girls!

Missy, Don't second guess the color. I have seen the lighter color you are talking about and yes they are beautiful...but not very practical. Suede can be difficult enough with snow and rain. The lighter color would be impossible to keep looking nice. You made the right decision. Can't wait to hear what you think when they arrive. I have not seen the color you purchased.

I'm not going to have to worry about finding boots to wear with my new skirts. I've had so many butter cookies that I doubt the skirts will even fit me. I have absolutely no willpower. None!

How are you feeling today?

Haha you crack me up Callie. LOL you could eat the whole batch of butter cookies and your skirts would still fit. Just give it a few hours and they will all be digested away. :bigsmile: I am with you on the no willpower thing haha. Willpower is a waste of energy during this time of year anyway. Enjoy without guilt. Same for shopping too. :appl:

There wasn't too much traffic so we got here in about 80 minutes. Not too bad at all. Boots are not yet here though they were promised to be here by 2PM. Deja Vu because last time I got boots delivered here they were 2 days late. Fortunately I am not in a rush to get them because it will be raining here through Christmas and I am not wearing them in the rain. I have never seen this color in person either Callie so not sure what to expect. If I hate the color I can return them.

Thanks for asking about how I am doing though I am sure I sound like a broken record at this point. :knockout: My face is peeling and red and overall looks yukky and feels worse. I am trying to think of more pleasant things and take my mind off it for now since there is nothing I can do. I am not sure it is just perioral dermatitis going on and now I am thinking maybe my derm was right when I last saw him as he thought it could be 3 conditions-seb derm, perioral derm, rosacea. Just want it gone and want the discomfort gone. :cry: My face was so flaky when I got here that I had to put a drop of moisturizer on the peeling skin and now of course it is even angrier and redder. Not sure how to deal with the peeling skin as I cannot just leave that alone as it would start causing other problems I think.

How are you? Do you have plans for Christmas Eve? I used to love going to the Feast of the Seven fishes that our friends used to do but they haven't done that for many years now. We are going to spend a quiet day and evening at home I think and maybe watch some good Christmas movies. And enjoy a feast of the one (wild salmon) fish lol.

What is everyone else doing Christmas Eve? Hope the weather is cooperating by you guys. :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
OCD Kristie Here :wavey:

I'm sure the answer is yes, but have you had the big-a$$ panels testing for allergens, the skin patch series'? Metals, common ingredients in beauty and household products, etc. ?

I'm wondering if you have an allergy to something you are completely unaware of, your immune system (my bucket analogy) chugs along and then WHAMMO every now and then it overturns and you flare.

Then the bucket is empty again and drip, drip, drip, etc.

Also, some medications can be the culprit, the pharmaceutical company changes the location of the factory from, say, Bangalore, to New Delhi (and many, many meds are made in India but bottled here so the label can have an American location on it). Almost all of the vitamin C in the world is grown and processed in India. Anyway, when they switch factories sometimes they tweak the fillers in the meds and fillers can be a real witch in terms of allergens.

This is such a conundrum. It must be solved! I want your dermatologist losing sleep over this dang it!

i even researched hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy today for skin issues...

Have you had your vitamin D level checked recently?

Hair color? The pillow case your face rests on? Toothpaste? The toothbrush? (Toothpaste is a real culprit for a lot of perioral problems.)


Jul 1, 2014
Found this regarding perioral dermatitis:

Hard water dermatitis—(not technically a type—but, worth of mention in the discussion of dermatitis) A common cause of dry skin and often a significant contributor to seborrheic dermatitis (and cradle cap), atopic dermatitis (eczema) and contact dermatitis outbreaks. The culprit is alkaline (high pH) water that contains high levels of iron, magnesium and/or calcium ions.

Missy, call whatever government entity delivers your water and ask what the pH is and for the iron, mag and calcium levels. They have it, Federal law they get the water tested at regular intervals. OR just get some distilled or purified water and use it to brush your teeth and for any purpose whern water could come in contact with your face or mouth, You can also get test strips at the drugstore to test the pH, the water could be one pH upon arriving at the building and another by the time its sat in your buliding's pipes.

Missy, that's a great link up top there. I got some useful info for my nummular dermatitis, AKA eczema.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Kristie! Thank you for all that helpful info. My 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels are always between 70-90 because I supplement due to my rosacea and not exposing my skin to the UV.

I haven't had the skin patch tests to metals etc just to the ordinary cats/dogs/dust/ etc that I test highly allergic to. I am going to ask my derm to test me when I see him next. Thanks!

Haha yes I would love my derm to be as concerned about this as I am lol. I know a few things. I definitely have perioral derm but just not sure if I do or don't have seb derm as part of this (which would complicate matters as seb derm treatments are in opposition to perioral derm) and I definitely have rosacea. I have eliminated all SLS in my products and all fluoride so only using perioral dermatitis friendly products for the last 2 weeks (since my perioral dermatitis diagnosis). Also not coloring my hair. Really letting myself go but no other choice right now. ::)

I am also still doing as much Zero therapy as possible. I did break down and wash my face today and applied a drop of moisturizer to the very flakey spots. I don't think I can ignore those areas for too long or I will really develop or exacerbate seb derm and perhaps cause acne so I need to do a minimal amount of care. And I have not worn any makeup whatsoever since Dec 6th soooo there you go. I cannot stand looking in the mirror at my face but it even feels worse than it looks.

Thank you Kristie for researching for me and trying to help me figure it out. I really appreciate it and am checking out your links. And a hyperbaric chamber sounds interesting. Does it help? :cheeky:

Fingers crossed my skin gets and feels better soon. My neighbor saw we were here today (it's been 6 months since I have been here) and he came by to say hi and I was a bit self conscious but Greg said he cannot even see well haha. Seriously though I have gotten tougher these last 2 plus weeks. I am amazed I can walk around outside like this and feel only slightly self conscious. :oops:

Oh and on to the next piece of news. My new boots just came and I LOVE them! The color is PERFECT. Better than I imagined. :appl:

Pics included (of course). :big smile:

How was your day today in sunny AZ? So wish we could enjoy the holidays by you! It is rainy rainy rainy here for the next few days. But we will catch up on old movies I hope and maybe some reading. :read:




Jul 1, 2014
Get out! I love those boots, OMG the color is TDF. These are my faves of the recent purchases. No one will give your face more than a quick glance in order to check out the boots.

Try that pH test of the water in your homes, you can do that yourself.

Missy, might it be time to seek recommendations from another dermatologist?


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Kristie. I will check the pH. Should be interesting because I am in a different house with different ph I bet so I wonder if I will notice any difference here. We have a total house water filter system here whereas in NY we just have plain tap.

As for another dermatologist it never hurts to get another opinion and if I could find another excellent dermatologist I would get that extra opinion. But believe me my derm is top in his field. Sure he's not perfect but I have been to different doctors before I started seeing him and they cannot hold a candle. Plus I saw the derm in his practice at NYU when he was away and while she was nice she totally got the diagnosis wrong and then when David came back he only had to look at the pics I took of my face when he was away to know I had perioral dermatitis. So while I am not adverse to getting another opinion I just don't think anyone is going to help me any more than David will. The big problem is that what I have is not easy to treat and my skin is more compromised than most due to my rosacea.

If I can find another really excellent dermatologist I will go for another opinion because you are right in that you just never know who might be able to figure it out and help you. Thanks Kristie. Now I need to find someone good. In the meantime we are away and it is the holidays so I will sit tight and hope for the best.

Have a good night! :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Have a wonderful time! :D


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I love these boots! The color will go with so many things. Great choice.


Sep 1, 2009
Missy -- My face does something like you described. I got desperate and tried a dab of Neosporin one time and it really helped. My grandmother says to use only the double (Polysporin) as the triple antibiotic can aggravate skin. I haven't had a problem with either, but you might want to start with the double just to keep extra stuff out.


Sep 1, 2009
Callie -- Big hugs. Enjoy your time with your niece!


Jun 7, 2014
Too Patient,

I just deleted my post because I think I already had said it all in a post on Sunday. My husband and I were seriously thinking of going to the restaurant and not going to the family thing. My niece wasn't happy about having to work on Christmas Eve so I thought going to the restaurant was the perfect solution and then we could all open our presents together a few days later. I knew my family would complain about the cost so right up front I told them all we would pay for everyone's dinner. My niece and I are going out on Friday. She knows how I felt about all of this and how mad about it all I am. I was in tears when her and I talked about it. I just can't get over my mom. This is her granddaughter for crying out loud.


Sep 1, 2009
Great solution! I'm sorry you're having to deal with them.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, I got your cookies. They are wonderful! Thank you so much. How are you doing today? How exciting to be heading to the beach house. Please enjoy the ocean for me. I am crossing my fingers and toes that the zero therapy works for you. I would have to agree you might have more than one condition going on with your face. Grr, how frustrating! I am working on plans for NYE. We are seeing if some friends want to come over for a potluck and play some games that night. What are you and Greg doing for NYE? Your new boots look fabulous, I think the color is perfect. Watching Christmas movies tomorrow night sounds fun. I might dig out a puzzle for us to work on.

Callie, I am relieved to have the family dinner over but I enjoyed seeing everyone under pleasant circumstances. I think everyone had fun; I got quite a few texts and emails that night and yesterday thanking us for a great day. I don’t have any willpower with cookies or candies. I am sure you and your niece are looking forward to shopping Friday!

Azstonie, I am with you – investigate EVERYTHING to see what is breaking out Missy’s face.

My morning commute wasn’t as icy as yesterday and we are going to be above freezing tomorrow so I won’t have to beg Marty to take me to work. Lucky for him. He teases me his 5 second commute down the stairs is rough.

I am looking forward to a long weekend. I am anxious for Marty to see is t-shirt with his poker chip on it and the Tom Everhart book I found for him.

Have a great day tomorrow.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Sorry, not much time to write but Happy Holidays everyone! I have to head out in a bit to see my mom's and hardly slept, thought I was not going because Puma seemed to have an emergency and of course to find a vet again at Xmas, nearly impossible and what could be wrong from a myriad of things and who will even do tests, Xrays now? Well, going by a hunch I gave him some milk, he wanted nothing and seemed to breathe out of his tummy and sent him to sleep with DH, I cannot as even from him headbutting me I was full of rashes. I did not really sleep. By this morning he had pooped and was ready to eat so it is his megacolon acting up, you know this is very typical, out of all times all the veterinary emergencies happen when there is a national holiday either Xmas or Easter and you cannot find a vet. He did want to eat quite a bit and DH said he had bitten him on the nose at night, so he knew he cannot be that sick.:))) Puma is a very big boy and a chunk of love, always sleeping cuddling and wanting to eat all the time, the sweetest cat with a myriad of health problems from the time he was a kitten and I rescued him. Also, he is almost 14 and anything can happen. Now, I gave him some sour cream with milk and hopefully for one day I can leave.

Missy, how are you sweetie? I hope your skin does improve. Surely, you will love what you got though I too love light taupe, maybe both?:)))

Kristie, how could I have missed your story too? It is shocking, the part I read.

Junebug, Monnie, LLJsmom and Callie as well as everyone hugs to you all and have a great time!

Believe me girls I am a shopaholic too, yesterday I wanted to shop all day but did not want to spend money. By the evening I was resigned to the fact that I had to buy something and went to Desigual, I do have a lot of their dresses and they are fun, I wear more classic things too and colorful but plain dresses but Desigual can be a lot of fun. I found a really nice dress for 30 euros and got it right away, it is brown with coral, pink pattern, just a bit, I do not like their stuff that is overkill but they can be addictive. Every couple of months I have to get my Desigual fix. Also happy I got something brown because I love earthy colors just lately been wearing quite a bit of black because of work. Ok, please please tell us what you got, hope some beauties! I will be back to talk on the 26th which I am spending mostly home and then going back to work. Love to all!


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, sweetheart, I am so sorry that your family is being so difficult and unpleasant and marring the holidays for you. I wish there was something I could do but know that I am thinking of you, your dh and your sweet niece(s) and sending big hugs and much love your way. During family turmoil and stress I try to focus on who is important and ignore the noise if you kwim. One of my SIL's is very difficult (and probably has some type of NPD-narcisstic personality disorder) and we just ignore her and move forward doing what we want to do.

Of course each situation is different but my advice is to focus on you and your dh and the family members who love and appreciate you and ignore (to what extent you can) the rest. I wouldn't even give presents to those ungrateful people. I really would not. But I know you are too kind hearted and generous and will want to and that's fine too but do what you want to do and what will make you feel good. And remember no matter how unkind others are to your niece she has you and that makes her a very lucky young lady!!!(((Hugs))).

TooPatient, thank you for your suggestion and I am glad you have it under control. I fear if I put anything greasy on my face the POD will go crazy. I loathe looking in the mirror as it is really scary to see my face right now and I am just taking it all as best I can and praying my body decides to start healing itself. Hope your holidays are going well!

Marcy, I hope you enjoy them! I am very glad you had such a lovely time with your family and that they all appreciated your hard work! I love having people over but it is always so satisfying when everyone has left and the gathering was a success and everyone had a good time. It's just so satisfying and peaceful knowing everyone enjoyed themselves and then it is quiet. I don't know if I am expressing it right but in any case good job and now you can look forward to a few peaceful days. I love playing board games and think that's a great idea for NYE. Potluck and games. When shall we arrive? :cheeky:

We are enjoying the ocean. I love falling asleep hearing the soothing waves and waking up and hearing them crash against the beach. Very relaxing. I forgot how many stairs there are in this house though LOL and I have to be very mindful walking around here which is challenging for me as my mind tends to wander quite a bit. I must concentrate on what I am doing when I am walking around the house but it's good practice.

I am glad your commute yesterday wasn't too bad and that the weather today is going to be better. Please drive safely and take it slowly. Haha good for Marty and his 5 sec commute. After all his traveling I would say he has earned it! Glad you both have a nice long weekend to enjoy together!

Ovi, I am sorry you had such a difficult night and I hope you and Puma are feeling better. We have 24 hour animal emergency clinics/hospitals near us-do you have anything like that by you? We have had to take our kitties there a couple of times at both homes. Once at the beach when Tommy broke his tail and once in NY when we thought Bobby ate some ribbons (New Year's Day). Thankfully these 24 hour animal emergency clinics exist near us. Hope Puma is all recovered today!

Sounds like a lovely dress and at a great price too. That makes it all the sweeter! I love brown with pink/coral. Such a pretty combination. I wear black a lot and always love wearing color for a change. Plus as I get older I feel color is more flattering than harsh black but honestly it is still my go to color. I also love navy and brown as neutrals other than black.

I hope your rashes have dissipated today and that you enjoy your visit with your mom and hope the rest of your holiday goes well! (((Hugs))).


Jul 1, 2014
Calliecake|1419387533|3806909 said:
Too Patient,

I just deleted my post because I think I already had said it all in a post on Sunday. My husband and I were seriously thinking of going to the restaurant and not going to the family thing. My niece wasn't happy about having to work on Christmas Eve so I thought going to the restaurant was the perfect solution and then we could all open our presents together a few days later. I knew my family would complain about the cost so right up front I told them all we would pay for everyone's dinner. My niece and I are going out on Friday. She knows how I felt about all of this and how mad about it all I am. I was in tears when her and I talked about it. I just can't get over my mom. This is her granddaughter for crying out loud.

Callie, I know what you are going through. I do. I went to therapy because I knew something was wrong with my parents and our relationship but I couldn't wrap my head around it without support from a therapist and I never got to the bottom of things until my wonderful husband put his arms around me and said ENOUGH. With his support, I was able to finally accept my parents for the abusive morally bankrupt individuals that they are. The fact that they chose to become parents did not improve their behavior or thinking; in fact, it exacerbated all their BAD traits because narcissists and borderlines LOVE control and nothing gives one more control than a child---then that child's spouse, that child's children, etc.

Here is a link that may be of interest to you. I don't recommend the forum on it because IMHO the focus there is obsessing over the pain and damage rather than going on to solutions, happy lives, etc. But the toolbox and traits section would be an eyeopener, most likely, and it would give you the techniques with which to avoid making situations/events/relationship WORSE than it already is.

I'm sorry your Christmas is having a bumpy ride.

I have a policy with my Narents and their insane families of origin: JADE---do not Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain. I let silence happen rather than JADE in response to their rude and selfish behavior.

Regarding your dear niece---I thank god for the neighbors and teachers and people who were KIND to me and loving towards me and helped me. (I come from a very small family and my mother made sure she controlled things such that I was not given enough time around relatives to receive any emotional support or assistance. Control is the hallmark of the narcissist, the borderline, and just the generally not-well-intended.) Your niece is so fortunate to have your love and caring, never doubt that.

This is also a wonderful source of support and information. It has a scriptural twist to it because many controlling narcissists/borderlines like to run to the Bible to control their adult children. This site puts that brainwashing/misinformation right on its ear.

Links are on the left side of the page, the Blog archive, etc. This site blows the lid off of narcissists and how they control their adult children. This is the first site I found when I googled "bad parents" when I was in a lot of pain after my parents demanded I divorce my husband and give them the settlement that would happen. Yes, that sounds insane and crazy; they were 80 when they did this and I've learned that Ns and Borderlines get WORSE with age and with stress, and since aging brings stress, you are going to need some help.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, how is Puma and how are you? I hope he continues on the mend and you feel at liberty to go and do the things you want to do! Cats are tough in two ways, I think, they can be very stoic and their medical care is a specialty enterprise whereas canine medicine is largely based on human medicine.

Hugs to you and your kitties on Christmas Eve :angel:


Oct 24, 2012
Ovi, glad your Puma is doing better. A bite on the nose is a good sign, right? :lol: I should send you a pic of my burberry bag. Although you may already have tons. So great that you got a beautiful dress at a good price. I always admire women that wear dresses. It looks so easy and feminine and confident. I only wear a dress under duress, like for a wedding, which would be once every couple of years.

Since I started running, I got addicted to lululemon cause their clothes are so comfortable. Honestly, that is all I care about. Comfort and warmth especially, cause I am cold ALL the time. I wear long sleeves, a fleece jacket, and a light down jacket at home. These are my home clothes. Crazy right?

Missy, the nude boots are DA BOMB!! They look fabulous on you. Do you have to choose or are you getting both? That's the weird thing about beige/nude/tan. Once you find one that is exactly the right color, you have to keep it. Seriously they look so good on you. KEEPER!! And how is the "no therapy" approach working? Does your skin like it better?

Marcy, being a spoiled Californian, I have always wondered how people cope with extreme temperatures (cold in particular) and weather conditions on a regular, yearly basis. I would be scared to drive too, in snow, icy, storm conditions. I don't know how people living in other parts of the country/world deal with it. I think people the live in more extreme climates are just tougher. The worst we get is rain and fog. Be really careful out there. Tell us what Marty thinks about his t-shirt! Your new year's plans sound so fun. Hanging out with friends. I wish I could take the initiative to do that. But I'm so lazy. I just finished my work today, and won't check email until Friday. I can barely get my presents wrapped. I just wanna veg.

Callie, I am so sorry people are being so difficult. I hope you won't let it ruin your holidays and your time with your niece. Just concentrate on enjoying your time with her. You love her and she loves you. That is enough. ((hug))

Kristie, I'm amazed that you can discuss your situation so dispassionately. But I am sure that is because you have been dealing with it your whole life. Thanks for sharing and being so real. Some of those websites you shared were so on, and funny in a very sad way when I could identify people from my family that fit each category. omg...

So I am finally in present wrapping stage, and haven't gotten a present for my DH (although the road bike may qualify), and barely gotten any presents for my kids that aren't clothes to replace stuff they grew out of. My living room is a mess, but whatever!! It will all be ok. Just gonna stick my new ring back into it's box and wrap that sucker too. I don't realize how much of my mental and emotional energy my work takes. I do feel like I miss so much of life, that when I do have time, I'm not sure where to start. I like reading about people living life. I think I need to start too. Hugs to you all until I have something to write about. Well, I actually really need to go to the Lego store. Ok, I think I will start there...


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I am so sorry for my little bitch session pity party yesterday. Okay, I guess it wasn't so little as I gave been complaining to you girls for days about this family stuff. You have no idea how much you all have helped me. I got a good night sleep last night and feel much better this morning. My husband has been really good about all of this too. He told me this morning that he thinks I'm just seeing things more clearly lately because I'm not working and am not as busy as I used to be. It was pretty funny to hear him say that the family members who have been upsetting me lately have always been the selfish ones. He said in someways he's glad I've finally seen what they are like and maybe I should not let them take advantage so much. He said to just start putting into the relationship the same amount they do, no more and no less. He said he never said anything about it in the past, even when it drove him crazy, because it didn't seem to bother me. I am definately going to change my attitude. Thank you so much girls for your support.

Missy, So glad you are at the beach house. Going to sleep hearing the waves sounds like heaven! Although all the stairs worries me a bit. Please be careful! Is your face feeling any better at all today? Are you still in pain?

Kristie, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I went to therapy when I around 20 to deal with a lot of the family stuff, which helped tremendously. You are also correct that they do get worse as they age. Honey, when I hear what you have been through, I feel terrible for you. Everything you said is so true. I'm so glad you have your husband and babies!

Marcy, I was thinking of you last night. Jerry Seinfeld was on Jimm Fallon's show last night talking about the reason we have closets and cabinets. It's to put away all the purchases we have made that are a mistake. It's so we don't have to look at our mistakes all the time.
Drive careful today!

OV, Your new dress sounds so pretty. The color combination is beautiful. I think most of us here shop a little more than we should. They don't call it retail therapy for nothing!

Junebug, I hope you are enjoying the holidays with your family!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi everyone.

LLJsmom, I am keeping both of them-the black quilted and the "tan" boots which I agree are more nude in color and just perfect for me.

I would love to live somewhere like where you do-where the temperature is always great! So glad you get to enjoy such lovely weather all year round. To me that is a real dream!

Did you have fun today on your first day off? I hope you did and that all your work is just a distant memory... I hope you and the children spent some time doing something fun and are looking forward to tomorrow!

Callie, I am so happy you are feeling better today. I do what your dh said for you to do. I put equal (well not measure for measure but on the same wavelength) energy into relationships because I learned a long while ago that was the only way to go. If someone doesn't care enough to keep up a relationship it is not a real relationship. Hugs and we are always here for you no matter what!

My doing zero therapy is not helping yet and I think my redness is increasing but I am so trying not to think about it. We ran errands earlier and I was out there with no makeup and trying not to be self conscious as I was talking with salespeople and I know they were wondering what was going on with my face. Truthfully the worse part of it is the pain though even though the appearance does bother me it is not the worse part of this. I am also sad that I am not sure it will ever get better. My face is always hurting and always red and angry looking for almost 2 months now...with short respites when I used the topical steroids which probably worsened me. OK that is enough about that for now.

It is Christmas Eve and I hope everyone is enjoying themselves with friends and family!!! Hugs to everyone!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning and Merry Christmas ladies! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends! :wavey:



Jul 1, 2014
Ahhhh, glowy!

Was Bobby taking this pic? Who is that under the tree?


Jun 8, 2008
Haha that's Tommy and Bobby under the tree. As soon as it went up last night they had to investigate and then promptly got tired and rested under it lol. Then a few minutes later Francesca was laying under it and the boys decided to investigate some other action. Oh to be a well loved kitty or doggie. Blissful peace. :halo:

Have a great Christmas Kristie!




Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas.

Missy, The pictures of your babies is adorable and your tree is beautiful. Do you have any plans for today?

Please keep those boots. They are perfect. The tan pair is the perfect neutral color and the guilted pair are too cute to send back!
Keep them and don't feel quilty. I bought another purse. Big surprise there. I found the one I had originally wanted in black on sale so I decided to buy it and retun two of the other ones I purchased. I love one of the one that I'm returning but I you can't zip every shut and the magnetic hold doesnt work well when you put things in the purse. So the tan and black one in that style are going back. I ended up with three purses (same style) in different colors.

I didn't see my niece last night and our shopping trip was put back a week because her mom and sister want to come with us. We'll all have a great time. We are definately going downtown so I will check out your boots at the Stuart Weitzman store. Maybe I'll find something I can't live without there.

I talked to my niece this morning and she told me she was disappointed that we didn't go to dinner where she works. She said she got sad when she went to work becuase the person I had talked to on the phone told her that he could tell I really wanted to be there to see her last night. Our night would have ended being so much nicer had the whole family gone out to dinner. My other niece was also saying we should have went. At least both my nieces know I wanted us to be together. The niece I bought the watch for was thrilled with her present. I always make sure I give them the receipts in case they want to take things back. She handed me the receipt back and said the only place the watch is going is on her wrist.

My niece's skin has not improved at all. Her mom is really nervous about her taking the Accutane next month. She read somewhere that it can cause depression and is pretty worried about it. Partly because my niece is already depressed about her skin.

Kristie and Missy, Have you heard anything regarding depression and accutane?

Kristie, Marcy, LLJsmom, OV and Junebug, I hope all is well with you. I can't wait to hear how you spent your holidays.

Missy, We better hurry. Finn's waiting for us on Kristie's patio!


Jul 1, 2014
Love the pics of the kitty kids!

Callie, the patients I know of did exceedingly well on the Accutane. No depression was noted. They had to sign a contract not to become pregnant and to have regular testing. I would try it and I'm reasonably meds averse. Accutane has been around for awhile, with time for problems to have already occurred.

Ive got to get started posting pics cause I'm on the patio with Finn and we are searing the prime rib on the rotisserie, waterfalls in the pool going!


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, I am sorry you didn't have dinner with your nieces yet but glad you will be seeing them both soon and celebrating then. And very glad your other niece loved the watch you bought for her.

Great that you found the bag you wanted with zippers and at a good price. Extra sweet! I prefer more secure closures also and magnetic closures that don't stay are annoying. I am keeping both pairs of boots and in fact Greg is pushing me to get the same boot in red suede. OMG he's is quite the enabler I swear. He's been telling me to get it all day lol. I am not going to though because it is terribly impractical to get another pair. I already have 6 pairs (black nappa, black suede, black quilted, blue suede, brown suede, tan suede) of the 5050 and one of the lowland boot from SW. That's enough for now. Though the red is a lovely color at least online as I have never seen that in person.

Accutane can be a good drug and can help clear your niece's skin but the key is to take as low a dose as she can for an accumulation slowly in her system to a certain max to ensure remission without relapse hopefully.

It can have severe side effects but she might only experience mild side effects like dry lips and skin which she can head off before they start by keeping her skin and lips and eyes moisturized well.

As for birth control she will have to be on at least 2 forms of it (what a pain) and sign the ipledge. I also think they are going to monitor her closely so if anything happens they will catch it before a real issue arises. I don't think there is any conclusive evidence linking accutane to depression though I know much was made of that a while back. I don't think any evidence panned out showing a link. And in any case she will be closely monitored and if she is feeling depressed on the medication she needs to let the doctors and her family know.

I think for the right person it can be an amazing drug and if she can do very low dose for a longer duration that would be best for minimizing side effects and maximizing results. I am keeping my fingers crossed for her Callie.

Greg and I had an early dinner just the two of us and are watching Sons of Anarchy...first time we are seeing the show. I want to like it more than I do but it is too violent for me. Greg likes it more than I do. It was a nice lazy day and the sky is this amazing clear pink blue and the waves have been crashing into our deck. It's very windy today but temp is mild so that's nice. A low key Christmas which is exactly what I want these days.

Oh no I think we missed Kristie's Christmas out on her patio! The pool sounds heavenly and I would have loved joining Finn for a swim! Kristie, hope you guys are enjoying and next year we have to leave earlier. :cheeky:

Hope everyone is having fun!


Feb 27, 2007
Merry Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you.

Ovi, I am glad Puma got better. Sounds like a lively cat when he feels good. Your new dress sounds lovely and I am guessing 30 Euro is a decent price. Have a nice time visiting your mother.

Missy, I know exactly what you mean; it’s great to have a lot of people over and to have a wonderful time but then it’s nice when they all go home and you have a quiet house again but some pleasant memories fresh in your brain while you are cleaning up. Maybe about 6 pm on NYE? The soothing sound of the waves must be very enjoyable and relaxing for you. Is your beach house 3 floors? Hopefully there is a nice main level that has the kitchen, a bathroom and living room where you can hang out most of the time. We have enjoyed your cookies, thank you so much. We’ve been snacking on them, chex mix and Moose crunch today. I keep hoping the zero therapy works for you but I am so sorry it hurts so much. I love your Christmas tree. Very pretty. Your cats look very content to set on the tree skirt.

Azstonie, your husband sounds like a great guy; I am glad he helped you just accept some people aren’t nice and there isn’t much you can ever do about it. I also understand since they are your parents you would want to try and have a decent relationship with them. Hugs to you. Sounds like you and Finn are having fun by the pool and watching the prime rib roasting.

LLJSmom, I am with you on comfortable and warm clothes. I am always cold too. Do you live near the ocean? We went to Pebble Beach 3 years ago and absolutely loved it. I am a Wyoming native and while I am used to the commute in adverse weather conditions the older I get the less I like it. Where I work is about 3 miles out of town and I didn’t mind it for the first 12 years because Marty worked there too and drove on bad days. The house we had built is twice as far from work as our old house (it’s only a 20 minute commute on dry roads) but in a blizzard it can seem like an eternity. The first year we lived here Marty was gone every week that spring and we had a blizzard every single week. A few times I couldn’t even get out of the garage so I just stayed home. Most of the blizzards started in the morning so we’d have to drive home in that mess. Naturally the bosses all drive big 4 wheel drive pickups and so they aren’t likely to just let us go home early. My car does well in the snow but it’s the other idiots that drive like the road is dry that I worry about. Did you find what you wanted at the Lego store? I love to wrap packages. I usually put jingle bells in Christmas packages.

Callie, I am glad you had a great night’s sleep and woke up yesterday feeling better about things. I think you have a great plan on coping with those in your family who take advantage of you; meet them on their level and don’t let their behavior get you down. I know that is easier said than done but I finally work myself in to a position where you’ve made me angry, sad or cry for the last time and I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of doing it to me again. Can you tell I’m stubborn? I love the philosophy of closets and cabinets to put away things we don’t want. I actually have an entire dresser full of stuff I don’t want. It was my MIL dresser and she has this scented liner stuff glued in there and I hate that smell so anything I don’t want, won’t wear but hate to throw out goes in there. Sadly since we moved 2 years ago I swore I wasn’t going to save anything I didn’t want or wasn’t using. So much for that plan. I am better about it though. That is great you ended up with 3 new purses you like. I am sure you are looking forward to you shopping trip next week; your nieces must adore you.

Marty loved his poker chip shirt but the Tom Everhart art book I got him is the biggest hit. I think I scored points with 3 of his gifts; the shirt, the book and a little magnetic ball that you can take apart and make all sorts of shapes (like a bucky balls with larger pieces).

My stocking was full of many Snoopy treasures. A really cute Snoopy and Woodstock on top of the stocking, a perpetual Peanuts calendar, a Snoopy USB drive, and assorted snacks, candies and knick-knacks for work.

Our present was the Tom Everhart print we got in October.

We had homemade biscuits for breakfast then ran to the post office and Walgreens. I had a card I wanted to get mailed and our milk expired on December 20 so I didn’t want to use it anymore.

Our snowstorm started before we got up so it was already icy when we were out this morning. They are expecting 10” by Saturday. I am glad we can stay home for a few days.

We had baked potatoes, steak and beans for lunch with cookies for dessert. Tomorrow I am making homemade beef noodle soup. I am glad I get to stay home for a few days.

Take care.



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy and Kristie, Thank you updating me on Accutane. I looked it up this morning and it didn't seem like depression was one of common side effects. I agree with you that everyone will have to keep an eye on her. I also know her doctor and he will keep a close eye on her as well.

Please listen to Greg regarding the red boots. If you like the color, get them. I've waited on a few items and went to get them later only to find the color I wanted was discontinued. They may not offer red next year. Now if you don't think you will use them, then I would pass. They look great on you. I was debating about the purse and my husband told me to buy it while I could find it on sale. I can always return it later if I don't think I will use it.

Marcy, I know why you mean about having things you don't use but don't want to throw away. That's the reason I have so much stuff in the basement. You stuffed animals are adorable. My husband used to buy his mom a Christmas Bear from Harrods in London every year. They were so cute and she looked forward to them every year. Your drive to work sounds awful in the snow. That is the one thing I don't miss about working. Everytime there was a snow storm my commute would be between 2 and 3 hours. And it never failed, everytime we had a terrible storm my husband was out of town.

Kristie, How was your day on the patio? I swear I was at the mall you mentioned when I was in Scottsdale. I was there about 4'years ago with one of my girlfriends. The shopping was incredible. We had a great time while we were there. We had a business meeting in Scottsdale and decided to stay for the weekend. Do you shop at that mall often? I have never seen so many people with Louis Vuitton bags in my life as in that mall.

LLJSmom, How was the Lego store? I hope you have been enjoying your time with your children. Did you find a great gift for your husband?


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, I will have to go see if Harrods has their teddy bear posted online. Most of mine are the Kay's bears. I bought them for years and donated them to the kids at St. Jude's but about 3 years ago I bought one for me too and thus began my teddy bear collection. I'd be a nervous wreck if I had a 2 to 3 hour commute in bad weather. I am glad you don't have to venture out in that anymore. ETA: The bears from Harrods look really nice. :bigsmile:

Kristie, we were at the Scottsdale Mall when we were down there for Thanksgiving. It is an amazing mall. I wandered through Tiffany's and Marty has a watch store he likes there. Marty used to travel to Gilbert for work quite a bit so he would go wander around that mall when he was there.
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